4 of 1940 - Amending section 1429, Revised Ordinance 1934, and Bill Number 3, relative to careless driving. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,-_ _7_9 -7 1940 , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Go m • I move that the ordinance be passed. Sg Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - ,. Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC'TIOiN 1429, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, passed by the .Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on January 24, 1940, gad designated as bill No. 3, relating to traffic. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1429, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on January 24, 1940, and designated. as bill No. 3, relating to traffic, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 1429. CARELESS DRIVING. -Lt shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle upon the streets of Salt Lake City without the care and caution of a reasonably prudent person under the circumstances then and. there existing. It shall be the duty of every police officer of Salt Lake City who shall observe a violation of this ordinance to de- liver to the person violating the same a notice in writing signed by such police officer notifying him that a violation of this ordinance is claimed against him. Such notice shall give the name of the -person against whom the claim is made, the section number of this ordinance, a brief statement of the violation claimed thereunder, the day, month, year and place it is claimed to have occurred, the license number of the vehicle driven by him, and a statement that he is required to appear at the office of the Desk Sergeant in the Public Safety Building in Salt Lake City within forty-eight hours after its receipt. Any person who shall receive a notice in writing signed by a police officer of Salt Lake City notifying him that it is claimed he has violated this ordinance may, within forty- eight hours after its receipt, pay to the Des'.; fersea,nt, or to the person in charge of his office, at the Public .,afety -huildin.g in =a.lt Lake City, the sum of One Dollar and the same shall be received in full satisfaction of the claim of viola- tion so made and in that event no complaint on that account shall issue. SECTION 2 , In the opinion of the (oard of;Corsnis,ioners, it is necessary to the peac health end' satety o1 the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that tOis 4dinance become. ef ective immediately. SECTION 4 ,phis o:rd ante shall, take effect upon its first publication Passed by the boara of Coriini.ssioncrs of. colt La.;e City, _akUtah, this _day of I A.D. 1940. f _-- -- MNJars-----_----- j City recorder. C AND-PASSED FFB; 71940 WtY RDC'`DAbBR First Pabiicatiom _ 193 • • LA I11 _ CITY ABRGBD R • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake i AN ORDINANCE- Le ..I...Xo.ung AN ORDINANCE AMEN➢ING SEC- TION 1429, Revised Ordinances of Salt Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Board Lake City, Utah 1934, passed'by the g of Commiseioners of Salt Lake City' bill January. , relating to traf c."`°`t`d °° vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper Be it rd road by the Boar of. Com- maHCTION�1,Th 6caee4fon'Neh'3eviaeQ. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Ordinances of Salt Lake City.Psi ne 1934 i passed by the board of Commissio0ners of of Utah. Salt Lake City January 24, 1840,and be dessend the bill Ni.3he eby relating amended traffic, to read as follows:sama is SllC.l be lunlawfu s for any a on to drive CARELESS DRIVING. It ehal vehicle upon the streets of salt Lake That the advertisement Or.dlrl�,nae Bll-1..N O.,. ay City without the care and ruder °1 a reasonablynce prudentthenperson under the'eh, m Its shall a then and there ae18t1n7,'`+' (� relating to tr af#'.lsi....Salt La1ie..Qz ty It shall be the duty of every 'pace officer sserve ra sf Salt Lak vi0 violation ofethiety ordinance who shalt do. liver to the person violating the mime a notice in turtling signed by such police Re corder [ficer notifying him that a violation of this ordinance is claimed against him.Such notice shall stye the name of the person against whom the dant, is rends the section number of this ordinance,a brief statement of the violation claimed there• der. the day, month,-year and place it-i claimed to have d, the t-I was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the him.°anumber d aestatement vehicle n t`he is°reamed to eopear at the office Of:the..Desk Ser. geaht 1n.the'Public safety Butldlur n Salt Lake City within fortymight hours 8th--day of Fe br.ue r y A.D. 19.40.. to voyltiog Pie w tb shall receive a 'notice n writing elened by a pence officer ofs and was published e Salt d lie has violated thiehordin that maly, one t,�_Ifi within forty-Eight hours after Its receipt, pay to the Deek Sergeant,or to the r. n charge of his office, t the Public Safein Building in Salt Lake City,the sum the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the of One Dallas and the same hen be re. caved in full saisfaction of the claim f violation so made and in that event to day o f � � A.D. 19 Plaint n that account is necessary y to `,`.� `sSECTION 2,In the°Pinion alb.Dowd' fInCler '.\ k. SECTION 3,This ordinance shall take effect'peon its first publication, t Saltd by Lek to ;Rosy, p l of Commissioners blsday`of February, A-D. 1940, AD JENRIN9. ° Mayor. ElIDEL MACDONALD. (Seal) '-- City-R@porder. BILL NO. 4. Published February 8th. 1949. 13 t h .,w.:..c...,..at coo,,,,,,,tit t before me this day o Fe bruary A.D. 19.42... ary [ , t 0 d 2 r 1--, c 0.. . .„...„, c ... k. 0.\° ,'1:1I.L: --), I 1 : -\---, „.... .. , . ,..,.. ,-s 0. ca4 K ., 0. ro I..d• LF © 0 I V‘ 1 - —