4 of 1931 - Paving Extension No. 229, 3d and final E Street. ROLL CALL Ip,N fN 1`.l?l
Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193
II move that the ordinance be passed.
Burton ---�
Fehr I, 4
Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
Result - - - - - - -
AN ORLIA b1Ci. LLV INP A. TI:X and for tale assessment of y.ro-
:tv in Pavin :,istrict Ho. SC ( 'L'.vin , . xtension r5o. cbS) for the
_-purpose of ._,-di.nf, constructim.7 curb acP cutter, private. s'::z v-: ys
ant crainage and irrigation systems to carry water across and along
streets and intersections, and paving with Portland cement concrete
ue it ordained. by the rnoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Soard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in -a,in 1''i tr'ct No. 72
--. (Paving '_.t.nsion No. Coo) for the ur2o.,<, of +.> >:'inr., constructing
curb and gutter, Sri vate tirti essays and. drainage ann.. irpigation systems
to carry wr.ter across and along streets and intersections, and ;';:.vine•
with Portland cement concrete thereof, to-sit:
In Lots 12, 15, 16 and 20 of s1' 10, -acre Plot ,;
Lots 1 to 15 incl. ant Lots 17 to 2S incl. of s+L1'. 1, Lots 1 and.
1 to 27 incl. of S1-. 5, i1r_:nnton':: :ub.; Lots 1. to 12 incl.. of
31'H. 1, Lots 1 and g `.o 14 incl_. of '17:. 2, O;CC'n Sub.; Lots 1
to '70 incl. of 3M. 1, Lots 1 o.nn 17 to TO incl_. of '1lb. 5,
Liberty 1ark Slat S Sub.; Lots 1 to 14 incl. of ilk. 1, Lots
1 and 3 to li incl. of 31c. S, Toronto Sub.; Lots:. 1 to 72 incl.
of P1k. 1, Lot, 1 and 13 to 7.2 incl. of '5'1::. 2, I1«cntoo'. Cub.
So. 2; Lots 1 to 10 :incl_. of ':1.:. 1, Lots 1 and. 7 to 10 incl.
of .., byler Lod jees tub.; Lots 67 to 0) incl., Liberty i
lark. drl.; Lots 2 to 19 incl. of 91k. 1, Lots I. and to �15
incl. of _'ill::. 2, Lots 1 to IA incl. of fl«. ", Lots O. to 10
incl. of '.1',c, ' , Lobs 1 to LA incl. of '.1k. 5, Lots 1 to _c
incl. of ilk. S, Just 2,,ir17 Sub.; Lots 10 to 79 incl., Miller LI
riper dub.; Lots to ii incl. of ;lk. 1, Lots 1 to 18 incl.
of :lS. it, ','inc:or 21oce Sub., Lots 1 to 9 i.n.ci. of .ls_. 1, j
Lots 1 to 10 incl. of ?lit. 2, Forth `..ind .or ']_ace tub., <,r_c
Lots 5 to 11 incl. of Stevens Sub.; all in 91k. 18, 5-Lcre
1 F7at i, j- Field Survey; abutting on and adjacent to both
kites of Lake Street, 3th Last 'Street and -Windsor Strict from `-`th
Louth so l`th Muth 6trdets and -elmont snc. rinceton reve `'nues corn
th to ' t : _art Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
his tax is levied to defray the exense of radin , con-,
!ctrnct n cur., oral _utter, .•ivrte erive,2Lys and dr ..i_iate ant. irri-1
I ation systems to carry water across ant al.on streets and .intersec+
i i ons, and ,avi.ny frith Portland cement concrete thereof (said eve- 1
ilnent to be six (6) to e17ht (8) inches thick and said roadway to be !
