38 of 1951 - Signs, sign post, sign board, wood or metal awning, etc. VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Chri ensen . . . .
Lin pnfelter -- y *h W.w•
Romney . . . /_
Mr. Chairman . . ✓'
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5731 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to signs.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 5731 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
unlawful for any person to erect or construct any sign, sign post,
sign board, wood or metal awning, permanent advertisement, arch or
any other structure, above, over, or located within 10 feet of
any street or sidewalk in Salt Lake City, without first obtaining
permission so to do from the board of commissioners. Application
for such permission shall be in writing, and shall contain the
name of the person for whose benefit the same is made, the period
of time for which such permit is so desired, the place where
such structure is to be erected or constructed, the dimensions
thereof, the material of which the same is to be composed, and the
manner of construction; which application shall be accompanied by
a print or drawing or tracing of such proposed sign or other
structure, and shwoing location of same by plot plan.
(B) STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION: All signs hereafter erected
within 10 feet of the property line of any street, alley, or public
way in Salt Lake City must be constructed of either metal materials
or approved combustible materials or a combination of both within
the limitations and requirements of the following tables:
If all parts of the sign other than the letters and decorations ar:
made of metal the area of the display surface or total face of any
sign which may be occupied or covered by letters and decorations
made from or faced with approved combustible materials shall not
exceed a total area calculated on the following basis:
Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of Area Occupied or
Surface of Sign Covered by Approved Combustible
100 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 100% of display
surface area.
Over 100 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 100 sq. feet
exceed 1500 sq. feet. plus 50% of the difference
between 100 sq. feet and the
total area of the display
Over 1500 sq. feet. Not to exceed 850 sq. feet of
the display surface area.
Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can
Surface of Sign be Occupied or Covered by
A roved Combustible Material
100 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 80% of the dis-
play surface area.
Over 100 sq. feet but not over Not to exceed 100 sq. feet
2000 sq. feet. plus 25% of the difference
between 100 sq. feet and the
total area of the display sur-
Over 2000 sq. feet. Not to exceed 500 sq. feet of
the total display surface are:.
facings of flat signs, roof signs, wall signs, marquee signs, and
projecting signs for which a permit is required may be constructed
of approved combustible materials provided that the structure and
structural trim of the sign is made of metals and provided that the
total surface area of the face of each sign is not in excess of
100 square feet. The letters and decorations mounted upon the face
may be made of approved combustible materials.
If approved combustible materials are used in the structure or
structural trim such materials shall be reinforced with metal trim
and the area of the display surface or facing which may be occupie
or covered by letters and decorations made from or faced with appr v-
ed combustible materials shall not exceed a total area of the disp ay
surface or face of any sign calculated on the basis established in
the following tables.
Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can
Surface of Sign be Occupied or Covered by
A roved Combustible Material .
300 sq. feet but not over 2000 Not to exceed 50% of the tota
sq. feet. display surface area.
Over 300 sq. feet but not over Not to exceed 100 sq. feet pl s
2000 sq. 25% of the difference between
100 sq. feet and the total ar a
of the display surface.
Over 2000 sq. feet. Not to exceed 500 sq. feet of
the total display surface are .
Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can
Surface of Sign be Occupied or Covered by
A roved Combustible Material .
1000 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 25% of the tota
display surface area.
Over 1000 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 250 sq. feet pl s
exceed 2000 sq. feet. 10% of the difference between
1000 sq. feet and the total a ea
of the display surface.
Over 2000 sq. feet. Not to exceed 350 sq. feet of
the total display surface area.
(CO DEFINITION: The term "approved combustible materials"
-s used herein shall be definied as those materials which, when
ested in accordance with the American standards association tests
for Plastics or materials over 0.050 inches in thickness, burn no
taster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of 0.060 inches thick-
(D) SIGNS TO BE ILLUMINATED: All signs projecting beyond the
roperty line a distance of more than 2 feet shall be electrically
'lluminated or taken down.
