39 of 1935 - Amending Chapter VIII, relating to meat inspection. Re,108
VOTING AYE NAY f" Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
Goggin - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lee Mr. Chairman A ORDINANCE
[aN ORDINANCE; AMENDING. Cri1.'Td4, VII, ioevised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to Board of Health, by adding
in and. to said. Chapter a new Seetion to be [caor.n as Section 165X,
relating to meat inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
[IECTIOb I. That Chapter VII, devised Ordinances of
Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to Board of Health, be and. the
same is hereby amended, by adding in and to said Chapter a new
Section to be known as Section 165X, relating to meat inspection,
which shall read. as follows:
SEC. 165X. (a) In order to meet the expense of the
regulation and inspection cf meat as 'provided. for in :article
4, Chapter VII, of these ordinances, the Board. of Health
shall charge and collect fees according to the following
(b) Inspection: furnished at the plant, slaughter
house or place of business for more than four hours every
working day of a calendar month a fee of One Hundred Twenty-
five Dollars der month, payable one-half on the 15th day and
one-half on the last day of each month.
(c) Inspection furnished at the plant, slaughter
house or place of business for four hours or less every work-
in„ day of a calendar month a fee of 062.60 per month, pay-
Plc one-half on the 15th daysand one-half on the last day of
each month.
(d) Inspection_ furnished at the plant, slau;;hter
house or place of business a ' the hour, a fee of $!';.70 per
hour, the time for which the fee shall be charged to commence
when the inspector leaves the Board of Health and end when he
!returns, payable one-half on the 15th day and one-half on the last
relay of each month; provided that such fees payable by any one
!person, firm or corporation shall not exceed $125.00 in any one
calendar month.
(e) In all other inspections a fee of twenty-five cents
Iper head shall be charged at the time of the inspection and approval.
X (f) t4e E.oarg Health a4y;designste a suitable place
in Cal t Lake City. where'"any chegp, laibs, goats or calves slaughter-
- out side of daft whke:ajt3� e y be brot, ht for inspection
s eel„ .na a.a prov s * the pa74 of,$ea l xi,.
G SECi d 2 ,.In the h 3t i3On or the Board. of Commissioners,
it is necessar 1 po the 1; ?i a th dad safety of the inhabitants I
,era x . 1,, '',
ofsalt Lake City that z �brdinance 4hall take effect immediately.
SLCTF0N 3. Thi ordinAnce leh411 take effect at once upon.
'its first publication.
Passed by the - ar. of Commissioners of ._ .t Lake City,
Utah, this 27th day of ,August - 1935.
'ity B.ecor er. --
Deputy y He—corder-
k -wok .1 •
.124 ;
0 is_ 4p,
of ca :c
r- t
nutf ntIJithltrattott
3hattrb *tars of America
- -
An ordinance amending Chap-
ter VII,Revised Ordinances of HARRY WOLFF
Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,relat-
ing to Allard of Health,by add.
- ing in and to said chapter a new
section to be known as Section being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
166X,relating to meat inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah: of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
Section 1. That Chapter VII,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1934, relating to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Board of Health, be and the
same is hereby amended by add-
ing in and to said chapter a new AN ORDINANCE
165X, to be known as Section That the Notice ----
165X,relating to meat inspection,
which shall read as follows: BOARD OF HEALTHSec. 165X. (a) In order to
meet the expense of the regula-
tion and inspection of meat as
provided for in Article 4,Chap-
ter VII,of these ordinances,the
Board of Health shall charge
and collect fees according to the
following schedule:
(b) Inspection furnished at
the plant, slaughter house or
place of business for more than
working hours every working day of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
of a calendar month a fee of
One Hundred TNenty-five Dol-
lars per month, payable one- paper in its issue dated the.-.2Rth
half on the 16th day and one-
half on the last day of each
month. A'TGPST 193_.._�
(c) Inspection furnished at day of
the plant, slaughter house or
prdce of business for four hoora published less every working day of'a and was in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
calendar month a fee of$62.50
one-half on
he 16th dayr month,payable and one-half on AUGUST 20th• for
the last day of each month.
(d) Inspection furnished at
the plant, slaughter house or
place of business by the hour, thereafter,the full period of.O. ---(-1)--IA?SERTIOh
a.fee of$0.70 per hour,the time
for which the fee shall be
charged to commence when the the last publication thereof
inspector leaves the Board of
Health and end when he re-
turns,payable one-half on the 28t h day of
15th day and one-half on the being in the issue dated the. -
last day of each month;provid-
ed that such fees payable by,
any one person, firm or cor- AUGUST ,A.D 935
poration shall not exceed$125.00
in any one calendar month.
(e)In all other inspections a Lt
fee of twenty-five cents per
head shall be charged at the
time of the inspection and ap-
proval. 29th day of
(f)The Board of Health may, to before me this
designate a suitable place in
Salt Lake City where any sheep,
lambs,goats or calves slough-
-tered outside of Salt LakeCity, August A.D.1935
may be brought for inspection
and approval by the Board of
Section 2.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, it is Notary Public.
necessary to the peace, health _i
and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordi-
nance shall take effect immedi-
Section 3. This ordinance shall
take effect at once upon its first
Passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 27th day of August,
A.D.1935. Advertising fee $
City Recorder.
Frank A.Shields, Chief Dep-
uty City Recorder.
Bill No.39.
Published August 28,1830.
MR *aft /Calm Zributte
Entry No
jr -7^'* L-