39 of 1941 - Amending Section 1382, traffic and travel, speed. ROLL CALL VOTING 42� Salt Lake City,Utah, SEP —9 1941 194 Go$ain I move that the ordinance be passed. KeTier - - Mad,eson 6/a•` Mr.Chairman - - - -- DINANCE Result - _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1382 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1382 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new subsection in subdivision (b) thereof to be known as 3, which shall read as follows: "3. THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR. Redwood Road 1000 ft. south of 21st South Street north to the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad tracks at 9th South Street; provided, however, that the speed limit from 500 feet south of California Avenue to 500 feet north of California Avenue on said Redwood Road shall be 25 miles per hour. 21st South Street from 300 west to Redwood Road.+ SECTION 2. That Section 1382 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding a new subsection to paragraph num- bered 2 of Subdivision (d) thereof to be known as (a-1), which shall read as follows: 11(a-1) THIRTY MILES PER HOUR. 21st South Street from State Street to 300 Aest.TM SECTION 3. That Section 1382 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby further amended by amending subsection (d) of paragraph numbered 2 of Subdivision (c) thereof to read. as follows: , --- 4f 0 � "(d) FIFTY MILES PER HOUR. Beck Street from a point 500 Feet north of its inter section with Victory Road, thence north to the city limits. North temple from the Jordan River bridge west to a point 500 feet east of 23rd West Street. 1 ' North temple from a point 500 feet west of ,C3rd West Street to the city limits." SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, jit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants r 'of Salt Lake City;t'nat this ordinanc become of ctive immediately. is SECTION . This finance s ll t keceE'ect upon its first rIpublication. ` , • 4-1 rs Y e�.m.e.-'-• Passed ithe;Boarf of Comm ss ners 71,';nSalt Lake C'ty, Utah, this _1 ay of 'te r A �.404I. Mayor. Cityecorder. j! R! I li I is I If j 1 I li t! `s IP +, • ' ' • - ' r . r • rn PIN "9 a it t r41 116. :NJ •• • N. "1%-.C.',;% \ - °"..6 . n ir \‘•,. , , • Proof of ilJuhltration 33niteti Mates of Anterira STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN INANCE I M.CONIi:OR AN ous 'yak A No 8SC.. the1 Boardsv' ak rd( �e pd9aetl by e e o June 2Gtilga4 L No 31, re-. being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of H .lt, t>.i a 'l Streets.. ml ,401, 1 t n d of Com- sgb lv Utahc a'i r i �� of con THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake nn.Sill }•'18nate- t A4el P-;./t and hereby a d j , S(ne le tton in' $ j� e° ) reorL. City,State of Utah, }'.S b M ad .1s 3 THIR' ;;' nN ORDIN'NCE AMENDING SECTION 21stteawood:. ,i.. An les de alt L north lro kolt That the Notice Angeles South Lake R,allroe Cke ever,that the speed lliimitdio'm°sou 1382. BILL #39 feet south f California Ave a to 500 feet north of California Avenue n said Redwood Road shall be 25 miles per hour. 21st South Street from 300 West to Redwood Road." SECTION 2. That Section 1382 of an ordinance passed by the Board of COm- mtasionors m June 26,1941,designated 9'a 1 No. 31, relating to traffic and noroby fu r ther on ts, be and the same is su bsectherion to amended by adding z°af sectvleloo paragraphen numbered of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- SuknOwn as (a-1), which shall rend as follows: 1t1uterStsSee21s Soh9 et MILES e Street paper in its issue dated the 10th to 300 West." SECTION 3. That Section 1382 of n: ordinance passed by the Board of com 19341 nrtsioners on June 26,1941,designated SEPTEMBBR as travel Bill o No. 31. relating to traffic and .streets, be and the same is day of hereby further ainended py amending a hie si n(d)lup psi sine eroi io°eua and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on as follows: r Bee"Idk PIETY from MILES point 5 0 f PER ee SEPTL3 m 10 north or Its Intersection With vie- for tory Road, thence north to the city limits. North Temple from the Jordan 1 TIME river bridge west to a point 500 feet thereafter,the full period of east of 23rd West Street.; North Temple from a point 500 feet west of 23rd West Street to the °Sty limits." the last publication thereof Ed of 4. In the opinion oI the Board Of the peace, hews. 1t 19 n sefer of the inhabitants of health Lake eClty 10t h that this Ordinance become effective being in the issue dated the day of immediately. SECTION 5. Its h ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publication. Passed by the Beard of Commission- EEPT )IB ,A.D.19341 s'of Salt Lake City. Utah, this ee- `�^ day of September,A.D.1991. ' // �_P_✓✓"w" AB JENKINS,MA ONAL (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD, • Bill No. 39. City Recorder. Published 8epteinber 10th,1941, Suscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of SEPTE4BER , A. D. 19341.-. Notary Public. My commission expires Nov.25,1941 Advertising fee$ 4ofi' • PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 'MIt 4 akr Ir1rgram • County Entry No