(E) INSTALLATION: Every sign hereafter erected shall be
laced not less than 10 feet above the surface of the part of the
ublic way which any such sign overhangs, and the portion of any
uch sign nearest the building against which it is placed shall not
be of a greater distance than 2 feet from such building and no
sign hereafter erected shall be permitted to project more than 10
feet beyond the property line.
having charge or control of any sign, awning or shade authorized
by the ordinances of Salt Lake City shall pay the City an annual
inspection fee to cover the expenses of the inspection of such
sign, awning or shade; the amount of such fee to be computed by
the following classification schedule:
1. FEE SCHEDULE: Applicant shall pay a permit fee of
'$4.00 for each projection structure to be erected within 10 feet
of City property. For each such structure an annual inspection
fee shall be paid to the City on the basis of 121 cents for each
square foot of face area for the first 25 square feet and 10 cents
per square foot for the next 25 square feet of face area and .071
cents per square foot for each additional square foot of face area
over 50 square feet of surface. Each side of a projection sign
or structure shall be considered as a separate sign or structure
in computing the above fees.
2. METAL AWNINGS: The annual inspection fee on all
metal awnings shall be $2.50 each.
3. BILLBOARDS: The construction permit fee for bill-
boards shall be $4.00 for the erection permit which shall be
obtained and paid for before construction is commenced, also paid
at the time of obtaining said permit on the basis of one cent per
square foot for the total face area of such billboard. After the
original inspection fee is paid there shall be no further annual
inspection fee collected on billboards.
4. FLAT SIGNS: Flat signs and projection structures
less than 2 feet from the building shall require a permit fee to
erect in the amount of $3.00 each. An annual inspection fee of
.05 cents per square foot of the total face area shall be paid to
the City, provided however, that no annual inspection fee for flat
signs or projection structures shall be in excess of 060.00 annuall
5. MINIMUM FEES: No annual inspection fee on any sign
or projection structure of any n ature shall be less than y 2.50.
(G) DUTY OF SIGN INSPECTOR: If any sign, projection struc-
ture or advertising display is found by the inspector of signs to
be unsafe or dangerous the person having charge or control or
benefit of such sign, projection structure or advertising display
shall be notified immediately to forthwith repair or render safe
such sign, projection structure or advertising display, and if
such sign, projection structure or advertising display is not
repaired or made safe within five days after giving said notice
the sign inspector shall at once abate and remove said sign,
projection structure, or advertising display, and the person
having charge, control or benefit of any such sign, projection
structure or advertising display shall pay to Salt Lake City
within five days after written notice mailed to such person the
costs incurred in such removal.
(H) INSTALLATIONS: All electric signs installed in fire
zones 1 and 2 and in other zones when permitted by zoning Ordi-
nances including fixtures designed for illumination and operating
in excess of 600 volts, open circuit voltage, shall be classified
as cold cathode high voltage equipment. All such signs and fix-
tures shall be installed so that persons passing thereby cannot
come in contact therewith. All signs, fixtures, and equipment
operating at 1000 volts or more shall be labeled "Caution (add
voltage here) Voltage". Such label shall be clearly and distinctly
legible in letters of not less than 1/4 of an inch high and visible
hen equipment is in operation. Signs, fixtures, and equipment
operating in excess of 600 volts shall be located not less than
$ feet vertical or 5 feet horizontal from any grounded metal objects
and under no conditions shall they be intended for or used by
other than electrical personnel. Materials used in the constructioa
.f high voltage cold cathode signs, fixtures, and equipment shall
onform to the ordinances of Salt Lake City and if approved com-
I.ustible materials are used the same must be identified by the
anufactor's name or with the accepted name of the approved com-
bustible materials.
