39 of 1970 - Amending title 30, by adding Chapter 6, establishing a fee of $2.00 for search and preparation of vi VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah May 5 197 0
Barker . .
Catmull . . I move that the Ordi an a be passed. //
Garn . . . •
Harrison . .
Mr. Chairman . /
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, by
adding thereto a new Chapter 6, relating to visa letters issued by
the Chief of Police.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, be, and
the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 6, relating
to visa letters issued by the Chief of Police, to read as follows:
"Sec. 30-6-1. Duties of Chief. When a request is
received for a search of the criminal records, it shall be
the duty of the Chief of Police to make the search and to
prepare a letter for the applicant setting forth his findings.
Sec. 30-6-2. Fee. There shall be a charge of $2.00
to the applicant for the search and letter, which fee is to
be collected by the Chief of Police in advance of the prepara-
tion of the letter and which is to be credited to Budget No.
Sec. 30-6-3. Exception. In cases where the application
is received by mail from persons residing outside the State
of Utah and it appears that requiring the $2.00 fee in advance
would be unreasonably inconvenient and time-consuming to the
applicant, it shall be within the discretion of the Chief of
Police to waive the fee."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it
is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of May, 1970. I''
. ., . .A4
BILL NO. 39 of 1970
Published May 8, 1970
Affidavit Of Publication
Jj ss'
County of Salt Lake
LK 13r r101a
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver•
rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
AN ORheNANCr_ AMENDING newspaper printed in the English language with general e11'•
'rule 90 0!1n°Revisrn Oro lnances of
oalr Irn.Tt yutah,Ives rllannry eulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
l,o�lq no1newDcanie a e'iei i of
Isa IlnGra la!°°e by,h!c�nieR orI County, in the State of Utah.
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Subscribed and sworn to before one thus--------------_ __.---- �1_ day of
May A.D. 19 7°
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 9%, :d97).!