4 of 1925 - Street Opening No. 5, First and Partial ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah,_.-.-.-_._....w:aL.r._. ,._.-_..._.............192....5..
Burton 1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Green -_..
Mr. Chairman.. • _
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A =^.:: and for the assessment of
property for the establishing and opening of Division Lane
between 5th and 6th East Streets in Salt Lake City, (Street
Extension No. 5).
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy a tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described (Street -extension
Bo. 5) for the establishing and opening of Division Lane between
5th and 6th East Streets, to-wit:
In Lots 4, 5, 14, 15 and 16 of 81k. 43; Lots 36 to 93
incl., Elk. 1, and Lots 31 to 59 incl., 31k. 2, homesite Add.;
Lots 1 to 24 incl., Lots 82 to 111 incl., and Lots 113 to 129
incl., Hansen's Add. to forest Dale; Lots 1 to 23 incl., Elk.
16, Lots 1 to 25 incl., Elk. 17-; and Lots 1 and 25 to 30 incl.,
Elk. 8, forest Dale Sub. of 31k. 43; Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Blk. 44;
Lots 17 to 21 incl., Blk. 3, forest Place Sub. of Elk. 44 and Blk.
9 of forest Dale Sub, of 31k. 44; all in 10 Acre flat "A", Big
field Survey, abutting on the west side of the S. 173.3 feet of
the N. 182.43 feet, and the south side of the N. 182,43 feet of
the 355.75 feet of the W. 553.15 feet of Lot 4, commencing 12.5
feet N. and 16.5 feet .1. from the N. W. cor. of Lot 110 of Han-
sen's Add. to forest Dale of Elk. 43, 10-A.-A; thence W. 49.9 feet,
being a part of Lot 4; commencing 16.5 feet 1,. from the N. ,u. cor.
of Lot 121 of Hansen's Add. to forest Dale of 31k. 43, 10-A-A;
thence +r. 49.9 feet, being a part of Lot 5; commencing 16.5 feet
W. from the S. W. cor. of Lot 122 of Hansen's Add. to forest Dale
of Blk. 43, 10-A— ; thence J. 49.9 feet, being a part of Lot 5,
Blk. 43; the W. side of Lots 36 to 64 incl., the E. side of Lots
65 to 93 incl. of 31k. 1, the W. side of Lots 31 to 59 incl. of
Blk. 2, Fomesite Addition; the E. side of the N. 12.5 feet of
Lot 82, the E. side of Lots 83 to 110 incl. and 113 to 129 incl.,
the E. side of the 8. 12.5 feet of Lot 111; the J. side of Lots
1 to 24 incl. of Hansen's Addition to Forest Dale; commencing 100
feet W. from the S. W. cor. of Lot 23, Elk. 16, Forest Dale Sub.
of Elk. 43, 10-A-A; thence N. 381.25 feet, being a part of Lots
14 and 15; commencing 100 feet W. from the H. J. cor. of Lot 25,
Elk. 17, Forest Dale Sub. of Elk. 43, 10-Acre Plat f, thence S.
256.0 feet, being a part of Lot 15, Blk. 43; the South side of
Lots 6 to 23 incl. of Blk. 16, the North side of Lots 8 to 25 incl1
of Elk. 17, the East Side of Lots 1 and 25 to 30 incl. of Blk. 8,
the East side of Lots 1 to 5 incl. of .Blk. 16, the East side of
Lots 1 to 7 incl. of Elk. 17 of Forest Dale; commencing at the
E. E. cor. of Lot 5, Blk. 16, forest Dale Sub. of Elk. 63, 10-_.-A,
thence N. 60 feet, being part of Lot 14; the East side of the S.
252 feet of Lot 15; the Bast side of the N. 312.5 feet of Lot 16;
all of Elk. 43, 10-A-A; the lest side of the N. 138.0 feet of the
S. 163.5 feet and the west side of the S. 10.5 feet of 31k. 9,
Forest Dale Sub., the 7, side of the S. 144.4 feet of Lot 5, the
Test side of Lot 4, the W. side of the N. 49.1 feet of Lot 3, 31k.