(I) PENALTY: Any person who shall fail to comply with any
of the provisions of this section or pay the permit fees or inspec -
ion fees au herein provided for at the time said permit fee or
inspection fee is to be paid shall upon conviction thereof be
punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $299.00
for each offense and in default of the payment thereof by imprison-4
ment in the City Jail for not less than ten days or more than six
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon itsfirst
publication. pY \J
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sal X ke City, Utah
this 3lst day of May , A.B. 1951.
Iaf r
pu R Ug r •
ty it� ep�ordrder `.,�
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORIINANCE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
TI..ya, 1 of the Revised Drdlnanea.5 vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper.
1 Sto signs
!ng to e It ord.
d of
Commissioners neof d bSaltn°L Lake City
Utah, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
SECTION 1. That Section .5/31
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt of Utah.
Lake City, Utrh, 1941, be and the
namet hereby amended to read as
folio Sc•
SEC. i.I1. SIGNS. (A) PER-
MISSION or onYRED' It anal' he That the advertisement
conetrunlawful for any person too, s o
nrd,cW4 y sign, sign post, Peg-
board, adv dr .:al awning. Per-
Cmanent:ad°atiaam°nt `ern P any An Ordinance Bill No. 38
her within
10 !e above.n reloca-
wlk h SO lest Or Cny, tt or
sidewalk In Slit
p Lake ion so o without
Dour,tile.board s of'sc itinn•Iasloners.
Application for such permission shall --"
be Inc Nriting,And shall contain the
IIAf7 geh Seam,An 0 of the' mete, toert for h ace heno-
tinte(Or Which ouch period oo
permit struc-
ture r it the plape here hconstructed,
IT to be praettld Or ns'ructcd,
of]]1e dldmnalons,`(�¢,mf..the material was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
Which the'adMi'le to be -
rich; d tfie..pi t S of onre or
tlob� hied Pe'cqtjp sh al'rowing an.eo b&a Ppro er dra Ing or day of A.D.19
€therg [ such andO:Slowing loco,
ow nigh or
t10P of same oY plot plan.(IF r ON STANDARDS re CONSTRUE- and was published On June 1 1951
'PION: All signs hereafter ero.tce
within 10 feet o. the Property line
of a sheet. alley. Public way
In Salt of
City m xt be con-
f either metal materl., the last publication thereof beingin the issue dated the
or preyed buetlblo materials
or ombinatfon of tooth Within
limitations and requirement, of the
fallow,ng t hlr.r: OF day of ' A.D.19
IN it arts of STRUCTURE. !��
If ail part,of too elfin other than Advertising Clevtk
the letters d decorationsrta made
of metal and
area of f any display
brfaec a tuts briars of any Alpo
Which may by n e_uplyd o red by
letter end rle^ atlnnc or
r(arerl a1, Anot on r ma total
mat, ::Tali n erC z total
area calculated on°thq follnrving
bar.: `.o before me this 2nd day of
June A.D.19 51
Notary gublic
the first 25.square feet and 10
ants per Square foot for the next
25 square feet of face a and
.07%centa per square foot area
additional square foot of fare area
over 50.square feet of surface.Each
aside of a projection sign or struc-
ture shall be considered as a separ-
ate sign or structure In computing
the above fees.
nual inspection fee on
all metal
awnings shall be$2.50 each.
3.BILLBOARDS:The construction
permit fee for billboards shah be
S4,00 for the erection permit which
shall be obtained and pelt for be-
fore construction is commenced,also
paid at the time of obtaining said
permit on the basis of onecent
per semen foot for the total face
area of such billboard. After the
original Inspection fee 1s paid there
shell be no further annual Inepec-
lon fee collected on billboards.
4.FLAT SIGNS: Flat signs and
projfeection t from the ot uree es than n 2
quire a permit fee to erect to the
amount of $3.00 sash. An annual
1nenectlon fee at .05 ents per
immure foot of the total face arm
aali he paid to the City,provided
however, that no ual Inspection
fee for flat signs or projection struc-
tures shall be to excess of $60.00
en5 vMINIMUM FEES:No annual in-
Eton tlon fee strueture any nature
v of v lgte rshall
be less than$2.50..
