38 of 1964 - Amending Title 18, relating to Health, by adding to Chapter 27 'Ice', regulating the manufacture, sa ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, June 16 196 Christensen r I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . V Harrison . . . v� � Smart . . . ✓ �,��� ��✓ E s �✓ Cw� Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Health, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 27, entitled "Ice." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Health, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 27 entitled "Ice," to read as follows: CHAPTER 27 ICE Sec. 18-27-1. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following terms, phrases and words shall have the meanings given herein: (1) DOMESTIC USE. "Domestic use" shall mean any use of ice in contact with articles of food or drink. (2) ICE PLANT. "Ice plant" shall mean any place or structure other than a private residence where ice intended to be used with food or drink for human consumption, for the preservation of food, or other similar use, is manufactured for use, sale or distribution. (3) SELF-CONTAINED ICE PLANT. "Self-contained ice plant" shall mean any equipment having a manufacturing capacity of one (1) ton or less of ice for each period of 24-hour operation, where such equipment is employed for the making of ice or ice cubes or the shredding, grinding or processing thereof for commercial use. (4) ICE STORAGE HOUSE. "Ice storage house" shall mean any build- ing or structure other than a coin-operated ice vending structure which is situated at a location removed from the premises of an ice plant and which is used for the purpose of storing or holding block ice for sale or redistribution. (5) INDEPENDENT ICE DISTRIBUTOR. "Independent ice distributor" shall mean any person other than an employee of the owner or operator of an ice plant who uses a vehicle of any kind for the purpose of selling or distributing ice in any form. 38 - 2 - Sec. 18-27-2. Compliance required for manufacture, sale and distribution. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the manufacture, sale or distribution of ice in any form without fully complying with all of the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 18-27-3. Domestic standards. All ice to be sold and delivered within Salt Lake City for domestic use shall be pure and healthful ice, free from matter deleterious to health; and such ice is hereby defined to be ice which, upon chemical and bacteriological examination, shall be found free from nitrates, nitrites and patho- genic bacteria, and which contains not more than sixteen one-hundredths of one part of free ammonia, and nine one-hundredths of one part of albuminoid ammonia in one million parts and in respect to which the loss on ignition shall be less than one-half of the total solids, and the oxygen consumed shall not exceed two and one-half parts in one million. Sec. 18-27-4. Permit required for sale. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any ice from house to house or to hotels, restaurants or other places where such ice may be used in contact with articles of food or drink without obtaining a permit from the board of health to do so. Sec. 18-27-5. Application for permit. Application for a permit shall be in writing and filed with the board of health and shall contain the following information: (1) The place or premises where such ice is to be or has been cut or gathered. (2) The means of delivery. (3) The location of storage thereof or places from which such ice is to be delivered. (4) The quality of the ice intended to be sold. Such application shall be verified by the oath of the applicant or if the applicant is a firm or corporation by the oath of a membdr of the firm or an officer of the corporation, and the person verifying the application shall state under oath that the matters stated in the application are true. Sec. 18-27-6. Permit fee. The permit fee for an ice permit shall be five ($5.00) dollars payable annually to the board of health and covered by it into the city treasury. If any permit is refused, the fee deposited shall be returned to the applicant. Sec. 18-27-7. Sale of polluted ice prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or deliver any ice for domestic use, without first having obtained from the board of health the permit