38 of 1928 - Sewer Extension No. 470 - 1st and final Estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, i,-ugu&t-?0 1925. Burton - - _ I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - 9d Finch - - C Moran - - - Mt,Chairman - � AN ORDINANCE Result - AN ORDINANCE; LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Sewer District No. 1 (Sewer Extension So. 470) for the purpose of constructing' e: sever pn1 co,.c-c laterals. Et it ordained by the Peace of Comuissioncra of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the 5sorr ' of Coo:., io rerr of el t Lake City does hereby levy the tax one provide for the asses:a>>c0t o" c, seine upon the property herein--ftsr described in Pe yr Dis- trict No. 1 (Sewer Pxten -opt 70) :or the oar o" con- structing a seer and sewer Laterals, to-wit: Lot 28, ;ir°.ry _•d 7: i-b, sub. a ]d . , -; Lot I, U rev rie Ada., ilk. ad; Lots 1 to D uel. o` di .or Yale. . d-. of i . ;&; ru,- Lode 17 to 1, incl., Blk. Ed, rolonisl Heights, sub. of }31k. 28; 5-Acre Plat C, Big field Survey; abutting on both sides of Yale Ave. from 13th to 10th last Streets and 13th st 100.4 7-1c. __vc. bo is . is levier to usCp. y the c. cnse of to ;aructin2; v. t: _Fier iri re - . cl ,.it (8) in i a._ Pi' d.cnce of 1009 i rat, in �a n o nrteho es, rob V': Der rarer co, 44-t onr and sewer l atcaals to b - : of curb, oil comdlete, upon the portions of said: streets or .orsita the ,ro. r10 he r,rinhhc- for- 'nd cc.i• :,o be especirll,y - .eat „ rind benefited by saaid im;,rovemen.t, aria ; is v jar-c , , c_,ce- u :_n, c rc�',1� ,c, . �� er ;y., bene-- ;nci w i3 I -F fited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot fron;1 e upon sai_-7 portions of safe streets fronting upon and to the entire depth of said parcels of land back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed uron said, • pa.rcel.s of land is Three Ihouscn5- One HendrEs. .i.r T pale and 29/100 (43,1b1.29) Dollars; Two Thousand Five Hur;' rr nifty-rive and 29/100 (02,555.29) Dollars or One and 1_56/1000 (01.48G) oilers .' per front or linear foot of abutting property for half rate, there _ [being 1,779.45 feet abutting said improvement; and Five Hundred Seventy-six and 00/100 ( 576.00) hollers for sewer laterals, 't:ner.e being twenty-four (2-=) sewer laterals at Twenty-four and 0 �0/_.0.-r� ( s4.00) Sollars for each sever lateral; which is the total abutters? cost and cost per front foot of said saner and sewer laterals ac- cording to the contract entered into for the -performance of sa1j • work and making said improvement with Enoch Smith, contractor, dated the 1st day of i:.ugust, 1928, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the drovisio_a of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned: The east side of the north 50.55 ft. of Lot 28, f ' Harvard ;Park, sub. of Blk. 28; the east side of the south is 58.55 ft. of Lot 1, Upper Yale Add. of 'ak. 23; the north side of Lots 1 to 12 incl., Upper Tale 7rd /,r'c, of Blk. 28; the wedt side of the south 58.55 ft. of Lot li_', and the south side of Lots 13 to 24 incl., Up_:)er Yale Ord isc-c'. of Bik. 28; the west side of Lots 11 to 16 incl. of Blk. 2, Colonial Heights, sub, of ;31k. 28; 5-Acre Plat "C'', Big Field. Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR SEX-ER UTERUS IN LDLITION TO Til _ii.EGuLilassmENTI, The north side of Lots 1 to 12 incl., and, the south side of Lots 13 to 24 incl., Upper Yale Zrd dud, of Blk. 28, 5-Acre Plat; "CS , _ii.;, Field Survey, as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire • F i -3- depth of said. .rccle of I as . . , ,._;l i SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City 1 Treasurer, as corrected, ap_)roveu ana com)leted by the Boar] of Equalization and. Review of the property described in Section I of pthis ordinance in Sewer ."i_strict No. 1 (Sewer ..>).:tension No. 470) for Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer and sewer laterals upon said portions of said streets, is hereby con- firmed, and the assessments ia an. ret'arned In s . J. completes !,lists, and the report of the B01.4.0 of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City:arc hereby ratified, I. 1soproved and confirmed. . ^ r SECTION 3. Sac tax call. besa ab1 `�.n t'_lve equal- year-; ly installments as provided by 24w-:and ore trance with interest on ;the whole sum unpaid at the rat# of five per cent-`per annum, payable t at the time each installment is due. In the event any .nstitllment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes f due, the whole amount of the special tax un-said at the time said installment and interest are due shall become due an,, -)arable, f`rid shr.il draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the sale of the pr_oscrty assesre . i SECTION 2. This ordinance shall Lake effect one C-y afters 1...its I,ubli ct:tion. 1 i Passe( by the 3c or,' of Coadissloners of Salt Lake City, (Utah, the llthday of _ u'eptember, f,,.'''. 