38 of 1957 - Vacating all of that property designated as a Public Park, south of 9th South Street and between 13t VOTING Aye Nay i
I move that the ordinance be p
Burbidge . . k
'Christensen . Or
Ai#t f rc . .
Romney .
Mr.Chairman ,I I
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of that property designated as a public park
south of 9th South Street and between 13th and 15th East Streets in Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1: That all of that property described as a public park south
of 9th South and between 13th and 15th East Streets, more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the S.W. corner of-Lot 57, Block 8 of
the amended plat of Douglas Park, a subdivision of
Section 9, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; thence N. 89° 57' 20" E.
to 292.38 feet; thence around the arc of a 26.7e'radius
ro curve, with a central angle of 45° to the right 20.97
feet; thence S. 45° 02' 40" E. 27 feet; thence around
the arc of a 333 foot radius curve, with a central
.4) angle of 90° to the left 523.08 feet; thence N. 44°
57' 40" E. 10 feet; thence around the arc of a 26.7
o foot radius curve, with a central angle of 70°, to
m the right 32.62 feet; thence S. 65° 02' 40" E. 20
y h40 feet; thence around the arc of a 423 foot radius curve,
p. with a central angle of 55° to the left, 406.05 feet;
aor+� thence around arc of a 44.32 foot radius curve, with
a central angle of 30° to the right, 2 .21 ft.; thence
0.4• .)to N. 89° 57' 20" E. 50 ft.;• thence N. 61 27' 23" E.
°o N 85.34 ft.; thence N. 00° 02' 40" W. 99.28 ft. to the
South line of Ninth South Street; thence along said
o+' South line North 89° 57' 20" E. 108.99 ft.; thence
w beP S. 00° 02' 40" E. 47.48 feet; thence S. 29° 57' 20"
+, 0 W. 125 ft.; thence around the arc of a 34.7 ft. radius
y a curve, with a central angle of 15° to the right, 9.08
ft.; thence S. 52° 18' 20" W. 273.58 ft.; thence around
the arc of a 119.6 ft. radius curve, with a central
VD angle of 55° to the right, 114.81 ft. ; thence from point
on curve along a course not tangent to curve south 88°
48' 56" W. 181.15 to a point on curve tangent to which
bears North 80° 02' 40" W.; thence around the arc of the
575.3 ft. radius curve, with a central angle of 25° to
the left, 251.02 ft.; thence South 74° 57' 20" W. 116.77
ft.; thence around the arc of a 154.6 ft. radius curve,
with a central angle of 35° to the right, 94.44 ft.;
thence N. 70° 02' 40" W. 95.02 ft.; thence around the
arc of a 364.7 ft. radius curve, with a central angle
of 20° to the left, 127.3 feet; thence South 89° 57'
20" W. 263.65 ft. ; thence N. 209.38 ft. to the point of
beginning, containing 5.7 acres, the above described
area lies between Lots 1 to 57 incl., on the North and
West and Lots 58 to 131 incl., on the South and East, all
of said Block 8.
- 2 -
all of the above described property is hereby vacated and declared no
longer to be public property for use as a public park, street, avenue,
alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-of-
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property; and also subject to the.rights of entry thereon for the
purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing,
altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace,:health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that tthis ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Sassed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this
day of June, 1957.
) "°1 W9D9rt\t\
BILL NO. 38 of 1957
Published June 21st, 1957
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Bessie...N.---Judgss-, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating all of that proper ty designated...as..a..pub-l-io---pa-rk
south of-Wi South Street and between 13th and 15th East Streets in
Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18th, 1457Tgvi
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 21st day of August 1957
r(i +�
BILL N0, 38 of 1957 ! 3-4 y �' CL
Published June 21st, 1957'f t
aaoxI`43' Pa'E4. ' Recorded AUG 21 1957 at/o;oy�.m.
