4 of 1946 - Vacating Wellington Street North from Harvard Avenue also Two Alleys in blocks 1 and 2 Colonial Heig '
4 (11 ""
Salt Lake City,Utah, • ,• 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson -
Mccon,kie /r/.
7tr'escs - - -
Mr.Chairman - - -
A N °--t> 7 VR Di ANC
ICA oaT17:::.7,,m.
A1,T. -faLT''ITON :Trix,..11m north
1„.,1 • from florvnr(11 Avnnun, clan, T 0 1137172 In Mocks 1 nne,.
ColoILJ rni,hts Sub. in soil Lot::: City,
Ls it ordqined. ',.Io.Ard of CoropLIF,n1,nno , of'
;:;..1 e
2I703 ]. Th5h ,1troet nova Coo:o.
Unrvnrd ANnnuP, r3oo, t- niloyn in 3].oc2 1 1.:1
0o1-c ,r11, .1 T 1J, '[liv, Fir i en-
lnuly dencfibnl folio:.':
TIppip''in' ntlu 17;oull,'nnt corns (-).1 tot 19,
[hook 1, Colonini 'nts of float. n, 5
Acre 1 IC "i?:111 MIODOe C,0.0
ft., 11:miles 63.0 ft.,
tIn:Inco fb. to the lance of 1,-;,-,-;innin•;.
nt the ,ortl-fet, corner 0C Loh IC,
floe. 1, L:u . of Hloc' ,C, 5
( I) S 1 -,nrvny, thanco 17.0
ft., haoo -'anti 517.0 07., Ihues eeL 10.0
ttnnee 7,0u.',I1 70.0 I I 545° ". 7.07
ft., th,i-,nco Chop oh 1:=.0
1,110 ,,lnce of
ttn. InnUo ' at
the '„"or ' enst corner of Lot 1,
Co]onle) T7niH to - ,)„ of 310700, U
!..ore 1'1,A 0, 1,70 7,urvoy, tLance hit 120.0
ft., Llicuce 13. 15° 7. 7.07 it., ''; (!E) :Muth 10:2.4
ft., 111::nee neon Forth 3013.107. ,
301 n.0 ft., 5102
45° • 7.07 CL. , Conan L,' ;it 1 .0.0 ft., ;Lee
1-jont.1r, 12.0 ft. Lo lb lAne of bn1J-IninL;;
bc 12'.r0b0 v:' rte,i pt 11,301,ro 1,c ;,n, to
,-;n1).7 to • ,:tnnn ,
.. . . .. .
.•... ..1,-1. vo,ccLqon. I.Ji .:-..:ajc--: 01)0:7.01y or,1co6 to all
oxl.oti.r.—; rl,.q:1-,;, criT -.:,-.7: -rit. e;-loc•o:‘;.'.':-.f.-.! 7.-.1.• ...1.1. -c,A.(,)3.A.o util-Laco
of n.r.1..,, ond o-vor ,lenri:-,Li,n nw., -.I..00r.to . in, oo, unilor or
OVC1T V)0 COI:cl.11n of V11.0 abovo 6erv:Yn0O. nroIclq:/., ,.D.nd nlco
ri.-::1-b of ontry ti.,.:o..00n for tIL-; ...or--.or3e of in-
O---)(?(31;111,7, •,.:1,.1.11tt.;11-1, .0ep:11.11:1:;, l'Opit.0111 , 1.T.F1071.11.E, al1er-
In7 oy ro:,..outi.o!,, ,;i.,n-ij' utill.i..1..nf,, -.,.!-..,3 :::11„ 0,1,' 1-,h.,i.r1.,
",...1.'.!:CT IOF0.)3. in tit 0-2iution of 1,1..10 77.0.-,r0. of C0p.ti1.::3,..,Ion.-
1..-. ....e .4g
oro, It if:, no oo,-.o3.?:114± [;?.th(kv 0 0 o, .1-1.1 al th .3.n0 0OfGtr Of -1-,be
Inhobl:i-,!.-.11 of ,'-;aVt;c::1..;-..4Q 1,44Cy. t3-,a.t ti--...ls orrl_inance becordo,
:-.-rf:coo-I.-,1-v-o Inciodia.toR.,-;..
tfT'ff:C1,Ii.4.31:' Tiii*41-tinrriic.) o: ".I1. to.'.h.:e effect upon
:i•,, A,d,f ',,
IIn flrot oulio0.-4o0.