1.920. P � g/--g"—"''"ot-*-------- AU q City ecorcor. (7 j::;c,.r: ]lr_tension No. .70. i1r.t, L, ,Final ldst:imate. i 1 j • 1164tt .h ›. .. . O N �• az y Fr c. ,,L r t C. ,a� • • • • Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake • . AN ORDWANCE. • •. • . =AN:.ORDINANCE LEVYING'A. TAX 11vid Mr...the tateentiertent of property in 'sewer District-No. 1 (POW',EiGenelon No. 4701•for the purpose of conetruct- -inch-newer and newer laterals. being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal aotaOtfler''7tslit,b,Vg; 7 1i1ecttotv.1.9!that'the Board".of Cense MIsteioners of Salt.Lake CLOY dein,here- 1, clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in ',by.levy the tax,and provide for the ea- hertemSnt of the samo upon the propertY hereinafter-des*Lbed in Sewer DietrIct • No.1(Sewer Eittinston No.920/Mr the 1, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake CAunty,in the State of Utah. pimpom of eonletMleting a Salver 'and sewer laterals, to-wit: Lot 28, Harvard Park, (Mb. of 28; Lot 1, •Upper Yale Add., Blk 28; That the notice Late-1 to 24 Incl. of Upper Yale 2rd- Add.of 131k.28;and Lots 11 to Is Incl., 131k. 2, Colonial Heights; sub. of'Blk. 28; 6,cre Piet C. Pig Field SUrveY; abutting on.bath Ode. of Tele from 18th to 19th East streets and 18th Rant from Yale Aye, to Harvard Ave. This tax Is levied to defray the ex- Pantie of constructing, a vitrified pine sewer eight (8) Inches In diameter a dtatonce of 1029 feet, Including nice- boles flush tanks and Ye for hoses'con- 'itactions orderer lateral. to back of 1‘".1111W v0.upon-the portion',oftold stress oppoeite the property hare- pi Inbefore and •described to be eseoally...mhereinaftereted and.benefited by.ald of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pubVie ed in said 'IMprovement,and It le honeby ad3adged determlnd and eetablished that eald nroperty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount Of the tax hereby levied,and amid,parcels of land newspaper its issue dated the L221-4- day of are hereby aneesed. st a uniffirm rate • In accordance With the- linear foot •frchtage upon said'north:to of intid atreets fronting upon end to the en- A.D. 192_.Z. tire-depth of said-parcels of land beck therefrom, and the-tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon mid parcels of lend is Three Thoueand One Hundred and was published Thirty-one and 29-10ft ($3,121.20) Dol. nyZ"rt;'td TOO 27irc(1227667..21PlregriM One and 924-10.00 ($1:98(11,Doliera per the last publicar thereof being in the issue d front or linear foot-of abutting Prot*, ty for half.rate, there being 1,70,45 feet ebutting sold Improvement: and Pile° Hundred Reventy-six „and (Melee day of A.D.192.8._ f$676.00) Dollties i for .0*er laterals. there being twdnty--fouti (24/.Newer lat. orals at Twentytfour end 00400(829.00) •Dollare for each sewer lateral;which le, tho total abutter,'-cost and ceet,Per front foot of said tower and sower lat. rnqoli'.frr'ThMrtiblitmh:nroretalg=lds - and making isaid improvement• with Enoch Stntth contractor, dated the.1st day of Angust, 1928, and the Treaturer is--hereby authorised and_directed- to , atom*in accordant*With the prost.lorie he thin ordinance for the porpolies /4-Z Subscribe and sworn to before meth daY • A.D. 192 Notary Publici4 • • • •• . of the north 60:56 ft. of'toe east e28,�Harvard Park, sub. of Mk. 28;the east aide of the''south 58.66 ft. of Lot I. Upper Yale Add, of Bik. 28; the north aide of Lots 1 to 12 Incl.,Up- per Yale 2rd.Add,of Bik. 28;the west side of the a th 68.66 ft. of Lot 12. and.the mouth'side of Late 18,to 21. Incl.,Upper.Yale-3 A rd dd.'of.Rik.'28; the went side nf Late.11-to 16-inot. of llik.-2. Colonial.Heights. sub. of BM. 28:5-Acre'Plat."C," Pig Field Survey. 1'ro Addition.Eo�itaSewer Bernie'Laterals Assessment. The.,north aide of Lots 1 to 12 lent., In 1,,d the u Tale th aide 3rd Add. Of- to 24 81k. 28,, t11Aoye Plat "C.,"are 8 coon Big Field th e d urvt r.clal platedof e said City to the tire depth of said parcel. of land and to Colleet said tax. Section 2, That the aasessment Hetmade by the City.Treasurer,ate correct- ed. doValanad1 the arf Eauat'ondRevw of 'the property described in Section 1 of this-ordinance In Sewer Dietrict No. 1 (SeWLake City.r x teneion No. 6 for the purpose of .ponetruct log a sewer and sewer laterals -upon said portions of said streets, le hereby confirmed, sm and the ente made d returned in mid completed lista,end- the report of the Board of Egnellagtian- end Review.to the Board of Commis- ' .stoners of Halt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved end firmed. lids fide n s.etoa8'iie`a'tax t§"fr1`il be st@Bthatita' le provided by,law and ordinance-'with lntereet on the whole sum unpaid at 'the rate of five per cent'per e payable at the time'each Installment It doe, In the event any'Installment`O the.interest aforesaid le not paid on the'da .ny the e become. due..the hole amount:of;the.special ta unpaid at'the time said-IOeiiiment and'.inter- e94.ar:due all become due;and pay- able,'end Shall draw Interest at the-rate of twelve"Per.Ant per annam lentil the .tele"of-the.traperly eeeessed.:. ,,.-. Section 4. This ordinance.shall take effect one day-after lee publication.• Pasted by the Board of Commission- . ere of Halt Lake City,Utah.,the llth day of September,A. D.,.1828. JOHN F.BOWMAN, Mayor. ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. 'Bill N0.'88. 1 newer Extension No. 170. .. Pulilelesd Sept 1 12th,1924 �1 :i t 0-1 0') -- — oip• c ow•