39 of 1930 - Amending Section 24, relating to selling jewelry by auction ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, Oct.._k4, , 193.0...
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr ,p ,1(/ �i�_.zsf��✓l��
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 24 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners on December 9th, 1924, as amended by an
ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on October 14th, 1930,
relating to selling jewelry by auction.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Sectioh 24 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on December 9th, 1924, as amended by an ordi-
nance passed by the Board of Commissioners on October 14th, 1930,
relating to selling jewelry by auction, be and the same is hereby
!" amended to read as follows:
unlawful for any person to sell or dispose of or offer for sale
in Salt Lake City, Utah, at public auction, or to cause or per-
mit to be sold, disposed of, or offered for sale,at public auc-
tion in Salt Lake City, Utah, any platinum, gold, silver, or
plated ware, or precious stones, or semi-precious stones, or
watches or clocks or jewelry or china or glassware, whether the
same shall be his own property or whether he sell same at auc-
tion, as agent or employee of others; provided however, that
this section shall not apply to judicial sales or sales by
executors or administrators, nor to sales by or in behalf
of licensed pawnbrokers of unredeemed pledges in manner .
provided by law, nor to sales at public auction of stock on
hand of any person, that shall have been continuously in busi-
ness in Salt Lake City, Utah, as a retail or wholesale mer- H
chant of platinum, gold, silver or plated ware or precious
stones, or semi-precious stones, or watches or Block§ or
jewelry or china or glassware, for the period of one year
next preceding 'such sale; provided further that such sale
at public auction of the stock on hand of such merchant or
merchants shall not be fed or replenished in anticipation of
such auction sale, and that said auction sale shall be held
on successive days, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, and
shall not continue for more than thirty days during the period
of one year, nor between the hours of six o'clock p. m. and
eight o'clock a. m., nor shall any such auction sale be held
between the 13th day of December and the 31st day of December,
both dates inclusive, and no license shall be issued granting
the right to hold such auctiofybetween the 13th day of Decem-
ber and the 31st day of December, both dates inclusive, in
any one year.
It shall be unlawful for any retail or wholesale merchant
or pawnbroker or other person to sell or dispose of or offer
for sale in Salt Lake City, Utah, at public auction any plati
num, gold, silver or plated ware or precious stones or semi-
irecious stones or watches or clocks or jewelry or china or
glassware, without first obtaining a specific license so to do.
The license as aforesaid shall not be valid for any other
public or private auction and the fee therefor shall be $10.00
per day, payable in advance for each day such business shall
continue. Each applicant for such license shall file bond wit
corporate surety in like manner and for the same amount as an
auction house owner as set forth in Section 20 of Chapter 3 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920. ,• ;
1 —3—
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is Necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of SalU Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of, Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of l w A.D. 1930
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IA A - -- ,
City Recorder.
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
I, kiln..Eveleigb. being first duly
4' 11-vtut _ b... .. ,..„,. lid
Me',.. BIN 0 -Pr SIANG plior;[ft suor,* uteno ,.11 say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
1,C.V,VO4,,4','0 the emtd. .10.41-inn Iv' corpc,roo-.ear
-eo,--0--,,....s,,,At Lake 'City,' Utah,pia ' 4 foe tint,same amoynt.eel
•;3 3, 'as,amended,by an ordinance an knotio'.house owner,as.6t forth t.„,,.”
,the Board of,.Commis-ip Section,2q-of Chapter 3 of the Ein-e-w..t'aper of general circulation, published every day
ell erson-.:.Pecerober 3th, 193,4„,la viand Ordinances of-Salt,Lake Citin
'' I:at tortiOance pesseir by Utah, MP. '
ll,..i,t.A d.of'Conlritissioners pn,....00,,SECTION,2. In,the opinion of the) State of Utah.
: .s.A:.tr• uso, tele:414 te-lelenitt Board of orntnissioners, It is norm-
;" iti:4:Yit:k-.!41 Vtgrb;the naq,e of the peace,Or Valt Vit:agg
wiao9oera'of salt Ls44 1..-..uat the Irdln.nee.shall take orient.
