38 of 1903 - Ordinance 38 of 1903 – Relating to certifying of department payrolls and statements involving the AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE CERTIFYING OF DEPARTMENT PAY ROLLS AND STATEM.:NTS INVOLVING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY, AND REPEALING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL PASSED JUNE 20th 1893, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR JUNE 23rd 1893. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City: Section 1. The chief or head of each department, excepting the police amdadtme department/, shall verify, under oath, all pay rolls and statements involving the expenditure of money, as to the correct- ness of such pay rolls or statements. No pay rolls or statements, except pay rolls or statements from the police and fire departments, shall be accepted, acted upon, or approved, until verified as herein provided. Section 11. That certain ordinance entitled an ordinance re. quiring the heads of departments to verify statements and pay rolls, passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City June 20th 1893, and ap- proved by the Mayor June 23rd 1893, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 111. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. C _ , / ;g/ I. 0_ 1�� • it-Liec---ted, >,,--.. 38 4---- _ � ,« ) V . Present fo:the City Councils', / ,. APR ]903 . i -Pree8nted'to the City:,Council, : •-, �¢fG �° ,APR`1 3 t903; p:, L) . CITY'RECORDER. ; V. Ceerr ', 'i'�11141 k.