shirty (.7,0) feet aide on Lake and. lAndsor Streets from 9th to 17th
outh Streets, and Belmont and Princeton :.venues from 5th to 5th
fast Streets, and thirty-six (30) feet wide on 8th Last Street from
Ith to 17th South Streets; the portions of said. property hereinbefolle
nc hereinafter described opposite said streets are to be esdecia.11y
ffected and benefited by said improvement, a, .nd it is hereby adjudecd,
determinec anc established that said property will be csecially bene-
fited. thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said
II_iarcels of land ore i:crebv assessed at an equal and uniform rate ini
kiaccordance with the linear foot fronta-ae u: on and to the entire de�-th
'of the same crrnership back therefrom not excee(_ine 370 feet, oral rh(P
f. ,. ,cr e levied and to be accessed a ion said barcels of lend is
Poe :Mildred five Thousand Seven Hundred Tiff=y-five and 1.3;100
(/l05,755.19) L:.ollars; ` evonty '-housand. itirty-Sour and 1-1 100
!( r"-,i` ...11) Dollars or Five ant s'/los (hs.. ) fol a r._ iocr _`rout
r linear foot of sbuttin'l -rroerty 'for. thirty ('•0) foot rosy,
there bein7 17,7°0.00 feet abuttin7, said 2ortion of said iffj)rove-
gent; -lhirty-onc, CChourl ovien Hundred ILiht -coven and 73/100
(i' 1,737.78) ilollars or „rive one 30/100 (,:.,a.33) dollars :er front
or linen r foot of ebuttin: -o.ey,lerty for thirty-six (;',L) foot rou,l-
YLy, there, brine 5,452. L5 feat abutting atia portion of rid lm .rolii.-
leent, Two Hundred Forty and 9n/100 (0040.00) lwillars for 1.'i-v;-te
crivev,a7s, there being ten (10) .:rivote erivev,ziys at Twenty-four
n. 00/100 lellars or driveaay; Nin , Hundroil 0eventy-tGo
and 00/1G5 ( ,3W-00) dollars for 'fivote clrivcays, there eeln
thirty- ix rivate rivse:, ov at T% ent:-sever of 00/100 ( :,: 7.0. )
1011rs ,es ,hrivevay; Jel-hty-seven and 00/100 (037.00) lel:ars for
rivate Lrlvcoys, there being three (1 -rivato Lrivevays at Inoent-k-
nine ane 90/100 (,;L0.90) Loiters or One Thousand Two Runi-
" cventy-five and 00/100 (lL1,L.7.5.00) dollars for -.rivatc
aye, thera forty-too and 5/10ths ,rivate drive' oys
lat -1-1Lrty and GC/100 (:.;' 0.00) dollars nor arive-.,ay;. Nine Hundred
thirty and 00/100 (..1030.00) collars for rivate erivenays, there
lheinO thirty nrivete arlever ays at Ahirty-one axle 00/100 ( l-1.9t))
roLdrs per ariveyay; 'our Huncre(; _;, enty-nine Lod; 00/1°0 Grbl',0.99)
hollers for rivate driveLy , there Lein - thlrteen/;:rivate ( rjveeirs
t hrct asd r; .0C,) clone 1ar vnivcay; the coot
of coulyteuction of 11-ich the roearty onefi Led there:1,-v -Ls hereiftaftcr set out, one all clthin the eoundories of the lot ,
anj st-,;(at- -Ientionee in a1 e sir I et, .tich l, the
of self aeutter1 coot em co' t or front foot of said loerovE-:-
kwnt, aecereis,,, to the contract entere,, into for the erforma.nec of
and, said Imrov(.ment iLth nlbl,ons & heed Co., Con-1
tractors, : ata, the r-lot day of July, 2T' 0, end the ajt:: Treasurer I
lir h.rreb outhori:,,eL ane directeL to access, in aceorddnea the
Hrovisio ;r: of this oroinarce, for the lur ,ose nerk ;n wonLionea.
iCf oth Southlheh South ,'1
Lots ',, to 15 incl. of TJk. 1, Lots 1 C. "a; to 07 incl. of
Ham,tonT:i Lots C to 7 incl. of 'YU:. 1, Lots 1 & to
12 incl. of it1k. s, en Sub.; Lots L to 1=C incl. of 'J-. 1, Lots
1 17 to 0 incl. of --1:_. ;, L__.,erty :Lrk . ._:t l; Lots f, to 8 'cell',
Loi.t 1 & 9 to 1 ' Mel. of , -'oronto Su;:;.; Lot:; S
to 17 oc' . of .1-. 1, Lots 1 18 to incl. of l'.e. 8, II. mtons
..ub. No. 2; Lots S incl. of 31i;. 1, Dots 1 7 Co 1.0 inch. of
lk. Lyler ice: vub.; Lot 21- to incl . of Liberty
._, !'ield Survey.
chi in -lock _1_u, 5-E c.re �l.�i.
INT;;;P S'T_TLLT, 9th ,'oath to 11:kth toutU 7.treets.
Lot 12, the south 57.4%_ ft. of Lot 15, Lot 16, the north
1f.0.5 ft. of Lot 30, of31k. 18; Lots 5, i1 8: 7, 10 & 11, the north
`•°.15 ft. of Lot '%, the south %5.85 ft. of Lot 8, otevens Sub.;
Lots P to e incl. of blk. 1, Lots 1 & 7 to 10 inch. of I31k. 2, Nortti
1.in(sor -.'pace ==uh.; Lots 2 to 10 incl. of 51k. 1, Lots 1 &, 11 to
18 incl. of Llk. L, ',iindsor Place l.ub.; Lots 10 to 18 incl., Lots
19 to 27 incl., Miller 6 Filler Sub.; Lots P to 6 incl. & 8 to 19
incl. of 1:1k. 1, the south 111 ft. of Lot 7 of 818. 1, the south 17
ft. of Lot 21 of 01k. 2, Lots `1 to s:.0 incl. & 1 & 22 to 25 incl. of;
131k. 2, Lots 1 & 9 to 14 incl. of 31k. 7, Lots k. to 8 incl. of Llk.j
4, Lots 2 to 24 incl. of 01k. 5, Lots 1 & 25 to 46 incl_. of 1Ilk. 07
Fast Park pub.;. all in Block 18, 5-Acre Plat A, Bit Field Survey.
i I
I i
iBHIMONT AVPNOE„8th _East to '9th East 2rcets.