. 4,.cTrobr 1. That Section,24,.of .sEcTIM 3.-This ordinance ahear,ice . An.Ordinance..3111.# 39
cki'.'it.'tr fig,hVe4g,.?iiltflil,.1,14.q'r..,,k,Lffr I.,,,,,Th,...il;,,,,..firrr of o=
v. passed bY We,,-Board Of isionfra:oft Salt Lake City,Utah,this'
„rwro=„d:cin,,,ivt-Zar4 2,511,.':A".1"J°091W-P::VA:MIX:
r '40 Vibe Board of.001nadOion- '•,•', Nt,,,,..,,
'..ft"1104;?,..P'jleTr'iitit 19,3,,L l'eut4g,s vanv..,xlariDoxAt..33, our no,
''''' „,t,'.01.6.1ertorar,),ex.ttga%ta IMV.-114d se.;„,,;• . . -. , -...,,
,1:-.e.- i:11°2-_ sifiihq., v. -'."':it'4.,et**-,1g,-128'1
,-....-4..ty 1‘04,lebt.,. .tt ,t//^ he
g••;e_'.oi'"-te.-ekrP'413P0114' : 4
lir, tsitv,°Utah, atf°pulmee anction!
0:Vail's°*orPernolt.to be paid,,
I red of, or S
offered Pr eatke'iat,
lie *lotion in alt, LOCO.'CITY, of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
tiih,-any platinum, gold, silver,tr,
,..Or 4ewelry-or'china or.glass-, paper in its issue dated the .48:t.b. day of —Oct ober.... 19.30.,
,10; 11, not the.tainn anal!Jte,his,
livn:rltreltert or whether he bell
et.'Att,an thin; as Root.0•ett4•••
loPecrizt pt et's:,111,
0 r l,thlt, a tion ll not app13, to and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
,p,,cis/.!tiale or.saleS b`y-exeNtOrs,
t•ltbilair g isc'Z',,,:r coma or,
-,eek a one4.pledges In Manner pro-. ***Alt***
,,,--,t1 1,1,late,'nor tO Sale§ at pulana. for ******
tion be-Steck on hand,of boo'Poe-.
54.: that,:saall have been continu-
. lnY,ltr,tel In Salt Lake,City,
,„I tau,:ns.a.retail or'WhOlegale tuer-1 thereafter, the full period of One Insertion
ututt,...? --1,4tillun-1, gold, elver,ori
•Ineke,or Jewelry or'china or,
Are; for'tbe'period .of.,one, ear, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..113th.....•
fr mitt,-preedtpg such sale; prodded
natter,-that such sale at publlo atm-
on,,nft"the latck.en hInd of such,.
, ,rolatlit er n-nerchanfs„shall not be! tb
-replerlished in antiEiptttlan,of day of Ocoer.. A. D. 19.40..
u011 auction sale,and that saidlanc-i
P'Sate shall'be held onOOesalvor,
all!sedStldr's:0111-igti ein'Sggla•Et;I
; Ik,-.-4 r-r--6,--1---
, ik,,,,,o4,...ni.,not,-artaff-saii,1110 ,
On,saie be held,between the lath.
.e.y„Of,December and the stat,day.of, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...6th. day of
.Ooraber, both dates Inclusive, and;
,,,,Iteetteer shall bee Issaedia;ns,
At.An hold Met ttltet ' le,,s,a
or.t,..., t4An 13th ta.,:or 0 --o/ Noverab.er.
./6,ut..:.t .thle Of Deeem er,•ot .• •
'ia as Inaltelve, lnl anY 040 y rthll Y44,4,‘ .sa be molawful for anY,retall /
ettektheteeele merchant or paTttibro-
P40,of or offer for sale in Salt Lake,
cm,,,'Utaib at ld publIc auction'ttnY Notary Public.
plattneni,to :silver or plated Ware
'pr'Preelotal,atonee ot, sentt-preo
stones,-,or.watche.or clots 04'enr-
elry"orl,china or tlaesware, witC7 b
'first-,obtatning a-speelao,lles ,ei My commission expires .Nov .25,.1933. .
lo-.do.,-The licenee fee-ail ttf ereal
ehall-net°40:valid be'ant,otli ,l r,t Oh.
tin 4VIltro"amoo",1V °
tCC It
Advertising fee, $
',.. .r.x/t inA,Pta-ri7r4 ..',.,C.,';. rqg
_, ..mir.
III li
- 71-
7 ,
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
. c.)
Entry No.
