4 of 1958 - Amending Schedules 3 and 4, referrred to in Section 117 of the Traffic Code, setting speed limit on •
I. 108 200 1-58 Q.P.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ^E.f.. , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . .
1 h1
Geurts . . .
Romney . .
Mr.Chairman _uI
I k
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCHEDULES 3 and 4, referred to in Section
117 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1 . That Schedules 3 and 4, referred to in Section 117
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same
hereby are, amended to read as follows:
Refer Section 117
"When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the prima
facie speed limit shall be forty (40) miles per hour on the
following streets or parrs of streets:
"Beck Street between 8th North Street and the north city
"21st South Street between the Jordan River Bridge and 2000
feet west of Redwood Road.
"Victory Road between Beck Street and 200 feet north of
4.th North Street.
"Twenty-first South from 250 feet east of 21st East Street
to 23rd East Street then Parleys Way from 23rd East Street t.
, the east city limits..
"Redwood Road from its intersection with North Temple
northward to a point 500 feet north of 9th North (1000 North)
"Highway 40 from 13th East and 5th South southeasterly to
the south city limits via 5th South, Foothill Drive, 21st East
and Foothill Drive.
"North Temple Street between the Jordan River Bridge and a
point 1 ,000 feet west of Redwooci Road.
"And all other streets or parts of streets posted with
appropriate signs or zoned according to this section."
Refer Section 117
"When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the prima
facie speed limit shall be fifty (50) miles per hour on the
following streets or parts of streets:
"North Temple Street from a point 1 ,000 feet west of Redwood
Road to the west city limi%the
"Redwood Road between ,8uuth city limits ono North Temple Street.
"Redwood Road from a point 500 feet north of 9th North (1000
North) to the north city limits.
"And all other streets or parts of streets posteu with appropriate
signs or zoned according to this section."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect Upon its first
, Passed by the Boars of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this ?8th day of January , 1958.
./: ,
( Mayor
oc red r
( S E A )
BILL NO. 4 of 1958.
Published January 30, 1958
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal MakesD. M. Ockey
0- . AN O,thIINANOE ys 1 p duly
SLR Deew9lto eoc;,q AMENDIINC.I Being first duly sworn. deposes and says that he is legal advertising
«, t s Y d I31- f il t `ftnioi' clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
f Sel I.ak Clt
"R an fd mvd bye Board of GRAM, a daily (exceptnewspaper p g
v fermi IONer,i0f.It Opke) es s car,
- Sunday) u ws a er Tinted in the En
g.ti,"1°iC'4.nON 0d 4o �•SeRedURake fish language tuith generalr circulation in Ptah, and published in
Gt L h; O86 be d the- Salt Lahe. City, Salt Lake County, in the Stale of Utah.
b_i inRb_be roe ded to read.
%: S gU4E°..
g11p That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
FORT M LqS�Eii H6 li
u`"n m to"s. m` inaa` ` Salt Lake City Bill No 4 of 1950
Ay ad Rrts't eh]1 71a f@rtY ,(Q
5�77IE Pg}tout ah ift�Fpllld,0�f
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1 st tRet k tl W gA h1t MP: An Ordinance Amending Schedules 3 and 4 of the
1te rt. 8etf e,.
�136.g.,o Raea ova gh a°zro fee'
+IciorY #Batt C t e'6-DR ! Traffic Code relative to maximum speed
, st t a a zoo Yee t.4 tf.9Uh i
,5fN�ee'T oto--iind2lltt sbtyth rfb,d•250
, 3re io e i REtdp.Street lie east I on certain streets.
�it,pyy[��tt�•[[tea�ts, q 1t1e i
9d1,11 o 1,t(10no.feoin I 3i eel! f
qa $4xn soapy tlhe h S lt h January30, 1958.
Tr t Il iem..,2[1sts East 3and5Foolt•
m" ortve u was publishedin said newspaper art
st" .7-oMltt It Ire S13 idgebeeeeen s}
motnt 1,000 feet west of Redwood Ii
"And III other streets parts E
of streets ➢ d with op i
at signs tior zoned dt a toh
SCHEDt1I E 4 b
Refer g¢ 119
' FI� Y- L aP tHU '
'tbidh l`li Unb EIK6 tl p h the tl 1n8
ea is r e Legal Adllertising Clerk
rl7t Tfee 1e Stt sheet from a
p I (s1t00h 4e�wont Nf note, tl''
H d the t od b ween
"thsilood its a. between the
4 h city limits and North Te.n
i',17�S�lroel. N ry
Nolli)1 f trg T .Itthcitreiymnofe.
"And all other streets or"parts t,
:t ets posted- el[h ipprdprtO I
to a�ian5 r coned aeeorame m
'Sihij Ifpn." 1st
�s H a�oNei.Gln vissl9qopinion t°f fefore me this 3 day of
-to the 11end ,hcaloth ntl h
tet,A llie tnt�abltants f Salt A.D. 19 5
--T%]( ttv that this dlnance be� tl [`1
oo�(tq��' 'fecttve Immcdiatcld. D C
ehalt toot r f1,0 o dinanat F
I shag take effect upon Its fist h J`
Passed by the Hoard of Corn- I'
Utah tbis of
of January, 2_t //� �.�1900. ARIEL F. 0TEWART RL� C .l:-� G.2—t 'Ct. ...
y{ ENYer Notary Public
BILL No,r4 of 1008
Punlished J t.30,tots
NIy, Corn mission
ov n2_��p1961.