1.552 09 Request of
Fee Paid. Hazel, Taggart Chase,
Recorder, Sa ake County, Utah
/YO if e By ) Deputy
Ref. 5 w-/r6-�2o�e 3S'
.6119EG- i,17- 32
AN ORDINANCE bears North 80. 02' 40" W.; thence
around the arc of the enie ft.radius
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of with a central angle of 25' to
that n erty designated a a public the left,251.02 It.;thence South 74'
park south of 9th South Street and be- 57'20" W. 116.77 ft.; thence around
tween 13th and lt5h East Streets in the arc of a 154.6-ft. radius curve,
Salt Lake City. Utah. with a central angle of 35° t the
Be it ordained by the Board of Con- right. 94.44 ft.; thence N. 70° 02.
rnissioners of Salt Lake.City,Utah. 40" W. 95.02 ft.; thence around the
SECTION 1:That all of that property are of a 364.7 ft. radius c with
described a s public nark south of central angle of 20' to curve,
9th South and between lath and 15th 127.3 feet; thence South 89' 57'20"
East Streets, more
particularly de W. 263.65 ft.; thence N. 209.38 ft.
scribed as follows. to the point of beginning,containing
Commencing the SW corner of 5.7 acres, the above described area
Lot 57,Block 8 of tha amended plat lies between Lots 1 to 57 Incl., on
of DO.las Park, o subdivision of the North and West and Lots 58 to
Section 9.T18,R1E,SLB&d1;thence 131 incl.,on the South and East,all
N 89° 57'20" E. 292.38 feet: thence of said Block 8,
around the arc of a 26.7-ft. radius all of the above described n erty is
thewith a central angle of 45'to hereby vacated and declared no longer
right feet;thence S.45' 02' to be public property for useas 40"E.27 feet;ent;thence around the arc of public park, street, avenue, alley or
a 333.foot radius curve. with a central pedestrian w
angle of 90° to the left 523.08 feet; Said v cation is made expressly sub.
thence N. 44" 57' 40" E. 10 feet; Sect to all existing rights-of-way and
thence around the arc of a 26.7-foot easements of all Public utilities of any
radius c with a central angle and every description n v located in,
of 7V,to the right 32.62 feet:thence under o r the confines of the
S. 65' 02' 40" E. 20 feet; thence above do thee property; and also
around the arcof a 423.foot radius for t t to rights of entry thereon
with a central angle of 55'i for the purpose of inspecting,
to the left,406.05 feet;thence around taming, repairing, replacing,removing,
arc of a 44.32-foot radius a with altering o routing said utilitiesnand
e. e
central angle of 30° to the right, all of N.re
23.21 ft.- tco N 1'N. 27' 5 20" 34 SECTIONdf2. the o of the
50 it:tncece N.61" 27'23"W.
9859.28 Board of Commissioners,pe , lh g�i
ft.; thenceheSN.outh
00i 02' 4Ni 99.th y to the peace, health and safety
ft.to the nce Eh line Sofaid
Ninth South of the ordinance
of SOIL Lake City
Street; thence along 88id South ]ice that this ordinance shall become ef-
North 80 64'2 E.108.Af fet.;thence fecttve SEC ON 3.This
S. 29 57'40" E.W.
feet: thence SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take
S. god tharc
125 Et; thence effect u its firstBopublication.
around with a OF a 3 llele radius c 01 dS bIt the.Board Utah,
Commission, thnth
wgh a 8ntr., h etc of 52. of Salt.19e City Utah, this lath
to theright. .58 I.; thence a 52° day of Tune, VOI
NV :ire
a 11 6.ft thence around AllIEL F.STEWART,the
of a 1 angle radius c Mayor.
with ra central angle thence
right,cro 81 g thence from tangent point BI L N City Recorder.
oaltn g a c .15 Published
hed 38 ef 2957
to curve pointsouth 88"48 tang'W_ which
ft. Published June 21. 1957 IB-39)
to a point on curve tangent to which
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
I''' '
h aN t property desienatcd es a o lbhc
a,e t f 9m s to t. t end be D 15 Ockey
c e loll..and It 1 E00. sheet ln-
a:'.cLakc•Citr. Utah
De It ordained by the Aoc:.l of Corn
m .ti Lake,,,1�.Et,. Seim/ first duly swop n, deposes and says that he is ad-
SR 'RION l:Phut all of:b:t prohcvfr
• decr:btt' as hublic
Bte s°°th=ndamt in''stfi aP,d`l,htn, vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a 'Iaewspaper
Obit Sfuseefv, P""`"'arly de 1
betl follows^ '
Cn"""ene`ho t_to a'"° of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
3 Lot'v.Rma.a e nc ,laca°1nlal
f Douslat Palk, bdlvlsion
N RO"A8Q!'Y05,F,.10251HbM,thence of Utah.