speci- fied in this chapter, and under any circumstances, to sell or deliver, for domestic use, any ice which shall have been taken from any lake, pond, river, stream or other body of water, wherever located, which is defiled by sewage, garbage, ashes, decaying vegetation, refuse or waste from any industry, or by any other substance tending to make water impure and unhealthful, according to the standard fixed by this chapter. Sec. 18-27-8. Sanitary enclosure required. The floors, walls, ceilings and all exposed surfaces in places where ice is manufactured, stored, handled or kept shall be clean, sanitary and maintained in good condition and repair. -3- Sec. 18-27-9. Required lighting. The interior of ice plants shall be illuminated with natural or artificial lighting sufficient to enable employees to see adequately in the performance of their duties in cleaning the premises and in handling work operations so that such operations may be performed in a safe and sanitary manner. Sec. 18-27-10. Required toilets and lavatories. Every plant wherein ice in any form is manufactured, sold or distributed shall be provided with adequate and readily accessible water closets, handwashing facilities, soap and towels for use by employees working therein. These facilities shall be maintained in a clean condition and shall comply with applicable city ordinances and state laws governing their installa- tion and maintenance. Sec. 18-27-11. Sanitary machinery and equipment required. All machines, equipment and facilities shall be kept clean and sanitary and shall be so designed, constructed and arranged that all parts of such machines, equipment and facilities which come in contact with ice at any time during its manufacture, handling or storage shall be accessible for cleaning and inspection. Pipes, valves or other metal parts shall be of non-toxic materials which can be kept in good condition, clean and sanitary. Sec. 18-27-12. Accessible covers on water tanks required to prevent contamination. Water tanks shall be covered so as to exclude contamination, including leakage or condensation which may accumulate on the outside of covers. Covers to water tanks shall afford ready access for cleaning and inspecting said water tanks. Sec. 18-27-13. Vehicles. Compliance required. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to use any truck, vehicle or other equipment for the purpose of delivery, distribution or selling ice without fully complying with the conditions set forth in section 18-27-14 through 18-27-17, inclusive. Sec. 18-27-14. Id. Contamination protection required. All vehicles shall be so constructed and maintained as to provide adequate and reasonable protection for the ice transported therein against con- tamination. Sec. 18-27-15. Id. Sanitary grinding equipment required. All equipment used for the shaving or grinding of ice on trucks or vehicles shall be kept clean and sanitary. Sec. 18-27-16. Id. Covered sanitary containers required for cubed ice. All cubed, chipped or shaved ice shall be kept in sanitary containers or receptacles which have been approved by the health officer and said containers and receptacles shall be kept covered while the vehicle is in motion. Sec. 18-27-17. Id. Requirements for grinding operations. Shaving, chipping or grinding operations shall be carried on or done in or at places that are free from dirt, insects or any contaminating material. Sec. 18-27-18. Water requirements. Water used in or for the manufacture of ice shall come from a source of supply approved by the health officer and shall be handled, treated and stored so as to be protected against contamination or pollution. Sec. 18-27-19. Contamination of domestic ice prohibited. Ice which may be used in contact with articles of food or drink shall be delivered, -4- stored, kept or displayed in such a manner as to prevent its becoming polluted or contaminated. Sec. 18-27-20. Compliance required for self-contained ice plants. It shall be unlawful for any prson to use or operate any self-contained ice plant without fully complying with all the applicable provisions of this chapter regulating the maintenance and operation of ice plants, or the manufacture, producing, selling, distribution or handling of ice intended for sale or commercial use. Sec. 18-27-21. Sanitary conditions required for handling in places of