4 of 1950 - Amending re: platting and subdividing il , VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck . . . . _%� Chris::: N Mr. Chairman . . O !NANCE Result . . . • ANC`ORDINANCE' l Vi the Revised Ordinances of Salt ac,Lake City, Ute 1944, by adding in and to said ordinances a new G4chapter to be known as Chapter LX-VI, relating to platting and sub- dividing. VC.- Be it ordained by the Board of Comezissioners of Salt N Lake City, Utah: Q.) SECTION 1. That the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake fliCity, Utah, 1944, be a.na the same are hereby amended by adding in and to said ordinances a new chapter to be known as Chapter LXVI and containing sections numbered from 6801 to 6d16 inclusive, which chapter and sections will read as follows: "CHAPTER LXVI PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING Sec. 6801. LAND SHALL BE SUBDIVIDEi BEFORE RECORDING. That from the effective date of this ordinance no person shall sub- divide any tract of land which is located wholly or in part within 44 the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, nor shall any person sell, exchange, or offer for sale, or purchase, or offer to purchase any parcel of land which is any part of a subdivision of a. larger tract of land; nor shall any person offer for recording any deed conveying such a parcel of lend or any interest therein unless he shall first have or cause to have made a plat thereof, which plat shall be recorded before such sale or exelange or purchase is effected, and which shall be in accordance with all of the require- merits of this ordinance. 4 i4 Sec. 6802, Dar' i+iI`l'i0i, 'us SUahiv1S10zi. The word "sub- i division" r;s usea in this ordinance is hereby defined as the Iuivision of a. tract or parcel of land into five (5) or more parts for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or of buildl- oevelopnt; provided, that if any one person within one calen dr year divides any tract into five or more ;pests, such land shall ceeneo a subdivision_ within the meaning of this ordinance. Pro- vid.ing, however, that this definition of a subdivision. shell ,not inc_uae a bona fine division or partition of agricultural land in I parcels of more than one acre for other than development purposes, nor shall it include the division of pro,)erty in Commercial or iLndustriai districts for commercial or mnustrial developments weor- no new streets are ccc. siren or ure to be dedicated for sublic use; nor shell it include or < pply to the allocation of land in. the settla.cant of an estate, or a court decree for the distribution of property. Sec. 6,303 fRLcI,•_I,sPI Lu , HiejeI a_Li TS. (A) . Whenever a subdivision is to be filed three copies of the preliminary or tentative plat shall be prepared: and presente to the Se.1t Lake City Planning Commission for their approval. If no action is to ec by this coamissio0 within forty (40) days after the submission of the preliminary plat, such plat shall be consider,d .py;roveu unless an extension of time is agreed to by the subdivider The preliminary plat so prepared by the ;subdivider and for_aally filed with the pla.anir.1; commission shall contain; 1. The proposed acne of the subdivision.. 2. Its location us forming a part of sore larger tract or parcel of lend referred to in file records of the County Recorder. 3. Sufficient infor,r .tion to accurately locate the pla.,. (a vicinity slat oh a s,eli scale should_ accompany the preliminary plat showing tine zoning clr:ssif feat rod.) 4. The names and addresses of the persons to whom the notice of the hearing to be meld by the Planning Commission should be snit: the subdivider, the II fi 1� engineer or surveyor of the subdivision, ans the fl owners of the lane, i,aAeuiately adjoining toe .land 1 to be platted. 5. Contour map at appropriate intervais where required1 by topography. 6. The boundary lines of the tract to be sub,iivideo. i II accurate in scale and bearing. 7. The location, widths, and other dimensions of all existiog or platted streets and other i.esortant i features such as railroad litres, water ccurses, exceptional topogre.pity, etc., within end contiguous to tote tract to be subdiviaeu. 3. Existing sanitary sewers, stoma drains, water sudply mains, and culverts iaj.thin the tract: and in _euietel;, adjacent thereto. 9. The location, widths and other dimensions of pro- Iposes streets, alleys, case: ents, parh.s, , eAa other I open spaces and lots. 1 f 10. Fill parcels of lanc intenaec to be aeuic'.tea for i public use or reserved l'or the use of all ,property owners, witiyCne purposes indicated. 1 li. worth point aid scale. (B) islucre needed aria upon tie reuuest of the Planning 1Conurlesion th,J following inforalion shell be furnished: 1 1. The cross section of prnposed streets sttor-ring- width: of roadways and location of sio.ewal s. The proposed method of na.'.dll it' canitory sewers and storm drains within toe tract. 3. Plans for tra.u_,ssortation facilities (Saco as bus I 1 lOadiJn„ cones, etc.). Sec. 6304. FIlmL PitnT, ZL'.„_ ,iRie�b iS. (A) The finial pl-.t, tuget'ree with an up-to-date abstra t pc title or policy of title Insurance must be submitted to tie -,la.nning Cop.rission for e.p,_; oval withitu one (1) year sfter the .);,troval of tnc prci J ni.ncry ?lat, ape. no ,lat shall be recorded or ).—c area l or record ..or shall any 1,.:e be off Bran. for sale Jelin 11 i1 �renerurOC to Such a plat, Until said plat has been aoprovod in I ;writing by the Board of city Cor:unissioners, the City Engineer, the 1 !City Attorney, ;:,ed the City i'lanuing Co reais::ion of 3i it Lofe City, i ;Utah. i 1 (B) Final n proV£a of tie plat from the t.00ve mentioned loudlic archhcics rek aired co give epurova_ snail oe secured by, the 1 )fianni_'c Co :ission in ate event mey approve grove the subdivision; jotherdia o the subdivider will be ualy notifiea of its rejection 10 said body. '20a final ;plat _nu;C be acted *doh by the Pi;:.r_ning Co..,r,.issio!, within forty (40) days after its submission unless an ea.tension of time is agree°_ upon by r.11 concerned. (C) The requircrlent.s for i:he i iaal u1u_t, or prating to be submitted, a.: above provided, snail consist oi' a sheet oi' approved tracing linen, to cite outside or trim line dimensions of ltaeaCy-one (rl) by thirty-one (31) inches and two border line of the plat shall be drawn in heavy litwa leaving a space of at __cast Ofe O.C one-iha,.i.= (Ig) lnuiltS margin Oil Lin left hand sine of the s:oet for of _,uing, one not .iesO than a onu-nz1i' lice (LI) margin, i.x from the outsiu_e or tr;_i,, line, around tee other ,_gee ryes or edges of the ;:Meet. The plat suc:..ii be so eer,..w-, that ti_e Loo of sneet eit;rsr faces i';ort_: or test, attic ever accommodatez tee. drzw- Ling beat. All lines, o_iane isions and raa.r!ciriys shall be made on the 'tracing linen with -irovee- waterproof biack rPIadi- Drawing IrxLs.« 'he actual map drain shall be made on a scale large eaoufri to clear=y Dhow all details arhd the workmanship a.h finished drawing shall be meat, clean-cut, and readable. The subdivider :mist also furnish, [hZ addition to the original plat or urawiog, an approved and accept- 'Pie reproduction of the original plat or drawing made on tracing Linen, and to the same dimension o_,a size as t<<e original or stall furnish two (2) original tracir gs, as above erovideu, whichever is ;nre[errect. The priatirg or reproduction prunes. used sna.l not ;-,.cur any shriam ge or distortions and the reproduced tracing I ' f L Iarnished shall be of good quality, to true dimension, clear and c .dable and in ail res=ects comparable to 'fhb original plat or '1rawing so that the lines, dire ,slots and maroings will naL rub off ii Tr smear. Both of the tracings whether originals or one original and a reproo.uction, shall be eig .ec sep retciy by ail pertie.s Only suthorixc:d ant rtcuirep to uig_u and the fisai arawis. or Plata shall lI li pconaain the foilowiog information: 1. A name and general location of the Subdivision, in bold letters et the to of the sheet. 1 2. A north. point and scale of the plat. 1 3. hccurate7j c-.ra.we boundaries, snow in tric proper beari r;.r;s sod di.oci_sroriS of ail boundary L.ihes of the Subdivisions. These lines sooula be slightly heavier than stroet and of lines. 4. The names, widths, lent ths, bea.rins, curve ca.ta on center limes of proposed streets, alleys and esseoenLs desired or necessary, also the hounda.iies.r 'oearinh, and eticei:.sior,s of all portions within the ii Subdivision, u._ intended to be dedicated_ to the use of the Public. The sues, likes, nimehsici19, bear- rigs nu,coors of all lots, e,_occie and/or ,carts reserve° for any reasot, within the Subdivision. ;;.1l Lots and blocs shall be nueberst consecutively under s ae-%i O to system and with cruucericG l designa- tions. All pruposed strcets sea._l be sat_I„ec_ or numbered in accordance with and to conform to the aeoptcc_ street naming and numbering syste_. of Salt Lake City. 5. The angle sin departures of aajOi1cii:g propOrty, strict sod alley iincs, and the ,chest snail show the na,.iaes of the streets aod the a._ley.s adjoining or • bounding the Subdivision. It snail show toe tssncs of all adjoining Sube_ivisic;cc, which. Cc_vc. ;sreviously bun e iecordee, to show tncir reistioesi.ip to the Subdivision now offerer_ for record. If .aoiniip' land is unalattec., this infors'stioic should be shown 6. Show all public utilities within or in close ecroxiurty to the pro;Josea Subdivision, together with existing w ter courses or other constructer feestures that ar: I 1 involvec. 