44; the West side of Lots 17 to 21 incl. of 77,1k. 3, forest Place
Sub., all of Elk. 44, 10-Acre Plat A; Big field Survey.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of opening said
street and acquiring by purchase the following described tract of
land which has been acquired and used to establish and open Divi-
sion Lane from 5th to 6th :last Streets, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 182.43 feet south from the
Northwest corner of Lot 4, Plk. 43, 10-Acre Plat B; thence
E. 553.15 feet; thence South 61.9 feet; thence :'lest 49.9
feet; thence North 51.9 feet; thence West 503.25 feet; thence
North 10 feet to beginnin;q, being a part of Lot 4, 7,1k. 43,
10-Acre Flat A, also the North 112 of Lot 111 and all of Lot
112, Hansen's Addition to Forest Dale of 31k. 43, 10-Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, the property hereinbefore and here-
inafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said
improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established]
that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the
full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are
hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the
linear foot frontage upon said portions of said street fronting
upon and to the entire depth back therefrom and the tax hereby
levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Two Thousand
` I
Six Hundred sixteen and 73/100 (w2616.73) Dollars or Thirty-one
Hundredths ($.31) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
property, there being 8441.06 feet of abutting property within the,
boundaries of the lots, blocks and street above mentioned in said
district, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said
street opening according to the contract entered into p r ttheDpur-�
Reber J.Grant as tee ui :rust for the Church of Jesus Clvzaat ar Latter- psa nt8
chase of said property and opening said street withrs. Orena
Douglas Jackman, Arabella B. Young, John B. Young, Daniel P.
Thomas and Eleanor B. Thomas, his wife, and Alfred N. Jordan and
Hilda Armstrong Jordan, his wife, authorized April 2, 1924, and
the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose
herein mentioned:
The West side of the S. 173.8 feet of the r. 182.43 feet,
and the South side of the 1% 182.43 feet of the 355.75 feet of
the W. 553.15 feet of Lot 4, commencing 12.5 feet N. and 16.5 feet
1. from the N. W. cor. of Lot 110 of Hansen's Add. to Forest Dale
of Blk. 43, 10-A-A, thence X. 49.9 feet, being a part of Lot 4; •
11111 I
commencing 16.5 feet `;7. from the :`N, cor. of Lot 121 of Hansen's
Add. to Forest Dale of 31k. 43, 10- -.A; thence :7-. 49.9 feet, being
a pert of Lot 5; commencing 16.5 feet from the 5. .;r. cor. of
Lot 122 of Hansen's Add. to sorest Dale of 31k. 43, 10-A-A; thence
7. 49.9 feet, being a part of Lot 5, Elk. 43; the 7. side of Lots
36 to 64. incl., the E. side of Lots 65 to 93 incl. of 31k. 1, the
N. side of Lots 31 to 59 incl. of Elk. 2, Eonesite Addition; the
E. side of the N. 12.5 feet of Lot 32, tIae L. side of Lots 83 to
110 incl. and 113 to 129 incl., the E. side of the S. 12.5 feet
of Lot 111; the N. side of Lots 1 to 24 incl. of Hansen's Addition
Ito Forest Dale; commencing 100 feet i from the .7. corner of
Lot 23, Blk. 16, Forest Dale Sub. of 31k. 43, 10-A-A; thence N.
381.25 feet, being a part of Lots 14 and 15; com;:iencing 100 feet
VI. from the N. 'N. cor, of Lot 25, 31k. 17, Forest Dale Sub. of
Blk. 43, 10=Acme Plat A, thence S. 256.0 feet, being a part of
Lot 15, Blk. 43; the South side of Lots 6 to 23 incl. of Elk. 16,
the North side of Lots 8 to 25 incl. of 31k. 17, the 2. side of
Lots 1 and 25 to 30 incl. of Elk. 8, the East side of Lots 1 to 5 !I
incl. of Blk. 16, theEast side of Lots 1 to 7 incl. of 31k. 17
of Forest Dale; coni.encing at the i;.3. cor. of Lot 5, 31k. 16,
Forest Dale Sub. of 31k. 43, 10-A-A, thence T. 60 feet, being part
of Lot 14; the East side of the S. 252 feet of Lot 15; the East
side of the N. 312.5 feet of Lot 16; all of .Elk. 43, 10-A-A; the
'Nest side of the N. 133.0 feet of the 3. 163.5 feet and the '.'Nest
side of the S. 10.5 feet of Elk. 9, Forest Dale Sub., the 1. side
of the S. 144.4 feet of Lot 5, the lest side of Lot 4, the :'!. side
of the N. 49.1 feet of Lot 3, B1k. 44; the lest side of Lots 17 to
21 incl. of Elk. 3, Horest Place Sub., all of Blk. 44, 10-Acre
Plat A;,Hig Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official
plats of said city to the entire depth back from said street and
to collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of.
-5- w-
this ordinance in Street Extension No. 5 of Salt Lake City, for
the purpose of establishing and opening said portion of said
street is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned
in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equaliza-
tion and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt _Lake City,
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in three ecual
yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest
on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum pay-
able at the time each installment is due. In the event any in-
stallment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the
same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at
the time said installment and interest are due, shall become-due
and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per
cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day ofv , 1925.
/ _ elcyor.
City Recorder.
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Street Ext. #5.
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