39 of 1950 - A franchise granting to D. & R.G.W.R.R.Co. ( Dever and Rio Grande Railroad Company ) and O. S. L. N ri NV InU Salt Lake City,Utah,.._ ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Affleck ✓ 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . . b t\V \ Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO TpE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY AND OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY (UNION PAUIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LESSEE), their and each of their successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and main- tain a standard gauge railroad track over and across South Temple Street between Fourth West Street and Sixth West Street in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. A franchise is hereby granted to ffhe Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific Railroad Company Lessee), their and each of their successors and assigns, to construct, operate aid maintain a standard gauge railroad track over and across South Temple Street between Fourth West Street and Sixth West Street in Salt Lake City, cj Utah, the center line of said track being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of South Temple Street about 200 feet west of the west line of Fifth West Street, running thence in a northeasterly direction on an approximate 7 deg. 15 min. curve to the right about 205 feet to the west line of Fifth West Street at a pdsint about 48 feet north of the south line of South Temple Street, running thence easterly on South Temple Street on a 6 deg. 6 min. curve to the right about 100 feet to a point of connection with an existing track of the Oregon Short Line railroad, thence continuing east on said existing track of the Oregon Short Line railroad about 20 feet, thence turning outIportheasterly from said existing track of the Oregon Short Line railroad and running north- easterly on a 6 deg. 6 min. curve to the left about 110 feet, running thence northeasterly on an $ deg. 45 min. curve to the left about 275 feet to the north line of South Temple Street at a point about 360 feet east of the east line of Fifth West Street. The location of the center line of said track is graphically shown in yellow upon the attached print, which is here- by made a part of this ordinance. SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise, the grantee, their successors and assigns, shall be subject to the following conditions, viz.: (a) The ownership of said track shall be vested as to the respective portions thereof individually in said grantees in accordance with an agreement or agreements between them. The aid track shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade .f said South Temple Street and Fifth West Street pursuant to an agreement between said grantees and Salt Lake City; but if said •rade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of City Com- »issioners, the grantees shall, at their own expense, change the -levation of said track so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said street where said track constructed hall be paved, repaved, resurfaced or repaired, then said grantees, (heir successors and assigns, shall pave, resurface or repair bet- een the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail Iith the same kind of material used on said street, or with such ther material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners. In the event said grantees shall fail to pave, repave, lesurface, or repair and surface any area as herein required for , -I period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Board of Com- issioners so to do, the City shall have the right to pave, repave, surface or repair between the rails or said surface or area and e grantees agree to reimburse the City for the total cost of said irk, labor and material. (c) The said track shall bd laid and the road operated sl. as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary u•:e of said street upon which it is laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shal. be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantees in all water ditches crossed by said track so as to admit of free passage of water. (e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the grantees, their successors and assigns, upon the track aforesaid. Neither the engines nor cars shall be permitted to remain on said track. (f) If, in the replacement or maintenance of said track, said grantees shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement, sidewalk, curbs, gutters or waterways on said street, they shall replace such pavement with the same or such other material as shall be ordered by the Board of Commissioners and shall replace such sidewalks, curbs, gutters and waterways to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements and shall so construct the gutters and waterways that they will allow the free passage of water to the satisfaction of said Com- iissioner. SECTION 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so as to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, con- rectors, persons or corporations, to whom a franchise may have .een or may hereafter be granted from paving, sewering, laying :as or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing, or in any man- er improving said street, but all such improvements shall be made lith as little injury as practicable to said track and the opera- ion thereof. When Salt Lake City undertakes to place any utility nder said track, the grantees shall at their own expense underpin Ind protect their track while said