business. It shall be unlawful for any person who maintains or operates any place of business, institution or commercial service facility, wherein ice is stored, handled or manufactured for food preservation, or other similar use, to fail to keep such ice in clean and sanitary containers or receptacles and protected from vermin, rodents, flies, insects, dirt, dust and contamination. Sec. 18-27-22. Employees. Tobacco use prohibited. No employee while actually engaged in the manufacture and handling of ice shall use tobacco in any form nor expectorate in any area or place where ice is manufactured or handled. Sec. 18-27-23. Id. Sanitary rubber boots required. All persons engaged in the manufacturing of ice shall wear rubbers, overshoes or rubber boots when walking on brine decks or in process rooms. Such rubbers, overshoes or rubber boots shall be maintained in a clean condition, shall be kept in a protected place and shall be worn for such specific use as herein stated. The wearing of street shoes on brine decks is hereby prohibited. Sec. 18-27-24. Health officer. Power to prohibit use of facility. The health officer is hereby authorized and empowered to prohibit the use of any facility wherein ice is kept or stored, if it is not so maintained in such condition that will prevent contamination according to the standards fixed in this chapter. Sec. 18-27-25. Sanitizing agent may be required. The health officer is hereby authorized and empowered to require the addition of an approved sanitizing or disinfecting agent or process to any container or multiple-use container used for the purpose of manufacturing, keeping or conveying ice or used to convey or hold any water used in the manufacture or production of artificial ice. Sec. 18-27-26. Inspection and prosecution. It shall be the,duty of the health officer to examine, or cause to be examined, from time to time, the places where ice is to be gathered, or has been gathered for sale and delivery within the city and all places where such ice may be stored or kept, and every vehicle in which the same may be delivered, on any part of its route from the place where it is gathered to the final customer; and to examine or cause to be examined from time to time, ice so sold or delivered, so far as he may deem necessary or expedient to ascertain whether such ice is pure and healthful and free from matter deleterious to health, according to the standard prescribed, and if, upon such examination, it shall be found that any person, firm or corporation has sold and distributed, or is selling and delivering any ice for domestic use below said standard, or any ice contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the said health officer 38 -5- shall cause every such offender to be prosecuted; provided, that in all cases where ice is so taken for examination, such sample shall be taken with the knowledge of the person in charge of said ice or ice vehicle. Sec. 18-27-27. Sale of impure ice for cooling purposes authorized. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or delivery of impure ice to be used for packing and cooling purposes, that is to say, for use in refrigeration, refrigerator cars, freezing machines, rooms and other places where food or drink is stored and is protected against contact with such ice. Sec. 18-27-2B. Id. Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, deliver or use impure ice for the purposes set forth in the preceding section without first obtaining a permit from the board of health to do so. Sec. 18-27-29. Id. Labeling required. Whenever any impure ice for packing or cooling purposes shall be sold or delivered, the person selling or delivering such ice shall carry a supply of printed cards on which shall be printed in large legible letters the words: "Ice for packing and cooling purposes only, not for domestic use," and such person shall give to each recipient of such ice, one card for each customer and shall take at the same time a receipt from such recipient on which said words shall also be printed. Sec. 18-27-30. Id. Sale of impure ice without compliance prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or deliver any impure ice for packing or cooling purposes without complying with the provisions of sections 18-27-27 through 18-27-29; inclusive. SECTION 2. Sections 18-4-14 through 18-4-18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health, and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of June, 1964. % / MAYOR Ailtkig• AL (S E A L ) BILL NO. 38 of 1964 Published June 23, 1964 619i4 ADM•i{A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, as. County of Salt Lake DMOckey Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No 38 of 1964 An Ordnance relating to health, was published in said newspaper on June 23, 1964. Legal Advertising Clerk l Subscribed and sworn to before me this nth day of June A.D. 19 64 \ Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 196 . 