7. It is necessary that all oilaenslons ani c.a;lonfetioss 1� Ea Le by Luc Lngineer shfla snow proper closure:; in a: i_ bounecries of ci o cubo vision, or otrfraiso, in caatf ctan, E:li< survey b_i,a r�o �,1 _t ;�isl bc r.uceptee toot Si_ors blus or :virus distance for ci.osure, unless agreed to by the City r;ngineer. 3. u1coi, the descrlltion and location_ of sail «rontuncnts set see esteblcs_leo by the City of Salt Lc ae or the United [Mate.: Coverrurcrc i of are oajccera or _c.2.r this proposec. subdivis.ioir. 9. Upon the plat or araF:iaL, tie reeairec Cu/ftecda.ra fonts now used a,r,_ c.provec for all Subc;ivision Plats shell be lettered for the following: or Re istersu Processional Engineer .;-_ia^Lan.d Su.rve orf :, "Certificate of Survey"; Owner's Decica.thor. Certifi catu, uiotary Public'o cci.now eeLarei;t, tilt eeprovaI of the Board of to:rmissioncrs, of Salt Lane City a.ttecsted by the City Recorder; approval by the City iitt rney, City Engineer end the City Plaani-imf Corassion ci Salt Lane City. (ll) Tar filial plat snail he accoEpaaied by copies of ay private restrictto, s ,)reposed to be reeorcec for a e rarpose of provid.in5 ra, uiz..tics s governing the use, bullu_ind lines, open .pace or ottrcr aspects of c!eveloprsent a.nc use. (E) One orawinc of tie fine-L _)1. t, arc witn_ India Ins nit traeip linen, togetns.r who one reproc rctic r on treeing dmall, us above provi0eu, or two or]Ci al drsoings ss yref rrreb, i otn on tra.cind li�re_r, incorpors,tihg the legal_ descri_it-on as it .rill be recur bed, shell be filed with the City Com is.. cn, tof;etl-;r •itL a, fee for cil.eckin tire Subaivi;ion ich will be fixed_ by the ( it i,ngl:icer. On., crawinif, after asi officiei provals have been riven, as herein provio_en, shall be returned to the Cabstvider or flouter for recordii_e in the Office of the Salt Lake Comity Recorder. Pile other curl tiring will be rota ince n r c. will become the property of alt Labe City oak, will be f;.led in the Office of the City Engineer. hi (F) Ail ,00ee mentioneu a.porovs.le sho.i_a beeeiie void Ij Ufii C9aS the SILO. ul,?.% of ar w_:.:b is o.i.'leas:e 10r r oecrdin, sites;) five (5) aays from date of a,proCal. jj Sec. 6605. Amidaei Ameneee plats must be f:iieo. Subdivistoos that have been reoor0;d ant major cbnnE„es ..r6_e .:hick. these time :>a'oal.visao_. .rz tic-rla..:.ly, tixc suoulvr:;io°; ���o � i•+'-cic,i changes have been mace must be vacated anc. am a-uenuec_ glut filed in accordance it0 Cu- re,.iL t tionr: set up in this ordinance. Sec. fib . PERMIT LY-t;1H.L, HiLIrG U1.A PROViL ?LET �rRU ShI'I'i L. to ,fir :its shall be iesuse by a _y administrative officer of Salt Lake City, for the cohstrucbion of any buildings or is pJrove- mcncs requiring a permit upon any ls,na upon which a 'gist is required by t ,is orci_,ance unless and until the rec,uirements hereof shill inave Deen complied with. Toe filing of c..; una .;,rovec_ plat is prohibited e_rLe, a.1iy recording officer who files such a plat is guilty of a :,tisaemea.nor. Any Sale or contract to se-1 any lane is, viala_SLin of the lese.j. controls of ti;is ordinance is voidable at the optioh of jthe purchaser. Sec. 6307. mininUm RIIX.SIRiaUTS. The requirements of this ordinance shall be considerec, minimum anc shall apply unuer ail ordinary circuuistai.ces. Arry deviation from the minimum reuiresienti, where unusual circumstances exist, can only be made with the ap:rovel of the Board of Co m.i_ssioners sec the City Planning Cu,iiiaission. of Salt Lase City. Sec. 68C5. STh_c.T'b, 'L(;OI Z is , RaSibfklift SUL- ,_ D1V1Siii�v U11Lj 1_: �..�LLir: lt.a ilol'ri1(,i. . (6) Ali tYLrougn streets in toe Subdivision ::ust conform Ito the major street plan of Salt Lake City, Utah. (B) The alignment aria width of all eytenaed through streets shell be preserved unless unusual topographical coaiaitio1s made a modification advisable. (0) where a large Subdivision abuts upon a major thoroughfare the Planning Conmiission ,,,sf re,ruire flary'iuia_l access streets to be i:icivaea in the street plan. (U) Street width is to be measured from lot line to Lot line. The minimu;r I,iath of streets so firer suree shall be: 1 For minor or local streets 50 feet. For secondary streets 56 feet. For :, ,;or streets Confor,, to major street plan. klini so. widttr of roa6way (face of curb to face of curb) shall be: 1� For ;rinor or local streets 27 feet. 1 Los secooan.ry streets 36 feet. For major streets Conform to major street plan. I (E) All clerk_ coo. streets c,u,';t provide at their terminus- la turn arouiia with a r.Uius of at feast 50 feet. (F) Between reverse curves a tangent of at least 100 fact shall be recaireb- unless in the opinion of the Planning Cci mission such is not, necessary. (G) Streets shall i.,rtersect each other as near a:.s possible at right angles. (ri) Miui_eum street grades of 0.3% will be recuirea with the maxi.,run grade beiap 7% for secondary ap.d major streets and 10% for local or minor streets. (where the observance of this stan- card is impossible the City Planning Cmi'isaion shaa1 have the L�0 ,power to grunt an exceptaor:. when specia.. pavement surfaces a t ad.e- !cua�te leveling; areas are installed. 1 (I) Where street lines within a block aeflect from eaci other at any one point more than 10° there should be a connecting curve. The radius of the curve for tae lnaer street line enoule be not less then 350 feet for a m,a.jor street, i50 feet for an in2por- tact neighborhood street, ano 100 feet for local minor streets. (d) Curbs at all intersections shall be rounoea with curves having a minimum radius of 15 feet for minor streets and 25 feet for secondary and. major streets. Property lines at street intersections should be rounder with a curve where necessary to fit the curb radius. 1 (K) deer street names shall not duplicate thgse already 'existing. A street obviously a eo.ainua,fion of another sire:>o.y in 1 el_istaace and na.ced should bear the ss.se none. Before the street is named the proposed Hai e must be sub,itted to and approved by the City Engineer. (L) cii streets sitniji the City 1iit,it.s ell1 be require, to be dedicated for public use. The dedication of half streets in iany subdivision is prohibited except where essential to the reason- aele neveio.malt of tht subdivision in conformity with the other rec uiic ants of these rules, 6:.110 i:here tiie P a ,ir, Co'u:dssion find. lit will be practicaue to recuire the uetica.tioe or the otirOL i.elf Iwhen tee aujoinin property is subuiviued. Wherever there exists b half :street aujacei.t to a tract to be suboiviued the other half shall be -pla-tte„ hltnir, -'acb trate. (si) so subdivision for residential development shall be approved ec.cebt in a Residential district. 1 Gee. 6609. CiLL._`�1' inabO iree :�i5 Lu J1i t.b. The owners I of any land to be plotted as a subdivision shall be reouireu to Ihnstall all street improvements irccludlup sic,_esaih_s, curb and gutte', street grading and surfacing, us well as sanitary sewers, street drainage anu drain .ge structures, water mains, anc fire hyurants h.cludiog Hydrant and valve boxes, ail such improvements to be inSt.ttl cc. 1under the specii icatiosi.o aiiu supervision, of Inc City ,✓nbineer. Pro- vided, However, tha._u tee insta.iiatioai of all such improvement. re- quired above may be reduced on major streets forcing d boundary of the subdivision. In lieu of the o.bove, tine owners sinli _post a surety bona guaranteeing the installation of the above in such amount as shall be determined by the Board of City Com-cissioiiers. 