38 of 1908 - Ordinance 38 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 191, Second & Final Estimate. d`" I( • AN ORDINANCE .• An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described within the district between South Temple and Second South Streets, and between Tenth East and Thirteenth East Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of sewers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That, the assessment list made by;..the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and dompleted by the Board Af r{uali'atiou and Review; heretofore duly appointed by the City Counea.l Or A at parposS, of the:property in Lot 5, Block 33; in Lots 1 and ti 131„,kxtQf , in Lot 1j 5, Block 4.; in Lote 1, 6, 7' and 8, Block 34; in L47t ], B1td1c:1, and in' ,ots 1 and 26, Block 2, Ehrioh's Subdivision, Block:30; ar . in Lote 2 t'o 12, inclusive, East Side Subdivision, Block 31, all in Plat "F",i abutting on Thirteenth East Street between South Temple and First South Streets, and on Twelfth East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said portions said :streets!, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said ooupleted lists are hare', confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shell take effect upon epprovel. Sewer Extension No. 191. Second and Final Estimate. d/6(AX/ Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Ci.ty,Utah, April 13, 1908, and eferred t the Mayor for his a e/ . Approved th.s ; L day of April, 19-08,-7/ ;7&yrNI, . -.,-----' -- ---4-:------ .. • :- :..) .1 4, !, 1 ,.:-. Ft ti :1 A • It -,•....-. !--• -J.,- t. • • .., •! 1 •-,•,.,.f! TrIniv- Z-i9eae ii.sil• -tritrmtlarlo!) 9CLIA:11:- ',0 ojk LI(-1:-: ' [`,-,Y::!:- n‘3E.•.!..1rici d'of-ilr•Ir.; ritt_fr,ti.7 .7,trni:c:t,-;9r. -ft•rt,•; rfIr2 aermted Ftte ,str)9-rt'E; rf.trrop 0 rir-,i-Itryinfpttco erfi' 'col ,I .oE toill'elt1 1 4wo: _ .. ,.... t:•-r" ,,:,.i.c.) •••:,'_,..: rt.[•%E. '10 liorweD \‘; 1^ for:fah... d bea.taf-t .t, 0 -0 he4 Lii.kArOliit)11 ,i t`:. ' t : Lt. cr) . -' ,, .••••• ".-:- . '.. 111)1, T I t•ri-, 1 ,?J'cha tii :F , fiqitf.:.• ,8, ad rti -•,:ii-e. n Ni: _•-.; 7 0_:: ''7 if ,,,t. t•7. tir ofk-1 ,tti,\k'i:r.. :,.7..t--3,E ."'1, C.3.,i. '0- : , 7-1>e.C , .,--'. i i M . . ... , . -. oc ro•.1../od to•.-stE.: ,t, ..t i;srtstz,/-1-0.1 ao -!.,•'.r t di:, ! F.1.•• .L ;,i - '' ., .1. .148 Iti4E thrtei.L=4.11' :TA.. r."1••• di •:- -..: 1. _co:, I ....!, ,•-;t:-") 9:41.; t • r: r. ,,t , '• t••,t• t--.'AT -tscr•i•t •,': ,:-/•-•.!,:•-it'. J14..N; brroo! L: I ,, !r•- -'t L.L.R. ' t ,-.7•C(.., F•11-,": I(tiL 4 i .., ,f. 1 •'t I 1- "2 . .`_. ',-.r:'-..,1:,. ,?.f.g.fir-fiRtiR.':,3 n.i• ..‘ ; ,bEt:-!•1 ','''.itc,...., v.:A e'Y E4f, .,-..I '4. .Lermtanor '„ •- r r-r n _2 1.• 1-•._ fc,r(•! . rl-!,,..2•1-. •. ! , • t•)-•.2 'tr. .!- ;-' II-rt:1 ••:-•••)rvirr! =-.. ,r t.-.71" .:i ''.• !' ). .o7r. i.c.ir•rt:.1-'. -r •,.•ri: .,-4,?trtila.7 1:-.1.,:te,_ ',..,:r ,.f, •.:-.:I: .. ...., ,:•• 2 ., .!- . .1;-..t-,,--.. fil-'-- IC. - JY: itID Off, -.4 r3F126,E3`.: "f-- r1,1-1 t-).4' btal“,..54'W-1: b-11.0 • .107..N.-.74'-'41. 7:;;,;..,,,,-ti ---- - 77-7'7- . : .. • ,,•tnt. r '•:..filiN\ 1 oz,:• i _