Lots 1, 2 & 7 of blk. 1, Lots 1 & 2 of 51k. 2, North Vindt-
sor 7lacE4 Lots 1@, 11 & 1 of rlk. 1, Lots 10 to 14 incl. Of P1k. ,
:indsor r'loce Sub.; all in `clock 18, 5-Lore Plat !s, ilia Field Survey.
PhINC_TON _r,VINO4_8th tsst to 9th }Mast Streets.
Lots 7 to 10 incl of 51k. ", Lots 8 to 10,inc1. of 'i1.k. 4�
Lots 1 to 5 incl. of ''18. 5, Lots 1, •, 7 F -(3 of 'Ilk. '!, last Park
Su'-). of 51k. 18, 5-i..cre Clat :, ir; Field Survey.
`1'AIRTY- lZ_13_OOT_ilQr i='i'LK.:
8TH L,AST_Slnl'J;'1',. 9t]1_t4_1•_.th_04qth_y.t?'ee-_.
Lots 12 & 16, the south 57.48 ft. of Lot 15, the north
of :11k. 18
1310.5 ft. of Lot, : Lots 1 & 17 to l-3 incl. of -;1k. 1, Ham?tono
i,,_ub.; Lots 1 & 3 to 1 inch.. of Ilk. 1, i);den E:ub.,,Lots 1 & 17 to
incl. or 81k. 1, Liberty e.rk flat 6. 'ub.; Lot.1 & 9 to 14 inci.,
alk. 1, Toronto Cub.; Lots 1 18 to 3L incl. of '61k. 1, Hametons jub.
No. L.; Lots 1 & 7 to 10 incl. of Blk. 1, tyl.er & Roes flub.; Lots
67 to 99 incl., Liberty Park t.dd Lots to 8 incl. of Elk. f=-;, Lots
to 8 incl. of 131k. 0, Lots 0 to 24 incl. or blb. 6, fast 1/ark Sub.;
Lots ;:8 to 36 incl., Miller & Miller Sub.; rots 2 to 10 incl. of
01k. L, k.inCsor Place tub.; Lots a to 6 incl. of ,Ilk. , North
,inosor ;El. cc SIub.; :11 in 71k. 18, 5-tore Plat ., 'dig 4ield Survey.
_0.� TH UL'R AE0 _LINT_ 8th Ya.st Street. 1L4_00 lrer
Lot 91, Lot 94, the south 13.0 ft. of Lot 97, Liberty
Park Add.; Lots 7,, 4 and 6 of 81k. i�, Lots 10, 10, 17 end. 16,of 61k�.
6, lost Park Sub.; of P1k. 13, 5-Acre `,lat A, :Li; Yield 6urvey.
I 030 3 i0TY '5 L. ED 013 `LllA_T1c LLIV 'a LS 2& f I1L 'TT39 TO
j 7[11. ,ZGUT hLbS iLNT. L;7.00 of (_l i vc,;ag.
th Li6.,_. .;Tni_rrl.
Lots 17, Yid and L6 of 31k, 1, [iam;tons :ub.,, Lot L<. of
1 lib 1, Liberty :ark Plat 9 stub.; Lots 10, 11, 12 and 14,of 31'k.
Toronto =ub.; Lots 19, L3, 28 r_iZr_1 70, 31.c. 1, Llamhtons fuh. No.
I j
the north `d0 ft. of Lot 7, the south 3.7 ft. of Lot 7, end Lot
, c. 1, Eyler A 1 cos s ;'ub.; Lot 39, the north `0 ft. of Lot 7a,
e north 15 ft. of Lot 75, the north 1::..5 ft. of Lot 79, tote 31
.nd 91 ,1 Liberty TEark co.; all of .1'0. 13, 6--cre ?15t : , 1 Side
'he south 10 ft. of t':.e north Z_.. .5 ft. of Lot I , the
south. i7t. of the north 131.5 ft. aC Lot _.u, The 'auth '3 1;. of
the north ' 1`?.'3 ft. o" Lot 12, oF' ".'c. 1.8, 0 ,,crc. 'plot ;`, dia le,_cicil
I Gsrvi',v.
_ „''': -, _VLNU'::.
The east 4..0 ft. of the cast 120 ft. of T_,,oI & :;, Lot 1,
the coot 44-0 ft. of thc: -est 30 ft. of Lots -, A; 7, of :1k. 1, Lot:.
1 and k,of '61k. 0, North ia,;a,ol fi_ .ce -ub.; the cast 51 ft. of Lot
10 r:.nd tle Crest 103 ft. of Lot 10, of -lk. 1, the ,rest 41', ft. of Lots
11 to if. incl. of 11k. 0, the c;est 12: ft. of Lot 11 or
nd Lot 10 of indoor Piece ub. of ,lk. ln, 5-tere Plot
field Uurvcf.
23,0eiLTY fOla 17a .LL,tfliON 20. ,
faL JUL " LTS1=hcIT. Sth Lust Arcet. 9.00 cv crtvOLz.