1 bee. bole. 1.iuiO ."ildi Ohs(2E.iiefna Ri .,.,si1 llllluo. lAii administrative officials of bait Lace City, shall refrain from o,rcning, accepting, gr.dirg, paving, or lighting a street or author,- sing the laying of sewers and water mains making connections from Itne City mains to such lines in a street when has, (1) not re- 1 eeive.i the status of a public street prior to tue ta<;ing e Feet of this ordinance, or, (2) does not correspond with a street on a subdivision plat tentatively dpproved by the Planning; Commission, lor, (3) sieviric; been sobh1tted to the 2landing Commission .ed s:15- I t proved by it has not been accepted by the City Commission by a favorable vote of mope than two thirds of their membership. Sec. 611. LOT REWto tt_;TS. (A) All lots shown on the subdivision plat must conforri to the m.inisura rec uirements of the /ol i.ng ordnance. The size and. Lade of the lots shall be such as the Planning Cowissior dee,m.s kpropriato for the type of building development contemplated. (B) The diattien of key lots chose width at the set back line is less than 50 feet shall not be heri-itted. (C) Double frontage lots shall be prohibited except ,mere unusual topography oases it impossible to meet this r.eruire- I went. (D) All re:one rocs of lots below minimal. size left over ifter the subdividing of a larger tract must be abbe, to onjabent lots ranter than. G'_lowed to remain as unusable parcels. (E) All lots shall face upon a street and as nearly as !possible the lot side lines shall run at richt angles to the street or to the ta.rgent of a curving street. Sec. 6812. EA .UBAhTS. Where alleys are not orevidea, !easements of not less than five (5) feet on each side of all rear i Lot lines and side lines will be rec'uired there necessary for poles, 7. �� liwii es, ,cn idutt , storm or sanitary sewe s, gas aid water pains and ��otncr rubric u;iiities. Lase..onts of greater width may be reouired !along lines where necessary for surrc.ce overflow or for the exten- sloe. of main sewers or al. .Liar utilities,. Sec. 681J. DEdICA`.Li(li.... I (A) All streets within the subdivision must be dec;.icated. (B) The Planning Cot a issloa ,_ay recaire off-street p,:ri!irig areas within the retail center of a new subdivision s'ird s;�eeify rebuirements for maintenance of same. (C) -6iheTe natural or sce is features and:/or historic community assets exist such locations are to be safeguarded either by dedication to a public or private agency by the sub.ivider. (D) Dedication of all other public ope space within the subdivision will be reduiree in accordance with the .,aster plan of bait Lake City. Where this clan ce,ii_s for a la.rg,er aloouirt of public ode i spi:ce than -tile subdivider ci is be reasonably expected ft:o cedicate, the land needed beyond the subdivider's fair contri- pJution is to be reserveu for occaisitio_: by the City, provided such ccc;uisi_tion is :made l;ittiiiL 5 yeas:,. .from elate of a_,proval. 1.� (t) When tracts to be subdivided are less than 40 acres, II 'pahIic space ueoicz.teu nay be combined with eeaicatiow:; fro joi.in; tracts in order to receive usable recreatio 1 areas witPi- louf resulting h4.ruships on the subdiviaer of a small tract. (F) The action of h e Planning Conn is-ion i:, exercis- I'ing this power to compel decice.tion of public open s, ace shall take ;Ali.ce only after a pabfic hearing nas been held oa the natter. Any person aggrieved by the eecisiou of the Planning Cok,iaission kay have the decisioh revle:ae0_ by a court of competent jurisdiction. fec. 6014. .c Ci i u f i;al 10 11VG_.L hhiT,SLI2. Wne:oever the tract to be sudeiviuea is, it tite opinion of the Planning Commission, of such unusual shape or size, or is surroun o by such development or unusual conditions, that tite strict applica- tion of the reuairer:-ents contained herein ot i0 result is real diffi- culties sib substantial hardships or injustices, the Planning Co,.w,issior n0..y vary or :}ouify such rocuire.aents so that the sub- divider is allowed- to develop iris ,property i_: a reasonable ,looser, but so, at tnc same i lle, the dabli c welfare zoo interests of the City and surrounding are- are protected aisd the general intent and spirit of toe ordinance is preserved- bee. 68i5. A1GL_i'LOJ A.•: .'u il. Any person woo shall violate coy of toe provisions of t:lis ordinance shall, u)oci con- viction thereof, se puirisned by a fine not to exceac :,W97.'..0 or i,nprisouisiot in the City Jail for a period_ of six mouths or bj both such fine and imprisonment. dec. 616. _,iy section, subsection, sen- tence, clause, or phrase of tnis ordinance is, for any reaso;: 'held Ito be unconstitutional, such nolai_i shell not effect the validity 'of theiemu.iitio6 portion of the ordina,nce.P t CT'IC t 2. In the opinion: of the Bo-rc of Co:,:•nissi;;ners, it is necessary to the deuce, healtn and safety of the inmbitants of Salt =a k e City that tnis orcins.ace snail beco,ne effective i ar..cdi- aaely. S ,aT LOA 3. This oru.in&nee s._r.. 1 tare effec-/t upon its first publication. .-. fy Passed by the Bocce of Cosu e siou7rs of It Lake Cite, Uteh, this///i. dry of I.. D, -.9pt. , /I, I 1.„</7(,'11,' i C,/< 7 CZ .1-/' v)--;',.e .:,;;,...—.-------' ,,„ :4 City f ecorc2er. II 1 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, r, Frank A, Shields, DeputYCity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance amending the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19144, -by adding in and -to said—ordinanco-s, -a- new chapter -ba known as Chapter LXVI, relating to platting and subdividing." January 11, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, v;r3x 1950 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal 23d' January, 1950 of said City, this day of (SEAL) BILL Bo• 4 Chief Deputy r yty Rider. Published nit nry J 1950 <1 1-/ Recorded at Request of-_d '.<.(, 44-,,10`iir __„-_ `aN ,,,e 5 0. f A at//y)MjFeee�paid $000 Hese1 TegRert Chess,Recorder Salt Lake County,Utah gy._:c _S dt t ,*—/I!-i----,Dep. • Book/Page '4 CRef,lCll t III ORDINANCE preparec by the subdivider and far- #3 1p' �` AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the naLy flied with the planning C —`: 861°Bed Ordinances of Bah Lake mission shall contain;nftme om 4/L ty, Utah, 1944, by adding f and 1.The proposed of the t0 said ordinances a new chapter to subd!vlsi°n• be known as Chapter LXVI,relating 2.Its location as forming a t e Matting and subdividing. cart f some larger tract par- S ,�,�$ s;3'±';/. Be it ordained by the Board of of of land referred to in the c ' sloner5 of Salt Lake laity, bids of the County Recorder. Glen:Utah 3.Sufficient information to a- SECTION 1.That the Revised Or- MiratelY locate the pint (a vi- dlnances of Salt Lake City, Vial, doily plat on a smalls ale should 1944, be and the same are hereby aca0ial the preliminary plat amended by adding in and LO said showing the zoning cla5sifica- rdlnances a new chapter be Ilan.) , known as Chapter LXVI ands 4.The names and addresses of Lain lag sections numbered from 6801 the persons to whom then tics of to 6816 inclusive, which chapter the Planning hearing omml to a ten e heldhould the he and Sections will r as follows: ant: the subdivider, the CHAPTER LXVI s , engt- PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING neer o gad the owners r rvrf the ubl Sec. 6801. LAND SHALL BL' SU➢- visioland ; edia,ete adj of he adjoining the DIVIDED BEFORE RECORDING ln . land to beplatted. That from the effective date f this ordinance n S.Contour r person shall subdivide tap at appropriate C intervals where any tract of land which Is located re quired byto- wholly In part within the c Ilogra phy. poste limits at Salt Lake City, 6.The boundary lines of the Utah,nor shall any person sell,a tract to be subdivided accurate In change,toffer irfor ale, or par- 'ale The location, widths, and chases, r orfier o purchase any spar- other dimensions of all existing subdivision [sand t a� > part t n platted streets and Other im-loedl npr°n [ largo' order of tant features such a railroad tc .ale c, p anon Iger,for liar any deed convoying such lines, water ., t exceptional non-recording rein a In ne rho l f in have tlghiol phy,to etc.,r within and con- therein cause unless he shah fa,thaw Raided to the tract to be sab- otl0 have made a Nat there- divided. ,whlah pot shall be recorded be- 8.Existing sanitary Pore sit to ale r xnd lyh 0'Pur_ storm drains,waterwithin supply c mains, ben to i effected,e with which shall and culverts Rahn the tract and be In aents once with all r the immediately location,adjacent thereto. ragec 100, Df Finis ION a Oce_ 9oth Theensioer widths and Sec.6N. he ward'I-s OF sion other dimensions of proposed Das used I The word ale Is here- and cs alloys, paces as. parka, setl dt a the ordinance Is here- and other open spaces and lets. bded y defineparcel 's land ItItodivision of 1 tract 10.All parceledicate of land lie use parcel of land into flue (o o to le lned Lod tar re o t e parrs for the euror ,L run r or ved for the of use d or pment; or Loin or or Poses in owners, with thepar- building any development;provided,that poses North own If any ° within o Cal- 11.No the paint and scale. redly year divides any 'act Into fqa Where needed and lion the flue e a surds,s ch land shhe request of the Planning DOmm be deemed raordinance. subdivision within the stop Le: flits p wing Information meaning of this o Ills aeei Plan of shall he furnished: a aUt,,a,a,c that ll a l definition of°a 1,The twin widths s f rooadd - aafide on hall n t Incion streets showing wltlat f road- bona fide division or ec,I of more ways and location of o ci than halal land in there) a m re 2.The sanposeditary methodsewers f than one acre for other than in- hamming sanitary s e ors of vetoed ant Purposes, nor shall It in. storm drains within ean seta i n lade the division st property districts tr 3.It Plans for thI,load,g a fa, torcom commercial orindustrial develops 'e''es(such as bus loading zones, for co erclnl or industrial dare)re-• etSeiy• ants mac n n streets a Sec. 6E104aNT FINAL PLAT, RE- publtc 0 to new Ittl Include for @(A) ttc S. apply u shall of include In h (A1 The final plat,together with r apply to the f an rota r,land In the an up-to-date abstract of title e decree cat of a distribution a art policy of totitle insurance must b1- decr'e¢for the