38 of 1975 - amending section 25-4-5 deleting positions of Chief Inspector - Heating, Materials; Chief Inspector ROLL CALL /VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Ap it 9 ,19 25_ Mr.Chairman I move that the Ordinance be passed. Greener WI. Harmsen if; (1_,‘,,G'.t Ho_ vnscen i Q�C/J[*/\444)AN•i Phillips ✓ _ Result AN ORDINANCE .' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the "Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees". dated May 3, 1974, as adopted by Bill No. 108 of 1974, amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah: Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "Wage-and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees", dated may 3, 1974, as adopted by Bill No. 108 of 1974, amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: (a) By DELETING therefrom the positions of Chief Inspector- Building, Job code 4010, in Pay Class 21; Chief Official-Plumbing and Mechanical, Job Code 4011, in Pay Class2l, and Chief-Inspector- Heating, Materials, Job Code 4020, in Pay Class 20, under the title covering "Managerial and Professional" employees. (b) By ADDING the positions of "Supervising Building Official, in Pay Class 22, and Supervising Housing Official, in Pay Class 20, under the title covering "Managerial and Professional" employees. (c) By CHANGING the classification of Director, Building and Housing, from Pay Class 23 to Pay Class 24, under the title covering "Managerial and Professional" employees. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of April, 1975. 6Vleeet/};7134s.2171eil- Mayor� // City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO. 38 of 1975 Published April 15, 1975 38 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } ss. County of Salt Lake —"._ Sh r9riPayne AN ANCE AN ORDINANCE E AMENDING the "wane and Salary Administration Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver• Program for Salt Lake City Corporation tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) E:°pwve°e," doted May 9, 9A, a aPopt.b;-a of lllfNDa108of174,ame«lo-e newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- a"Lake City,Utah rulati.on in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Pe n of amm by me nea rd or commis, el SECTION I'rnn;tfte,Vsba and salary County,in the State of Utah. Administration Program+or salt Lake pro Cornorenon Employee:'dated malt J,19, o`ado°Iadbytislo,,.eP55 ay11°tea That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto n 74,as se 11°n aS<- orVinances of sag Lake City,Utah,Ie. e the soe hereby Is, ended '°"°"°' m 'am Published an ordinance amending the Wage mod_ Sal pry (a) by DELETING Inspector Bunn., the CPositions O or color Pav Class ?1'mg,yob one m1o, v pass v: chief OffCoiei 4011,I PayaCl M«1,and 1,hob AdministrationProgram etc. Cole inspoctor-1 In v Class al and Code HealCla M20,cedeiats,Job Code 4020,In PAY Cldss'A,ceder I.title "Manafi..aM Professional" IDl)OV A e(bl RGADD1 NGlhel,in y of andS ritrarli.pervisin[Molding In Pay Class al.. and Se0,undino Housing ONlelal,in C lass J0,undo Mdf{ikcmploy"Ma.y .r/at HANGING the employees. 1<1 Rv CHANGING I Housis_ilirom Pat Director,it3 D°Meingand Housing,from Pee Class as+°Pay bass aa,under Mr line g"Managerial and Professional"ssissronar, °SECTION s SELtI is a.er It opinion At 1"e Board .of CommissionersCe"`"'°°' °Is"�`'a`y t°'" was published in said newspaper on April 15, 1975 health d welfare of Inhabit b...Salt Lake City that Mle ordmo�Ke off ea.lmmmlalol la. • SECTION s,This°rmn.ore shall M. Pess°d by th e DoartlgrCutnmissionars °I Sad lgy,0 t . ,!lµfhu"'d Avril,19) MN DRr.O V.HICHAS, O,780119]5 11 IodA°rl1519/S Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April - A.D. l9 -75. Notary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978