utility is being placed under he track. SECTION 4. The said grantees herein, their successors lnd assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and ranchises herein granted and in consideration of the same, do bled Themselves, their successors and assigns, upon their acceptance of .his franchise, to save the City harmless from all suits, claims, .emands and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever, against said City for injury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by reason of the granting of this franchise or by reason of the operation of said track, and that the grantees, their suc- cessors and assigns, will pay the amount of the judgment, determina- tion or adjudication which in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found against Salt Lake City, and the said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall appear in and defend all actions .rought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, or maintenance of said track, irovided, however, that said grantees, their successors and assigns, -hall have had notice of any suits and an opportunity to appear and .efend same. SECTION 5. This franchise is granted for the period .f fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this .rdinance, provided, however, that if for a period of nine (9) onsecutive months during the life of this franchisesaid track or :ny part thereof is not used for the purpose of which this fran- hise is granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the Ise of said track or any part thereof, this franchise shall be oidable at the option of the Board of Commissioners, and if so .rdered by the Board of Commissioners, said track shall, within Thirty (30) days after notice he by said grantees removed from the .treet and the street restored to a condition uniform with the bal- ce of said street with respect to grade, materials, and construc- ion to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public mprovements. In the event of failure of said grantees to remove laid track and to restore said street upon said notice and within hirty (30) days thereafter, the work may be done by Salt Lake City It the expense of said grantees. 1 SECTION 6. Unless this franchise and all the terms and londitions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantees erein within thirty (30) days after this ordinance becomes effec- JIiYe, and unless said track be constructed prior to January 1, 1952, . en this ordinance shall be null and void. SECTION 7. Whereas, in the opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect immediately after publication hereof. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Yo day of Q_� C , A. D. 19 ,% 'Ff/f--A \ ity Recorder. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY A RAILROADAND N SHORT COMPANYNE RAIL- LESSEE), i+ffidavit of Publication ROAD COMPANY!UNION PACIFIC their and each of )heir 25.15555111.5 and assigns, the right t construct. n e a operate and maintain standattl gauge railroad track over and South Temple Street between Fourth Well Street and Sixth West Street Are Salt Lake City,Utah. , Il e It d of Cemmisstoneran of ed bSalte hcL ke City, r ss SE. FF anted toN 1. Aa IDny, In hereby;L+ J Grande Western Railroad f y o,nfJah and Oregon Short Line Rahroad ailroad CompnnY Lec ComPany (Union Pacific their and each of ,their strolleuc an and 99lgns,to maintain on operate standard'gauge Ilroad track over land enroll South Temple Street be- , 7. .)(i ' aween Fourth West Street and Sixth 'West Street in Salt Lake City,Utah. the`enter,Ina of esc track icing Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- lows: particularly said a ml- we Beginning t point n the south line t south Temple Street about vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS a newspaper _00 feet west o1 the west line of Fifth f West Street, running thence In a northeasterly direction on an ape published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State proximate I deg. 15 ve the right about 205 feetrtn the wet lint of Filth West Street at a point V about 48 feet nor%of the South:Inc.of of Utah. Small Temple.Street,funning thence easterly on South Temple Strut r a 6 dog. 6 min. the.right about 100 feet Sr curve connec- tion with a .irting tray of the That the advertisement Oregon Short Line Railroad,thence continuing east on fah]existing track of the Oregon Short Line Rallrond about 20 feet, thence. turning nut 1•,''_� `,0 e j ortheastrtly Iron .sai e h.tIng . n .i 'C fl'�,1'.CE: S' track of the Oregon Short Line Rail- road and running n ortheas.crly o a 6 deg. 6 min. curve to the left c !�' Co chant 110 feet,running thence north- easterly ,It:r�Ver ��ZL] rjl�(�e e; t,errl ,�:11]'�:(' . o g deg.45 min.r,r e e left an 205 feet to uthe north line of South Temple Street A apoint about 360 feet cant f .1i 0 t,(1 Ore, on "»1Us•� T].nc }Zia _ ro Ltc�the cant line of Fire West Street. T me ntion ention of the enter line of said track Is g:aphleallY shown in! ellow„ o pan the.attached It,which y Ia hereby made a part f this ore-I was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 11511C, SECTION2. During the train of titlefranchise,tin confer,theft nor_ day of A.D.19 and ing conditions, e, hall cubJect io,T e lowlneofaidvl (al The aw tothe ofwhleportions be vested 'to the xcspeetiva portions thereof individually 1n said gra,ntces (',f in accordance with a agree,nent and was published o n .,n i 1 agreements between them. The Bald) flack shxll be laid upon and conform South the Temple established grade of said the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Sheet pursluaantetroe agreement be. tween said grantees nand Salt Lake City;but if said grade Ls afterweiA changed by ordinance of the 130ardI dayof of City a Commissioners, he grantees f%r A.D.19 shall. .theirexpense, change to elevation f ll track so as t conform to(b)Whenever la street where G�L1 Id track ,t d shall be G ' paved repay., est.faced n - Advertising Cl�rk- pulrerty.ssors thin snd aid grantees. .brie scar.