:::,n -:erl, hy tlic: Too-.0,•1 of' 2o711,,..1!--.!oloop0,3 0--1,..„-77-7,71 J; L.C70 '7,1 In,
ITT.oh, Lion 5.25,1,7, 0-,y of .,/,.. .,.). lcVJ').,
_•,:,....7-01-' .
1 0.7,72,kti,%1 • ....• c.:--- ''' ,Z1
1 City i',000raor.
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1 ,
Presented to the&eed of Camtniesioness
JANN 23 5946=
rest Pa.- fiat b
a-%L 41C
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• \ 8I r� F „ r] O
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1 U O
Pi d
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Irma.F. Bitav , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating Wellington Street north from Harvard Avenue,._..-
Rlso, Two-Aileye 111-B1Ocls".I and- 2, Colonial Heights Sub. in
Salt Lake City, Utah."
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 2d.,1 ..1946
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 26th day of January= 191+6 mit
)IS City Recorder.
NO. 4
Published January 25, Agx 1946
oc.tha at lib t
It% aue444.-' JAN 26 1946
0 11141-'1".7.
ati/aa..cr re d$ Cornelia 5. tund,Recorder S.D.County,Utah
1026584 p,r. fer-s-v-n
ra Re 3a R/, f".14.27
AN 01 T1,
l'zf ot2 In ‘P,; :111 north
from Knrv.11-1 Nvenue, n)so, 1' 0 1i.LYS in Blocks 1 and 2,
Oolonill relmhts 2nh. in Palt La're City, ittah.
Bo it ordained kr the Poerd of CommissIonere of
,411t Lni,o City, Vtah:
fACI70N 1. That .011inrton .1treet north from
nrvrtP,venue, e)so, to ellevl in sAccks 1 1111 2,
,,A), In 3e3t 12e City, Ut.01, ,tore rortion-
lorly dencrihnl nq follows:
at the southwest corner of Tot 19,
Block :L, Oolorinl Fei,htn „ib, of Tloov28, 5
lore Plat 0, ?If' "Ield 2urvay, thence net, 66.0
ft., thence North 200.4 ft., thence 2net 05.0 ft.,
thence on h 200.4 ft. to the place of t.cinninc,.
;e,innliv_: at the liort,vest corner of Lot 19,
LslocL 1, Jolonial "ct,,hts 3A111,. of Idock 2P, 5
,ore AAA 0, Bic .,tzl.lrey, thence 2act 1,S7.0
ft., thence -orth 07.0 ft., thence 'elt 12.0 ft.,
thence 2outh 70.0 ft., thence 3 45° ,. 7.07 ft.,
thence est 120.0 ft., thence :,olth 12.0 ft. to
the plane of boinninp.
Pe7Ineln, flt the r.ort'clst corner of lot 4,
Dio*: 2, Colonial Col tts 'too. of Clock 23, 5
:ore .lot 3, 1112 ,,urvs , thence ',est 120.0
ft.. tLence 2. 45° ,. 7.07 ft., thence 3outh 100.4
ft., thence c8t 12.0 ft., thence :'.orth 200.4 ft.,
thence .:,nt 12.0 ft., thence 3outh 70.0 ft., thence
:4 45° 2. 7.07 ft., thence ,xst 120.0 ft., thence
:Jouth 12.0 ft. to the place of her,InnIng;
be an , t o is hereby imortel anri decicrel no lonNr to
he poblic nronerty for tile ne .treet, ,ivenuo, all-y or
pedeetrIqr icy.
