38 of 1946 - (Correcting bill #33-vacating alleys in Clermont Subdivison faulty description) VOTING AVE NAY i I(�' 3�
Salt Lake City, Utah, ) r {F1.; , 194
Matheson ✓ I move that the ordinance be passed,-`
Tedesco r.�-,-, -'
Mr.Chairman . . t-
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the list
' is ' 'day of May, 1h. D. 1946, and designated as bill No. 33, vacating
• alleys in blocks 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 14, Clermont Subdivision of
Section 28, Township 1 South, l;:ange 1 East, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
WHEhEAS, an error was made in the descriptions covering
those alleys to be vacated in Blocks 4 and 8 of said Clermont Sub-
C6 division as set out in paragraphs one and three, respectively, of
Section 1 of said ordinance.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That an ordinance passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 21st day of May, A.I.
1946, and designated as bill No. 33, vacating alleys in Blocks 4,
6, 8, 10, it and 14, Clermont Subdivision of Section 28, Township
1 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, in Salt Lake
City, Utah, be and the same is hereby amended by amending paragraphs
one and three of Section 1 of said ordinance, pertaining to alleys
in Blocks 4 and 8, respectively, to read as follows;
"Alleys in Block 4:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, blk. 4,
Clermont Sub. of Section 28, T. 1 S., R. 1. E., S.L.B. & M.;
thence north 250.4 ft.; thence east 12 ft.; thence south 114
ft.; thence S. 44° 431 20" E. 7.32 ft.; thence east 300 ft.;
thence N. 44° 431 20" E. 7.32 ft.; thence north 114 ft.;
thence east 12 ft.; thence south 250.4 ft.; thence west 12
ft.; thence north 114 ft:; thence N. 44° 431 20" W. 7.32 ft.;
thence west 300 1t.; thence S. 44° 431 20" W. 7.32 ft.; thence
¢a?;, south 114 ft.; thence west 12 ft. to the place of beginning.
Alleys in Block 8:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Elk.
8, Clermont Sub. of Section 28, T. 1 S., S. 1 E., S. L.
B. & M.; thence west 252.75 ft.; thence north ]2 ft.;
thence east 115 ft.; thence N. 47° 021 40" E. 7.34 ft.;
thence north 332 ft.; thence east 132.38 ft.; thence
south 12 ft.; thence west 115 ft.; thence S. 47° 051
50" W. 7.34 ft.; thence south 315 ft.; thence S. 47°
05' 50" E. 7.34 ft.p thence east 115 ft.; thence south
12 ft. to the place of beginning."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediatel .
SECTION 3<. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication; ;..e. �`
Passed by the Boad';of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of t , A.D. 1
% 1V1 yor.
i 1
City Recorder.
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$< ......,
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r� is
M BY the Board of Commissioners of
�'O Salt Lake CiU'. Utah, the 21st
{ �(,A V1 day of May,A.D.1946,and designat ft -
ed:d o bill No.33,vacating alleys in
,,�� I Blocks 4,8, 8, 19, ll and 19.Cler
1 moot Subdivision of section 28,
Township 1 South, Range 1 East.
n+ �l ts` Salt Lake Base and Meridian,m
�,I K] Salt Lake City,Utah.
'� I 11 WHEREAS,an error was made in
�' ((..((.I;11�1�4 the descriptions covering sthose al-
leys•-Olt"0 to be vacated in Blocks 9 and
��9;��e 8 of said Clermont Subdivision as
Z set out in paragraphs one and three,
respectively. of Section 1 of said
NOW,'THEREFORE,be it hereby
� % by ordained by the Board of Commie
sionmu t Salt Lake City. etim:
{,I lamedTION 1. That ordinance
4p ti"' el of by the Co of Commission
h ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,on the
7./ 'II21st day of May, A.D. 1946, and
ahaf as bill No.33. vacating
8, S le in Blocks 9,6,8,1D,11 and
m a 19,Cleenout Subdivision of Section
tt 4 28, Township 1 South, Range 1
e East,Salt Lake Base and Meridian,
TS 454 in Salt Lake City, Utah. be 1
the same rs hereby amended bY
amending paragraphs one d three
of Section 1 of said ordinance, per
N Q laming to alleys Blocks 9 and 8,
! 0. respectively,to read m follows:
V] Alleys Block U: corner
Beginning,t be.southeast t c n
Cl Lnl.f;elk.4,Clermont Sub.of
4 � Section 28,T.1 S.,R.1 1:.,S.L.B.
M.;thence mirth 250.4[t:theme:
ast 12 It.; thence mirth 114 ft.
Lhenen S.44 deg,43 min.20 sec.E.
P. 7.32 ft; thence east 300 ft.,thence
O 0> N. 44 deg.43 min. 20 c.E. 7.32
V �M ft,; thence north 114 ft.; thence
east 12 ft.; thence south 250,1 ft
thence west 12 It.;thence north 119
I ft.;thence N.49 deg.43 min,20ec s .
W 7.32 ft.; thence west U09 ft.:
thence S.44 deg.43 min.20 see.W.
t\. 8' 7.32 ft.; then. u outh 114 it.:
them, wPB t 12 It.to the prow M
4eM b
� Alleys Block 8:
9S / Beslnnhtg at the Nactheunt ror
r ee Lot 1,Blk,8,Clermont Sub.
of Section 28,T.1 S.,R.1 E„S.I,.