38 I Sec. 18-27-8. Sanitary enclosure AN ORDINANCE ired. he floors, walls, ceilings Sec. IB-272d. Health officer. POw- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TI- required. all exposed surfaces in stored, r t0 prohibit u 01 feelliry. The 1�TLE 18 of the Revised Ordinances of here Ice Is manufactured, gee led officer Isis of fauthorized The Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955,relating i handled r kept hall be clean,serif. and emooweretl f. DrOblDlt the fo Health,by adding thereto Lary and maintained In good rand!- of any facility wherein Ice Is k¢pj chapter to be known as Chapter°27, •'Ion and Pair. stored,if r Is et o maintained •Ieltitled"Ice." • Sec.1021-9 Required lighting.The I such condition not will DfNent De it rdained Dy the Board M nInterior ith Ice Plants shall TDfal llohiR contamination according to Me COmmHsbners of Salt Lake Ciry, tap sufficient too enabler ptoyees to standards fixed In this chapter. Utah: see adequately In the performance Sic.78-27-25.Sanitizing agent m SECTION 1:That Title 16 of the f their duties In leaning the urea,° be required. The health officer ale Revised Ordinances f Salt Lake of and in handling orks - hereby authorized d owered Cerya VI h 1955, elating td m Ten Mons so that such operations may be to quire the addition of aa- b, dine same harebdwls,na'terd ed perfor tied In a safe d itary proved sanitizing or disinfecting I 11ee knoiwn tes't&i:pter 27 entitled nner. or agent ads } y container 1 "Ice,"to read follows: 1b21.10. Required toilets end Me purpose usf container used lavatories Every plant herein i CHAPITER 27 In Y form manufactured, s le lag Or conveying Ice or used to con-j Sec IB t]-1. DeflnIllona. For the ordistributed shall be provided with veyn hold t.s,Durladses of this chapter Me follow- ,adequate nd, dily cces Ible a fr claret or DroOuctlo water reinortl� Ing terms,phrases and words shall ter closets, nantlwashi55 facillfle fielal Ice. s.h have the Ines ven erein: I ap and towels tor use by ern- (1) Sec.18-2]-26.Inspection d prose-I DOMESTIC USE. "Domes Ice tic •Ployees waking therein. These fa- ;citifies attar. It snail box ih dory Sr Me c shall be ktained in he IIM1 officer to amine, cause use"shall 'glib`articles not of or clean ditmn and shall comply with to abe exa Inge,from Ilene ie time,; 1-contact apwllcaW city ordinances and slate theplaces awhere Ice is to he Bat- I /21 ICE PLANT. "Ice plant"shall s governing elf Inslatlallon and ed, s been Meted for sale 1 maintenance.1 and delivery within the dry and any place orstructure °Pier c 10.27.1t. Sanitary ornery all Placerwhere such'lee may be I r mean private resdence where Ic and equipment required.machinery ma- stored ept, and every ehicie Intended to be used with food or hires, lq Ipment and facllitles snail In which Me same may be delivttM,drink for humanelother consumption,for Me be k tit!clean nd Tan Irary a tl hall o any earl f its to from the. eselrsvation f food,or the,similar be so designed,constructed d Cr. place where H Is gathered to the• Pr ranged that all parts f such ma- final`customer; end to amine djsir{bUflpng use sale ines,come of facilities a lo.be oexamined from lime 1 f7) SELF-[ONTAINED ICE which a In contact 11h Ice f to time, a old or delivered,sot s PLANT. "Set-c°nf pulpm�St having en time!during tame itsmanufacture, far he necessary ' shall e n any a aandl Ing or triage tsap be Ire, CCapedienf to a ebeel hettierrs or a uring Ice achy of one NI ble for cleaning and Inspection.Pipes fc Is p d rhealihful and free 'lionor less of Ice foreach period valves, or other Pal parts nap from matter deleterious to health,1, l of 4-hour operation, ere such oa f n n.toxk materials which canorq trio to M!standardorlscrlbed f equipment Is employed where