38 of 1963 - Vacating all of Kinney's Copper Plant Subdivision No. 2. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, June...25 , 196 3
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . '—
Romney . . V i .' ""°" —v-a.
Smart . . . <�
Mr. Chairman . d AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . . /
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of Kinney's Copper Plant Subdivision No. 2.
WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is the sole owner of all of the land compris-
ing and contained in Kinney's Copper Plant Subdivision No. 2; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City is satisfied
that neither the public nor any person will be materially injured by
the vacation of said subdivision, and it is to the interest of Salt Lake
City and its inhabitants that said subdivision be vacated.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That all of Kinney's Copper Plant Subdivision No. 2,
more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated
and declared no longer to be a platted subdivision; and all streets,
avenues, alleys, lots and blocks within said described tract be, and the
same hereby are, vacated:
Beginning 72 rods North of the corner to Sections 22, 23, 26
and 27, T 1 N, R 1 W, S. L. B. & M.; thence running N. 89° 30' W.
1277.0 feet; thence N. 6° 4B' E. 214.5 feet; thence N. 2° W. 346.0
feet; thence N. 25° E. 280.5 feet; thence N. 5° E. 157.2 feet;
thence East 1131.6 feet; thence South 980.75 feet to point of begin-
ning, containing 27.63 acres.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or re-
routing said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is neces-
sary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City,
Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
25th day of June , 1963.
City 50, g
(S E A L)
BILL, NO. 38 of 1963
Published June 26, 1963
(Sent to the City Auditor's Office on June 27, 1963 for recording in the office
of the County Recorder.
Recorded JUN 2 7 19630•2:35 Pm.
1929295 E0012068 r4329 Request of SALT LAKEQ.
Fee Paid Fl.",ZEI- TA GA CHASE
I2ecpider, Salt aunty, Ut
ss. $ BY- -4outy
City and County of Salt Lake, Ref. / - 3-2 '
7-2 2-3-34-
1, Herman J, Hogeneen , City Recorder ora ttah, do hereby
AiV 1) certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of Ki,nney a Copper Plant Subdivision No. 2.
\.))C A\4
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 25 1963.
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 27th day of June 196 3
City Recorder
Published 26 196 3
BILL NO. 38 of 1963
ofAKln eR'ICoppeE Plant Subdivision
No. 2.
WHEREAS,Salt Lake Cityis the
Sole ownerof all of the land d corn.
prestoand Contained in 2;a'S
Copper Plant Subdivision No.2;and
WHEREAS,the Boats of Commis-
thate5 of Salt Lake City is satlsfietl
neither the public n anv p
will he materially Injured by thre
cation of said subdivision, and it
ei do Ifs einhabitants f thalt aidke ubd
n bevacated., ai s
vision OW,THREFRE,be it ordained
by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City.Utah:
SECTION I. That ail of Kinnev's
Copper Plane Subdivision No. 2,
particularly described as fol-
lows, be, and the same hereby is,
vacated and declared no longer to
be a platted subdivision; and all
streets, avenues,
said described
blocks w tract
be. and the same hereby are,
Beginning 72 rods North of the
corner Sections 22,23,26 and 27,
T 1N..R 1 W,S.L.B.&M.,thence
running N. B9° 30' W. 1277.0 feet;
enc N.6° ,0 fe t; th feet;}hencEe
E. 2°W et;t feet; tN.5ce E. TS
feet,,f1 thence fcet;thence 11 .6 e°E.thencee
o East t131.o feet;
South 980.75 feet . point of begin-
niSai containing 2s.63 a
Said vacation Is s rights eway
ende a fo all existing rights%Sl way
a and every er all public util now
to aedSei nd , description n
confine under s r op-
er fl�etl of so above ia t t5o thetl fights
of a a tl also subject to the rights
reroutlrna bard nutilitiRep anlderlo Il f of
them aI
Beard T51 Cemm Illsoners,iton napes.
v to the p e,health and saieeY
Inhabitoefs of Salt Lake City,
Utah, rat ordinance become
effective' edlafely.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall
lake effect uypon its first publication.
loners of OSalthLake CiSc.utah,ibis
20th day f June.1961
HERMAN JCy or O Recorder(SEAL) r
. 3B of 1963
Published June 26,1963 (A-441
Affidavit of Publication
County.of Salt Lake
Legal Notices `b µ-f L dvi Ockey
qN ORDINANCE VgLATIN6 an Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
ryfp Kinnev's Copper Planl SubdlvlSlon
WMo REASQ Salt Lnke City is d,a i clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
aplismey,pa�d GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed is the Eng-
fanetl Kinncy's Copper Plant Subtlivlsian o.2, d
e"e eR�As t"a Bpard ps ba,rnl7,-I lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
sail _ke rlY, �sned t.at n ttr mp P mie pr Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
On ill he malerra Ny In urotl lye plop
r'81ipn o}said svhtlivision,a tl d�
es tltc the ferest v Salt sake NClty ll
Its Inheblfants that 5 itl btli-
Yis1pn m lyd That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
NOW, II ER EP°RE,be it oraain66t Dr ma epara r commissioners Salt 1 ake City,Utah,
,oaar10ram utmVIsiof Krtpey, Salt Lake City Sill No 38 of 1.963
�a;neolarly aesmrmad ml.
'aca� ntl the
b ccaa e'a tl eclargtl no ere by.rc andd semroislon;loonr
An Ordinance V c t1OTs all of iinn f's
wlnsmtl evs,bldtroll
innin4 ya rntle Norrn " me� Copper Plant rOuhdivision No 2.
S W„S.' )9.]l,)6 and�),
�nnirlr5 R1. 95]lil'N% }"i.O hlee��
hence N,o s E.t1.15 feet;thence eL reel: Ihrsnce. . 72 J8a 5 leef; hence N.5`E.151] I feel;thence East I1 J16 feet thence I;Spurh ao80.>s faer r. parnf a1 baetn- j
sublet' to afloe dine ticeSe essaly r air ble<r op all a Islina rlbnts%o/r v
aid eds m else o,all public ul Hies
l ca2letl rood nv ui eerPSer ptipn ille I
°nay `a'nPae tleSCr'"e°r was published in said newspaper on June 26, 1963,
sl�',n�ecr ro foe ri�nis
4-aenlryamees on f lea alterhng
rep poling sa:a IalYGas pea II of
eo a of°coo'rnss�o eropiplon of the I
s to the-99Co,health n�s Mfv fr1 InhahiIants of Sall Lake lty,
V1a11, font Ihls,rafe or dinancC beeom_,
of fe rr CtlYO _ _
}aka ClION o. Th'rs rtlinance hall
!v 0 It first nvbllca l�cn,I '
Ylone se of ShlfhLaA Ctl ofUt nmtin sl '- p 0 4 r 'c -�
Srh gay p!JVne.1963.v a /�-. (...
J. BRAKEN I.EE Legal Advertising C-lerkl
aEo_lERMAN J ngc".EN
Cily Recorder
Puhllshetl June]6+196t__ fq-adr
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of
July A.D. 19 63
Notary Public
My Commission Expires