Iaid venation is nede exerensly subject to ell
existine riehte of 'nay end easenents of all public utilities
of any end every deseription now located in, on, under or
over the eonfines of the above described property, and also
subject to the riebt of entry thereon for the eurposeof in-
speoting, eviintninime, reuoving, alter-
Ins or roroutine said utilities and n11 of them.
3AOTTON n. In the opinion of the Board of Commission-
ers, it ie necessery to•the peaoe, health and safety of the
inhobiterte of Belt LeXe (ity thet this ordinance become
effective immediately.
• ;-e'eTPION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon
its first publication.
!'wlseps ,oare of Oomeleelonere of relt Lake City,
'Utah, thin 23d day of January , A. D. 1940.
Earl J. Glade
Irma F. Bitner
City Recorder.
( SEAL )
Published January 25th, 1946
, .
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
-Harvard Anne,
also, TWO le Blocks d c Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Heights'Bob..1n Salt Lake •
City, °to' •
py vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Ba/t, dained tine Board of
Commbeladen of 8816 Lake Ctly,
SEpublished in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
SECTION 1. That Weill°Are.
Street north Amin Harveta Ave•
one, sin, two alleys in Blocks 1 ' Utah.
I and 2. Colonial reeveofUtah, 'paella•
ulxrly described'ee follows:
Beginning at the Sonthweet.c
Heigh Sub.'ef BDion''IA,cd.Awre That the advertisement
, Piet C,.Big Field Survey. thence
West lbt°ee: iir'hh e theneEa e , thence Ordinance Bill No 4
South 200.e ft,to the place of.be-
BegiEnin E't thelorkrtlweet ono ol Salt Lake City Corporation
Heights-Bub. of Block ii8, 8-Acre
' Plat 0, Big Yield.Survey,.thence
East 107.0 ft., thence north 87.0
• to, thence West 12.0 t., thence
South 70.0 ft., thence S s0 deg.
W.1.07 St., tna' a West 120.0 It,
thence South 12.0 ft.to the inn
01 begionine A,gp was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Bed=°ioi.i.Voo°th Oolonor.
• Height*
i ht ate'FieldBlockSurvey, EfiAonece P5tN day o f January A.D.19 46
West 120.0 ft., thence S, 42'deg. •
7.07 ft., thence South 108.e
. thence West hen ft, thence 1. t..me
• North aSnh R., hence hen 12.0 and was published
manta , . .thence e.
se deg.,E. fSo thence East,
to t 1t.: thence gin i 12,0 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
tA'the p19o9 1 beginning:
be.and the game is hereby rant-
ed and declared no longer to be 25th
Public Propertyn II use a eereet, day of Jan�u..x A.D.19 46
alley or pedestrian wW.
e Said stall 1a-made preeelf
e ay a vacation
all a]sting.right.'public ._.c. L—
SiiblaP and ea nyy an of all
„itiegwofleeeted in,every der p• ...-'over the confines.a the above l' Advertising Clerk
•mind property, and elan•on'for
to the nigh4 f entry here n for \ Yf
.'the purpose of lnenecting„maintain. 1 (t
'alteringaoorr g.rerouting Bald outllitlee s.�
• andECTIll ON them.. n the opinion f
the Board of Commteeionere. Et of
•p I ty of tthe inhe habilen health
Sale n to before me this 26th • day of
Lake'City that thle ertlinange be.
affective ltnmedialely.
`nhe effect
0. Tide ordinance ibail A.D 19 46
take effect upon its first publics
Son. •
Peeved by the•Board of Commie.
eionere f Salt,Lake City, Utah.
thle 124.'cloy o! Jelin/1SY A.'CO.
IRNA',T. City'
Notar Public
cr Reraee.
BILL NO,1, t
Pitblighed Jaunty. 2er.'2140,,
0 it ,fr-N, f