Me k- pp of In good mndiriOn, clean examination, It log Of Ice In Ice cubes ns the hied• and sent.. shag Ibe found the any person,firm ding,grinding or processing tto Sec. 18.77-12.Accessible covers on corporation Ison has sold and leseiro for 0 r 101 s¢. outer tanks (red 10 prevent bred, Sror Selling and delivering 1, arc ICE STORAGE HOUSE. "Ice °ntaminarlon.Water tanks shall`be any lee for domestic usebelow s Id I'storage house"shall me any bulltl- :covered so t0 exclude contxmi- standard,or a,Irn contrary to the Inge o cture that Man In- actor, including leakagem or ulateco provisions of this chapter,r the said, r led Ice nding al7i55 r0 which lIce soon which ay health officer shall cause everysurly, Inits situated at a location removed he utside of o r Co ers fo we� (lender to be prosecuted;pr ieL.; 1'from the premises f ice nlant er tanks shall afford ready deress that In all cans here ice is soa tek-is n and which Is used for the cep se r leaning and Inspecting said wa- for Nomination, such sample of tort re ailing block Ica for tanks. shall be taken with the knowledge;i sale or redletrlbutlon. Sec. 18-27-18.Vehicles.Compliance of the person in chargeSr said Ice• jl (n5) INDEPENDENT ICE DIS- Invited. If shall be nhunitawful for or Ice vehicle. TRIBUTOR. Mean arm t Ice ols- y person to use a ruck, Sec,eB-77-77 Sale of impure ice yl trlb er than Shall Meayeean}theoe er teleeOS or other equipment for the for noon. purposes authorized. I w' Ur o delivery, distribution This chapter shall not be construed V or operator of any Ice plant Me pars d Ing Ice without fully plying to prohibit the ate delivery of-,: 'ulh the conditions et forth In - Impure ice 10 be used for ailing I fn of selling or distributing ice n 18.27.14 through 18-27.17, Inclu- and cooling V that eIs Po say,s!y 1 or a In refrigeration,refrigerator nSec, 10.27-2. Compliance required Sec. 10.27-14. Id Contamination cars,use machines,r d• Mr manufacture, sale d dllr lbu- 'otention required.All vehicles hall other places where food or drink Is' Moo I1 shall be unlawful for any •so constructed M dintalnetl s ored d Is protected against co rovide adequate and reasonable toot with such ice, 'pure sale oo rdie Ibuirlont of 1 e InuwnY olefin a tar the Ice contamination. transported Sec.1047-28. cod. Permit required. i m e provisions V e lets chapter. 1 are in trot lamination. It shall be Unlawful for any person MI of the visions Sr this chapter. Sec,18-27-1S, Id.Sanitary grindingto tell, deliver or use Impure Ice 1 Sec. 1B-27.1. Domestic standards. clement required. All equipment for the purposes set forth In the I,All Ice to be sold and delivered er te having or grinding preceding section without first ob-1 within Salt Lake Citytoy Ice on trucks or vehicles shall taint'. Dermlr from the board of e shall be pure and healthful Ice, kept clean and sanitary. hesifh to do so. I Hee Iran mallet tlelel¢rl°by t0 iec. 18-27 required Id. Covered sanitary Sec.18-27-29,Id.Labeling required.a health; nd suer Ice Is hereby tle• Mainers equlred for bed ke. Whenever any Impure Ice for pack-f fined to be Ice which,u0on chemical cubed.chiced oyshaved Ice shall Ing r coon g Purposes shall be sold F. a d bacterlolog fee eb n'lr 11r , ept sanitary containers o r dellvereda, the person selling or 1 shall be found Irian Itrales, Racles ich have been approved Cellveitve ch h e east ca a nitrites and athogenlc bacteria,end the health officer and saidr con VVly bf Infed aids hich hall 6 e,ran ix- b tinted le large legible lehen f r ietncnonoro=edths of cone its t --- - - - ire w°cos:"Ice rot packing nd 2 tree am pride aria nine e-nun- tamers and e'etaclr whit I' Ing purposes e only,not for domestic ! dremhs of o 'col Val end kept oared while me v¢e101t Is use."an suc p shell give to ante In She I pans aria In motion. a recipient of person ice. and 1 jmm respect to which the less on lgni- Sec. 18-27.17. Id.Requirements for for each customer and shall takeSr i n lion sall be less than one-half grinding operations.shaving. hip- thesamelime receipt from such 1 1 01 the total Tins,and the oxygen ping grinding operations shell be Ilet which.10 words shell • ed shall of ex tad two d r ieds or done In or st•Dlaces also be FF antd. consumed rs In on =titian. that ore free from dirt, Insects or a hoot 30. Pal. Bale of Impure n5ec 1&�76. Permit uit for tp taminaring