4 of 1944 - Vacating alley along the south ride of Sunnyside Avenue from 22nd East to 156 feet east of 23rd East rt ROLL VOTING =� Salt Lake City, Utah, 7'3 ' 8 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . I RomneyF Tedesco z Mr. Chairman. . . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF SUNNYSIDE AVENUE FROM 22nd East street to 156 feet east of 23rd ' ` East street. a a a be it ordained by the Board of commissioners of salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That alley along the south side of Sunnysffide Avenue from 22nd East Street to 156 feet east of 23rd East street, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, block 28, Park Crescent sub. of section 10, T. 1 S. R. 1 E., S.L.B. & B., running thence west 144.0 ft., thence North 14.0 ft. more or less to the south line of Sunnyside Avenue, thence East 144.0 ft., thence South 14.0 ft. more or less to point of beginning; also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12, of said block 28, running thence west 144.0 ft., thence North 14.0 ft. more or less to the south line of sunnyside Avenue, thence East 144.0 ft., thence south 14.0 ft. more or less to point of beginning; also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, block 29, said park Crescent sub., running thence west 144.0 ft., thence North 14.0 ft. more or less to the south line of sunnyside Avenue, thence East 144.0 ft., thence south 14.0 ft. more or less to point of beginning; also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12, said Block 29, running thence west 144.0 ft., thence North 14.0 ft. more or less to the south line pf sunnyside Avenue, thence East 144.0 ft., thence South 14.0 ft. more or less to point of beginning; also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12, block 30, said Park Crescent sub., running thence West' 155.0 ft., thence North 14.0 ft. more or less to the south line of Sunnyside Avenue, thence East 155.0 ft., thence South 14.0 ft. more or less to point of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its fi,s publication. (-74.0 /j 4 -2- Passed by the Board of Coataissioners of Bait Lake City, Utah, this g_j.4_ day of- zdt4d A.D. 1944. Ma DEKETY City ..ecorder. , 4 "6 rrt Irk *41 IX! • <12,-,1 110 , eV z 4 17:1:le 741' "r. •P 4' 4, I ;'1. ._.... p.4'+...A-.Z�t. -iJ ..-Al'l c_:.iJ rlli>ji.F . .10.0'x, - .fir .i 'sT r ° .. k.., ' , I �� el. . o ; Xfpi -4,...), f .... at; I 4,.. DI i ‘ T,. • Proof of I1ubltrattnn l ntteh&Yates of 1 inertra 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE — -- ---- - M.COMMAN OR+ AN.ORDINAN ALLEY ALONG THE I. :UNNY- tIDE Street to 158 I. met. miss!.t, corn, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk SEC a :rthe sad " _ i of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, scribed de Begin', X.�ea�t corner of Lot ,."k' ark crescent Salt Lake Count , State of Utah. S.L.B. ..- s.R. 1 E., y 194.0 re-thenen., - thence Went ofor less to the 9. th line Sunnye de Avenue,thence -t 149.0 ft.,thence That the Notice AN ORDNANCE South 14.0 ft.ma or less to point of beglning; Moo beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12, of said Block 28,running thence West 144.0 ft.,thence North 19A ft,more or lees' to the south line of Sunnyelde Ave-1 nue, thence East 199.0 ft. thence' South 14.0 ft.more or lees to point of beginning; also beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13,Block 29, sad Park Crescent Sub., running thence West 194.0 ft., thence North 19.0 It.more or lees to the South line 1 Sunnyelde Avenue, thence East 144.0 ft.,thence South 14.0 ft.more or beginning at the Northeoint of ast corner of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper Lot 12,said Slack 29,running thence West 194.0 ft.,thence North 14.0 ft. more inyffivel Avenue, hencet Eastn14a o 9 th ft., thence South14.0 ft, more or in •its •issue dated the less to point of begnning; also be- ginning at the Northeast corner of Sub.,running thencetl West 1550 Crescent day Of FEBRUARY 19...44.--, thence North 14.0 ft,more or lees to the South le of Sn,veide Avenue, thence Eastin155.0 ft.,thence South 19.0 ft. more or'lees to point or and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on beginning; be and the name Is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public prop- erty for use as a street,avenue,alley -FEBRUARY---9th or pedestrian way. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, It is neces- 1 TIME eery to the peace,health and safety of thereafter, the full period of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective im- mediately. takes SECTION you t ts rordinpa ordinance the last publication thereof Passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,thin 8th 9th day of February,A.D.1944. day of EARL Mayor. GLADE, being in the issue dated the FRANK A.SHIELDS, (Seal) Chief Deputy City Recorder. BILLB h ILL e.4 FEBRUARY , A. D. 19 44 No. February 8th,IB99. 3/2. (2:„,t,„„o-t, 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of 4 FEB. A.D. 19 44 Notary Public My commission expires Nov.25,1945 Advertising fee$ 4 Z t• , 0 6 E'l Ut c.) I.1 cr." al '-••• ---=',:, `i 4. -,. li• ra4 K tz cLi 4-• Z 0 .... ..., C 4. ,..z- C4 C * tag 11c-\