4 of 1966 - Amending Sections 20-3-2 and 20-3-11 to levy the tax upon businesses domiciled outside the city but /HF / ROLL CALL January 5 6 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , BARKER chAttil{KM I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . � _ r Harrison . . . ✓ • gagf40c HQLLBY Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 20-3-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, relating to the levy of a business revenue license fee, and Sec. 20-3-11 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to exemptions to business revenue license fee. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sec. 20-3-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the levy of a business revenue license fee, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new paragraph to read as follows: "Sec. 20-3-2. License fee levied. * * * "There is hereby levied upon every person engaged in business in Salt Lake City, Utah, not maintaining a place of business in said city, and not exempt as provided in Section 20-3-11 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, a license fee based upon the percentage of gross sales and services made within the city in relation to the total gross sales and services made from the place of business outside the corporate limits of Salt Lake City from which business within Salt Lake City is transacted and by applying such percentage to the fee which would otherwise be assessed for such place of business were it located within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City. The license fee hereby imposed shall be due and payable for the year 1966 on or before February 15, 1966, and on or before February 15th of each succeeding year thereafter." SECTION 2. That Section 20-3-11 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, relating to exemptions to business revenue license fee, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 20-3-11. Exemptions to license. (a) No license fee shall be imposed under this chapter upon any person engaged in business for solely religious, charitable, eleemosynary or other type of strictly non-profit purpose who is tax exempt in such activities under the laws of the United States and the State of Utah, nor shall any license fee be imposed on any person engaged in a business specifically exempted from municipal taxation and fees by the laws of the United States or the State of Utah; nor 4 -2- shall any license fee be imposed upon any person not maintaining a place of business within Salt Lake City who has paid a like or similar license tax or fee to some other taxing unit within the State of Utah, and which taxing unit exempts from its license tax or fee, by reciprocal agreement or otherwise, businesses domiciled in Salt Lake City and doing business in such taxing unit. "(b) Reciprocal agreement. The city license assessor and collector may, with approval of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, enter into reciprocal agreements with the proper officials of other taxing units, as may be deemed equitable andproper in effecting the exemption provided for in paragraph (a) of this section." SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of January, 1966. \4 2 r L ( MAYOR I` ER CITY ER (S EAL) BILL NO. 4 of 1966 Published January 11, 1966 _ 4 •ow.neA Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAH, ) J? ss, County of Salt Lake ! r N{chRTNA Nce G a Ockey � AN ORDIFIAN E AMENDING Se. lSalt Laker p+1 it,f�Isetl Ordinances F � 1pp '$aalili,lness5,rrelering io I lsad 87,iiDf�S,IrI okra y..-:1 bf h pSitil4 t f AN /yRCLnRj`ti'Rt duly.SWOrn,de1JO.SP..S artd.Say.S tlLat kP 2.5 le�,'al ad71e1'• 9IF oga by rh Boa a using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily I except,Sunday) -e mfglanps dr''ggle i.ke Criy, USFCtio b That s so-a a 1 the - newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- R Y16r lir� C ly to 1 °'emr' the'Tee cfalntion in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake la dual fn f� n b fee` County,in the State of Utah. I, o dh by ddg9 lh I lP ie :asJtrfes 11I ed" y ' ° P That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto f�salr Lake rtr,°Ira+,°,Ino i col-main.' I 7,9 Piece of pu mess f a'C Irv, a oor m f momeed{n csec- Lake Cst" B' No lion sozii i ine Revised ore. malt 1 1 of 1966 Maces el Sell based up Vi Urah 1965, ---- ._.Y__ Z 114 _ Hearse fee base Ilea on ride Peryenr• a ode wl Ijn the ❑y In elarieoc o,1 q tea teat ¢ra;a ;ale; e ram, An Ordinance relati.r. to exem>tions to h' made o-om one Place of cosine°;our- -- - F-- d�li7Q,33____ ' Lae me rporefe amiss df`sae ak¢City from which business wirh- ) Salr Leke Cily Is transacted d � revenue license fee. F be awhichnAwould P1M1eerw7 be r: ----_- --- -- - sassed for h plac¢ of bupseinesen Iimlisioll Salfe Lake Clay.Theo license fee aereby Imposed snail be due d fore Febler9 IS 79$6,�end Dauer b •-- -� � - lore Eebf.F4/5m M each eed. .I y Ti011 Taflet SECTION 1.Thal Section 70,3-I1 at -----^-" rh Revised Ordinances of Setf Lain 1 CiN. Utah 1965, elatlna to xe - i1rlens to business'Te vt license tee, t' ab¢m, -and me ''me Hereby is,I I was published in .said newspaper on 'wary .71, 1966. ea ro re a as feuows: "Sec ]PJ-11. tall r''. II- cpnse: fad No BcAnse tea hall bye ! gf,?:;M der t�s chadiel'Upon Person ss, c In business for solely , --_ reliBlhet eharl et si •v tot ynary o awe{sy m s±rlcily on-Prmir jIactivltles unae}the lows of'the Unitt� M Slate nd the Sfafe o1 Ulah,rbr ------ -.------ shall ,y.d (. try`I I. !-b I P d-n,- I(am%) c �ppoW�¢ I nn b �re:i; i /,/ I t t�91 tl iei' b fh I ws no IC- //, Z Cr C. 2 the United Stair anyei ism s,d E I I lmppsed Ppen.n ,-pn Her In. -leegal Advertising Clerk 00Pt t a lace of business within II Salt Lake City Who ha'paid aolke+. sl tier Rcw tax o fee to or m orhe.r lens,Intl wlfhln me St to oII urah.ane.wnlPn taxirw unit exemPls from Ifs license fax or lee,by recip-I" races e03m11,i l or otherwise, Hesse;damirned m tan Lake City1 12th ane dome AP;mess m seen mxina t,nir. ;o before me this day of �umttrnRer�Procas aPraement.-Tee --�-- itS asVVaIee/i e c`oa';elei 66 Kamm;;,gene°s'VI tan Laka i°, R.D. 19 r them al ane'ran ' A, earn pofficle rang' With ' !taxing nits,as may b d d IUfable andoreper 1 rI fTe 2 �\ t((l)) d4 t I 11ersECTIONI fhl rse o }eel Lake CPI ea h 1 1 S If ' _ -__-- h.Ifn d I f the "� �_ '4:.<Z . L- >,�'..[. ef 5 Ir Lake City that inhabitants,p a nonce become rieclwa Im- / Notary Public m ECTIO SECTION d- This ordinance hall I rake e11a Lf Up It,f'ir;toubl+ppcslion. ; • versa 2 Ihh e,'C N,tutors,this i Slfl day of January,BRACKEN LEE, NERMAN J. HOGFN ENor: f5EAL1 CIN Recorder. BILL NO.a of ry 1 Pub)Isned JanUary 11.1966_ set ' Nov 25 1969 4