dlstrlhutl0rt Of proper- s og for Bo the l within one Cl.),neon for approval within e rr- ly.Sec.6803 PRELIMINARYIRS PLAT, year after tat a and noel at the l be REQUIREMENTS recorded plat,fferedno for at re shall be (A) Whenever a copies a subdivision :s to rsnail bland be offered record tl filed cc to copies a thes pre- with reference to Such a plat,until pmyar,d tentative plat hell prepared and gu presented to the Salt cc Plat has Board of tyd In mis- Lake City pp ve!. IPlanning a etion Is for olo by the th Board of City COe City enel b approve!.val. I[no erlf within is arty Attorney, the City Engineer, the Cng en l this commission hnilse forty ss and theInCity Planning the) days alter the uchm laton l Commission Final of east approval City,h Utah. bie considee 'cd preliminary plat, unless an ex- from the above¢mentioned et of tl netlhe plat ha ma public subdivider. er The a agreed to by Lhefa agenIshii be secured to glee approval subdlvldcr.The preliminary plat so shall be secured by the Planning Commission In the event they op. pall, reserved [or nny son [trove the subtlIv lslon,Iotherwise the within elite 5ulnlivigloo. Atli. lots shInilvldeI will be only 1o,lr.ed 0 blocks shall he t'e( Ito rejection by ante body.,Tile final cntivelY under n del nlLe • plat must. be acted upon by the Ysvo111 tad 1vlllt n aal t Planning Cotttmissl0n within forty All ropuscdl sti'ee�s 1s art tlott. (l0)days otter Its submissioni ag unless hall be n eel pu tttttbererl In cxlenslon of virile Is agreed upon n adopted tln to naming a. by all con ci lied. ;oom is adoptel sheet ot Salt ill, (et The p requirements for the II- Bering system f ban LOke City Ial plat, Or drawing, Ot, be 000001• tad, as above provided. Alen c 5.The ankle and departures of con. 0„„, mg pt,perry, trceL and tat , .shoot .. approved ,illy�Ilnd.i, ud lha InL s'Irl0 linen, io the ...side o,1 L,2LInc o the n.s sirs o the trect- dlnlaitslon.s of twenty-olio (2!1 by sl't1 thirty-ono loll Inches and the 00i- a:i the Slibdi isi]n.IL r l 0110,- 11cr line of the plat.shall be drawn Ill,rite 00 0r sloe.IL shall haw 'n heavy lines leaving n spec,of at Lhc n 1 all adjoii(IIo sub_ o 110i hall 11t'I :mhos been t h 1,0 Vheir ye- n re- marg.of It left n f the Irecord., 0 1 1 - 1 ill L $ JI L- rtltcOeL for binding, 1, t ff , t 11 1l n- c-10 0 e f yz"1 i,r� lam: is P l.ltled, 11 s f frolni 1110 outside of trial line.nl1 11 Liu tt soidr. be sh alvn, ll n the other I,r 111 s:r.[� or •s of G.Show ell public utilities the.sheet.Tito plat shall be so drawn 1vILlliit or In chose proxnnity Lo that the Lop of :hoot. either faces the proposed 6u0Ji vision. ,eau,„„ North101 WOOL. I i-:h ath I I ts Lhe clrkwinsboob All lin, oth77 L.ultcd fcatuies thus tilmonslons and markings shall be v01 made I site L:oirdng 1 cot with:001 �.lit i < nrY that all cli- 1pt'oved waterproof black "India uscus hiss and calcutitions mode Drawing f I I '1'h0 t04ual by inn lnguiee:':.hail show drawnshall I le prone, ( 'S all I t II _ a f c tails I the k 1 1 [ - Subdivision, Otherwise, 1 lolled 'a t I_ll bnest, - completing 11 survey I o cut and readable. the sib I t 111 paid 1 d a t 110 f 111 1 m t to ,l t- for 1l ', I m t ly Lbc the plat,t h op. G-Y I 01. proved ande 1 I Linn h,Sh01 d t'IPL and to of the original n, e to iota tack Callon f all manes city s nml acing Iln0 n, and0to 0Lh0 carob III Inclop One City o of Snit 11 1s I .:Ise o 1 1.11 lake i r llM1 't: St' shall a o two It) 1'1a1 tint „00,0at ever I-vl t rl1 LI 1 ny 1 -1 r Is p [ I. r1 c I t '-prod ia11k aced shall not a cu 1 P t drawing. orms Incur Y II 't n. n a- d t i r d approved for all MO "Ile reproduced ofraolitg fir- S-.011 1sinn a .+hall be I04 tislmd droll he of oo tt and ell for the tl viig. Itcui,- I true ntnills lies altar itl 0,1010 le teretl Pro[Ossion0l .0,'00r nu, and i11 l,0 respects comporawingr sole of Land Sur owites, Oull that, the lines, 1 plot drawing I'll_ survey:- e ors 1 t_ t'on the linos t k- (. -r 11 N t �Y P b Aof tvtII t i b whether 1 I II 01 30u, non t'. n0 apP vat of theh g' 1 LI , "I, thelLake I Go tten10 i e 0 n besio and s p 0lhaLlon' saltCole Lake 1011 attested bys the shall be duly s pai'abl,I by all City liecorder; approval by the l0 parties duly authorized and regale co City Altoruey'.C'..y p:ngln,cr and plat, shall n ld Lfinal ern wings or Lac GI'.y pinnninij Cpnttnlssien o1 Information_contain the fu'�w1v'i11 r% SaJt Lake('Ivy. (DI The Hunt plat stall ae- drat, 1.A name nlu had general loco:c t- e:tnnnhn by u0p1,.s of nny private of the Subdtvlslon, In heed -et- 'ati0ns l0000 proposed ,, ITO recorded ter, :it.L11a Lull f the sheet. 1'0rt the purpose of providingbuilding A north point and _ceale of lotions governing the us ltldlein6 half when the ad demerit; o ter, upon„poet a oto h ort aapcctu 01 the plat. toe - development r.i1J ono. t. Ae.em'alely dawn 601ndalles, 11:)One drawl ilg of the final plat, .showing the prpper benrings and lrliw tt with Imlla Ink 0 treit,g dimensions of an boundary Iincs line,, L0,el r her 111101 u t,tye a c f the Subdivision- These linos ,ton on traltlg Ilnen,ns abov pros should be x11g11611 1lnnvlat' 1 hall vldad. or boll ot'1 C,h1 n1 drawing„ stl'Cct and lot Imes_ ut'r rurrprl,ha Lh o1 LraCing Iiticit,Itt- M1.'The widths. Ien�Lhs. 0rp0ratIne the legal desariptioll t bearings, uu the data a it It will be recorded, shall be Mod lines u pea Oanad streets, alleys with :he City Coinnti.cslon, together line c s ee is 1011 red o o with a fee for chocking the also the boltudnrlty. boar- vl.slon 1vhi,it Soul be liked by the City ar0. lid Illmoos tun= of all h11.101 u-.One drew.g,after all of- Ings - fie. appr0vals have been fllvenns L10115 5 within the Subdivision.not-as herein ev;ded a aril enLarntU Intended to he ledlented to the rue Suhllvl.or o 1'[or r ortlu of the Publ:c.The s s,lines, ing ill the Office of the Salta Lake 1C. dittos aloe s. beorin ge and County bo retained The other draw- bets Of all tuts. blocks and/or ing n'I'.'�bi-re tttlmel and will hco0me the property of Salt Lake City and 0.3%will be required with the max, will be filed in the Office of the City imam grade being 'EA for s ond- Engineer ary and major streets and 10`%o for shall Allbec aboove omantioned unless a Prevets local of m streets. Where the slat or drerviny a offered for saidhe robservance minor rthis standard i cording within live (5) days from e- missiro s[he hall Chtave P,thenl power to date of ❑proval, grant an pe exception when scial Sec. G805. AMENDED PLATS. pavement surfaces al d n.!.duate me Anded plats must be filed, Sub- tov i ng areas are installed. divisions that ave been regarded and major Changes made which (I1 Where treat lines within back deflect from each !ter es e Fes ter suupu on ales telly, any o pole[more than IO^ the changes eve b upon which these there should be acting c 'hang I nave tams made mat be vIn The riding I Elie Caerer tar tee list -nted and n amended Slat filed In Wee Area line should be not less accordance with the r gulaclons sr( than 350 feet for a major street, orlon upe in tilts n;r' s 250 feet for an Important neighbor- Soc. 6808. PERMIT DENIAL,FIL- ING hood street, and 100 feet fo local UNAPPROVED PLAT PRO- Inlnar streets. HIU1sTE D(Si permits ohall be Is ed (J)Curbs at..1 Intersections shall I y lminlstrative [titer o[Salt be rounded with curves vlrg a Lake City,Ior the eonstructfon of any' ha Irullding::or Irnrovements rcquf ringminimum radius of 15 feet for a permit upon any land upon which m nor streets and 25 feet .or se- a plat is requited by this ordinance ]]near at and eetmajor r testreets. etions r.epertY bruld utier, and nn Lll the i ]rem eels be rounded streith a where n hereof shall have beer.complied with. ec- The filing of unapproved plat eery t0 fit the Curb radius. t5 prohibited and an recording of- es(Kl New street names shall not flees who Rile such a plat is guilty duplicate those already existing, A of a misdemeanor. street obviously a continuation of Any sale or contract t sell a already in existence and land In violation lof the legal c me. bear the trots of this ordinance 1s vlodagle nacreBefore the street is named at the loupe M the DMn REQ (MimBproposad a must be asub- Sec. GP.h MINIMUM REQUIRE-this mated and approved by the City MENTS The -eclui considered of this Engineer. mum an shahs l c nsld m'ed mr all (Ls All streets within the edty and shall nces. antler al- Cased for be required to bededication atdl- li(fro t circumstances. Any devla- cfth for publicsI use.The deiaitget lion from the minimum trances xist, of half streets In any subdivision Is where unusual clrcumstile a exist the reasonable except.where essential to only Hoard :node.with the uppro the nu file onformity the the Bos rd of Cmulnlssl'nei's and subdivision erequirements In conformity of O with the the Gild Planning Com nl lesion of other ere the Planning ig these rules, Salt Lake City. where the elanacti abe In re- Sec IibOA STREETS, REQUIRE- it will it practicable '. VISION S, NLSIDLNTJAI. BNBDI- a ends Olsen V i91ON ONLY IN RESIDENTIAL quire the dedication of the o'. DISTRICTS. if stare Wdjacent there e tact I A I All through streets 1n the Sub- a half sheet adjacent of t0 shalt division must Iform to the major to be iedlw subdivided the tiler half.hell street Wail of Salt Lake City,Utah. be platted within such thereat (Pi The alignment and width el (MI No bdlvlsion for residential all extended through streets.hall b dcv.l In n ii .hall be approved es- pieservrd unless a vat Oppp� p, apt In a Residential district. c.l conditions makesa mail feat.