38 of 1949 - Annexation extending the limits of Salt Lake City. (SEE BILL NO. 17 ) nv...... vr...-... SaltLake City, Utah, ' "' '"'' , 194 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson lin7nTelter / ' . s . . . . Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . OV AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. IL: WHEREAS, on the first day of June, 1949, there was filed with the City recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 507 by Chicago •Bridge & Iron Company and The Denver and Rio Grande U.Uestern Rail- Q. road Company, (being a majority of the owners of real property situated In the tract hereinafter described), reouesti_n;; that said -- _ . tract of land be taken within the lhmi_ts of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by b a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed P with the City iiocorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be an- nexed to and made a part of said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, e after examining said petiticn of said owners of said tract of land and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol- lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: A11 the east 1/2 of Blk. 6, 5-Acre Plat 'B', Big Field Survey, consisting of Lots 1, 12, 13., 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, containing 50.1 acres; also described, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 12, Blk. 6, 5-Acre Plat 'B', iig P'ield Survey, runginv thence N. 89° 48' 42" N. 757.80 .f ., thence S. 00 01' 05B E. 2871.0 ft., thence S. 89° 48' 48" W. 762.62 ft., thence I} ° Ott' 42" E. 2871.0 ft. to the -2- point of beginning; and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as shown upon the map or plat. AHD HE 1T FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described property be and is hereby zoned as 'Industrial' District. AND NH IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall ( thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City ( and zoned as 'Industrial' District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per- , taining to ,said Salt. I.iake City are e_.tended:+pJer and make applicable and pertinent to tie said tract of"land, and ,the streets, blocks, alleys and t*iays of sali tract sha4 be.• contrb'lled and governed by the ordi_nanCe.e, rule •.`,and red ul t ,3>`ns pf satd 'eity in that behalf and the City n,r;',neer.; ball thenc ortls bet'.ta en therein as the standard of;lbcat3,ons hind distancelt. SECTION 2. upon the pa slge Of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of ':salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provid ed in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SLCTIOfl 3. In the opinion of the Hoard of Comm'-ssioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants Hof Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective Imme- diately. SECT';ON L. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Hoard of Commissioner of/La,t Lake City, ;Utah, this / y-, day of , A. H. 9 r' C � � Iwo City hecorder. .b • ci win 1 K tv U fop q 3 aC) • • • • • N`,. STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, Frank_A. Shields,__Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, July_ 12th, 1949 pppc as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this.._�),9th day of_ duly, 1949 __. a: ,,,.Y.r, (SEAL) ' i1 $ILL.rdo. 38' y City er. Chief Deputy Published July 13, 1949 3B Ali a M -3"--i 1164836 m I AN ORDINANCE sec. E. 2871.0 ft. to the point of beginning, and that the same has :09 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE been correctly staked out upon the m r(] WHERS S, SALT LAKE ay 1'Y grtind as shown upon the nap o {y WHE:iLAS, on the first dflY f i n GJuneb 1999, there vas filed wlLh PI AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED the . ReoorJer of halt g' Bridge ge that the whole of the above de- _j J.: Iron No-els by ChicagoDenver bed property be eva Is hereby J a on Company and The Denver ci'1 �t anti t Ri0 Grande Western Railroae 1 rid as 'Industrial'ER ORDAINEDRt. S� owners y i real a sly city e the ndND RE IT FURTHER qt owners of :cal property situated, In and etde to ad that when this or- e) wthe trout hereinafter It gob land ke f 1 b described Fit, k tl II l IL of S e L lne th• t [h not k 'y t `^ e ty d 1 J Lo 1 e f I S lk L k. Cit} d W p pl t t b de d ti d I d t 1 1 Df L t die f I t b p t y dt• 'es n p Id d, 1 11 1 by LI its E rid to d It d on£tied with the City Re: tl. legations CI or per ten rid to said Wit-i;REA9,the oriJ tract of laud malt Lake C1ty a c ex(evdetl ace's J Is epi.t guou6 to Galt Lake City and d¢ Nplicabler n 1 tlan•nt to j Lhoul i t proper r as why ie t'ne sa tract [ land¢ d the f 00 � ahun!d not he annexed to and made sareett, ctoc ks, al be ande ways 1 , , sold tract shall be controlled and 4 ° r part said eity', and governed by the Ordinances, r le5 WHEREAS,the Board of Cleans• • egulatl0na of sold cite on that Mantra 01 Ball Lake Clty, after ex behalf and the City Engineer' shall ® nrs of Sa.1d petition of said own thenceforth be taken therein as the A of said 4ract of land and tom standard of locations and distances. vl daring al.he c ousnnceS thereof, nhn voted by unanimous vole of all SECTION 2. Upon the passage of 12 embers of said Hoard in favor Salt Salt ordinance ill lfill Rndr she Of t annexing said tract of land n halt her Lakd Col shall fill and she is Lake16 City and directed that an hereby directed