38 of 1955 - Granting to Oregon Short Line Railroad Company ( Union Pacific Railroad Company Lessee ) its succe - - __ -I 7 - - ---- -- _ VOTING AYE NAY May 19th, 1.955 Salt Lake Ciry,Utah, ,194X Burbidge CliElgansen (r' I move that the ordinance be passed. Naho1es `.'' ne `/. Mr.Chairman . . / Result 38 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY (UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, LESSEE), ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD SPUR TRACK ALONG AND OVER THIRD WEST STREET AND ACROSS FIFTEENTH SOUTH STREET, ALL IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby granted and given to Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lessee), a corporation, its successors and assigns, to con- struct, maintain and operate a standard gauge railroad spur track along and over 3rd West Street and across 15th South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. The location of the center line of said spur track as it is pro- �- o I posed to be constructed along and over 3rd West Street and across 15th South Street being more particularly shown in yellow upon the print which is made a part of the Petition for this franchise. The descrip- tion of the center line of said spur track being as follows: 4-3 -P beginning at a point 7.8 ft. North and 13.0 ft. a West of the city monument at 3rd West and Andrew Avenue; said point being the center line of an existing track at a point of tangency at Engin- e> •m ser's Station 50+00; said tangent being parallel ,--i m auto and 13.0 ft. perpendicularly distant westerly o• ms from the monument line of 3rd West Street; thence southerly 37.6 ft. along the arc of a curve to the '0 • right having a radius of 881.94 ft. to a point of o• m switch; thence northerly 46.5 ft. along the arc of 0 a curve to the right having a radius of 762.75 ft. as x ;> to a point on the north line of Andrew Avenue a, produced, 16.5 ft. north and 11.0 ft. west of said o city monument at 3rd West and Andrew Avenue, which 1-1 .1.1'N point is the true point of;beginning; thence t U:o continuing along said arc of curve having a radius w O H of 762.75 ft. for 35.9 ft. to a point of compound •' 0 curve; thence northerly 92.9 ft. along the arc of ,, a curve to the right having a radius of 553.45 ft. • 'd`o to a point of tangency; thence northerly 46.9 ft. N along said tangent to a point of curve; thence .�i• ro I northerly 11.5 ft. along the arc of a curve to ° the left having a radius of 262.04 ft. to the north line of 15th South Street. - 1 Section 2. That said franchise and grant is made upon and shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) That said track shall be constructed and laid so as to conform as nearly as practicable to the street level now existing and if said track does not run on the same level as the surface of said street as it now exists the grantee will alter and rebuild the said road- way a reasonable distance back from said spur track as it crosses and runs along said street, and will change the grade so that the surface of the street will conform to the grade of said spur track and so that no unneces- sary impediment will be caused to traffic traveling said street, and if said grade is afterward changed by ordin- ance of the Board of City Commissioners, the grantee will, at its own expense, change the elevation of the track so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said street where said track is con- structed shall be paved, resurfaced or repaired, the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pave, resurface or repair between the rails and for a space of two (2) feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material used on the said street, or with such other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners, and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be directed by the Board of Commis- sioners. (c) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the Ij expense of said grantee in all water ditches crossed by said track so as to admit of free passage of water. Section 3. Nothing in this grant shall be so construed as to I prevent Salt hake City or its authorized agents, or contractors or per- sons or corporations to whom a franchise may have been or may hereafter be granted, from paving, sewering, laying gas or water mains, pipes or conduits, altering, repairing or in any manner improving said street. And the grantee shall at its own expense support the tracks while the city excavates under the tracks for the laying of water mains, sewers, pipes or conduits, or for altering or repairing the same. Section 4. This franchise is granted for the period of fifty (50 years from and after the passage of this ordinance; provided, however, that if for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of this franchise said spur track is not used for the purposes for which this II II - 2 - �i franchise is granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the use of said spur track for said purposes, said franchise shall be void- able at the option of the Board of Commissioners; and if so ordered by the Board of Commissioners, said spur track shall within thirty (30) days thereafter be removed and the street restored to a condition uni- form with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materials and construction, and to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners. In the event of the failure of said Railroad Company to remove said track and restore said street upon such action and within said thirty (30) days, the said work may be done by Salt Lake City at the expense of the Railroad Company. Section 5. Unless this grant and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted, in writing, by the Grantee herein within thirty (30) days after the taking"effect of this ordinance, and unless such track be constiructed wit' one (1) year from the date of such passage, then this ordinance`ls be null and void. Section 6. Whereas;in thy} opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect immediately after publication hereof. ZP sed by the Boardbf C issioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this \O day of », Y6104 , A.D. 1955. • /? I / MAYOR CI (SEAL) 38 BILL NO. Published May 23d, , 1955 - 3 - II 1 4 a= 5'co' D ; i T.: 35.5 vl = �, 1 - .6.., j q�l L i r :..) E ' 1 1 0 li 1 rEnd� 41 C) � �� eca; . . ' rack .