material. Ice without compliance prohibited. sale. It shall be u lawful for any any Sac. 18-27.18. Water requirement, It sheen be unlawful forenv person r person ro sell y nice ffav a louse Wafer used In IOr Me anWec-i M II deliver y impue Ice e to house or io h hotels, s be tore of Ice shell dim from a for pecking or<oolihlg purposes provisions other places where such ice may 1 se Pagly approved by Ihel out Plying with the isions used In contact with articles of food source officer d shun be hay theed, f sections 1047-77 through 184749' f r drink without obtaining permit a Inclusive. -from board of health to do so. treated and stored so s to be pro SECTION 2. Sections 78-4-14 Sec.18-27•5.Application Mr permit. tented against contamination or pal- through 18-d-IB f mho Revised Application for permit shall be In. lun°n, Ordinances f Salt Lake City,Utah,d writing and filed with the board of Sec. 18-27-19.Contamination f do 2955, hereby ealemn health and hall contain the follow- stir ice prohibited.Ice which y' SECTION 3. Tn rho pointer Of Me t In information: be used In contact with articles of Board f Commissioners If Is lie- (ll Tee'lace Y premises where food r drink hal be delivered, essary to the peace, health, and I lien Ice is to be or rim been cut stored,kept r displayed In such a fety of he Inhabitants of Salt Lake I, s 99alneretl, manner as to event Its becoming City, Utah, Mat this ordinance be.r it or(2)The meant of delivery. polluted contaminated. come affective immediately. } (J)The location of storage thereof Sec. uuete20.Compliance required SECTION 4. This rdlnanca hall 1, laces from which such ice Is to for self-ccontained Ice plants, it shall take effect v its first publication.k d be delivered. be unlawful for any person to use Passed by the Board f Commis- (d)The quality of the Ice Intended 0 operate y self-contained Ice loners f Salt Lake City, Utah,h e to be eld. plan without any complying with MIS 16th day of June,.64. C Such apollcation shall be verified all the applewble provisions of this J.BRACKEN LEE E j by the oath f the applicant or ifl chapter mating the maintenance MAYOR „the applicant is firm orcorpora., andoperation of Ice plants,or the Herman J.Hogeensen T non b Me oath of member o the ecture,producing,selling,ells- Cl Recorder N n firm oran officer of the corporation, Ideation or haMBno of Ice Intended SEAL and the person verifying Inc Ppllca for sale commercial use. BIII N0.20 0l 22, L lan shall tale under oath that the Sec. 18-2721 Sanitary in conditions I published June 23,106e (C.78) r4 tattars stated In the application arerequired for handling In laces I rue. ness. It hall be lawful for Sec.i8-27.6.Permit 10s.The Permit any erson who maintains Sr r- fee far Ice permit hall be five les any place f business,or r+I^ ..iZ:^� A 1iheb tloliars able a eereY to Hon r commercial toted facility, " lie boartl of health and en. ed ee wherein Ice Isstored, handled or e, -It into the city treasurer. If any manufactured for food preservation, It be fusee,the Ie depposited or other similar use,to fail to keep �inall be rfurnee to ire a pllcant. such Ice In clean and sanitary con- _ 18.27-7.Sete f polluted COI amers or roc teeer ad protected il prohibited. It shall be nlawlul for from vermin,`prodents,files, Insects, nY person 0 sob or/Never any Ice dirt,dust d contamination. • domestic u wit the ear nay. sac. Melt d. plume. Tobwhi 'IncIg obtained permit mum eci do Ind if oily °gag Nn plWee hie •chapt the un r end I this a fly engaged aI the manufacturebao chances, and under any Ircu o- oy norm of Ice seat use robacer mstances, to sell or deliver,s ll tl e andn any form n ere leodr In any antic e, r Ico which shall have place d here Ica Is menu- - stream from any lake,f pond, fa S l 23, IN. where stew ,other body of ter, Sec.required. Id. Sanitary rubber nereva locarba wah IS dented boos rem nut All persons engaged by sewage,garbage,ashes,oan Yany {w the mars, overshoes N Ice rubber tvegetation, byre y ore roan ce + beers, na ore r r ecks ending r to o any w other sure and profs Oro°a roone brinerubbers,decks unhealthful, a1ke ordinolrto the stand d relshoe rs rubber boots Shal aid fixed by this chapter. maintained orIn clean condition, shall be kept in a protected Place and shall be worn for such specific st strse eet shoes)on stated. brinne decks Is hereby prohibited. 3f