38 of 1936 - Vacating alleys in Block 1, Perkin's Boulevard Addition, a Subdivision of part of Block 1, 5 A.A. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt the City,Utah, J�' i 193 Goggin V e.., I move that tle�rdinance be pard/ Ifeyser Murdoch 3164§1i6xx - ,//� g/Z- 4, Lee Mr. Chairman - - - � AN ORDINANCE Result V AN ORDINANCE VACATING alleysin tic Flock 1, Perkins > oulevar lOadition, a subdivision of part of block 1, 5-Acre Plat nifn, !Sig Field Survey. De it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake j City, Utah: SECTION 1. That alleys in Txminax Block 1, Perkins :boule- vard Addition, a. subdivision of part of block 1, 5-Acre flat 110, big Field Survey, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 7, clock 1, Perkins coulevard addition, a subdivision of part of Block 1, 5-Acre Plot �t/H, bi_k Field Survey; running thence East 330.0 ft., thence North 12.1 ft., thence West 155.0 Zt., thence North 150.0 ft., thence Lest ft., thence booth 150.0 ft., thence ;:c-st 155.0 ft., thence booth 12.1 ft. to place of beginning; be and the semeare hereby vacated end duelored no longer to be public property for use as t street, avenue; al.leys.)r pedestrian 3� t ways. Paid vacation is made exoressly subject to the rights 38 of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Mountain States 'telephone & Telegraph Company ,c; uirea under fran- chises from halt Lake city to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric transmission, distribution el' telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, vines and poles of said companies, together v:itji the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or of- fired thereto for the support of said electric tole;thone and tele- g,renh lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected ant maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any eatensione thereof. ,ice 6ECCi.ON 2. in the ooinien of the Goard of Commissioners, ! it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect i*akned.i_ately. SLCTION C. This ordinance shall take effect noon its first publication. /// Ce_ Passed by the i,oara o4'4lCy9mo issionerp^s of 2 it £,e're City, Utah, this _//(Sri day of J %154.'-44--' A.D. 1.9 ti. 1 City racor. -- 9I ii 38 ct..) ?MAW tote Board of Commissioners AND OASSIELS 0 1J'46 1144i4t fitITY fiZEGROIRI First Publication in act. Af— 196 542,1744atnutici. etTV RIECORDER Proof of titzittrattatt united I'tuteo of Amerira 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATIRI4 al- leys in'Block 1, Perkins Boulevard BBlleck 1,,5-Acto Plat"A"o BigaPlaid I, H._P.---THOMPSOiI - ay. Be Ee it id1for d BY the Ditlard of 6ommiselcners of I611E Lakf 4/10,,. uSECTION 1.K That alleys In Block being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of 1, Perkins'Boulevard Addition, a aubdlvlelmt o1 part of Block 1, A- Acre'Plat "A," Big P1etd gurVey, and more particularly described gin THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake 1b110Ws: Beginning et the 5,00(0eet nor- ner of 1st 7,Block 1,Petklns Poole- Yard Additln,a aubdivieion a part City,State of Utah. of'Block1, 5•Acre Plat'.".A,",Bit ,Plaid Surveys intuit**thence Nett 330.0 ft., thence. North 12.1'ft.,' thence West 155.0'ft.,thence North '150.0 ft.,thencqe West 20.0 ft„thence That the Notice AN ORDINANCE Potith'150.0 ft, thanes West 155.5 ft., MendeSOuth 12,1 ft. to plea lOf ee beginning; he and the name are heteby0d RILL NO. 38 p0li and'declared no longer to be btic property for use as streets,avenues, 61eaed°VacatonTliis made.ekpreeeiy SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION. etiblact to the rights of Way and easements of the Utah Light et Traction Company and the Moun- tale States'Telephehe ec Telegraph 'Company acquired tinder frapphhiees front Balt Lake.Olt* to maintain, repair,alter and replace the electric transmission, diebtlbut on of tele- graph and telephone tomtits,titles, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- 'Wires and poles of said iddo dompehtes, together With the necessary,Atop °rase-arms and other attaehmante 15th theteon or affixed thereto for the paper in its issue dated the aupport of mid eladtrid, telepliene and.telegraph lines,Wlree and die- •trlbutioh'circuits'ae.hew..erected • and maintaineda updn n1'firOp the October 6 portion non said Streeti eria ieee day of , 193 , duheld bf said eempanlee,or any ex- tenelona thereof. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on SECTION 2. In the oplipton of the Board.of Commies,'It le neces- sary to the pease,,health and safety of the Inhabitants df Halt Lake City October 15th. that this ordinance shall take eftest for immediately. SECTION 3. TIM,ordini het shall take effect upon its first pubhca- One insertion thin, thereafter,the full period of (}L • Passed by the Board of bammis- 14thaday of bt OctobRer,A.0. .City,Utah,this B. '�103I0WMaayor. the last publication thereof ETHEL MACDONALD,. (SEAL) City Recorder: ' Bill NO,35.. 15th _Published October`15th,183e. being in the issue dated the day of • October ,A.D.193 6 c�C Suscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of • October , A. D. 193 8 • Notary Public. My commission expires __/i/ Yam- 7 Advertising fee$ At�.��`�1�)F� c Ci PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM u�lrttl# 3ttke ielrgrttm l County Entry No