° Ser. 680J. STREET IMPROVE- cal nl advisable. MENTB REQUIRED.The owners f IC) Where ago Subdivision any land to be platted as t b- uts upon ma'm�thoroughfare the division that be required to install Planning Commission may require all street curb Including nrginal streets to be In- sidewalks, urb and ,cutter', street eluded in etthereet plan. grading and surfacing, as Weil as (D)Lotrakish width Use to lot:lie, Thramini-used drainage sewers, ants in wane[ mum of streets so measured and vac a boxes, all curia hydrae- shall be: and a Is be i, a such der[othe For serer tt localstreets 50 feet. leis to be installed under the For secondary its sreets 56 feet. specifications and supervision h of the For major tErects Conform Clay Beginner. Provided, however, Minimum li widtt pian, that the i stn11nt10n of all uch ofcub t ace ho curb) roadway (face improvements required above may of Curb to face of cu b)shall be: be reduced o major strew form"rag For secondary or local streets feet. boundary a f the subdivision ill For s andst'y.treats so feet. pet of lire above, the ant re the For sunstreet tr'et streets Conform to post any toad 6above slit the sec lot plain. Installation f the above htu'h vi(,e All then' d terminus to is must pro- ant a hall be determined by with of radiu ofat least t50 feeurn t around the Board as City Commissioners. iFl Between reverse curves - Sri, MHO. ADMINISTRATIVE Ot- gent of at least 100 feet shell be In FICIAL'S RESPONSIBILITIES. All ghlred Salary In the opinion of the administrative officials of Salt Lake Planning Commission such IS not City.shell refrain from opening. ae- nrCr5sary. Seating, grading,Paving,or lighting (GI Streets shall intersect each a street or authorizing the laying at other a near a.s possible at right and water making C 11ift y to Nmirulu street grades of such a lines Hint a street which has mainsrom the City (1) 2/ • 1\ t s calve!(Lyre status of public such caulsl Lion Is made within 5 street prior to tile taking effect of years from date of approval. his ordinance, or (2) does no con- (EI Wheu tracts to be subdivided respotid with a street on a sr bdi- less thsn 40 ne c,public spnce may be combined Islon Plat tentatively approved by tledlcuted e with the Planning Commission, or, (3) dedications)from adjoining tracts In having been su bmllted to the e order to receive u u ble r areas eatlonal Ylnnning CO�n,nlsslon and Uisnp- without resulting hardships a prot'Cd Ly ft itax not h n a opted n the subdivider of a.mall tract. by the City o Commissionehy no favor- (I'I'Floe a lion of the [Ian nine able vote f more than two LhlrUs Commission In x 'clsl11g this paW- of their m bp. r to colOLal dedlleat10n of public SCCbell. LOUOT REQUIREMENTS. open space shall take place my (Al(AI All lots ahawn 11 the after a public beanbag has been bald division plat malt conform to rub- division Lhe um."'he Any person held minimum requirements o[nee v n grieved by the.decision If the Plan- lone atonal e, all .lag do the nine Commission may have the do- t ter, lots' hall be u h ns Jre reviewed by a court of C Planning or the type drams up. listen ev'e om development for the. plat of butltllllg po ten, 0810 EXCEPTIONS XCE development coangnIt a ted, SD:. GBH EXCEIDIO II MAY P. (th The platting of key lots w leis WADE T( AVOID FSA 00lolded width at the sat bock line Is less Whenever the.tract to be subdivided g than 50 feet shall age lo permitted. is, In o. o p In su of the ale shape (C) Coale except m lots shall ht. orsi..eCommission, of such unusual shape topography c es where able 1 1 sae, nr Is surrounded by rues, topography makes It hupos;lule to development or unusual conditions,e eat this requirement.. that the strict nptained t the m ID) All rrr nn of rs bnlosy would'¢meals contained herein ml subdividing slat artlarg would she uuld r v![or real difficulties ultles and beb d lvldlnl; of n larger nto must the Planning n ha rdshlps or I toy fees, be added to ;edrem t unable oho 10 Commission may vary that than allowed to remain as unusable 0 nodlly such requirements 10 so that ' Pnlid) or sand011 er Is allowed b develup (Dt nd lots arall race 1 hie p rut co, at in :ratio 1 inteet)0 11 only as 11 III le nth¢ but so at the s e time.the 50 .side Ian the street r ut r:the public and s are and u[crests of the tat{Ins to the strest11 to the City 0 s surrounding a are pro- tangent of a urine street. trciespirit f thde etel general toot and Pea. 61112.Ct1Eprovid d, e Where ethic of 15. IOL note Is AND PEN PEN- of a not provided, ) cuts Sec.b615.VIOLATION AND PENe each hot less than fare t :meal. p May.Any person wee shall vs ate a h 00 of h rear lot :( and of the ll'ovls loos o this 1 ace Imes will le, wire red:Ines t mace shall, apart nn etlo t for poles, wire, gas and thereof. be punished by eosin¢ not storm not sanitarysewers,public gas , d o exceed 82 Jail f or Imprisonment wates. Iasem and of ere ter Il till- to the oryboth s period of six ties. a required of granter width months or by Uoth such fine and may he rc for s .long Imes where lnlprlsunlnent. any for surface overflow Sec.de16.VALIDITY.If any s necessary the extcuslon of main woes tloo, subsection, entence, clause, or start l)1 utl ll'-IDI r phrase of this ordinance Is, for Soc. 11l12. D1 within Nt o held t0 be amc(Al 1 All streets dicate the sub- don n1 oidoh holding shall n t effect division must.be dedicated' the validity of the remaining par- (B)The Manning Commission ry [loll or the ordinance- m y n the off-street errking a SECTION 2.In the n of subdivision the octal)dcenter of a rrcw the Board of Commissioners. It Is slbnits l for maintenance)of same. necessary to the peace, health and In(C)Where natural scenic safety of the Inhabitants of Salt features and/oa'historic nI Ly Lake City that this ordinance shall se Ls ea III .nrh locaflon�smn c to becninr e1tertive lenme.Ulatrly• io safegunr'ded either by dedication take effect a.This ordinance heal! tfirstto a public or private agency by the Lion. upon subdivider. (D)Dedication of all outer pub- Ynssed by the Board of Commis- lIe 0pm1 space within the supdlvi- stoners of Salt Lake City, Utah slop will be required in accordance this lath day of January. A. D. with the lne.sicr plan of Salt Lake 1950. City. Where this plan calls for o EARL J. GLADE, larger 100 11C of public pen space Mayer. he than tsubdivider can be r IRMA E. BITNER, ably expected to dedicate, the land City Recorder. added beyond the subdivider's fair (SEAL) contribution Is to be re.Se rved for BILL No. 4. acquisition byt the City, provided Published January 13,1950. -1hnet.n Q✓t/ �CC� -._. .... -�_a • y Commission In the event they op- (F)Between reverse(turves a tan- gent prove the subdivision;otherwlee the sent of at least 1th lot shall he[e• subdivider will be duly notified of Iretl less in the opinion of th plat must said body.The final Planning Commission uCh It b� upon by the beeedabr'y. Planning Commission within forty t r) Shasta algal] Intersect e b (40)days after Its submission unless otngle ee ea[ possible at xfglit an extension of time is agreed upon a glee. ball concerned. (H) street gristles of IC)The 0.352 will11 be be required with the max requirements for the t. In/um grade being T% for ecend- nal as above plat.or droning to be bnsit- ry and major atreete antl 10` x ted, provided. shall con- 'local or minor streets. Where the of sheet of approved treeing observance o1 this standard 1s Sm- llnen, to the outside or,trim Ifni possible the City Planning Com • - dlmenslond t twenty-one the by mission shell have the power to. thifor line-One(31)Inches and the bor- grant a exception when p0ofaI der rn h line of s'leaving latshall be drawn pavement surfaces and adequate least o and• haf o(1%a)einches f gt leveling areasare installed. margin on the�left.bond side of the (1) Wde ere501 from lanes lthin a 'r sheet for dalock.ee pact mom each then at binding,a not less than any one Did more than prue curve. one-half Inch ('tr" margin,,nro In there should bee connecting fromhethe outbids or des line,around The st set f should curve far the o- th! the. three Ideaor edges of a' street line ro uld major not less the heel.The platsheet t o drawn than et Seen for a m Jhre street, that the top-f heat either lace- hood feet for important y local North or West,which a hood street, and 100.feet far local pushes the d0 slog best.All lines, minor treeLse dimensions end kings shall be (JI Curbs t all intersections shall made n the boring linen with p- be rounded with Curves having a proved waterproof black ''India n110 mu'�reetsdluad 216 feet feet for sec- Drawing Ink.. The actual map - drawn hall be made near at major streets.Propertyl large enough to clearly how all ode- Meer t street intersectionsacuve•wh should larged the Workmanship on Ian- be rounded the a Urv¢' here