- r carfare n pave, , t't` repair between tin carte a d for n n'pnaa of two fret kind of each eau with me.name kl„d or material need n Fnld street,en with such ',her material as may be rip.. roved by the'noard or Comminmmn-vOrn to before me this �'?t}1 y Grin the event said grantees .shall f 'Y of fast s paves repave,g mY.15 repair na d at'face any ar a a hero- O ewired for a period of thirty A.D.19 f30i days after notice from the Heard of Connnissioners so to do,the City ellen have the right to pave, I repave, resift-fare or repair between the rails or said surface or area and the grantees agree to reimburse the 'City for the total cost of field work, labor and material, (ec)rha a I track shall be loll eon fir read ry imps 5o an to oathe unnecessary ordinary use to the Notary Public street upon and which It I si of nail dl G Good and hsutllnlentd conduit, 10 r eater shall be laid and maintained In good condition atLhe eapenee of bald grantees In all atey <Niche,.crossed by said tr ark s '.0 admit at free pasrat,r.of wallyt h le Salt La,go]r City thee right I.o regale te end'eontrof the opred o all train,engines and cars erated by the¢entces,their e aterevaln_ Neithere the engines nor ran be prri,J11,1 tc 15.r.5111:n fair. rick. !f1 If,In the replacement or e e of tall track,said grant nam e, shall remove to In any manner In-i crfere with the eas tide walk, curbs, gutters swam r waterways on. ,areet`„Fev eshallreplace such pavement SS other material as shall be Bordered by the Hoard of Commissioners rod shall replace such sidewalks, curbs, faVtters an l =ternay.s to the satls- ctlon of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvement, and shall so construct the g.ltters I andthe free passage that theey will allow ssad Commissionerto '1e ofsat- lstactlon ( SECTION J, Nothing in this rant halt be construed noas t U prevent Salt Lake City lie a thorizd agents, contractors,persons o!tractors - •havebeen or may hereafter be to whom a agrant- ed, e from paving. s Bring. laying -gas or water mains or pipers,altering, ',Pairing. or in any mannerIm- proving said street, but all such Improvements shall be made with as little Injury as practicable to said track and the operation thereof. When Salt Lake City undertakes to Place any utility under said track, the grantees shell at their on ex- Dense underpin and protect r- theie ak while id utility being placed under the track. SECTION 4. The said grantees herein,theirs and assigns, shalt.and by Inn acceptance of the privileges rod franrhites nerd, granted end In t nnde'atlon of the same.do bind themsety es,their Slle- ceoso and assigns, Upon their ceptance of this Iranch;se, to ,the harmless from all &bits ity claims,e,demands a Judgments what- whether, In and r 1n equity, ready, shall be asserted, found or arendered In any manner whatsoever- gainst said City formes=➢or dam- .age tob abutting property or other- of the g of this franchisee or by reason tit the operation of said track, and that the grantees, their successors and assigns,will pin the amount of the lodgment, de:erminatlon oo adJudl- tion which in any.suit or proceed- In may or shall be found against Silt Lake City,and the said grante, their signs, shalt bappearrought Inyonno defend all actions brought agaln,t Salt Lake City for an rMi Iry n damage Elora,r^ of sof sald1�iskkk.aw,o:,Iced.how.ever.and lw v lbe'.r e and sles01111 shall have hod nottee of any a and a oppor- tunity to dpprar 4.r.1 d end s SECTION • er os franc Ise5rls F. Reamed[1, the Ater t et Itf (the years from a alter the dapro i the passage of obis ordinance, prof nin, ItI con,that it for a period of nine ff) consecutive months donne the lior Dn<eo any p .his l thereof to nob track o my part ti of w is not used for the purpose of which this franchise IS t!and,or If there In t substan- tial rei- Spe=abandonment peeof me u of en- track n shell any part thereof,this option chise shall d f Come.at one op end if the Board of the heard by of within thrty (30' said track notic within said ran)days alter notice.be Se said Rrndt th wed from the street and the street restored b a e condition uniform with esp the balance of tei e, n.with respect to grade. maltreats, d o n Coolllon to the streets and of the prove cents. of Sheeev and Plu failure f said gra es the a move o[idr of said grantors etoe c said track and to restore wit remove street upon s did n here and within w k may tape days thereafter. Lal,n City work may en done by Salt Lake City at thNe expense of said,grantees. SECTION the Sinless tits franchise and all tell terms and in writing thereof shall es accepted within writing by the grantees herein wlthln thirty be aoe days hear this ordinance t be- comes!trusted,and unless enld track burnconstructed prior :o January e ball then this ordinance shah be null and void. SECTIONtnet 'f. Whereas, In the opinion et the Commission a hey effect exists. this teip ante Reboil mer- lictake !I[he immediately Bette pub- lication hereon. Passed by the 13oard of Commis- sioners of f Like City,ty,Utah,this A Ci 20th day o1 Apt.,A.D.1.950. G EARL J.GLADE, Mayo[. I Ph:A 1'. l'y Recorder. City Roce'der. (SEAL) 11 BIILLLL30 1'ubhshodhrd Apr:.24th, 19F3_ 39