39 of 1926 - Dedicating tract of land for maintenance of monument by Spirit of Liberty Chapter , D.A.R. ROLL CALL VOTINCs AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Oct. 18, 192 6 Burton - - - —_ I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr > Finch • Moran Mr.Chairman - - Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE Ri SRRVINCF AND DEDICATING a tract of land for the purpose of maintaining a monument erected by the spirit of Liberty- Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in honor'of the fur trappers and traders of the west. Re it ordained by the 5oard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the following described tract of land lying and being with the. limits of Salt Lake City be and the same is hereby reserved and dedicated to the use and for the purpose of maintaining thereon a granite monument which has been erected thereon by the Spirit of Libertg Chapter, Daughters of the tmeri- can Revolution in honor of and commemorating the arrival of the fur trappers and traders in Salt Lake Valley, to-wit: Beginning at a point 5.90 feet south and 73.44 feet west of the city monument at the intersection of 2nd West and Beck streets, tialt Lake pity; thence southerly 4.40 feet; thence westerly 2.42 feet; thence northerly 4.40 feet; thence westerly 2.42 feet to place of beginning. The,fur traders and trappers thus commemorated are; James Iridger, Etienne Provot and Je±idiah 3. Smith of ,;illiam N. Ashley's party who.;arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in the spring of 1825. James Bridger discovered Great Salt Lake in 1824 and tra)per the streams of this region in 1825 and subsequent years. Dedidiah 6. Smith with Garrison G. Gogers and others passed through here in August, 1826. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner.°1, 39 it is necessary to the health, y)eace and set;, of the inhabitants of L,alt Lake Oity that this ordinance take e-i-ect immediately. SECT'IOk a. his ordinance shall take e-2 cot uDon its first publication. o .° 41‘4 kassed by the 3oard of LJommist.lioners of salt Lake Utah, this d=.y of 192o. ,.ayor. ? comer. I [ I t • • sox t e" •. tv i - I I-