nee laded drawing shall be nest, lean- es y to fat the curb radius. • cut and readable. The subdivider (H) New tree shall not must also furnish, dditlon to duplicate those already eisting:A ns Original pint et-drawing,an ap- street tr et�obvviouslyco tlnuatlon f proved d eceptable reproduction • then bendy ad existence end 'I f the orlginsl plat or tlrawing matle named should bear the acme' on treeing Ilhen, and to the's me. Before the street is named • dimension and-ins as the original mated and 3 the pro name u ba Ub11 - r ehall furnish two (2) orlglnaIapproved O by the city J tracings,as abbe provided,which- Engineer. ever is preferred.The printing ortL) All streets withind t the City reproduction proeeea used shall of ca edits 111 ue cenec.r to deli- reproduction incur any shrinkso Ehd far public use.The dedication and the reproduced ortracingrtfu}s of halfhibi streets in any e eeee subdivision is ached shell be of goo quality,to 'prohibited except where ea ntlal to true dimension, clear and readable theb reasonable evelopment f'the and in all reopen. comparable to hervlert 1e conformity 00twith the the original.plat or drawing so that • and w requirements ants I those Ulan, , the lines, dimensions and markings here the Planning Com tarns ten re- will not rub Off Or smear.Both a finds I[ will be prctlublo to one , the tracings whether Originals O halt the dedication 1 the er y 0 original e a reproduction, hall when the reotnittg property o n shall be signed separately by ell a is bdlvldee Wherever there mats parties duly authorised d requiredhalf treed adjacent Other to al tract signto and the final drawings or toe plbeatted iiedl within such tract, Informatoln:contain the following (M)Na subdivision for resldenNal development shall be approved ¢x- 1,A name 'and general location ceDt 1n a Residential district. I the Subdivision, In bold let- Sec. 6009. STREET IMPROVE• STATE OF U tars at the toy a the sheet. 2.A north point and tealI MEETS REQUIRED.The awne[a f s of y land to be platted b- the Plat. •• . division. hall be required to Install 3,Accurately drawn.boundariee, all.street Improvements'Including , bowing.the proper bearing.and aldewalkae curb and.gutter,w licet County of Salt Eimenatons f all boundary lines grading and rsuracing,a ell. t f the slag sloe. These Imes sanitary sewers,street drainage nd i should be lightly heavier than drainage structures, water main, — street and loott lines, and fire hydrants including hydrant Leg(]I bearings, The n widths, length., and Valve boxes, all such tmprove- Notices beangs, curve data on centerlines meets to be Installed Under the AN ORDINANCE r menla proposed streets, alleys peclfleattons and supervision of the AN ORDINANCE and ee a is booed Or nlcee- City Engineer, Provided, however, Revised Ordinances, the eery, also the boundaries, bear- that the installation of all such City,Utah,1944,Day ptltling tin Lake tl logs and dimensions f ail poi- improvements required above m • Mons within the Subdivision, he reduced on major streets farming to Id ordinances new heeler to intended to be dedicated to the boundary t the subdivision. In I,says that he is the ad- be known as Chapter LXVI, rating a of the Public.The safes,Imes, lieu of the above, the owners'shall ,y to platting and btllvlding, dimensons, bearings and _ Post surety band guaranteeing the 8e It ordained by th'e Hoard of hem of all lots, blocks and/or lnatallatlon t the above 1n such T NEWS, a newspaper , Commlaslonere of Salt Lake City, parts reserved for anyreason amount as halt be determined by [ LY LJ Iy IJ,Vtah: within the Subdivision. All lots the Board of a City Commissioners, • SECTION 1.That the Revised Or- and blocks shall be numbered Sec.68I0.ADMINISTRATIVE P.E- tllnences of 601E Lake City, Utah, consecutively der a definite SPONSIHILITIES.All administrative zke County,in the State 944 be and the game are'hereby system and with numerical des- officials of Salt Lake City,shall re- idlndes by adding in end to sold Ingnatlon. All proposed streets fraln from opening,accepting,grad- amended 'I known a t darter •o be hall be named or numbered 1n log.paving, r lighting street o Seining s Chapter 1,XVI and accordance math and to conform authorising the laying of sewers and t0 6616 eclOclnulyembetefd,ia h Der to the og art street n naming and water Ina making connections ;I hY 1D1 numbering system f Salt Lake from the City ins to such]Ines end sections ill own; Cita, In a street hich has, (1)not r CHAPTER LXVI(t 6.The angle and departures f calved the status of a public a+ et �' PLATTING AND 6VHDIVIDING dj0ining property, street of prior to the taking effect of Cthhis Sec, goof.•LAND SHALL BE SUB- alley lines, and the plat snail ordinance, r, (a'c a oon ote DIVIDED BEFOILF, RECORDING. ahpjq•the hem of the streets respond with street a btll- ' That front-the effective date of this nd"the alleys adjoining or bound- talon plat tentatively on, or, by s • orssdinance n p on hall subdivide Mg'the'Subdlvielon.It shall how the Planning ben Commission, the ��-d�n�-- ahulltrait of l or in and which is touted the namesf all adjoining Sub- divisions, having been submitted to the pars.wlthln the r• which have previdusly Planning Commieslon and disap- proved P000ie limits f salt'Lake C1tly, been recorded,to show their r proved by It has not been accepted Utah,nor shall any person sell,e• iellonshlp to the Subdivision s• by the to Commission reha by o third- change, or offer for ale, or Pur-, offered for record. If adjoining f i to of e than two thlrtle or offer to purchase any par and is platted, this lnfoimag of the(.membership.REQUIREMENTS. tel f and which is any part f lion should be shown. (Al All l LOT RE@VIR the euh. subdivision of a larger tract of 6.Show all public utilities (Al All lots she Cis on the sub- . am:- recording.shall any person offer forwithin or In i proximity t0 mdivision plat em conform to the { conveying such he with Subdivision, togeth- Inlmnm ordinance. he is at the re parcel of yland d or 0o ny interest existing ter c Ing a lots The east and shape therein less he hall first have r other constructed features that of manning tots shall It such as the in its issue dated, the 0 to have made a plat there- areinvolved. Planning Commission tleem8 p y t,which plat shall be recorded be- T.It in necessary that all di- deoelopm for the plat of building fore such sale exchange pur• a tons and calculations made deve3)T e platting hem oia fed. 1{ hanse ss effected,a d hich shall by the Engineer shah show Pro dlh te a key Iota whose A.D.19 be in accordance with all of the Closures in all boundaries of the width at the eel back Ilse Is lees requirements of this ordinance, Subdivision, r otherwise, nin o than SD feet shall not he spermitted.habe Sec.0602,DEFINITION OP SUE- completing this survey and ohi Double ceptta frontage hallual 1 DIVISION. TOO word "subdivision" s prohibited as need f Ohio odinance Is here- plat will[o cptad_ithat shows. topography'hakes It ...t able to ..1 tt,�a •-4' by nnetlned as the division of a tract plus minus distance for meet this requirement. o defined el a ]the into.floe t ct losure,unless greed o by the (D) All is of fats below Imparts for the purose,whether CIly Engineer. minlmnm size left over after the ;1 mediate orfuture,of sale or8.Show the description and lo- subdividingof larger`tract must in the issue dated the a imme development; ration of all monuments set d pment;provided,thatbe.added t0 adjacent lots rather 1 building any one Dotson within;proone ]- stebllshed by the City of Halt than allowed t0 remain 0a Unusable �1 I end. year dlvldes any tract into lake of the a.United adjacent o near parcels. A.D. 19 flue or re parts,such land shall sent that a tlbololo or near (ei All Iota areal face pen a `/ b¢deemed a ybtllvlalan within the this proposed subdivision. treat and as nearly as possible the vim/meaning of thle'Orisionw hinPro the 9.Upon the plat tlrawing, lot side lines shall u at Ing,however,that this definition of `the required and standard forms angles to the tree! to She ' %r 4 subdivision shall not include now used and approved for all tangent of curving street, G bona fide division Or partition Of Subdivision Plats shall be let- Sec, On. EASEMENTS Where ` A'',''axy agricultural land In m herd for the following:alaRolls- alleysAdvertising Clerk-- than on acre parcel J re tared for the Engineer d of are not provided, easements l/ lopment a for other than de- or g"Certificate/ s less than flue fe purposes nor shall it ln- Lund surveyor's, Dcaion each lines of .I rear lot linesne Corn the tllvlslori of properly 1n of Survey;”ficst NotarOwney D¢dfeation side ]Ines Will ee aT required here Commercial o Ivduat,il' tllatrlcts Certificate; Notary Public's Ac- necessary for poles,wires,conducts, and for commercial or industrial develop- knowledgement; the approval Of storm 0 sanitarysewers,men is where no streets the Hoard f Commissioners I teeter mains and oter public atlll- mentd h are to new tets are for Salt Lake City attested by the flea. Easemens of greater width public u n shall de 1nCtude City Recorder; approval by the may be required along lines where day of apply to the allocation of land In the City Attorney;City Engineer and necessary for urn overflow or day ttlement t state,o the City Planning Commission f for the extension ofa m decree for the distribution of proper- Salt Lake City. 4r similar utilities. of en ty' (D) The final plat shall be a Sec. 6813. DEDICATIONS.See.6803 PRELIMINARY PLAT, co panted by copies /any Cpriieate (A)All streets within the sub: REQUIREMENTS restrictions proposed to be recorded division must be dedicated. (A)Whenever Subdivision Is to or th! o pros g (E)The Planning Commission agoverning the providing rein be filed three copies of the pre- lines, use, building g ]Iminary or tentative plbt shall De lines, (pace or other aspects of within theretnalltrcen eeet ar's of a n prepared and presented to the Sala development and goof the final plat, subdivision d specify require-.eve /Lake City Planning Commission for draw)Orle drawls on tracing o their aPProvel.If with India Ink mints for maintenance a same. / _.