4 of 1971 - Amending Section 25-9-3, providing for accumulation of unused sick leave of 180 days for officers an AYa1.9tlA
Affidavit ®f Publication
County of Salt Lake
7±oRmi„n l Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
p1p tisi.ng cleric of the DESERET NEWS, a dady (except Sunday)
r r p newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
t ordain,. •e hcard 1i cnlation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Take
ifmcmis,ioners of Sall
r croN 1 TI f Section r s County,in the State of Utah.
(EcU lah Wtlnan<es f Sa Lake
.,u, Utlioti'Ot ni elaave a the
�,�,cu alieni'.tl}sick leave heneritsl
�1Keera nd rg,,,! as et That the legal notice of which n copy as attached hereto
na, and the same hereby is,
nded to read as follows:
.Sec.159.Accumulation of sick
ye alloved. Authorized and
sick leave may be a - n Drrlinance__relating_ to_the aeeumul ntiQn_ef_sick_
a ry owcer e ol`cv'en°rrom
the�m year,nvi ion of tubers
mbat division of me fire -
e-rn»eat shall be entitled to ecru-
citify hMsr more ninety-six esek _-L6�V� 611@ J..'�e,4�Ox.offlCBTS.2.12d_8111L110XfleS.
and all other officers and err-
'levees shall hR<mne. e aeeam- Bi1U.No.t4 of 19n,:ate m Ibe ne hp ud read
'nhtv, (lee) days for sucl - - - -- - ---
-ick land Accumulation a( ere
t end sec sock leave ahand
m)11er shall be c vu red i ti and
filer January 1.lent onlfory
lhen<uf er pi realized.ea< ccumu
.lion of fiosoifallzaiien leave shall he
j allowed'• ___ __._-____.. _.______. _ ____.__.._...___.
SECTION].In the opinion o/the
1%g° of Commis pionerz o�n f�he
aka a;v, �r r n ssaro i
January 22 1 1<,fi<aun a e w ifar< f n,< n was n,cnid newspaper ore _ Y_-_� ��
1Gacltars eba ome'effective that thtlla
Ia;i;ln c< tutu
SECTION 9.This ord'nanro snail
}B 4a effect upon lit first oU omicn
pnsrstl by The hoard of Cnmm��.
signers of Salt 1 ake f',f` Utah,this
c9th day of "."
F RfrA.N J,FiOG.SrNr,r
I I •NO 6 l f `� y \\l1 ••1
Published iarv,,,101 fP-201 Advertising
Legal.Ir vertising C'trk
Subscribed and .sworn to before the this day of
_ _January "-_-_ A.D. •19_��_.
T 1_•I
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974
January 19 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197
Barker . . . .
Catmuli I move that the Ordinance be
Harrison .
Mr. Chairman
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-9-3 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the accumulation of sick
leave benefits for officers and employees.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 25-9-3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the accumulation of sick
leave benefits for officers and employees of the city, be, and the
same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 25-9-3. Accumulation of sick leave allowed.
Authorized and unused sick leave may be accumulated by
any officer or employee from year to year provided that
members of the combat division of the fire department
shall be entitled to accumulate no more than ninety-six
(96) on-duty shifts for such unused sick leave and all
other officers and employees shall be entitled to
accumulate no more than one hundred eighty {180) days for
such unused sick leave. Accumulation of authorized and
unused sick leave hereunder shall be computed from and J1
after January 1, 1959, for continuous full-time employment
only until the maximum accumulation permitted hereunder is
realized. No accumulation of hospitalization leave shall
be allowed."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 19th day of January, 1971. /
(SEAL) City r
BILL NO. 4 of 1971
Published January 22, 1971
Republished February 4, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
J- ss.
County of Salt Lake
Batty Phelps
AN ORD µANGE AMENDING nec- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ad17P.7'•
o°" e-J i'ta Re"sed D`°' rising clerk of the DESERE`T NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
�I F Salt Lzko C,IY.Ulall,1955. elnt
O,to IhC aaTcd`lal ion of s, r,,, -
e�cllts for ificers a tl-e o
r d df bs m�e ��f newspaper printed in the English language with genera cir-
w n
culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Si TION 1 That S t ]59.3 of
jlha ea aed D ,"re,el al,,,t1A•
County, in the State of Utah.
Cccyu �ollo�ll ofbssl=kalla lave ben¢1115
'for,i,)g.ras tl om0lovc,, I %
Icily, be, n0 dine s whereby .
nd a i II That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
5! 79`J A 1 II n 1 ki
II C II JU A thnl dca dl t n
by a VA ell'➢r V IOVm mf
a ;°Y ided mal hers, an Ordinance relating to the acclznul.atz� 4f y�.�l�_
oalhm c0�nba1 U�visinn of Ine fira da-,
p r shall bC enli�Ieluse%6967'.
1Totite 11� tnau
n.dvly ai,u;�far En d " leave benefits for QEf�cers_and_employoes._..Bi»__
mve. am II e'e ed to, nd• _
iv! "1 Sall be'entitled'u,adret
t eich't (�001mdcur tar such an ed',
si k IezYe.Accumo siali°n of author- l.[� mnyry
ueCo�asrall°becd 0, fgrc,' A. _NO a._ti.-Q.L-.LZ Flr
after-.January 1.E1959 u10r courg 1n=
tull.tima amPlovment only permit letl'
maximum accvmUlation accvvlt-[
\harEvnder Is realitetl.No — "'---'— --'"--"'--'"
lion a'no:pildllzailon leave snail bc
SFCT ION 2.In the opinion,of hn
board F Comm ss�oners t,o Slh� ---"'- ---- -'—"
Lake rlica'.lM1l ariE Z'Crte71 at
hebifanls Sall Lake CI1V that ihn-
ordinance°neEome effective Imme II. was published in said newspaper on gtbrPery 1 J 73
( SECTION J. Thisordinanceubli fall,
fake,edaffect upon its Irat ubllcasion.i
Passodi SaliliLa ke Giiv�lUfahnihlsl.
sionera o
�19tII day°i January,19]1 ---.-- ------- -
city Recorder
BILL N0.d of 1971
Ip bhs�ed January 31,1911
Reaubge'c February 4 1971 N-_ .1\ A \� & '
Legal Addverlising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10.th, day of
_January_ A.D. I9_72__.
�_ , , \-/ t-e,r,.. i l
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 1.20 7974