4 of 1933 - Amending Sections 3 and 19, licensing and governing production, handling and distribution of milk, m VOTING AYE NAYSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
:eyser . ,
:night . -
dlr.Chairman . ---
tesult . . .
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
August 23, 1932, regulating, licensing and governing the production,
handling and distribution of milk, milk products, cottage cheese,
frozen confections, ice cream and butter.
Jae it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of bait
. • Lake City, Utah:
StsC'TION I. That Section 3 of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 23, 1932,
regulating, licensing and governing the production, handling and
distribution of milk, milk products, cottage cheese, frozen confec-
tions, ice cream and butter, be and the same is hereby amended by
adding in and to said section the following paragraph, to-wit:
''Such permit shall specify the grade and character of
milk or milk product permitted to be sold, possessed, delivered
or received and shall not permit the sale, possession, delivery
or receipt in Salt Lake City of any other grade or character of
milk or milk product than that specified.
SECTION 2. That Section 19 of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 23, 1932,
regulating, licensing and governing the production, handling and
distribution of milk, milk products, cottage cheese, frozen confec-
tions, ice cream and butter, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
SECTION 19. FEES. All raw milk separated, bottled or pas-
tuerized shall be subject to an additional fee of one-eighth of a
cent per gallon payable by the separator, bottler or pasteurizer on
or before the 5th day of each month for the calendar month preceeding
to the Department of Public Health, for deposit with the treasurer
of Salt Lake City. Fees so collected shall be credited to the
Food and Dairy Inspection Fund.
SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause
for phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be uncon-
hstitutional, void or unlawful, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The board
of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby declares that
lit would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection,
sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that
any one or more sectionst subsections, sentences;: clauses or phras-
es be declared unconstitutional, void or unlawful.
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board.of Commissioners,
flit is necessary to the peac:::', health and safety of the inhabitants
' of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately,.
SLCTIUN 5. This ordinal Shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this glidlly of March, A. D. oS.
- -
City hecor er.
Orden 2.4 -.
. 4 ge-Joie_,771LilL.
pronged 10 the Board.9f CM!I
• MAR. 91933�
r �J
-j 3:;
��, ; :: .
Proof of Publication •
County of Salt Lake.
An Ordinance amending sections 3
and 19 of.an•ordinanee passed by the
Bdard OS,Commissioners of Seat Lake
City,ABM,on August 23,1932,reg-
ulating,licensing and governing the
production,handling and distribution
%of max, max products, cottage 1 4ARRX.WaFF being first duly
'cheese,frozen Confections,ice cream
and butter.
I111B,6loners ao eSalt Lake Ci y°Uah sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
Section•1. That'.section 3 of an
ordinance passed by the Board of e-
Commisafonera of salt Lake City.Utah, TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
licensing and an and
23,1932,regulating.governing the produc-
tion, milk11productss,d distribution
cheese at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
frozen ,confections, ice cream and
'butter, be and the some 1s hereby
amended by addingin and to said
section the.following paragraph, to-
w"finch permit shall specify the That the notice AN.OUDLNANC:u
grade and character of Milk or milk
product permitted.,to be sold, pos-
sessed, delivered or received and Sf�:T,L a,C?TX.C,CRIORATION
shall not permit the sale,'t possession,kCity
delivery t receipt m Salt t Cloy
n any or other grade or character thspeci-
f ied."
fed.or milk product than that specl-
Section 2. That section of an
passed by the Board of
I'Uomm oelo ugs of Salt Lakeu City,
U tah,on August e3,193ng egpretiuc-
heensisondiad governing the pna of
;tlon,handling mnd dlsttage on of
Cok•ptio s, ceottee Meese:
Irose r Confections,and t ice cream and
amen,be and the salve is hereby
amended to read as follows: of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
Section 19. Fees. All raw milk
separated,bottled or pasteurized shall
be'subject to an,additional fee of 19 '
one-eighth of a cent per gallon Par-
able by the separator,bottler or pas- paper in its issue dated the ...9th. day of ...fta rely
er on or before the Sth day of
each month for the calendar month
Department of Public
'of Salt Lake Cltyt with Feethe treasucollectrer and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
shall be credited to the Food and
Coiry Inspection"Fund.
Secelon 3. If any section, L$rC l 9th for
tion, sentence. clause or phraseaseof of
this ordinance is,for any reason,held
to be unconstitutional. void o -
lawful, such derision shall not af- Lne insertion
feet the validity of the remaining thereafter, the full period of
portions of this ordinance. The
Board of City Commissioners of Salt
Lake City,Utah,hereby declares that
it would have passed this ordinance
ari each section, subsection, Ben- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the .... th....
Lena, clause or phrase thereof, ir-
respective of the fact that any one or
usea or phrases be declared uncon- Nraroh . D. 1933...
atitutional,void or unlawful. day of
Section 4. In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,it la,neces-
sary to the peace,health and safety of
the inhabitants of Salt Like City that
this ordinance shall take effect Am- -'
Section t once ordinance shall
take effect at once upon its first pub-
BPass a by the Board or Commission- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of
era of Bolt Lake City,Utah,this ath -�
day of March,S.D.1933.
(Seal) ETHEL M City
'.'a r.Ch A. D.�.Y'1__r:
City Recorder.
B111 No.4. �---�
Yupllshlshed March 9t6,1939.
• Notary Public.
My commission expires
Advertising fee, $ '
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.