39 of 1915 - Requiring Oregon Short Railroad Company for spur track to enlarge its viaduct across its railroad tr kti . SI' ) NI\kk-k) --1-01 f4aA;Ct-,A $/i tif r)... t.k.) U1/4AAKil1/4.41 ----kAl NLZI / IMAM a. Passed by by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ' , 1 City Recorder. Mayor _3 fit , ROLL CALL VO Yea No, 5 Salt Lake City,UtA4,--V` ^ J .... 191•„ 1'.JLL CAI T=` VOTING Yes No --- Salt Lake City, Utah, March S _ ___1915. Lawrence V,_._ Morris - / I move that the ordinance be passed.oth. W Shearman Y. .44111P �i ��1 Wells -- Mr.Chairman 4 - Result AN ORDINANCE .n ordinance requiring the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company to enlarge its viaduct across its railroad tracks at the intersec- tion of North Temple Street with Fourth West Street in Salt Lake City. WHEREAS, The Oregon Short Line Railroad Company owns and operates a railroad on Fourth West and other streets in Salt Lake u, City, State of Utah, which railroad runs from said City to other planes in said state and in other states, and daily employs in such service a large number of passenger and freight trains which are propelled by steam power over its numerous tracks "which cross North Temple Street at its intersection with Fourth West Street; and WHEREAS, A large number of the inhabitants of this pity reside on the west side of the said railroad tracks, whose business affairs require them by day and by night to cross said tracks on foot and in vehicles at the intersections of the streets aforesaid, and the said traffic in both directions has been and now is very large and is increasing; and WHEREAS, In the year 1907, the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, recognizing the danger in life, limb and property to persons obliged to cross as aforesaid the tracks of the said rail- road company, and with a view to protect the public against said hazards, constructed a viaduct on and along said North Temple Street over said Fourth West Street, said viaduct beginning on said North -1- 1 Temple Street at its intersection with Third West Street, and ex- tending thence west about twelve hundred feet on said North Temple Street, said viaduot having a roadway about twenty-three feet wide, and a sidewalk about six feet wide on the south side of said i roadway, and said roadway carrying double street-oar traoks; and WHEREAS, The said viaduct was at the time of its construction and ever since has been inadequate for the traffic and travel on and along said North Temple Street intended to be served by it, an has now become totally insuffioient for such purpose, to the great delay and inconvenience of the public, and to its danger in life, 1 . limb and property: NOW THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. It is necessary for the protection of the public, and the oonvenienoe and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City demand, that the aforesaid viaduot along North Temple Street over the tracks of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company on Fourth West Street be widened, enlarged and improved as herein- after prescribed. SECTION 2. The said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company is hereby direoted and required to reconstruct, improve and enlarge, and thereafter to maintain, at its own expense, the viaduct hereto- fore built by it along North Temple Street, in Salt Lake City, Ut4, east and west on said street across said oompany's railroad traoks situated between the west side of Third West Street and the west j side of Fourth West Street; said structure shall be of a height sufficient to permit safety clearance for all railroad purposes and for general surface traffic at cross streets and for power transmission lines; on the north side of the existing viaduct a w one shall be built of a width sufficient for a roadway twenty- ti f:-.„ feet wide between curbs and for a sidewalk six feet wide on the north side thereof; the grades of the approaches of the road 1,/ ! 