Lot P of Ills. L, North ' inu:or Piece -ub.; Lot TO, Mill c
0. Oilier Pub.; the south ht, ft. of the north 97.: S ft. of Lot 10;
!:11 13, ",-fore Plot :7 Pip _it„1, urvCY.
21;3?1i1TY le.3.11_, "'211
,;! 0.90 ,or JrivecTy.
Lot 10, the north ft. of Lot 18, the south le ft. of
Lot 18, the horth 15.P -L. of Lot 20, the south AO ft. of Lot H),
T0o1-,- LI one " C, of 91k. 0, HonotOrlo ' uL.; Lot I of OP. 0, Often
' tab.; Lot UP of 1, the north ft ft. of L )-L, 18, the south 5
of Lot 19, Lot ft',?, the north 15 ft. of Lot 04, the south 18 71- of
Lot 1.4, of Ilk. 0, Liberty e, v1,-- '1at 11 tub.; Lot:; ', 5, 0, 7, of
31',. 1, Lot 10 !e thee outh "0.7 ft. of Lot 1 , of Ills. 0, Toronto'
ub.; Lot, 7 cne 1- of 11•;-. 1, Lots 18 anT 117 of lk. Y , fic,m:ions
uh. Ro. 0; the north 13.05 ft. of Lot 5, 110. 1, .tyler bees: 'ub.;
Lot- ! 5 .;a. 09, the north 10 ft. of Lot -0, the north 1 .c',7 ft. of
Lot thu north C: . of Lot 1-, Lots -9, Al, VP, 58, sl
S5, LihYrty esrk ole. el.'. of 'IL. 18„ Ole.,t
Lots 7 3, 1 1'), of .1k. L, Lots 5, ' I), of -.
Lot I of 1111. 5, _„- t ub.; . 11 or -. 15, 5--,,crc
stSL.L"th, Ln
2A- - za.no trivoi, L!
CT: ss-T. fecab . ioe.1
Lots 1, U., j . n. 1OSOr "lace :'uh.; Lots
ft an. 07, 1,11.11er Sy; Oilier ub.; the south 50 ft. of the north
of Blk. 18; 1 look
1n1.53 ft. of Lot 10/ Lots 10, 11, 14, 17 and 0e1, of 31k. !
, north 10 ft. of Lot LO, the south 10.5 ft. of the north 30.5 ft. oil
of ilk. 18;
Lot 00, the south 40 ft. of the nonh ft. of Lot ;;L:1 Lot IL, I
t'he south 12.5 ft. of Lot 15•, of 31k. , the north 15 ft. of Lot
23, the north 5 ft. of Lot 20, the north ;:,0 ft. o,, Lot 71, the north
1.0 ft. of Lot 77, the north 5 ft. of Lot 27, Lots SO, 7,1 & 40, and
46, of '31k. 3, all of last Park Sub.; of 91k. 18, 5-Acre Plat A,
Big Field urvey. '
i I O R_L;l'. (cast -lde)
Lot 6, the south 10 ft. of Lot 12, Lots 16 and 13, of
`?15. 1, East --'5rk Sub. of 51k. 13; the south 40 ft. of the north
120.5 ft. of Lot 20, of 51k. 13; 5-Acre flat R, 51. Field Survey.
THE REGULAR AC,SESSMENT. b . .00 ter driveway,
of 31k_. 18
Lot 5 of 31k. 1, North tindsor cl'aco Sub.4 Lot 6 of 51_€.
of 31k. 18
1_,, , inc-sor Place Sub.; Lots 11, 15, 15 and 13, Miller & Miller Sub.,/
the north 52.26 ft. of Lot 16, the south 78.34 ft. of Lot 18, of 514.
18; Lots 5 & 5, 12, 13 and 21 of 51k. 5, Last Park Sub. of 31k. 18;
fall in 5—Acre Flat A, Lig Field Survey;
jks the same are shoran upon the official Plats of said city to the
entire cepth of the same ow7iershid hack from said streets and to
collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assesseerit list made by the City
treasurer as corrected, apTa oved and completed by the Board of
gualization and Review of the property described in Section I of
This ordinance in Paving Extension No. a:9, of Salt Lake City, for .
he purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, private drive-j
rays and drainage and irrigation systems to carry water across and
long streets and intersections, and paving with Portland cement
Toncrete thereof is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and re-
.urned in said completed lists, and the report of the Boardof Equal)
i 2, I
ation and Review to the Board of Com7issioneru of Salt Lake City
'.re hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. s3aid tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly
I •
installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the
whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable as
the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or
(more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date;
(this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installment or
the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due,
th.e whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said install+
merit and interest are clue, shall,become due. nd payable, and shall
draw interest at the rate' of twelve per cent per annum until the
sale of the property assessed.
'CTION IV. This ordin26n4e shall take effect one 'ay aftc
its publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
(Utah, this 1-1— `—day of U}31c� , A. D. 1951.
1 f.
r _ uC ( -- Tempor Chairman.
� Ca.ty i:ecorcer.
