4 of 1911 - Ordinance 4 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Section 698 re: permits for excavations in city stree R
An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 698 of the Revised!
Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to permits for exoava
tions in city streets, as amended by en ordinance passed by the City
Council August 26, 1910, and approved by the Mayor August 26, 1910.
Be it ordained by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 698 of the Revised Ordinanoes of Salt
Lake City of 1903, *elating to permits for excavations in city streets, '
as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council August 25, 1910,
and approved by the Mayor August 26, 1910, be, and the same is hereby
amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
698. PERMITS. APPLICATIONS. BONDS No permit for any 1
street excavation shall be issued until written application therle
for has been made to the Supervisor of Streets, signed by the
party making the excavation, or by the party at whose instance
it is to be made; nor until the applicant has filed with the
Supervisor of Streets a bond of indemnity to the pity, with
sureties to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that the person
making the excavation will erect and maintain about said exeava-I.
tion, and until the street is restored to its normal condition,
sufficient guards, signals, barricades and lights, to prevent
accident, and will, as soon as may be after the completion of
said work, restore said street to the same condition in which itl
existed prior to said excavation, and will remove rooks, dirt
and rubbish from the street, and will save the pity harmless from
any and all claims, liabilities, demands or damages, for any and; !
all injuries to person or property arising in any manner out of
or by reason of any suoh excavation. Such bond shall be in the
sum of five thousand dollars, for excavations in all streets;
provided, however, that whenever paving or macadam, dirt or rook
is removed in the process of any street excavation, such paving
or macadam, dirt or rook must be replaced under the direction
and to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets, end at the
expense of the party making the excavation; and provided further,
that any person, firm, corporation or association operating in
or using any of the streets under a franchise, or any person,
firm, corporation or association who in the pursuit of his or
its regular calling, has frequent occasion to open or make exca-
vations in the public streets, may file a bond with corporate
surety in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned as above,]
to cover all excavations made for a period of two years from the'
date of filing, but permits for all excavations, except for the
replacement of street railway rails and ties in unpaved streets
must be applied for and issued before it shall be lawful to make!
any such excavations;;provided further, that in excavating throuh
asphalt or Dement, or beneath stone blocks, the excavation shall,
be out perpendicularly at the sides and ends from the surface,
the full length and width of all excavation' to the neoessary
depth; on top of the backfilling there shall be placed silt inoher
of stone or oonorete flush with the pavement, and in all oases,
whether the excavation is made through asphalt or otherwise, in
backfilling the material used for that purpose shall be thoroughly
tamped and a sufficient quantity of water used to properly settli
the material so used; and after completing an excavation and
baokfilling, all dirt, rooks and rubbish shall be removed from
the street; provided further, that failure on the part of any
person, firm, association or corporation to comply with any of
the provisions of this chapter shall be a sufficient reason for
the Supervisor of Streets refusing a permit to excavate in the
streets of this city; provided further, that no excavation shall!
be permitted to remain open in any street of this oity for a
longer period than ten days. If this provision is violated the
Supervisor of Streets may fill up any such excavation at the ex-
penes of the person making the same; provided further that the
Supervisor of Streets shall charge and collect, upon issuing spy',
permit, the following fees and charges, to-wit:
For excavating in any cement sidewalk, for the
first eight square feet or part thereof $ 2.00
For each additional square foot or part thereof- - .26
For excavating in any asphalt pavement, for the
first eleven square feet or part thereof 5.00
For each additional square foot or part thereof- - - .46
For excavating in any macadam pavement, for the
first ten square feet, or part thereof 2.00
For each additional square foot, or part thereof - - .20
For excavating for stone blocks, for each
square foot or part thereof .40
• For inspecting work when there is no asphalt or
macadam pavement, per block 110.00
And at the same rate for less than a block. •
SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions., or parts• of ord;inan-
oea and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed tp the
extent. of such conflict.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effeet on°{ ppretal.` .
Passed by the City Council of Salt ',ako ,Utah, January 9,
1.911, and referred to the r9ayor for hi_r; apY%ro
Cit c e..
Approved th=io / day of January, 1 911,
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