to flee a the ordinance should be passed annexing County Recorder Of Salt Lake Coun_ said territory and the extension of Ly a copy of the map a plat hove Litt citydrn lintels of Slit Lake City mentioned, duly 'eroed and uch p 'accordingly. ac- knowledged,oss e5 providedter n opE p NOW. THEREFORE,Board be it is of se toordina with a certified copy © dxineti By the Board f Commis- of this ordinance. f Salt &ale' Cityc Utah: SECTION 3.In the opinion of the Q s 6ETION I. That [he ily limits Roard of Cthe peat ers, ni to ne- cessary Salt Lake City be and the samecessery to the peace, health and Q sa are d tract extended antl enlarged safety nt the isswntants of Salt yv{ 1 to include the following de- Lake City that this ordinance shall de- scribed tract of land In belt Lake becon a effective immediately. �\ y wil: SECTION 4. This ordinance hall Count', t0- 1 All the cast J.z of Elk. G, b take effect at once upon its first Acre Plat'R',B),10Field Stir'¢,',c7.. publtcation. t," V t s ling of Lots 1,12 13, 14,15,16, seed by the Board of Commis- CP ip J 17, 18, 19 and 20, containing 50.1 ratters of Salt Lake City,Utah,this n acr also described, beginning at 12th day of July, A.D. 1949. t7 thc�northwest c r of Lot 12, EARL J.GLADE QI 9, t Rlk. 6, o-Acre Plat e'R', Mg Field T4aYG hY IT Survey, running thence N. 89 de- grees 48 utin. 42 sec. E.757.80 ft., IRNIA F. BITNER N thence 3 0 deggees Ol min.05 sec.es City Recorder 2871.0 ft., thence S. 89 degrees (SEALI 48 min, 48 sec. W. 762.62 it. Rill No.38 \�,' thence N. 0 degrees 04 min. 42 Published July 13,1949. 0 1K61 0. A (C m m 38 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 }ss County of Salt Lake J AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the first day f June; 1949; there was filed with t"r° tee D M Pokey So'Iron Company and The Denver Company,• Ro Grande•Western Railroad y, (being a majority f the. the tract hereinafter°dessituated rib d), in re- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- questing kn ithltitthellimits of°Salt"Lake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper- Clty, and Mao caused an accurate map r plat to be de and certi- fied to by competent surveyor and published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State approved by the Ciiyty Engineer to beer. WiHEREled AS,he sh the aid Rtractd of land of Utah. la contiguous to Salt Lake City and -there is no proper reason by it should net be annexed to and ade a part of sold city; end WHEREAS, thebke°C1tof Commis-mix That the advertisement err• of said'tract of and own. err the,elreumstancea and Ordinance bill No 38 voted by un hnous ete o1 all members of said Hoard in favor of annex,ng said tract of City'and directed dt at to S°M-Lake ordinance should be passed annexingSalt Lake City Coro oration said territory and the extension t the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it r- . dained by the Board of Comitfis- alenCre of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the City limit. ere her by°City, and tenlarged was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the + as to Incthde'rth° renewing de- scribed to with laba'1p ®aft hate A. D. 19 .—s,"'piaoi,We Fees Agile, 9. 5. day of con- slating of Leta 1,12,13,14,16,16 7, 18, is and 20, containing 60.1 on July 13, 1949 0bwesiscribed, beginning t and was published the northwest corner of Lot 12, Elk. 6, 6-Acre Plat IP, Big Field --- - '-"•"" Survey, running thence N. 89 de- behalf and EMS City Engineer dull gg tee 48 min.42 tee.E.767160 ft., thenceforth be taken therein se the Lion thereof being in the issue dated the thence S.0 degrees 01 rain.06 sec,E. etah00id of 2batlebs abd distances. 2871.0 It„ thence S. 89 degrees SECTION 2. en the passae of 48 min. 48 sec. W. 762.62 ft. this the the City Recorder of III thence N. 0 degrees 04 min. 42 -Salt Lake City shall file end she is 1 A. D. 19 bec E. 2871.0 ft, to the point of hereby directed to file with the /� ginning: d that the a me has Count Recorder of Salt Lae Coi n- l/;�� beeh correctly staked out upon the ty a copy of the map r ple above ///) /e.‹ ground as hewn upon the p of mehtiedge duly with vided and ing plat. k¢oaleflged, as provided ]n each AND HE IT FURTHER ORDAINED eases,together with a certified copy Advertising that the hole f the above de- of this Ordinance. scribed property be and is hereby SECTION 3.In the opinion of the zoned as Industrial'District. Board of Commissioners. It le n- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED eeseary to the peace, health and and declared than when this or- safety of the inhabitants of Salt dlnance takes effect the id tract ke City that this ordinance shah of land above described shall become effective immediately, thenceforth be within the corporate SECTION 4.This ordinance shall day y of limits of.said Salt Lake City 19th y and . take effect at-once.upon Its_Oret nod ,Tnduattla District s in publication. the a ordinance provided, and all o Passed by the Hoard of Cohrmle- dl¢ances,luriodictlons,rules and ob- loner of Salt Lake City,Utah,this hgatlens ei or pertaining to a said 12th day of July,A.D.1949. SmakkeLake City are extended over and - EARL J.GLADE the said applicable tract of land, and t the IRMA F. HITNER Msyei street., blocks, alleys and ways f City Recorder geld treat hall be controlled and , (SEAL) � geld Era by the a con Tolle aloe " (SBil L) 38 -.and regulations of acid city In that Published July 13,1949. Notary Pub - Proof of Publication OF Attorney