La.vin; Extension No. U9,
Crc a Final dsti.mate.
� I
� I
I �
. "0 i
, ,,
. . ,..,
, ,, :.,..
f ' . __
,,...,,, 4'; c--
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake)}
�ing DI� a)1tUdM9NOE. /
An'Ordinance levying a tax and - 2e6/ ./y��`y F " -i
for the assessment of property in .. _ -=--t------ --"
District No. 82 (saving Ex-
n'No 229) for the Put.. of
•grading, constructing curb d gutter,2x
rpriva.drive driveways
drainage and ir- - being first duly sworn,deposes and says',that he is the principal
and along streets and sinter water across
paving with Portland Cement concrete
thereat• clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
Be 1t ordained by the Board of Com-
-Miele onere of Salt Lake City,Utah:
Se non 1. That the Hoard of Corn-
miss ctera f Sxallt Lake
o�nay fordoes
re-as-. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
ease ant of the same upon the prop-
ellrine ihereinafte[ described ]n Paving.
229 far theBpurposeu Extenton No, That the notice_...L�,._
pose of graftitg, con- - '"""
t.true/ng Curb and gutter,private drlve-
•t aye and drainage and irrigationetth eof. 1^ •_ _
water across and along
tam. to curry g - �7+
etree[e and Intersectlone, and paving _ -.--f-��----------- � /-
I 14k Portland cement concrete thereof.
to-iv t:
' In Lots 12,15,16 and 20 ofBlk.18.
6-Acre Plat A; Lots 1 to 16 incl.and.
Lots 17 to 28 Incl. of Mk,1,Lots I Ji��f f
and 16 to 27[not of Blk.2,Hampton's
Sub.;Late 1 to 12 Incl.o1 131k..1,Lots'
1 and 8 to 12 Incl.of Bik.2,Ogden Sub.;
'Lots 1 to 30 Incl.of Bik.1,Lots 1 and
17 to 30 incl.'of Blk, 2, Liberty Park
piat B Sub.;Lots I to 14 Incl.of Bilt.1,
Lots 1 and 9 to 14 Incl.of Blk,2,-To-
a to Sub.; Lot. Ito 22 incl. f Bik. of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said
'I Lot,1 a d 5e to 32 lacl.o1 Blk.2,
Dion's Sub, No. 2; Lotk-l-to 10 �� day of
line].of Blk.to crin 1 d 7 to 30 incl. /
f 2..elyl healy e92ek Add.;Lots 23 news per, in its issue dated, the
;�yr tact. Lib t. ,L Add.;and 3s o
'•to�'19'.a of 731k. 1,Lote 1 3 to' l
2 liyol.cp;HIk.2 Lote 1 to 1{ ntvl.of A.
" .'24}.vie.o fo 30 Ingle t I to 4,Lota !1
�"� 2{16,' I BIk.b.k Late 1 to 46 life]. "" "
9y'Blk.6.iller Park Sub.; bats SO to
'-28..7ve1.,Miller&Millet Sub.;Lote 2 to //.a/�� � �j�,�
12 incl. f Blk.1,Lota 1 to 18 incl. f and was nblis Led.t-JF�H.X...-- - --`^t.-.
Ems,fit 2,-W-inCeot1 Place Sub.;Lots 1 to P
Sikh 9,'N rth'Wied oa is Place ltub.o7-tid
Bik.18,06-Acre Incl.
PlatSA.Big FeldaSur-I the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
sidesabutting d adjacent to bath- r�t'��
'of Lake Street,Slghth East Street A.D.IYL /
d'Windsor Street from Ninth South to day of
Thirteenth South Streets and Helment
and Princeton Avenue.from Eighth to
Ninth Eaet Street., 1n Salt Lake City, .
Thle tax le levied to defray the ex 77.
penes of grading,constructing curb andv _
''UMW. private driveways and dralneve - ---------'- -- -
and across anadclo losystems
g t t eetsa and Intel see-•
bon,,.end pavings with Portland
ant.concrete thereof said pavement
•to be fix (6)to eight (8) laehee thick
tnd said roadwa to b ty 20)
o t wide on Lake and W inAsorf Streets
from h to 13th
'Belmont andSouth Princeton Avenueeer fromn
8tit to 0th Sant Streets. and thirty-six
.3th)toit l8th'de on 8th South Stt tee thet teet from 7''portlone beforeday of
I aid property herelnbefor0 d here-rn to me this
aretr described opposite aid streets
are to be especially affected and bene-
'tined by said improvement and it to arty A. D. 1927-f---
hereby divdge determined d es-
tablished that said
d property will be e '
gra ny be Ili d,kh eb r, Ode
Y qq t t tll and gels be bYa
fall-parcels [land h tebq'ii9,e geld
t o q el fl d 1f ratjll lit deg ,e,�`..�
d to th the11 entire 4 t-Sr t i�8
r hip back there Notary P lie.