t arcund Vfl`e arc el n 26.^-ft. t!.:dh`t
1 the Vti.lit'20.07 reel,thence 5f 450,02'
40'•C.9,7 feet:thence urrnlnd Ti,e al' of
,g Uof°90^`°to'tho left 22011 loop:, That the advertisement
,(-- N l a Jo 4( L. 18 "''''•
„ri r i:°b.7(not Salt Lake City Bil]. Ito. 38 of 1957
f'f0-,to the ri.,,.A.,4 fee L;thcnec
I s. 8 10"01 29 1 it
- o el the4. - t l u�c,
1I to m left 40d.a2 ieet`tnenee O cculi An Ordinance vacating :property' de ipne.-Gcti
f 9 {Lf �t 1' e th - - -
2'.21 ft l th:molef 80 h ht,-
1' sn tl ti ti 61 2i 7s7 P20R.aa' ao publ-i e nark eolal'1 of 9th So and between 13th
Ott t1. V. 00 02 41 W 80.28 l' t t th.S tl l f'J-lh 90uth
Slce.,thence Iona did South line 1
North 89"57'20"E.103.99 et.;thence' and. 7.51.h r,anti
51100r 02'4�"'E 4.'8.48 Icet: thence
S. to '! rue 01 125 t o
*Ir i the '0 a the 13"
to thef Ih 9.011 central thence S 52 s'I
1A'20 W.27.1 fia ft tl
the r n lill.n tt. rad-u d
wilt: a ce teal un•Ie o I s ton_t F.'�1
I right, 114.81 14, thence t�iom ol.l
,nt tan, was published in said newspaper on
to Cult/0 south along
48't56"W.181,15 ft.
e N`1 0 l 02 9 w iII June 21 f 1957
1 rd lh f h 75 I.o
tho left i 1 02 C,Il c nuth f4
57'20'IV. 116-77 ft.;then e.,. 1nt11
Ii rile arc o a 1718 lt. radius c t/
•I riehl,0i,7 tell a,thencel 01 71�u�021
4 05.02 ft. Mem,onicici the
are of a 3847-11 cortiusWItl (t l
121.0., I :role _ 0' 87,9 the
left, ' ` [ .
R 2fPa I th Advertising Clerk
to 7 the or he.h,nil r,etintauiiu0
5...ben cnno/.ni:ot,c tro 157lnM
the North and Wwt cod Lot:;58 to
t 121 incl. ou the South.and East,all
II f twirl Blo the ck k 8.ove de,'
.,1 t
moues's'it.b 'dr l I lolnact7t th
1 nub;a n,1 a ;to before me this day of
11u1 k, street, i alley\o
1 Ped,slriVn ,venue,
lea to ll
Ir"h. A.D.19 57
i st recurs tt t II and
d .-.ttto;ewe I I 1 t1-'re to 'I ii.
I Indeeicifii d of 1e
!above cieswihedneruseW, I l.:l
-b1 tot '81 . tl
fox' the t ill
t ter '.Ill1- 7 / '
R 1 o t d utilities owl
SIso Of 01 a 1 tl
R Notary Public
ih r' 1
[ , , t I[ Ilrl rC.{VI
tM1 t M1i. 1 .�M1 1
effect a ot, In , 'l all''''.
rlr 1, I, 1{o,.dib1 j
Lug,•.ci r',�
,v rot June. 1807.
A1)[lf I.STEWS I f.
41 dl AN !. iii3C,r14.rEN.
shot i
ttltt UN.,II 10, er.
1Pkiblinbcd Judie 01, 105R 1A IOU