4 of 1936 - Amending Chapter LVI and adding new Section 1276X, relating to streets ROLL CALL g _ VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, FE�1x }J 36 193 Coggin I move that the ordinance be passe . /J Keyser '. !/ Lee Mr. Chairman - - -I AN ORDINANCE Resuh _ I AN ORDINANCE A➢dENDING CHAPTER LVI, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to said chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1276X, relating to streets. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMQMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION I. That Chapter LVI, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same .is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1276X, relating to streets, to read as follows: SEC. 1276X. (a) Any person, in lieu of the permit herein required, may make an application to the Board of Com- missioners for a permit to erect or use any ladder over or upon any street or sidewalk for the purpose of servicing, painting, cleaning, or repairing any sign, sign post, sign board, adver- tisement or other structure mentioned in Section 1183, Revised 4 Ordinances, Salt Lake City, Utah,' 1934, for the period of one 4 year, stating in the application the name of the applicant and his business and the names and addresses of all employees or agents of applicant who will engage in erecting ladders upon sidewalks or streets for such purpose in Salt Lake City; that upon approval of said application and the payment of a fee equal to the number of permits estimated by the applicant necessary for the calendar year computed at the rate of $1.00 per permit, said fee to be not less than $25.00, and the Posting of a bond as provided in Section 1276, said permit shall be valid only so long as said bond continues in full force and effect but in no case to extend beyond the end of the calendar year in which it is issued. (b) Such permit s14all authorize tie holder thereof and -2- his bona fide employees and agents to erect ladders on any street or sidewalk dth Salt Lake City for the purposes herein mentioned; that it may, at the option of the Supervisor of Streets, with the advice and consent of the City Commission be revoked. (0) In the event that such permit shall be granted, the Supervisor of Streets shall issue to the applicant individual identification cards bearing the names of all employees or agents of the applicant anti statin 'that"' he persoktamed in such card is permitted to ido-the things e i'9xmerated!a i this ordinance for the term of #ie permit; anagt shall 4 unlaw- ful for any person, agent or,,employtiO of y perso;z tblding ,• any such permit to erect 4 'use any e.dde#aped"-any sidewalk or street in Salt Lake City eithoul first iavang i014s possession such identification card.' SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel, . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed^by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, /� ,r g Utah, this // l�iLday off, -k i A. D. 1936. Mayo �j^bl--A4t-e)/(974CITY to Proof of Publication muumuu lllnillllllll UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP TER LVI,Revised Ordinances of Salt'. Lake City,Dtah,1934,by adding In and to said chapter a new Section to H. P. THO.t.PSOIQ being first duly be known as Sectlonr1276X,relating 1, to streets. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OP COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH: sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE SECTION 1. That Chapter LVI, Revised Ordinances oI Salt Lake City, Utah,1934,be and the camels hereby TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day amended by adding and to said chapter a new Section to be known tSection rtow`°latine to streets, adas fllos: at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. SEC. 1276X. (a) Any person, In lieu of tile permit herein required, may make an application to the Board.of Commissioners fora per- mit to erect or use:any ladder over That the noticeAN .Q$AInANC4. or upon any street or sidewalk for the purpose of servicing, painting, cleaning,or repairing any sign,sign post, herstructure mentioned in Section VAL.T.LAKE.CITY.CORP.ORATION 1183,Revised Ordinances,Salt Lake City, Utah,.1934, for the period a1 one year,stating In the application the name of the application and his business and the names and ad- dresses of all employees or agents of applicant who will engage In erect- ing ladders upon sidewalks or streets for such purpose in Salt Lake City: that upon approval of said applica- tion and the payment:of else equal to the'number permtle'estimated by the applicant necessary for the calendar year computed at the rate of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- of$1.00 per permit,said fee to be not lees than$25.00,and the posting of a bond as provided In Section 1270,said Perini shall be valid old),solong as eaid bond continues In fuull force and paper in its issue dated the ...13thday of February• 19• •3.6 • effect,but in no ease to extend be- yond the end of the calendar year in which 1t is'issued. (b) such permit shall authorize and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on the holder thereof and his bona fide employees and agents to erect ladders on any Citytrfor orthe sidewalk purposes' Saltn February 13th. for Lake mentioned; for,tie may,at th erop- tion that e may,of the ep- wit of the Sadvice a Streetts with the Commission, and consent of the CI(c)In the evet the tsuch revoked, .O.T19 call be granted,the Supervisor of thereafter, the full period of In.aerti.Qn Streets shall issue'.to the applicant individual identification cards bear- ing the names of all employees or agfents of the applicant and stating the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 13th that the person named in such card IS permitted to do the thingenume- s rated in this ordinance for thea term' of the permit,and 1t shall be un- February A. D. 19.36 lawful for any person,agent or em- day of ployee of any person holding any such permit to erect or use any lad- der upon any'.sidewa or street in Salt Lake City without first having in his possession such identification �J�( card.- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of eacesionale,it Is neces-- 13th y sary to thea peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Belt Lake City Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of that this ordinance shall take effect, Immediately. -' SECTION 3. This ordinance pe shall take effect upon Its first public..- February A. 11)..19.$s.. Von. Passed by the Board'of Commie-, stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah',this lath day of February A.D.1936, I ' E.B.ERWIN, Mayor. I Ethhel Macdonald,City Recorder. ./ Notary Public. BILL NO.4. Published February 13th,193e. , • My commission expires /Y-/ 7 Advertising fee, $ 4 Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No.