mare elect, a
��lavled and-to bo aseoseed $b'ig'--:Ba
ells f land !s One HundYod FivC
and -1 s($ll 6.19) Dollars; Sev-
enty-Thou (d Thirty-four
r and
24.41) to Th1rtr-four and 21-100
(S70,e)4.4et Dollars n Flvo d 23 near too0
oft-ShuttingB property fot e
foer thirty (80)
footaroadway, there being 19.990.90 feet
abutting maid portion of said Improve-
ds t;Thirty-one Thousand Seven Hun-
red Eighty-seven and 79-100 lint,-
137.04)Doliare or Viva and 83-100(56.eti
Dollars per front or linear toot of abut-
ting property for thirty-sic (36) toot
roadway.there being 6,452.45 feet abut-
ting Paid portion of a to improvement;
1.•Two Hundred Forty and 00.100(8240.01)
,Dollate for private driveways. there
being ten (10) private driveways at
mw,...fv-lour ono fro 160 (t24.001 Dollars
tine n rth 34.16 Z.
t Lot.9,tb
C. drivow0Y; Nine Hundred BeventY- ..,r,66 Inc of Lot 8.Stevens Sib.;
two and 00,100 0) Dollars for 0 6 Incl. of Bik. 1, Lots 1 a'
Private driveways. there bung thirty- 10 Incl. of 2, North
six (88) private d''iveways t Twenty- a e Sub.; Lots Lots I to 10 Incl. , 5 Princeton Avenue
d 00.300 (i2700) Do118Ta Per 1,Lots 1 nd Il to 1&incl.of 'Lots 7 and B, 9 and 10, f nix. 3,
driveway; F.fghty-seven d 00,100 •Windsor Place Sub:;Lots 10 to 14 Lots 8, 9 and 30, of H1k. 4 a¢
($87 00) D 11a[s toy private driveways Lots 19 to 27 incl.,Miller&Mille 1 of Blk,6 Eett Park Bub.;all O!` d'9%;r'
there being three (3)private driveways Lae 2 to 6 Mel,and 8 to 19 h 19, 6 Acre Plat A Sig Bleb: ,�yy '
at Twenty-nine and 00.100 (29.00)Doi- Blk. 1, the south 18 ft. f Lot 19, 6_Ay Assessed for Id'':
Ia[a P dti y; One Thousand Two Elk 1. the mouth 13 ft. of Lot ,1n Addition to tte
Hundred Seventy-five and 00.1(10 (it.' Stk.2,Lots'9 to 20 incl.and 1 any me t, ition pm
273.00) Dollars for rivets driveways, t0 26 kW: Of Blk,2,.Lots 1.and 9 i f 1 'i
there being Forty-two d 6-1 atns 14 Mel... f Blk.8.Lots 2 to Incl. WWnndsor Stn.
(42,6) private driveways at Thirty d Rik, 4, Lots 2 to 24 inc Of Blk. Lots 1,It d 14 1
00.100 (630.00) Dollars per drlvew¢v; Lots 1 and 0 Place Sub.; Lot 2 10
26 all 46 incl. f H. 6, Miller Pbu,;the gout• - •'t' v`i"
Nine Hundred Thirty and 00.1001East park Sub.;all in Hlock 38,6-Ad[s 121.G6 ft.of Lot I6,04 Elk. 8;Lots , '
(2930.001 Dollars for Private driveways Plat A. Blg Field Brry y 14 17 and t f f Bi . East s L
there being thirty (30) Private drive• Belmont Avennq gib FBet to tith
ways at Tbi[ty9one.,and 00 100,($31.001 ---Byte Streets. - ,b >; north 40 ft f Lot 20 thesouth
Dollars pet driveway: Four Hundred Let 1 2 end a of Blk•1,Lots fend - 6 f the th 80,6 ft. f Sot 20,
Twenty-nine d 00100 ($429,00) Doi- 2 f BM. 2, North Windsor Place 0 ft t the north 120.6.ft
l lard for prone drlvowaY. there being Suh,Lots 10,Il and 12 of Blk-1,Lola Out, pf 81k.IA;Lot 12.the north
tf;lrteen(12)private drfveways•at Thfr- 10 to 14 Incl.of Blk.2.Windsor Place - t Lot 1g,of Blk.8,the north •
.Ye-three and 00.100 ($33.00n Dollars Pestruction r Sub.; en 1n lock 18. 6-Acre Plat A. 16,-hi; t 28,the north 6 ft.of Lot
driveways and the property ben f Big lncotonSAv¢nytte,gik Bat 60;the-north north 20 ft,of Lot 81,the north
Pr t0 g 11 ft f Lot gag the north.5 ft.oY Lot
flied thereby is boundaries
set out,and Bee{Streets. 37.Lots Ea 39 nfl 40,and 46,of Blk,
!an within the boundaries of the Iota. Lori 7 to 10 feel. of Blk. 8 Lote I 6,all 4 A, Park 8ub.:of Slk.1&.6-
�I.bl0nks-end streets alcove mentioned in to 10,Incl.Of B1, 4,Lots 1 Co 6 incl. Acre Plat A,Mg Field Survey- '
,said district which Is the-total of and f Rik.6 Lots 1.2.8 d 46 of Rlk. Windsor Street.(East Side.) `
abutters' cost and bet poet front foot 6, Eyt Park Suh, 1 81k. 18, 6-Acts Lot 6,the south 10 ft.of Lot 12,Lots
of old 1mProvoment, cr.Yd'ng.to the Plat A. Big Flold Survey. 16 and 18, of Blk• 1, East Park Sub.