____._.ms W/b this.c n scion Is orty linen, together with one above pro- (tu Where aural r scents "-" Y commission submiithinssion fort ti0n on r two linen,a eeoin pro- features and/or hastens community 1,��+e.Qr .�\ ��- the days after the such plat f Vlded, two original drawings assets exist sucheither locations re t0 the preliminary a plat, uch plat shall preferred,both 0 tiacles linen,Iva to safeguarded rvate dedlcatlan NotaryPub ze to sion of time approved unless y tex-he 'swill•ng recorded, dell be to n eider.or private agency by the ,�nns!an [time Is greed to by the 1L 111•he ec ded, shall be filed euhtl!v1d¢r, bdlvlder.The preliminary plat so with the City Commisslon, togQether (D)Dedication f all they pub. prepared by the subdivider and for- with a fee for checking the Sub.- Ile open pace within the aubdivl- mi]ly filed with the planning epm-. vision which will be fixed by the City ales Ill be required In accordance ssion shal contain: ngineer,One drawing,after all Of- with the master plan of Salt Lake L The proposed name of the tidal approvals have been given, a City. Where this plan Calls for a subdivision, herein provided,shall be returned Lo 2.Its l000iian a formingthe in theltler or owner for ¢Lake larger amount f public pdenesl ace 1 pert of name larger tract - Ing in Offieof the Salt than the subdivider a reason- , eel 0 land referred to In the par- County Recorder, he other draw- contribution De to de blast¢,the land (trtln of the County Recorder. Ing will be retained e d will became neetl d beyond the ubdlvltler's Salt 3.6ulflcient lnfofmatfon to ae• the property of Salt Lake City d uIeltinbyI to be reserved for eurately locate the plat. (a v1- Alll tfled 1n the Office of file City acquleltlOn the City provided prodded.. Minded to be dedicated in'the boundary of the oeowlneloi In i says that he is the a ordinances a new Ii Ester-to o[the Public.The ekes,lines, lieu of the above, the o ehali be known ns Chaster LXVI, toting use dimensions. bearings and n post a tyg bond guaranfeeong the to lletitnorersged.byvittgeoard 0f hers of ail lots, blocks and/or installationamount As ofallhe above determilned I t'NEWS,'a newspapl Commisaloners a1 Salt Lake City, parts reserved rtrerveubefvlaionor ny AlIreason IOE the Board of City Commissioners. Vtah: See.6810.ADMINISTRATIVE RE- SECTION 1,That the Revised Or- and blocks shall be numbered gpONSIBILITIEB All administrative zke County in the Sta dlnances of Salt Lake City, Utah, consecutively under a definite officials ofaithe city,sh.n re- 1944n be and the same e hereby system and with neon Ica) des- train from opening,accepting,grad- amended by adding nun and to said lgnatlon. All proposed streets lag,paving,Or lighting street or • ordinances chapter q be half De named Or numbered conform la authorising the laying of sewers and known Chapter LXVI and accordance with and naming form water mains making connections taming sections numbered from 6801 to the adopteds street d from& the City Bins to such lines ' to 6816 Inclusive, ehe ter numbering system of Salt Lake which pp P street which has,public 0t - and sections will Ett YOIIdWe: City. reined the status of a public street "CHAPTER LXVI 5.The angle and departurestetof prior to the taking effect of Lids PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDINGBESUB- DIVIDED alley tin property, tree[ andrtllnance r, (2) does not cos- ! Sec. 68D BEFORE SHALL RECORDING.' ING.' alley lines, and the plat shall respond.with street on a subdi- vision �1 I DIVIDED BEFORE RECORDING, s a the f the turd- plat tentatively approved by_ .l..t_l't S�`J�i- That tram the bflectle date (LRIa itt'thee alleys 18i0n.It or Deuntl- tthe Planning Commisafon, or, (3) • or}fdin ante h person hall subdivide Ing'the Subdivision.It shall show having been submitted to the 01 l tract of land which is located the amen of all adjoining Sub- Planning Commission and Meap- IlY to pare within the r• divisions, which have previously proved by it has not been accented Poste limits of Salt"Lake City, been recorded, to show their re- by the City Commission by a favor- Utah,nor shall any person sell,e• lataonfhip to the Subdivision now able toof morethan two thlyde change, or offer for ale, or pure. offered for record. IS adjoining of their membership. obese, t'offer to purchase my Dace. land is platted, this Informed Sec. Alt i LOT REQUIREMENTS. c 1 f land which Is any part of Lion should be shown. (A) All lots shown n the sub- auk/division hal` a larger trac of 6.Show all public utilities division plat must conform to the anyI landnor person otter for within or In lose proximity tominimum requrements of the zen- rrecoDrrd`neg.shal of ll deed conveyng such the proposed Subdivision, togeth- ng ordinance. The else end shape in its issue dated, t. any interest nt, existing ter coarsen f,the lots shall be such as the therein less he halt first have or other constructed features that Planning Commission deems p- 1 0 to have shall a plat there- areInvolved. prop late for the type of building f,which lat hall be recorded be. 0.It is necessary that all di- development contemplated. A.D.19.-_ fore such sale Band we Pitt- mansions and ciculations made (13)The platting of key lots whose _ p ehnse antseffected, and bleb oboe by the Engineer shall show proper width t the set back line Is less 31 err in accordance with all of life Closures In all boundaries of the than 50 feet shall not be a shall be requirements Dents of this ordinance. Subdivision,on, r otherwise, in (C)Double frontage lots shall be Sec.6002,DEFINITION"N Of'SUB• completing this survey and no prohibited except where unusual n oO DIVISION,N, The word eubdlvlhere. plat-will be-accepted that-&hews--- raphy makes Si Impossible to .1 1 j J 't.L�0 as d In ast ordinance is here- plus or minus distance toemeet this reculnsebe. I by defined the division of tract closure, unless agreed to by the D) All remnants is nt Iota below 0 morparcel o land into five(5) o ity Engneer. minimum size left overfloc the in the issue dated t .parts for Gm purpose.whether 8.Show the description and le- subdividing at a larger tract must (, immediate future, of sale or of cation of all monuments set and be added toadjacent • building development;provided that established by thee se City of Salt than allowed to ema as in s unusable If any one person within one 1- Lake or the United States Govern- parcels. ' endfive orr ym l divides anyrtract into ant that a ad/anent or near (E) All lots shall face upon a /i A.D.19.___. be deemedre VG, h land c shall this proposeder subdivision. trees and as nearly es possible the j`/ i edivision within the g, eq the plat drawing, lot aide lines shall rue at right _ meaning ve th1 Ordinance.Provid- ing,however,that this definition of oW used and o approved for ill tangent of curving street. subdivision all not Include6 tL�d 2-,z� •- _ 11 bona tide dlvlslon a ➢artition of Subdlvlslon Pieta than be let- Sec. 6812. EASEMENTS. Where agricultural rend for parcel 1 more e- feted for the !elbowing: Regis- alley a not provided, easements Advertising Cl lc than oneacre Other than e- her Professional Engdne¢r ntl/ ea not es a than fart (5) test 0 v lopm t purposes,nor shall It In- o Land Surveyor's. -Certificate aide side of 11 rear tat lines and elude the division)ofo1 Survey';' Owner's Dedication aide lines will be ar required where property in Certlflente; Notary Public's Aof necessary for poles,wires,conducts icr commercial or Industrial develop- the tlgemen' the approval o[ storm or sanitary sewers, gas and for comgmere no newnaeatrct dseeles- the Board f Commissioners of water mains d We greater public cidl- nW terserstreets Snit Lake City attested by the ties. Easements of greater width mired a topublic use;nor e dedicatee for City Recorder; approval by the May he required along linen where 1I or aPPlY to the allacst11 Of land hall It Inthe the Attorney',Planning Engineer and a ry el r urf o e Overflow or`- day IG settlement 1 state,or a court the City Planning Commission of for s the a tendon t main sewer! f decree for the distribution of proper- ty. Halt Lake City. or Sec. 68e utilities. (D) The final plat Snell be fled Sec, 6813. DEDICATIONS. I 8ec.6803 PRELIMINARY PLAT, • co Panl¢d by copies Of any private A)All streets lease the sub- restrictions proposed to be corded division must be dedicated, REQUIREMENTS or the puree of providing gu- (H)The Planning Commission , (A)Whenever Subdivision 1s to lotions governing the a buildig may require off-street king Me.w o be Slued three copies of the Dr• lines,open Spce or others aspects of Par llminary or tentative pat shall be development and us within the retail center of a new prepmed and presented to the Salt (E)One tlrawing of the final plat. s btlls for d specify same. require.