39 of 1947 - Amending Chapter I adding Section 141 relating to sickness, disability and death benefits for employ VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson !.- Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . A 0 INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMMENDING CHAPTER I of the Revised Ordinances of Sa1t. Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to said chapter a section to be known as Section 141 relating to administration. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter I of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 141 relating to administration, which shall read as follows: "SECTION 141. SICKNESS, DISABILITY, AND DEATH BENEFITS FOR EP:NPLOYEES. (a) There is hereby established a system for the payment to appointive officers and employees of Salt Lake City, including heads of departments, of sickness, dis- ability, and death benefits to be financed, administered, and payable upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained. (b) As of _:larch 18, 1947, all regularly employed appointive officers and employees of Salt Lake City (includ- ing heads of departments but excluding temporary and seasonal employees) shall be eligible to participate in a group insur- ance plan in conformity with and under the terms of a contract for group insurance covering the said officers and employees of Salt Lake City entered into by and between Salt Lake City and the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, a corpora- tion of the State of Indiana authorized to do business in the State of Utah, and effective :arch 18, 1947, the said insurance providing for the payment of the following benefits: 1. Payment of the sum of : 1000.00 to the estate or designated beneficiary upon death; -2- 2. Payment of the sum of 0_000.00 in case of acci- dental death or loss of two specified body members and for half that sum for loss of one specified body member, where such accidental death or loss of members or member is not compensable under workmen's compensation statutes of the State of Utah; 3. Payment of 15.00 per day hospital expense for a maximum of thirty-one days for any one continuous period of hospital confinement and a sum not to exceed . 50.00 for special hospital charges; 4. Payment of surgical expense in the maximum amount of ;,.225.00 according; to schedule of payments for various surgical operations designated in said contract. (c) The cost of maintaining said group insurance shall be borne one half by the appointive officers and employees eligible and electing to be covered thereby and one half by Salt Lake City, the officers' and employees' share to be with- held monthly from their wages or salaries, Salt Lake City having the administrative responsibility to make payment to the said insurance company; provided, however, that as to the premiums payable to May 1, 1947, such premiums will be paid by Salt Lake City and no pay roll deductions from wages or salar- ies of employees or officers shall be made on account of such premium; provided further, that any appointive officer or employee on leave of absence without pay shall pay to the City the full amount of the premium during such leave of absence for the period he is insurable under the contract, but upon his return shall automatically be entitled to the insurance on the half cost basis. (d) All present appointive officers and employees elect- ing to be covered by said insurance plan shall forthwith exe- cute an application therefor upon forms to be furnished, and all future appointive officers and employees electing to be covered by said insurance shall execute application therefor -3- at the time of his permanent appointment. Any present appoint- ive officer or employee who elects not to be covered by said insurance plan shall execute forthwith a waiver upon forms to be furnished and all future appointive officers and employees electing not to be covered by said insurance plan shall exe- cute a waiver thereof at the time of appointment, provided, however, that temporary or seasonal employees need not exe- cute such waiver." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health, and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordnance shall take effect upon its first publication. f, Passedp by the Board of Commissions of Salt Lake City, Utah, this y9 day of r D. 194.7. yor City Recorder 39 , '19-1 Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED APR 291947 CITY RECORDER first Publication in Cal RECORDER • • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss County of Salt Lake Legal Notices •.-s'+-"-- AN'ORDINANCE • AN—ORDINANCE AMENDING • CHAPTER 1-of the Revised Ordi- _I L I41 I.adding too said chapter Ockey new section to be known as Section ' 141 relating to administration. Be It ordained by the Board of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: • SECTION 1.That Chapter I of the Revised ordinance, of Salt Lake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper City,Utah,1944,be and the same heychapte a eabn 5eadding in and tlon to said to published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State be known as Section 141 relating to administration,which shall read as folows: of Utah. SECTION 141. SICKNESS, DIS- ABILITY, FOR EMPLOYEES.A(a)TH R There�is • hereby established a system for the employee o[appointive officers ers and That the advertisement leg heads of depaa.wnnts, f sick- - dissbllty, d death of Ordinance Bill No 39 to.ae financed,and a redo a gable upon the administered, erms d"nth- lb)its her01 Marc t1947s. ulcriy.e PloMyedhppointive offic 1947,all ers Salt rake ity Corporation and employees of Salt Lake City(in- eludtng heads of departments but excluding temporary and seasonal anal employees)shall be eligible to par- ttcfpate 1n a groupand Maur..e plan in conformity with under the ' terms of a contract for group In- vering the Id officers • ana employees of Salt Lake City en- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the tared into by ana oetweev Salt Lake City and the Lincoln National Lift dam y.a coupma11% A.D. 19 "Mrdo busta5 aI Ithe State f Utah. day of ,,.an• d ae fectiveea-IDarch 8, 1947, the ' Said Insurance so!ding for the pay- ment of the following benefits: Apr 30, 1947 I.Payment of the sum of a1000.00 and was published to the estate or designated berm- . Notary upon death: 2.Payment of n of the end at 81000.00loss the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the in of fthe s death loss f two specified body members arid for halt.that sum for loss of o specified body member, here such I/.�� A.D. 19 !dental death or loss of members day of ember 1s not eompnsable under / thor workmen's compensation statutes of e State otah: �CC= Z2 �� 3.Payment of WOO per day hos- tool it a pevse for a axlmum of u?a nevi foh a l' one - Advertising Clerk period u hospital confine- t and p not to exceed 654.00 forym special hospitallsalr chargpe000 s. 4.Payment of surgical $2s,00 `he c accordingmum to'schedule`of of payments for sous surgical operations de- signated in said contract. 6th (c)•The cost of maintaining said n to before me this day of • g ).The ace hall be borne o e employees y the eligibleb an oeleeti ono esthereby and et half to becovered thereby and one half by A.D.19_..47 Saltm Lake' City, the a Nu d monthly from is or held monthly Prom their wages or sal- aries, Salt Lake Cl having the ad- ministrative responelbillty to make l cons- rorcvwin waver upon corms to payment Inc said insurance pang:provided,however,that as to be furnished and all future nppom- _ -•-`the premiums payable to May 1, tine officers and employeesp electing Salt,sucha premiums will be paid by not to a covered ay i r thereof Salt Lake.City.end no p s reisa plan hall execute waiver tphe ld- ""' J� duetlobs from wages orsale of t the time f appointment, id- Notary Public empon loyees fficers shall be made ed,however,of temporary or sea- account e[such any pro- l employees need not execute videdc fuor , that y appointive such waiver.' ,.officer'aemployeeleave of SECTION 2.In the opinion of the absence without pay onhell pal' to Hoard of Commissioners,it 1s necss- he City the full amount of the pre- eery to the peace,health,and safety mium during such leave of absence f,.the inhabitants of Salt Lake ' for the period he 1s insurable under ..City that this tlmance becnnie'e.." the Contract, but upon his return fectEVe immediately. • ' ' shall automatically be f ntitled to . SECTION.3.This ordinance shall the insurance on the half cost basis. take effect upon its first publication. (d)All present appointive officers . Paseed.by the Roars of Commis- an d employees electing to be - loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this seed by said insurance application shall 29th day of April,A.D.1947. - thereloth execute n furnished, EARL J.UI.hdeyo therefor upon formsto be furnished, Mayor.'- and all future appointive officers IRMA r.EITNER, and employees electing to be coy- City Recorder. e ed by said insurance shall execute (SEAL) urination therefor at the time of • BILL NO.39 per vent•appointment. Any Published April 30,1947. • present appointive officer or em- ployee - - -- --- ployea who elects not to be covered tiT saldlisurance plan shall execute