4 of 1947 - Vacating 7th North from 8th to 11th West Streets; 6th North from 165 feet west of 8th West to 11th W l,c.14 202 .32-1-44 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . '✓' j i`
/Romney el0,22'r Zsw . ;
Tedesco '
Mr.Chairman /
' L AN ORDINANCE VACATING 7th North Street from 8th to llth
West Streets; 6th North Street from 165 feet west of 8th West to
llth West Street; llth West Street from 5th North to 7th North
Streets; 10th West Street between 5th and 6th North Streets; loth
-J 4- West Street between 6th and 7th North Streets; 9th West Street be-
tween 5th and 6th North Streets; and 9th West Street between 6th
and 7th North Streets; in Salt Lake City, Utah.
IBe it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That 7th North Street from 8th to llth West
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as
Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 100, Plat
'C', Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 2296.15 ft., thence
L\11 north 56.00 ft., thence east 2296.15 ft., thence south 56.13
ft. to the place of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 2. That 6th North Street from 165 feet west of
8th West to llth West Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more parti-
cularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 8, Block 93,
Plat IC', Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 2079.07 ft.,
to the northwest corner of Block 91, Plat 'C', Salt Lake
City Survey, thence north 132.00 ft. to the southwest corner .,
of Block 102, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey,thence east
2114.07 ft., thence south 35.87 ft., thence west 35.0 ft.,
thence south 96.0 ft. to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 3. That llth West Street from 5th North to 7th
North Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Blk. 91, Plat ICI,
Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 52.08 ft., thence north
1452.0 ft., thence east 52.08 ft. to the northwest corner
of Block 102, Plat ICI, Salt Lake City Survey, thence south
1452.0 ft. to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-f
lie property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 4. That 10th West Street between 5th and 6th North
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as E
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 92,
Plat ICI, Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 79.0 ft., thence ';
south 40.0 ft., thence west 53.42 ft., thence north 535.0 ft.
thence east 132.42 ft. to northwest corner of Block 92, said
Plat ICI, thence south 495.0 ft. to the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-*
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 5. That 10th West Street between 6th and 7th Norilh
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described. as
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 101, Plat ICt,j
Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 132.07 it., thence north
660.0 ft., thence east 132.07 ft., thence south 660.0 ft. to 1
the point of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be prb-j
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. ;
SECTION 6. That 9th Guest Street between 5th and 6th North
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 93, Plat IC',
Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 35.0 ft., thence north
371.0 ft., thence west 96.65 ft., thence north 289.0 ft.,
thence east 131.65 ft., thence south 660.0 ft. to the point
of beginning;
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 7. That 9th test Street between 6th and 7th North
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 100, Plat ICI
Salt Lake City Survey, thence west 132.0 ft., thence north
t -3-
660.0 ft., thence east 132.0 ft., thence south 660.0 ft. to i
the point of beginning;
Sc and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pubf
Ill property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.l
1 SECTION 8. That said vacations are made expressly subject
to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities
of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the
confines of the above described properties, and also subject to thf
right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, '
( repairing, replacing, removing, altering or: rerouting said utilities
and all of them. {
SECTION'.9. In'the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, `
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant
of Salt Lake City that this 'Ordinance become effective immediately
SECTION 10. This ordinance shall °take effect upon its
first publication: k;=-11,,,
Passedpp by the Board of Coamissionersr of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this % , day of: , L.tr--9 7,4
City Lecorder.
I f
1 b2�Zti
Presented to the Board of Commissioners•
JAN 71947
( �iJyLCw
First "do ka.ta®m
ya r v. 1/-: 1-9A/
AN ORDINANCE 'C', thence south 495.0 ft. to the
AN ORDINANCE VACATING 7th Point of beginning;
North Street from 13th to llth be and the same Is hereby vacated
,C West Streets;Gth North Street from IT el declared o longer toabe pub- {n
dp 165 feet west f 8th West to llth h° Property [or use as street,Q n I� M
West Street;11th West Street from avenue, alley or pedestrian way. A
■ y 5th North to 7th North Street; SECTION 5. That IOLh West Qj
',{fy 10th West Street between 5th and Street between 6th and 7th Utah.North,. ' v
Gth North Streets;lath West Street Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah,
between Gth and 7th North Streets; ore particularly described as tot- ra
9th West Street between 5th and laws:
4y1 Gth North Streets; and 9th West Beginning at the southwest car
, Street between Gth and 7th North f Block 301, Plat C. Salt Lalce a T '> f'
• Stt'ems; in Salt Lake City, Utah. City Survey,thence west 132.01 ft., s a ry
e Be it ordained by the Board of thence north 660.0 ft., thence east'JJ t'' Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 132.07 ft., thence south 660.0 ft.� �
Utah. to the point of beginning;
SECTION I. That 7th North be and them sae is hereby vacated
Street from Sth a llth West and declared no longer to be pub-
Streets, in Salt Lake. City, Utah, lie property for use as a street,
r more particularly described as fol- avenue alley or pedestrian way.
tl'I lbws: SECTION 6 That 9th West Street
,if Beginning at the northeast cornerbetween 5th and Gth North Streets.