�'CJt :� I ,�-" ---� 1 ; T Main track r.. j v - -'- - ZI „ z.h F.Gcs I -[:� I N a 1 I , G I 1 i { r ;" �I I� I — I ,„,gk\ \ I . I ix \ il EXH 1 b. - UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Salt Lake City,Utah ',\ I Proposed, Franchise From Salt - RLeeke City Cao oration to Cover Fifteenth Sou n Streets st And Scale l"-401 April 30,1955 Utah Division No. 2450 * LEGENND • Prop.New Spur Track Shown Xellow 1 FORM ND.ADM 35A Proof of 1nhliration liniftd Otago of Ameniru COUNTY OF SALT LAKE j ss. STATE OF UTAH ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE GRANTINGILAI) THE OREGON SHOAT LINF.RAILROAD COMPANYCO (UN1, PACIFIC HAIL- ROADSSCOMPANY,LESSEE),ITS SAC- •CHISEAS AND ASSIGNS, A FTAIN ANISE TO TEA STAND MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A STANDARD ALONGGAUGE AND OVER THIRD WEST CSTREE AND Dg pia Ockey ACROSS FIFTEENTH SOUTH STREET, ALL IN SALT LAKE.CITY,UTAH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD being first dulysworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of OF COMMISSIONERS Or.SALT LAKE ➢', p' CITY.UTAH: ' Section 1.A franchise and right of yay is hereby granted and given to Ore. sonShort Line Railroad company the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in (Union Pacpore corpic oration,Its 00005nors Les- fissigns,to construct,maintain end oper- ate standard gauge nhaeaa Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. tracka along 1 c 3rd'West Street and across 15th South Screen in Salt 0 Lake C Utah.Thelocation,of the center line o said track s It is • ropose5 tobecon constructed nil and over.3rd west Street and a0ross•15th That the Notice of An Ordinance Granting Oregon Short Line South Street being more particularly show In yellow upon the Print which Made.e.a part of the Petition for this Railroad Co a Right oftaaya .franchise.The description of the center line of said spur track being as follows,. Beginning at a point 7.8 ft.North and la.o'ft. est of the.city mono- Salt Lake City Bill No.38 ent at 3rd West and A,iilrew Ave- nue;said point being the center line of an existing track at a point of traids cy attangent being Cea parallel tiTUE 0el to and 13.0 ft.perpendicularly distant mid- dy(root the c t line f 3rd West Street;thence sOutheriy-37.8 ft. haang ving the radius aofu.361.94 ft. to rve to ht point of switch:thence northerly 40.'a5 of which a copyis hereto attached, was first published i❑ said newspaper in its ft. long the are f a curve to the P ' right having a Fadius of 702.75 ft.•to a point on the north lino of Andrew .a Avenue produced,16.5 ft.north ml 73rkt Sea westest of said city m monue.ment at issue dated the pointch is they true point of rew beginning: �,r thence continuing along curve o da Of Mag aid of y having a radius f 762.75It. , 19 55.. for 35.9 ft.to a point f pound curve;thence northerly 92.9 a.along to mare of a curve to the right hawing and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, o dies of curve to a point f n • tangency; thence northerly 459 ft. long said tangent 10 a point of curve: a thence northerly 115 4t. along the are of a curve to the eft having for a radius of 262.04 Et.to the•north•Ib,e "'-""---'-----'--'-- f lath SouthStreet. Section 2. That said feenchiee and grant is made upon and shalt he subiect one time to the following conditions: - • thereafter,the full period of (a)That said track shell be ill n. •girt tea and laid> 'conform as l0 nforas 'nearly as practicable to the street level now existing and H•said track u does not r n the:tame level as the last publication thereof of said streets a it i surface exists the grantee will alter and noe- build the said roadway a reasonable I distance back from said spur s crosses Mang z']rd It c and pile on8"said being in the issue dated the J day of [rest,eanda eda h R .e s gade'rCl that the o the f th veldt spur hack a to the g d e ssary im May 55 track and so that win pediment will ba d to traffic - ..-.....---_ ..---_..--.._-. .....LL, ,A.D.19 travelingto id street, and if grade is said changed by dinanee f the Beard of City Commis-1 atdners,that the grantee will,at its • /t L • Subscribed and sworn to before rile this 24th clay / May ,A.D. 19.-5,.... r ( C Notary Public. My coiu(nisssion expires......... 1957 Advertising fee $ n change the, elevation of thexttraelc so as to conform to the same. lbt Whenever said street where said track i constructed shall be paved, teeresurfaced a red,the said z ,its s and a shall resurface successors repairs between then rails and for ra space of two (2)feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material used on the said street,or with such other ma- terial as may he approved by the Board of Commissioners,and all tics shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be directed by the Board of Commissioners. (es Good and sufficient conduits to c water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantee in all wafer ditches crossed sed by said track 5 as to admit offree p of water. Section 3.Nothing in Ohio grant shalt be to construed to prevent Salt Lake City to r its authorized agents.or contractors orrations to whom a franchise may,have been or v hereafter he granted,from paving. sewering, laying gas or water mains, conduits. altering, repairinz Andany manner improving said street. the grantee shall at its o sense support the tracks while the city excavates under the tracks for the laying of water to sewers,pines or nnduits, or for altering or repairing the same. Section 4.This franchise tsgranted for the period of fifty(50)years 's from and after the passage of this c d inence: provided, however, that if for a period of nine c cutive months during the Ilf0 of this franchise said r track is not used for the puroses for which this franchise is anted, or if there is a substantial abandon- ment of tile u said c r track for aid voidable ate tie said franchise shall be oidable the option of the Board s;of Commissioner and if s ordered bY the Board of Commissioners, said ee r track shall within thirty(30)days thereafter be removed and the street restored to a ondiie uniform with a the balance of said street with r ect to grade, materials and construction, and to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners.to the event of the fail- ure of said Railroad Company to re- move said track and restore said street upon such action and within said thirty (30) days, the said wait roar be done by Salt Lake City at the ex pease of the Railroad Company, Section 5. Unless this grant and all the terms and conditions thereof shall he op ted,in writing,by the Grantee. herein within thirty (30, days after the taking effect of this ordinance,and unless such track be constructed within ¢ (1) year fromthe date of such passage. then this ordinance shall be melt and void. Section 6.whereas In the opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall lake effect im- mediately after publication hereof. Passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City.Utah,this 10th day of May,A.D.105.5. Earl J.Glade Mayo(SEAL) Herman J.Hnigensen City Recorder BILL NO.36. Published May 23rd,1055. IA ito) 3F