04 'dY, B. & M.; th12 I
west 252.75 ft.:
N' .*N. thence north 12 ft.;thence cast 115
'3' .'s 6. thence.3N.47 nee.02 into, 2 me.
1O 7. ft.; thence north a mIath
E, thence east 132.38 ft.; thence south
17+. 12 ft_;thence west 115 ft.;them,S-
��S'. 97 deg.05 min 50 sec,W.7,34 It.,
44 thence south 315 ft.: thence S. 47
1t -- t deg. 05 nail. 59 e. E. 7,34 It,;
;q t
thence east 115 ft.; thence south
J,� 12 ft. to the place of beginning.
Q; t.-- il- SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
-.1 \\ TBoard of Commissioners,it is o ae tes
V sary to the peace,health and safety
a `,. of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
\��T• that this ordinance became offer
Live immediately.
tTp, SECTION 3.This ordinance shall
take effect upon ite first publics•
Passed by the Board of ConunLcs
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah.this
5th day of June. .D.J.
Cite Recorder.
Published June 7th.1946.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Irma F. Bitner ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance amending part -of an ard-inance pa-ss-e-d by the BOard- of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 21st day of 1day, A.D.,
1946, _and_ designated -as Bill No-: -33, vauaGing ln Blocks
4, 6, 8, 10, 11 8c 14,Clermont Subdivision of Section 28, Township
1 South, Range 1_ }0-1.A-t, La-ke- Base- ang ivieridian, -S'alt Lake City,
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 5th, 1946
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, 4.,kst T,,14th day of Tune., 1946- xittitatz__.
E4,L NO. 38 City Recorder.
Published June 7th, MOS 1946
. ,
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake )
J. AN OBDI*ANCE D n7 Ockey
1 BY OP AN Board 11Dof NANO ego eSe of
i Salt,Lake City,.Utah, n dhe,2lsi Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
day Of May,A.D.MO,and deeYrnat-
' Blocks,ill a o.33,vllaalnd lfeole¢ vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
moot Stibdivision o1 section 28,
Township 1 South,`n'a anMr MmEast,
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Salt Lake City,Utah,
WHEREA9,•en ery, was Made In of Utah.
the-In descriptions coning those al.
lays t0 be vacated 1n Blocks 4 and
8 of aid Clermont Sb•divielo as
set out In paragraphs one and thh ree,
orespectively, of:9acnon 3 no said That the advertisement
NO W,THEREFORE be it hereby
• o dhlned by the Board of Comm. Ordinance Bill No 38
elopers of Salt Lake City,Utah:
IN 1. That An ordinance
l Dancedlby this Board of Commleeion-
1 9fet°UeSyelLsfakey etyt,IUtal948a tnG Salt Lake City Corporatioh
designated as bill No.33.vacating
alleys4 lermont Blocks
of Sec 11 tion
28, Township 1 South, Ranee 1
• East,Salt Lake Base and Meridian,
Salt Lalot.'City, Utah, be and
• the same 1e jhereby amended by
f-SBOins paragraphs one a.nd three
to i5 t0 Sill,y in bIa to 4 has e, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
ee5ec t tS W5read'p lollo e;
BS k 4 .:. .
Lot 1.g iL e ee t t ernof A.D. 19
j Lot 5,7.,-1 A.Clermont 9nb.0. day O f
9eetYdl'28,T,�(S.,R.33 E.,.S.L.S.
iA I.I�thance;north aso a tt;thanes June 7 1946
set la S.
4 thenee eeutn Ise ft. and was published t thence,32.1 $, en..43 3i0 t.;sap.E.
h 739 ft,the Oq<eet-30C 14 thence
I. N }4rd}B �{3 min:]0 E �.J9 -
d4 1h°" n thence 114 tt m Ls ...the lastpublication thereofbeing in the issue dated the
t la a th n e south nne 250.4 G:'
t,:Sitt1tine'N.4�G.:those north 114'
`qi p itN 4}d tV•.43 min.20 sec,
Q aa thence west ,Sn }t: A.D. 19
7.2 kti$ 4lhen 43 mm,20 eeo.w, day of ....-...-...
south 11f it r
tb p '.N t 17'Y4 Lo 4he DIaW of �_�
be l 1$g
in Aeksay'nnnrSleek
l khe Northeast �% �---
01 3 nt 1,'i]t $. R.1 E.. s b. Advertising Clerk
of Her of{i t 1,T.i 5,.,B.1 E..B.L.
B. A M.: thence t 952.75'ft.;
'thence north 12 at.:thence out 118
ft.thence N.47 fee.02 min.40 sec,
E. 7.34 It.; thence north 332 ft.;
thence east 132.38 ft.;thence south
12 it.;thence west 115 ft.,thence S. :
47 des.05 min.50 see,W.7.34 ft.;
thence south 315 ft.; thence S.47
' der. 00 min. 50- ec. E, 7." n.; before me this 8th day of
thence nest 115 It.; thence south
37 It.to
SECT/ON n2.'In the opine pia.of ion yy orsths
Board of Commissioners.it le Hare. ".A.D. 19 46
atrthetnhabitants of health
Salt Laatta�City
that this ordinance became effec-
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall /
take effect upon its Bret publics-
Passed the Board o}Commie.
�� �
ela Salt o}belt Lake City.Utah;this -"""""- ------ -""-"" "
nth day of June.A.D. 1840. Notary Public
City Recorder, •
(S.E A L I
Published Jnne.7th.1848, .
0 Q`q
017 '
Proof of Publication