contract entered Into for the Pe[fnrm- East y_gp[ FOOT BOADWAY, f Bik.18;the north 40 ft of the north
°[ said w ik a d akin8 said Stu East 8 6trcet&tO 18th BonDt 120.6 ft, f Lot 20, of Blk. 18; 6-Acre
hi:Movement,with Gibbons&Reed Co., plat A. .e.Field Survey.
Contractors,dated th0 31st day of July, Lota 18 and 16, the eolith 67.43 ft Propene Aaeese.%for Private Driveways
WO.n,b and the City TTeasurer Is
hereby of Loot 16, the north 12,5 ft. of Lot in Addition to the Regal. Assess-,.
nor*otnae a t directed to a s in In 1 Elk, 18• Ha 1 and 17 to 28 men. $38.02 Per Driveway.
urdance with the Provte'ona of this Incl. Of Bo4 1,O ttoolt 's 6ub.; Lots
'nod000nce,for rite Purpose herein men- 1 ad 8 to 12 Incl. L Blk. 1, Ogd eh Windsor Street.
Honed, 9vb.;Lots 1 a d 17 to a0 3ne1 f BM. Lot 3 of Blic•1,North Windsor Piece
THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY• In Liberty perk Plat B. Sub.; Lots 1 Sub. f Blk.18;Lot 4 f B11c.1,Wind-
-South to ]Stu South d 9 to 14 Incl.,Blk.1,Toronto Sob a6 Place'Sub.;Ldts 11,13,-16 end 19,
Lake Street, Streets Lot. 1 and 18 to 22 incl. f Blk, 1. Miller&Miller S.of Blk.18;the north
I•ote 8.to 16 Incl. f Blk, t, tote 1 H Dton'e Sob.No.2:Lots 1 and 7 to 32.26 ft.of Lot 16, the ouch 73.84 ft.
nd 16 to 27 Incl.of Blk.2.Hampton'e Lote el, t Blk, 1,Eyler&Rees Bub.; of Lot 16,of Blk.18;Lots 3 and 6,12,
Huh;Lote 2 to 7 Inei. of Blk.1,tote Lot,87 to 99 1f.l Liberty Patk Add.;, 19 d 21 of Blk.6.East Park Sub.of
l and B to 12 Incl.04 Silk.2.Ogden Svbl Lo'e 81tO81k1n8•Lots 12 to 24t 1nc]to[ Blk.18;all in 6-Acre Plat A,Rig F1.1 •
Lot.2 to 16 Incl. f Blk.1,Lots 1 n' 131k. 6, Eyt Park Sub.;Lots 28 to 38 Suryey; et: the e a shown upon
17011 30 Incl. f Blk. 2, Liberty Park Incl., Miller & Miller Sub.; Lots 2 to tiene official plats a of said
n it caner to the
pplot Lots 2 to 8 incl. of Bllc. 1. 10 1ne1, f B1K 2,let Sur Place Bub,; the depth f the ship
Lots 1.-..9. 14 tnel of 131K 2,To- Lots 2 t0 g Incl. f Blk. 2, North back from'said atrectn and to collect
n tv Sub..Lots 2 to 17 Incl. of B11r- SVlndeor Piaca Sub.; ]l in Bltr. 1gr Ifl tar'
el nl.ois d and 18 t0 32 ivnl. f lad. . 8-Acro Plat A,Bfb.Field Survey.
''!;smut°n'e Sub,No.2;Lots tot°G loco list by Sthe City Treasurer asesalc°r�
of BSc. 1.Lots 1 and 7 to 10 inc1. r 3'ttrays Assessed For Private Delve- cted, approved and completed as the.
B'.k. 2,Eyler&Rees Sub.:Lots 23 to ways In Addition to the Regular
06 Incl. Of Liberty Park Add.: all In Assessment. Bth East Street. 624,00 Bard of Egralieation and Review of the
Rio. 18, 6-Acre Plat A. Big Field per Driveway. Property described In Section I of this
Survey. .Lot 31,Lot 94,the-south 12�9 ft, Or A. ordinance in Paving Extension No. 229,
Windom Street.0f96 South to Igth t 97, Liberty Park Add.; Dote 3, q v\ 3�ad1nS Lake constructing r the ndr98u[tgrf
South Streets. *ad 6'of Blk.2,Lots 10,12.la (118, - r s
Lot 12,the south 67.42 ft. t Lot 15, 1sIDlk. 6, East Park Suh-of y. ' 16' Private driveways a d drainage and oe0
Lot I6, the rth 120.E ft. f Lot,20, lore Plat A,Big Field Survey, rigation stems to carry ter r
Ot Blk.18:Lot$6,6 and 7,10 an npgny Aaepssed for private Drive• and along streets and Intereectlone,
ways in Addition to the Regal.AB• and paving with Portland cement con.