TION:If any sign,projection etree-
tore or
advertising display la found
by the Inspector of signs to be un-
safe or dangerous the person hav-
ing charge or control or benefit of
such sign, proieetlon structure or
advertlsing display shalt be notified
Immediately to forthwith sepals or
ender safe such sign, projection
structure or advertising display,and
if ouch sien,projection structure or
advertising display le not
or made safe within five days after
giving said notice the sign lnepec-
tor cyan at once abate and remove
said sign, projection structure, Or
advertising display. and the Per-
fin having charge,control or bene-
t of any ouch algn, Prelectlrn
atrecture or
advertising Monte,
shall pay to Salt Lake Cite within
flue days after written 005tce mailed FLAT SIGNS AND WALL BIGNB —— --
area or Tote! Peeing or Display Limitation of area which sae ba
FIAT S1GN8 ANO WALL Senor Surface ee Olen Occupied or covered be Approved
Area of Total Feeler nr Display. Limitation of Area °erupted er Combustible Materials.
Smokes of Olga Covered by App.nved Cembuatlbls 100 s feet but net aver 2000 Not to exceed SOS. of the total
/00 Mate rialn. se.feet.
300 aq,lest but not over 2000 Not late.exceed a100
sq.feet or lean Not to rseed 100,^s 0[ display
aq. 25 es of the difference gbetween p100
Over 100 face area. ➢
1500 q'feet but not to exceed Not to exceed sq.feet lea 50'6 Q. feet and the total area of Lho
aq.feet, ofe the difference acen 100 q. Over 2000 display surface.
feet and the total are, of the sq.feet. Not to exceed surf.,
, .I.'”' of the
display outface. that.,ANDDIay face.
Over 1.500 Pg.feet. Not to exceed 050 sq.feet of the ROOF SIGNS, PROJECTING SIGNS, f area MARQUEE SIGN!!co
display surface area.
Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation o[ area which con be
ROOF SIGNS,PROJECTING SIGNS,AND MARQUEE BIGNB Surface of glen Occupied or Covered by Approved
Ares at Total Facing or Mosley Limitation of area which can be 1000 rq,feet or less Not to exceedContinual/de Materials.
Beetles of Step Occupied r Covered by Approved display surface are36 g of the total
300 eg.teat or lees Not to Cesx ietlblfN of thedisplay Over 100n aq,feet bat not to ex- Not to exceed 250.sq,feet phut 10''8
D reed 2000 sq.feet,
Over 100 over surface area. f the difference between 3000 q.
2000 eq. feet hut not o Not to exceed 100 eq. feet plug feet and the total area of the die-
eq.feet. 25 th of the difference between 300play surface.
Over 2000.Q.feet. Not to exceed 050 feet of.the
fret the total area of the sq.
display surface. _ total display surface area.
