38 of 1907 - Ordinance 38 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Section 153, re: duties of the City Engineer. N -- AN ORDINAITC An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 153 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lrke City of 1903. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 153 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, be, and the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 153. DUTY OF CITY ENGINE"'R. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to locate the lines and grades of all streets and sidewalks, alleys, avenues or other public ways, and: to determine the position, size and construction of all sewers, waterworks, irrigation or drainage canals, reservoirs, culverts, aqueducts, bridges, viaducts, or other public work or appurte- na.n.cea, and to proper* picas, map or profiles of the same, and i---- —T to make estiMates and furnish speoilioations for any of said work, whenever required to do so by the Mayor or City Council. He shall have general supervision of all contract or other work,. and see that it is performed in a workmanlike manner, and in ac- cordance with the authorized plans and in conformity with the terms of the oontraet and specifications. In all eases where public improvements are being done under contract he shall furnish the City Auditor estimates based on contract prices monthly of the amount of work done during the month or since a previous estimate, and in each estimate shall indicate what part thereof is chargeable against the property benefited by or abutting on said improvement, and what part is chargeable against the City. And shall deduct from each of said estimates so much of the cost and expense of engineering, in- spection, publishing notices and making tax levy included in the contract, ;:,s such estimate shall bear to the whole contract price of arid work, which deduction shall be also separately stated in each estimate. 38 • .2- SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 'Pekeeed by the ,ANY eennci1- Salt Jake Fi ty.Titah. ;Ir. 27. •X901 , ,Zd r$ferred to the Ma roai"f r hi p 1• teY Ap ovord this • 447 of May0107. rrf -- • 1141 ,=•.!1'd• LelancisT •vre.-ic,ir 91r. ejo . r 11•4.IT; eocum-.1.,1-4o .0 • I • iftDti I _ *Ian 4 to *go : CD tOrk, r VIM"! CZ/0 N'r "CA - lin • _ _ POO htky - - : 0 --Ns • -"t• r:J