`�yJ,[ 'u of Block 100, Plat 'C', Salt Lake In Salt Lake City.Utah, ore par-
t/ + r1. City Survey,thence wes 2296.15 ft.. Liculnrly described as v lotions:rn M 1 `'�
thence north 56.00 It.. thence east Beginning at the southwest co ci
2296.15 ft., licence sOuth 56.13 Of Block 93, Plat 'C', Salt Lake 1 N '�
f� ft to the place of beginning; City Survey, thence west 35.0 ft., t n
be and the s is hereby vaoatrd thence north 371,0 ft.,thence westV to t�4
and declared a no longer to be pub- 96.G5 ft., thence nor'6 2.9.0 ft-� �'n n
(5 tic property for use as a street, thence east 131.65 ft,thence south - NO
it j enue alleyPedestrian way. 6Ga.0 it to the point of beginning;I� Pg
�,rl r Stree f 2.or b ett ent North ae.and the same is heresy p b- t
(J] Street from 1G5 Let west of Sth and declared o longer to be pub-
-' West to Ilth West Street. m Salt Bn property for n street,y` �` )t '
Lake City,Utah, more particularly avenue. alley or pedestrian way.,4 " t')
described as follows: SECTION 7.That 9th West Steeet��
Beginning a,the northwest co between Gth and 7th North Streets,Y���9
`. Lf Lnt it II Sur 93, Ptht thence
nest tl Salt Lake riy,ULnh,mors par-
take City Burney, thence weer Li Begin described athe as follows:
2079.07to ft,to the northwest Sal corner Beginning , the 'C'. Sal corner
ofCI Block 91, Plat Salt Lake of Block y, cnoPlae s Salt Lake ,}�
Survey,thence northrn of Block
ft.ck hey Survey, thence west 132.0 ist p t-f.
to the southwest corner of Block Chance north ce0.0 It., thence east M
{ 102, Plat 'C' Salt Lake City Sur- 132.0 it,thence south Gti0.0 it, t0 a
'7 a vey,thence a st 2 heBee It.,thence the point °f ame is iher es
Ili )IE oath 35.e7 ft, thence west the ao antl the s me os hereby cooed
ft., thence south 96.0 ft. to the and property
no longer to be pub-
point of beginning; lie property for u s street. 'N
be and the s is hereby acata ue alley or pedestrian way,
and declared nolonger to be pub- areSECTION B. That said vacations
av properly for use a a serest, are
x stinaae expressly subject to all �.
at alley r pedestrian way. g r way istl c ..1
s SECTION b That llth West cots sofe all public utilities [any -a �(
Street from nth North to City,
Utah, and every description now located ,
0t more
Salt Lake City, Utah, of n, under d over the te=�
e particularly described as [ol- of the above described properties,right
-.. laws. and also subject to the right of
5tk.91, l the southwest corner ity entry thereon for the Purpose Of
of bey,91,Nat'C',Salt Lake City inspecting, maintaining. repairing,
I Survey,thence west 52.08 ft.,thence e7iw,ng.rem vieg,altering or re-
north 1452.0 ft. thence east 52.08 routing .said utilities and all of
It. to the northwest corner
of them.
Block 102, Plat'Cr.Salt Lake City SECTION 9.In the opinion of the
Survey, thence south 1452.0 1t. Board of Commissioner's. It is
to the point of beginning; necessary necettary to the peace, health and
en be and the same
is hereby vacated safety of the mh ot of Salt
and declared no longer to b,:pub. Lake City that thisis ordinance be-
lie property for use as a street, come effective Immediately.
avenue, alley pedestrian way. SECTION 10.This ordinance shall
4 or That 10th West take effect upon Its first publica-
Storetreet between 5L11 and 6th North lion.
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah, Passed by the Board of Commis-
more particularly described as fol- sneers of Salt Lake City, Utah,
lows this 7th day of January, A. D.
Beginning at the northwest corner
of Lot 2, Block 92, Plat 'C'. Salt EARL J.GLADE,
Lake City Survey,thence west 79.0 Mayor.
ft, thence south 40.0 ft., thence (SEAL) IRNIA F. RITNER,
west 53.42 It., thence north 535.0 City Recorder,
ft.,thence east 132.42 ft.to north- BILL NO 4
west corner of Block 92, sold Plat Published January 11,1947.
City and County of Salt Lake,
1, Frank A. Shields, ,)e_put3r City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating 7th North St. from 8th "to llth %ie_st ats..._; 6th_
Worth St. from 165 feet west of 8th Nest to llth 'Jest St.; 11th 'Jest
St. from 5th North to 7th North jts,;_ 10th ',lest, betwe.a 5.th
and 6th North Sts.; 10th West St. between 6th and 7th North Sts.;
9th \jest St. between 5th and 6th North Sts.; and 9th Jest St, between
fitly ara 7th 7orth Sts. in Salt Lake City, Utah."
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January_7th, 393 1947
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said,t0/•t )1_, day of January, 1947 1295xx .
