4 of 1904 - Ordinance 4 of 1904 – Amending Section 402, re: miscellaneous licensee, so as to include merchandi AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION.4Kr OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF'SALT LAKE CITY, 1903, RELATING TO MISCELLANEOUS LICENSED, SO AS I� TO INCLUDE MERCIIANNDISE BROKERS. l� -- - Be it ordained, by the City Council of Salt Lake City, as follows : 40'11 Scotion 1. That Section #65 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Take City of 1903 is hereby amended to read as; follows : Section ee5. Miscellaneous licensee. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or pursue any business, vocation or calling 11nrwirioftr,r mentinnnct withmtt rir,nt obtaining a lir;rmo 50 • to do ; and he shall (except where otherwise provided) make yearly payments into the city treasury, in advance for such license, no follow, Assayer y 12.0o Baggage Wagons - 10.oo I c� Bill posters, to include distribution of advertising natter - 150.00/ Building, loan, discount and investment institutions when out- • side capital is employed - - 50.00 Coal yards, to run five wagons or less 50.00 Coal yards, to run over five wagons and under teen wagons - - 100.00 Coal yards, to run over ten wagons 200.00 Distributor of advertising natter -- 20.0o • Exhibiting apnratuo, per day •- 2.00 Exhibiting freaks of nature, per day - - - - - - 2.00 Exhibiting ma,rrhinos, per day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00 Exhibiting natural curiosities, peg' day - - - - - - -- - - 2.00 Exhibition for the trial Or toot of sskil.l or strength, par daoy2.S0o Nxpre90 00rlmany - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100. o0 Pled and hoarding; stable - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - 30.00 Ices 72_gonrs, each - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - 10.00 Insurance agent, for each company represented - - - - - - - 25.00 Junk dealers,- - - - 300.00 Lodging, rooms, without board., forty rooms and over .50.00 Lodging rooms, without board, .loss than Corty roc; o and over twenty- five - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - .y 25,00 Lodging rooms, without board, leers than twenty-Five rooms and • over ten rooms - '- - -- - - - - -. _. - - - - 12.00 Merchandise brokers - 100.00 Oil or gasoline wagons, each - - - - - - - - - 1S.oo�(/. � Ore rn,;pless or. crusher - 25.00(/ U ; 4 i (2) Fh171',0, 4p}?,r3 25.00 f ° 1x'H1:TOPf:A:t:iokpt, hroko.ra .100.00 ttoa.l 0e4,a;t e 'went - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 25.00 Second hknd gealer -- - - - 25.00 Stewing machine a;',pint, for each cm: Rny reprlaented. - - - - - 25.00 Shooting gallery .. r ,O,AA S1 1 ing rink 100.00 '. Slf ck rnp• ,)er r)r1aanc3Ra,,pli r1.y, 10.00 Slai,g23t of hand der n' °,fir tri0K aNillielloiAtm per day - - - - 7 15.00 0t;1olt.ery - 25.00 ' So)..t' ,to. a o1 Crr O ;oi.1 or rrt ,*,r at. du^t iMnfa.,. arid pn r� 1arg rn-(r' ,alotta t,g or ,3a(sturs43 S?ction 2. '64 orchinanOe shah t ,o afTect upon approvral by'the ;1{ayor. /1__)0,„ passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, than, N'ooruary 10th, 1904, i p and referred to the Mayor for his approval. ,' ) r Cia,y Recorder. Approved this day of p:brnaern, 1904. Mayor. Vetoed by the 5ayor, amended in accordance with his r•eccseenda'ton and again passed by the City Gouriccil by !pore than two-thirds vote, f'' ruary ?trd 1904 and referred to �n= layor for his approval. ' s�/ City Recorder. Approved this X day of February, 1904, Mayor. — ✓ a IN- co CA/1 ..... A - - - - - - - A."-•A'f,"(f 4:)rU - .i- , ,,-.4 • . (f..1t -: 0 , • 0: .-1(' 41 , Oft. 'i .'.- - "'' TN.c,,,,‘ ('' I'V'f,1- ' :Nr3t rcre,•:, , ,$\., t-. ' :L i, .s'. i''' • • 's. 1 • , • \ itt. 0 • .-c, ,* •••,, , :•--N• c, • -ri k 2'41. ,,,k, „ e 0....) -_, . =•-• Ilsto : c. co 1,E. 0 . - ___,-- fix i cr., ( , . .,., i•r‘`I- •i'C ' ( i r , ^A-- 4 • Mt:- ' ' .010 .);ci, *,,,, ( 1 Ft,,,, , ,-,,,,• ,i_l''-' i•t.•''''' ' ' (r.( k;•C)- (-5, - e, - _ . e a-. g -r ag -leo, .no-rr,,.,, eZ r cD Slo t -P• i ri... ‘ CI' i' i,..`,-,;' .,-. .p. a -," zr-- - o 80 : tr; P, ' .1'' '''' 7•: t C, +•• . g) .....ti-(•"Ego , i'l,1.nr,` '', ' ‘' t E. ,.. ,,, rip .1,1.,•••., i r, , i , '• , , . ). ' . •. -.. • - •• • • •. . • ••..•• • • ••••... . - --4›. L,.._ ..........,__ ,