-/ Lake City Planning,Commisafon for drawn with India Ink on tracing to for maintenance o[a __"- -- their approval.II action Is oak- linen, one w(C)Where natural or a sce to together ]e o above pro- features and/or historic community en by this commission ]thin forty Lion R tracing linen,a above era- !:-y„<____: { (40) days after the submission of hall prefer or two anginal as as ssets exist such locations r tobe ]�T 'p(c; it benconsidered approved unluch ess an ex- preferred. ng ttTe olegalt desgorlpttbn des to anPubllcrordprivate ag either ency dedication tths, Notary�ta'ry P�'b"r-- tension of time IS greed to b the It will be recorded, hall be Idled subdivider Li . li! subdivider.The preliminary plat n0 with the City Commission,together (D)Dedication f all tber pub- Prepared by the subdivider and for- with a tee for checking the Subdi- llc open space (thin the subdivl- FF ally filed with the planning cow Vision which will be fixed by the City aloe will be required in accordance mission shall contain: En!lneer.One drawing,after all of- with the master plan of Salt Lake. 1,The proposed name of the tidal approvals have been given, as Clry. Where this plan calls for a eubdivlalon. herein provided,shall b0 returned to subdivider amount [public open space 2.Its location a forming • the In the]der or o forrecord-he than the s bdlvlder an be part 00 some larger street par- reason- ing 1n Offie of theSal ake ably expected to dedicate.the land al of land referred to 1n the rec- ords County setRecorder. The other draws ne ded beyond the bdivlde['a fair f the Cdunty Recorder. draw- ing the property be retained and will become contribution is to be reserved for acque 3 teiy Sufficient llocateI the plant. (a ion to tl- and will ne PI<I I the Office of the City such isacquisiion tiont la mahe de within td ` chitty plat on a emeli noble should Eagi)All yearn from date [approval. o pan the F) above mentioned approvals • Y preliminary plat Shall become void unless thesad (E)When tracts to be subdivided- ahowing the seeing olassifica- pint drawing 1a offered for re- cording r lase)Ran 40 acres,public¢pwaet [r tl0n.) none within five(5) days Srem dedicated may resulting e bleed with 4.The n and adtlresees of da f approval. dedications Gem adjoining tracts In the persona to whom the notice of Sec. 6806. AMENDED PLATS. Order to afro u u bl<recreational the hearing to he held by the Amended plats use De sll<d`hub• a without es lLing hardships Planning Commission h a be divisions that have been recorded on the subdivider of small tract. ant: the eubdlvld of the a gl- and ma) changes made which (F)The action of the Planning IC n r or surveyor of the ubthe hanges the subdivision materially, Commission In exercising this pow Ision, and the owners of the the es subdivision upon which these err to compel all take t publip 11 lend Immediately ¢dlolning the changes a have been Bede must be pin open space shell take place my lend to be platted. Gated and an amended plat filed after public hearing has been held 1 5.Contour map at appropriate accordance wlthwthe regulations set o the after. Any person ag- intervals where required by to- up In this ordinance. grieved by thedecision of r she an- pograPRY- Sec.6806.FPEANUT DENIAL, RO' - nine Comrnnsslon may have the de- 6.The boundary linen of the I(SG UNAPPROVED PLAT PRO- stolen reviewed by a court Si<o tract to be subdivided accurate 1n by any administrative No permits shall De Issued patent jurisdiction. R'• male and bearing. and Lake City.for stra500a officer off only Sec 6814.EXCEPTIONS MAY RE r59r0 dimension7.The s of ail existing or buildings or➢nimDrovrmednteD requiring WhMAenever ever the tract E TO f to bD HARDSHIP. au divid 4 platted streets and other ion- a permit upon a o which 18, in the opinion f else Planning ,( portant features oath as railroad •plat le required by this ordinance Commission, [such unusual!Reps Ines, water courses, exceptional ,e, s and until the requirements r size, or Is sua'Iounded b such to➢ogra➢hy,etc.,within and co hereof shall have been compiled with, y tlguous to the tract to be sub- The filing an n unaPProved plat development Or unusual conditions, [1 divided. la prohibited any cording f- that the Strict application [ the I' 8.Existing sanitary !were, fiver who tiles such plat Is guilty regquirements contained herein atom diming,water supply mains, of a misdemeanor. would result In I difficulties and and culverts within the tract and Any sale orcontract to sell any bntantlal hardships or injustices, immediately adjacent thereto, land In violation of the legal - the Planning Commission may vary 9.The location, widths and trots of this ordinance'Is gledable modify!such requirements no that. other dlmenglona of proposed at the option pf they chaser. the subdivider le allowed to develop B 6800.MINIMUM REQUIRE- his property in a reasonable man- 'street, alleys, easements, parks, MEETS. The requirements of this ner,but so,at the same time,the • and other open spaces and lots. ordinance obeli he considered mini- public welfare and interests of the 10.All parcels of land Intended mum and shall apply under all City and surrounding areaare o- il to be dedicated for hubllc u ordinary circumstances. Ay devia- tion tested d the general lnteot d red far the s of all from he minimum requirements, property owners, with the per- where un seal circumstances exist spirit f the ordinance 1s preserved. Poses In dicaI d, can my be made with the approval Sec.6815.VIOLATION AND PEN- Proses II.North point and anale. f the Boar of Commieslonecs and ALTY.Any person who shall violate (Bo Where needed and upon the the City Planning Commission of any of the provisions of tills r 1j request of the Planning Commis- Salt Lake City. dinance shall, Don 0a &don the following Infornse flog Sec. 6608 STREETS, REQUIRE• thereof,be punished by a fine not Abell be}urn!ahed: MEETS, RESIDENTIAL SUBDI• to exceed 8299.00 or imprisonment d.The cross sestina of proposed VISION ONLY IN RESIDENTIAL . In the City Jail for aoperiod of abe streets bowing widths f road- DISTRICTS. Oaths or by both such flee and ware and location of of walks. (Al MS through atceets In the Sub- imprisonment. - 2.The proposedocatio method f division 6t conform to the for see.6816,VALIDITY.If any see- handling sanitary awe and street plan of alt Lake Cltwy,Utah. Lion, subsection, sentence, clause, (es The alignment and kith of phrase of thin&dine..is,for storm drains within the tract, all extended streets shall he or p held to be dnconetltu- 3.Plane for transportation fa- preserves unless unusual topeg aphid Y eaaa l ellittee(each as bus loading genes, cal conditions make a modification Elanal uch holding tame t effect etc.). advisable. the validity of the ining por- Sec. 6804. FINAL PLAT, RE- (C1 Where a large SubdlviSion Mon of the dinance. QUIREMENTS, buts upon a major thoroughfare the SECTION 2.In the opinion a, ns(A)The final plat,together with Planning Commission Y mquire the Bond of Commissioners, it Is an up-to-date abstract.Of title or marginal ces streets t0 be In- ' necessary to the peace,health and- policy f title insurance must be eluded In the street plan. safety of the inhabitants of Salt submitted tog the Planning Commis- (D)Street width G to.be measured Lake City that this Ordinance shall' j sloe for approval within a It) from lot line to tot line.The min, become effective immediately, year niter the approval 0(one pre- width of streets 5o measured SECTION 3.This ordinance hall llminary plat,and no plat shall be ahall be: take effect upon its first publica- ded o offered for -c cord n For miner or local streets..,.50 feet. lion. shall any land be offeretl¢for axlerecor For secondary streets 56 feet. Passed by the Board of Comm/a- For major streets Conform sIoners f Salt Lake City, with reference to such a s plat, until to major street Ian. Utah said plat has been approved In writ- Minimum width t roadway (face this llth day o[ January, A. D. Mg by the Board of City Commis- f curb to face of curb)shall be: 1950. EARL J. GLADE. Toners,the City Engineer,the City For minor or'peel streets 27 feet. Mayor. /Attorney, and the City Planning For secondary streets 36 fee Commission of Salt Lake City,Utah. For major streets Conform tot IRMA F.BITNER, (B)Final approval f the plat mS10i t[ett plan. City R<eOldei. !rem the above mentioned public ( )All dead add streets moat pro- (REAL) Santee recurred to give ?Proval vide at their terminus to turn around BILL No. 4. shall be a axed by the Planning with a radius Of at least 50 feet. Published JanuMy It 100.