" 2S ef ;.)eput
City Record r.3 y
•••'',N= Published January_ 11,_ Icit/ _1.947
'' '
—..., - �,....—
Affidavit of Publication
} ss
Cones".a4'C.J.r a 1 _.._
Legal Notices D n� Ocke�
North Street from eth to llth
West Streets;6th North Street from
165 feet west 11f 8th West to Both Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
West Stree;
15th0t North st to 7th North Streets; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
loth Wert Streets;
between West
bet betwNoreen
6th and
loth North Beres;
between 6th sod 7th n Streets;
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
6th Wert Street between th d
6th t Northt Sn 6th and 9th West
Street between 6th and its North
orordained byk thel City, Utah.of
of Utah.
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION I, That 7th North
Street from 8th to 11th West That the advertisement
Streets, 1n Salt Lake City, Utah,
more particularly described as foi-
lowe No 4
Beginning at the no these corner Ordinance Bill lY
f Black 100, Plat 'C', Salt Lake
City Survey,thence west 2296.15 ft., T n vA s y_
thence north 66.00 ft., thence east Salt Lake ty Oorooration
2296.15 ft., thence south 56.13
ft, to the place of beginning;
be and the a is
and declared no longer hereby longerto be vacated
property for Use as a street,
avenue, lley orpedestrian way.
SECTION 2. That 6th North
Street from 165 feet wet f 8th
West to Ilth West Street, in Salt was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Lake,.City.Utah,more particularly
Beginning S. the northwest Pla ,c Salt day of A.D. 19
of eat it lock 93, Plat C',
Lake City Survey, thence west
207 Block
ft.,Si, Fltha northwest'C', corner Jan 9 1947
ofi HSur . Plat •
Salt3Lake and was published
so,thence north of Block
to the southeast' c a1 Blur-
vey, Plat 'C' Salt Lake City Sur-
thence east thence foethence ....the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
south 35.e ft., thence west 0he
sa south 96.0 ft. to the
poi thence
point of be'lame i vacated
be and the"canoe longers r to be Pub- A.D. 19
era declaredas street, ___...--_-._--day of
property for use
,alley or pedestrian West
SECTION, 3. That l lth Wert
Street from 5thal North to 7th. Utath
tparticularly describet Lake d a Utah,
lows., a Advertising Clerk
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Elk,91,.Plat'C',Salt Lake City
Survey,thence west 52.08 it.,thence
north 1452.0 ft.'thence east 52.08
ft. to-the-oorthweel corner Sr
Stock 102..Plat'C'.Salt Lake City
Survey, thence south 1452.0 ft.
to the point of beginning;
be•d the,same is hereby vacated be f ore me this 10th day o f
and and
o longer to e Pub-
lit property for use as a street,
41)ey or pedestrian way.
StrrEtTbetween Sth and Its NortI A. D. 19 47
Streets. in•Salt Lake City, Utah,
mare Darticuldrly described as 10l• '
Notary Public
Proof of Publication
Beginning at the northwest corner
of Lot 2Block 92, Plat 'C', Salt
Lake City Survey,thence west 79.0
ft., thence south 40.0 ft., thence
west 53.42 ft., thence north 535.0
ft.,thence east 132.42 ft.to north-
west cornerof Block 92, said Plat
'C', thenc south 495.0 ft t0 the
point of beginning:
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use as k street,
—avenue, alley or ➢edestrian way.
• SECTION 5. That loth West__
Street between Otis and 7th North
Streets, In Salt Lake City, Utah,
more particularly described as fol-
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Block 101, Plat 'C', Salt Lake
City Survey,thence west 32.07 ft.,
thence north 660.0 ft., thence east
132.07 ft., thence south 600.0 ft.
to the point of beginning:
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be pub-
lie property for u street,
avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
e0000 SECTION 6.That 9th West Street
between 5th and 6th North Streets,
ln Salt tl Lc larly describake ed Ses follows:h,more par
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Block 93, Plat 'C', Salt Lake
City Survey, thence west 35.0 ft.,
thence north 371.0 ft..thence west
96.65 It., thence orth 289.0 ft..
thence east 131.65 ft.,thence south
660.0 ft to the point of beginning:
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use a a street,
avenue. alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 7.That 9th West Street
between 6th and 7th North Streets,
in Salt Lake City,Utah,more par-
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Block 100, Plat 'C', Salt Lake
City'Survey,thence west 132.0 f6.,
thence north 660.0 it„ thence east
132.0 ft.,thence south 660.0 ft. to
the point of beginning:
be and the same is hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be pub-
lic property for use street,
avenue. alley or pedestrian way.
SECTION 8. That sold vacations
are made expressly subject to all
existing rights of way and ease-
merits of ell public utilities of any
and eery deetrlpti0n w located
n on, under orr the confines
of t above escribed properties,
and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of
inspecting, maintaining, repairing,
replacing,removing.altering -
o ting said utilities and orl of
SECTION 9.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners, It le
necessary to the peace,health and
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance be-
comeeffective immediately.
SECTION 10.This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publlea-
,Parsed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
this 7th day of January, A, D.
R010r ,
City Recorder,
Published January 9, 1947.