Over 2000 eq. feet.' exceedeq. feet of the (C)DEFINITION:The term"ae- than electrical personnel. Materials
total display surface area. reyed combustible materials" s used in the cunstruetlen of high vol-
used WHEN OUTLINE FRAME]A OF to such Gerson then costs Incurred herein shall be noticed a those hpe cold cathode signs. fixtures,
METAL STRUCTURE. The facia of rnq materials which,when tested In - d
flat signs, rood signs, wall is In such vat. artlanco ith the American tentl- equipment hall conform to the
marquee I a ens,
eminences t Salt Lke City and 1f
signs,and projecting signs (Hi INSTALLATIONS: All efec- Ards association tests for Plastics 0 approved combustible materials
' for which permtf is required may
isle signs Installed 1n fire .ones 1 materials over 0.050 Inches In thick- some e
be constructed of s qu and 2 and In other nos when per- ncss,burn no faster than 2 s inches used the. e must be ItlenLftied are
approved milted by aoning Ordinances induct- per minute In sheets of 0.060 inches act mane/actorse nama o name Or with Stine
bustible n a'rlalo provided that the .pied [the r
in„g fixtures de slgneu for illumination thickness bustible materials
structure and structural trim o1 the and operating 1n excess of 600 volts, (D)SIGNS TO BE ]LLUMI-
cign lee made f metals and areaprovided circuit Gotta that the total surface oof the mien voltage,shall be Masai-
shall All signs projecting beyond (I1 PENALTY Any peteep who
face of each sign le of In gassesof tied as cold cathode high voltage
the property slinehall
a r electrically
of more
hall Safi to comply with any nl
300 square toot. The lettero.f re shall
Ali such lgne and fix-
2 Icet shall be electrically all- the. prxvlsions of this section or
decorations mounted upon the face
three shall be Installed so that cper• lu si red or taken down.
Dav the permit fees or luspthe
v he mades rot approved corn. eons pessing thereby cannot a res aINBTALLATT ail Every sign Tres as herein provided for Sit the
b etiblc terlals, in contacttherewith, Allelgns,fix-
fee erected.gall be placed not
e 'fame s 1d permit tee r Inepectien
e.WHEN OUTLINE FRAME I8 OF urea. and equipment operating at
lees than 10 feet above the surface fee Is to be paid shall upon c
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: If sr, 1000 voile o e ehnit behere)
]nbele6 of the part of the publicwa which elution thereof be punished byoa
proved eirnble materials are 'Caution (adder volt ge here) vol- any such sign ov hang^ and the fine of not Peas than E25.00 nor
d In the etructure r structural Sage.' Such ,bed shall be clearly
portion Of any ouch.sign nearest the than E290 00 for each Offense
trim ouch materials shall h0 rein- end oe tlnetlp legible 1n letters of building
against which It is placed and indefault of the payment there-
forced with metal trim and the area not less than r/of an Inch high and halt t be of a greeter tllatannd o[by r 1500 dninent in the Cm more
at the display surface or facing lsfble when equipment is In opera. than 2 feet sfrom etter such building and foret less than ten Jaye o ate
which may be Occupied or covered Lion. Signs fixtures, and quip- sign hereafter erected hall be than six months.
by letters and decorations made from t operating In es of 600 equip-
permitted rmltted to project re than]0 SECTION 2, in the opinion ofthe
faced with appeovetl c nbu.stlble volts shall ba located¢not sleee than feet beventl the property Ilne. poet,Of Commissioners.It is n
materials shall t exec.{ e. total a feet vest teal 0 5 fact he rlbontal of F)INSPECTION FEES TO BE spry t0 the health,peace and eatery
of display sin-Race or teen mom any n[oundrd metal bjeete COLLECTED; The owner r person of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City
1 conditionshavinga charge of control of any any the d calculated O the basis o derclodme shall theythat this ordinance became effective
established In Stye following teblen. be intended no
or used by DthOrsign. awning or shade thorlted Immediately,
by the ordinances at Salt Lake Cto-lty
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
Bpcetlshall onaytee he to Oeoity v rnthev epee sex take effect upon Its first publlca-
f the inspection of suchsign.an n• Con.
log rshade: the ai oust of such Passed by the Board of Commie-
fee to be computed by the follow- goners of Ball Lake City,Utah this
Ing classification schedule: 2.th day of May, A.D. 1951.
1. iieent
shall FEE neepc[1m It EDUL fee of$4.00 for EARL J.GLADE
each projection structure to be
erect- Mayor
tl within 10 feet of City property, BESSIE JUDGES
For o h such etrocfure on nual Deputy City Recorder
lnspeotlon fee shall be paid to the (SEAL)
City On the basis of 121/4 cents for RILL NO. 30
each aquas.foot of face area for Published June 1, 1951.