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
'SECTION 24 of Um Revised Oral-,
'Minces of Oalt Lake City Utah I920.
as Wended by all ordinal o p self
by the Hard of Commissioners owl
I��ffieomber 9th, 1924, as amended tis beingfirst
at,ordinance passed' ct
byy the
erBoardi 1, Mlle•SP•eleigh duly
f Commissioners o
19,;elating.to.nailing Jewelry bYI
Bechtordained by the Beard oClp sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
ICommismoners.of Salt Lake City'
SECTION 1,, That Section 24
the Revised Ordinances of Salt I. TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
City, Utah, 1920, as amended by a
ordinance passed by ,the Board
Commissioners on December 9th,1924, at Salt Lake City, State of Utah,
as amended.by an ordinance Passed
by the Board of Oolnmiasioners on
October 14th, 1920,relating to selling
welry by auction,be and the same'
hereby amended,to-reed as fol.] That the notice All.OrAli.uaAQe.bill.#,39.
1 be
ELRY unlawful for any person.to„sell or
dispose of or offer fe...sale in'Salt.
Lake City,.Utah;at".public auctfon,�
or to cause or o ui lilt to'be sold,
disposed of, or ffete,f r sale at
public auction 1n Salk Lake City,
lUtah, any platinum, gold, 'sliver, Cl
'plated ware„or precious r watches tones, or
semi-precious atones
plocks or jewelry or•chtfta or giass-
pi�sa, ter a0 gga�iPn1s peril he.,
Tii"Fow bt'RttetOet••'Ite'add
same aY 1uch , ad t, or
hoses of th ;provfled.how0 oi,,
hat.this n,'for shall,not apply to
nal dmin sirntore,n`uoerlto by
a nt r of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
yby or,
behalf of licensed—pawnbrokers or":
nredeemed pledges.in:manner pro-
hied byo law, nor to—sales-at Public
notion f stock on hand of any per•' paper in its issue dated the .29th. day of ...October.... 19. 0•
on, that shall hale 0 been continu-j
°sly In business 1n.Salt Lake.CBS',.)
fah, of a'aiinlh or who, silver ear:11
n,—geld, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
laced ware or-..precious Stones, or
I/semi-precious toner-qr.watches or.'
clocks or Jewelry o china Cr glass-
ware, for the period of one year i ******** for ********
next preceding such sales; provided
further that such sale at public auc,
don f the stock on hand of such
merchant or merehailts span not be .the full period of
fed or replenished in an'tielpation of thereafter, —One.I•neert•ion.
such auction
helld ond said mic
uc essive
days, Sundays and':legal holidays -
inter°a, and pan.day during for the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the E9t11., ...
Imoto than e yea days b during the
',hours o4 one year, nor between the
hours of's 1. nor shall
� m. and eight
o'clock s la.e r s bst any each sue- ;ibex.don sale be held b twthe the 12th Oct A. D. 193L1..
say t December,
bat'and'the slat say day of
of. December, both dates inclusive;
o�license shall be leaved"grant-
ire the right,oto hold'saoh auction
I betwe t}l0' t d daY D e
amber and the Blsf day of Dec m
el both datep,,,111c1ph1Ve )9 any one •. ..
j ap•
10-'tu are4s sw�s `leaEJ 6th. day of
r Wholesale perchant pawner°.
pore or other ,son ale maser Lake Subscribed and sworn to before me this
JClt Utah, at*public auction any
,platinum, gol,silver or plated are 9.
precious stones r-seml•preclous Novem bar♦ A — 7
etones or watches or clocks Or Jew-
el y or china or glassware, without /
first obtaining a specific license s
Ito do. The license as:aforesaid shall ��- ��Gi^
not be.valid for any other public or i!
private auction pad the fee therefor Notary Public.
shall bs $10.00-peg day, Parable in
advance for seen day'such business
shall continue. Each'applicant for
such lice ee shalt file bend with eor- Nov. 2b, 1933.
Poste surety twills"'Manner and for My commission expires
the same amount as apt aaction.house'
owner, as set t',e f(orth tpp §action 20 of
enter a of Cuvieed-Ordinances
:sale Lake Cltj^r1T tab,ass. •
'SECTION 2..,In•the,opinion of the Advertising fee, $
Board-of Commlealetters,it•I,necee-
sary to the Peace, health and safety/
of.the inhabitants.of Salt"Lake'City'
that this ord(nanc" shall take'fleet
In medf tely — "
This shall
take e t up BC-firstOrdinance publication
Passed by tp. poted o ,c012.n14-
s W,ee o a pen U a fr -Ir i .
o of 3 f
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
9 ,
• County
Entry No.