,tgesemeel.$27.00 per Driveway, crate thernf is hereby confirmed and -
S 8t a East Street. the aaseasm me made and returned
",),Lots 17,22 d 28 of PM I,Hump- In Itlompieted Sets.and the report
of the Board of Equelfeatlon and Re-
OAs Sub.; Lot 22 of Bllt 1, Liberty view to the board of Commissioners
ark Plat 8 Sub.;Lott:10� 11, 12 and ,of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified,
);,of Blk.1,Toronto Sub.;Lots 19,23, ePProvoclSECTI and confirtd'eda -
nl 8(0, Blk. 1, Hemet°y Sub. No. SECTION IH. Said tax shall be nay-
1 the north 20 Yt. t Lot R.the:south able 1n tau equal yearly fnetallments as
�!St.0f LotSub.:
7,and Lot 9,81k.1.Eyler provided bylaw and ordinance with In-
Sees Sub.: Lot 09, the north 20 ft. terost on'the whole um unpaid at rho
L Lot 72, the north 15 ft. f Lot 75, rate of six per cent per annum, paY-
Iee north 12:6 ft. of Lot 70, Lots 81 able at the time each Installment fe due;•
and 83,Liberty Park Add.;all of 131k, provided,however, that one motof
. 6-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey. such Ivetallmenla In the orderr Payable,
Windsor Street, or the whole tax,may be paid without
°The south 10 ft,of the north 192.E ft, interest within fifteen (15) days from.
d lot 12,the south 39 It of the north the date this ordinance becomes offer- '
1d1.6 ft of Lot 12, the south 88 It. five. In the event any installment or
if the north 219.E ft.of Lot 12,of Blk. the Interest aforesaid is not paid on the
3, 6-Acre Plat A,BOO Field Survey. day the same becomes,due,the whole
Belmont Avenue. amount of the sneelai tax pall at the
'THe east 40 ft. of the west 12.0 f0 time Id installment and interest are
k Lots 8 and 8,Lot 1,the east 40 ft.- due,shall become due and payable.and
tf the t 80 ft. of Lots 2 and 3, shall draw Interest at the rate of twelve
Blk 1,Lote 1 and 2,of Blk 2,North per cent per annum until the sale of the
n'Indsor Place Sub.;the t 61 ft, of
lit 10 and thew t 108 ft.of Lot 10, Oaks effect
IV. This ordinance shall
to Blk.I.the west 43 ft.of Lots 11 to take effect one day after ire public.
h;Incl. of Blk. 2, the east 114 ft. of thin,
;p;t 11 of Blk. 2, and Lot In of Pik. Passed by the Board of Commlesloners
Wlndaci' Place Sub. f Blk. 18, 8 of Salt Lake City,Bt.,this 32nd day
,c of Jsrlaary,A.D. 1921.
t0 Plat A,Big Field Survey. JOSEPH H. LAKE.
%joperty Assessed for Private Drive. Temporary Chairmaf..
ways In Additive to the Regular As. , Ethel Macdonald.Olt y Recorder.
ant.Sth Best Street.$29.00 per Bill No. 4.
Driveway. Paving Extension No.229.
IT.°t e-of Blk.2.North-Windsor Place and Final Estimate.
Ob.;Lot 29,Miller and Miller Sub.;the F006I PubilshedS;January 23rd, 1881.
Nth 65 ft.of the north 97.26 ft.of tot �•
all of Blk. 18, 6-Acre Plat A, Rig •
'0Nd Survey.
n'upeny Amassed for Private Drive.
ways in Addition to the Regal.As.
mdmement.$30.00 per.Driveway. '
Lake Street. -
L6t Hi,the north 22 ft.of Lot 18,the
Tutu 44 ft. of Lot 18, the north 15.4
of Lot 20, the south 40 ft of Lot
rr, Lots 21 and 26,.of Blk. 2, BamV'
as Sub.;Lot 1 of BIk.2,Ogden Sub.;
t 14 of 1, the north 20 It. of
,;.: 000e 18,the south 5 ft of Lot 12,Lot 22,
north 16 ft of Lot 24, the south
ft.of Lot 24,of 131k.2,Llbrety Park
.eat B Sub.' Lots 3, 6, 6, and 7, of
k.1,Lot 10 and the south 36.7 ft.of
Bit 13. of Blk. 2, Toronto Sub.; Lots
and 18 of Blk. 1. Lots 18 and 27
' BIB 2, Hamptons Sub. No.'2;
Ike north 18,05 ft. of Lot 5. Blk. 1.
,e north SOe ft.Sof•Lotots 30.2 the and
,1.67n ft f Lot 32, the north 9.67 rto.
ILi 33. Lots 89, 41, 49, Be, 69 a 8
;fAnreb Plat A. Bigd Field Survey.
ul 38,
4 t
*i• ,