1 i/ f -2- . • way and sidewalks on each side shall not exceed seven per Dent; at eaoh street in#erseotion there shall be a flight of steps on each side leading to the street, and the sidewalk approaches at eaoh en. shall be in incline conforming to the grade of the roadway; the existing approaches to the viaduct shall be widened and straitened so that the reconstructed viaduct shall have a total width of road- way of at least fifty feet, and a sidewalk on each side thereof atll least six feet wide; the sidewalk on the south side of the existing structure shall be reconstructed of cement instead of plank, and shall be extended at the west end on the same grade with the road- way till it meets the street grade, and the west approach of the completed structure shall be extended westward approximately seventy • feet to meet the grade of the street; the new structure shall be constructed either of a steel skeleton with creosoted wooden floor joists and creosoted wooden sub-base, or of reinforced concrete throughout, and either type of construction adopted shall conform to the standard specifications for the material eipployed, and no wooden railings shall be used; the new roadway added shall be designed and constructed for ordinary road traffic, inoluding that of a fifteen-ton road-roller or motor trunk, and the completed structure shall provide for proper drainage; there shall be a re- inforced concrete curb on the north side of the new roadway; Mut the surface of the roadway on the main portion of the new structure or wherever the grade permits, shall be of oreosoted wooden blocks, and on the approaohes either stone blocks or bituminous concrete shall be laid, and any base where stone blocks or bituminous con- orate is laid shall be of oonorete six inches thick; wooden blocks shall be laid on creosoted sub-timbers four inches think. and suoh. sub-timbers shall be laid on oreosoted floor-joists five inches by sixteen inches in dimension; all sub-timbers and floor-joists shall receive a creosote treatment of twelve pounds per cubic foot, and all wooden blocks a creosote treatment of sixteen pounds per -3- I I • ii cubic foot, and shall be thoroughly dry and free from sap before being treated, and all wooden blocks, stone blocks or bituminous concrete used in the construction of the toadway shall meet the requirements of standard specifications for such oonetruotion; pro- vision shall be made for the installation of neoessary lighting poles and the necessary wiring of the same for lights, and provision shall also be made by bridging or other suitable means to prevent smoke from riming between the two portions of the completed etruot e. SECTION 3. All columns, pillars or supports of the super- structure necessarily required to be planed in any part of the street hall be so constructed and placed as not to interfere materially with the public traffio and use of such streets, and to maintain intaot the City Creek Aqueduct; and all work pertaining to the construction of the viaduct shall be done to meet the approval of the City Engineer and the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. SECTION 4. The plans and specifications for the construction of said viaduct shall be made and provided by the said railroad oompany within sixty days after a copy of this ordinance shall hav been served upon the said company, and thereupon within said time presented to the City Engineer and the Board of Commissioners of said city for their approval. When said plane and specifications are approved by the City Engineer and Board of Commissioners, the said railroad company shall within two months thereafter begin the construction of said viaduct, and thereafter continuously oarry on said work of construction, and complete the same in such time as it may reasonably do, but in any event, shall finish the entire work within rW x.w months from the date of the service of thi ordinance upon said company. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon publication II thereof. rjelLeft„ -4- I it I Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, March ---- 1915. .-- II a y o r . , y Recorder. !e. ' . . , i- . .,,, •,1 :z7, .-c 4,- (0 .:, c.--„,,,, —'''' li ::: 0, 5 : — ...s.., •„' s, i i 5' :1) , , rt)N4', 'F' '') ' 43q „..5, ,-, tn ) T. , „ :: it 0 sl, ,,Q. 1.... • ;r • 1 Due service of certified covf the within and foregoing ordinance hereby admitted this /c7, — day of APRIL A.D.1915. SD----8-_,-Q_LA.----0.- Vice President & General Manager Oregon Sho tLine Railroad Co. _7 1! , i • .. • , 0 a-..,1 .T. J-1 aP. To a-larroknal-runo0 lo i.r1 AOC. 9 i it 7 d liiaaaci . .aJCI. • %. . ..--•,-‘ - \ fi C) . _. . 1 o v, a er'! . . ••L, 1 — CI' ^ e--7 .,. -•.` r''''" it":", •,('-'---'.= 5,--i ' rC:i. '''' .6 _ '"---- t...) -7.1 p- ,.. V cj o, m i,. f.:---7 ,, z••:.; :c. ';',-, ,•-i„ :::i......ev ,L,,,,•\..,t71's ,"''. c.--•(j;T; ._._ 0 '• '.':.Cfa — • <C.fa — ,, . -- 0 cs, to ES i'44.&'',. 4 I 1 0 • 0 • &('' 0 C': . 7 ....- 47 el 7.,• .i:c-,,:....c2' 'i, .•:. c.. ;;.t i.,•, ,..1' 1-c -.,..:,,,.; S,,,,,i:It,-J.•:,:'''• '-.1,' .--:".i 7 T.:-r7 53.14:1 ,-; •, H2.144(-4.,!'. Wif.`3,... "!:;-: ••• 'I. - .•,.L. '2 t•• .).?LIH ,• , ' ,. .• f..)ry.“ii.U7.,.• •••,-. „ _„,, ,.,., ,..0. • --,-.(.. , c_-_,4 ..c._):) Jileb.L1317q o .iV .c. bac.T.U.•-•..', all.ii ,1.1. 3 ,',-.-,, :.'r:., ' s )\ •', ) •,..' T• • . .