4 of 1980 - Amending sections 5-11-2, 5-11-4, 5-11-5, 5-11-6 and 5-11-7 replacing phrase 'Board of City Commissi / 1
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 5-11-2, 5-11-4, 5-11-5,
5-11-6 and 5-11-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to amendments of the Uniform
Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition, and
the Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition.
WHEREAS, the provisions of Sections 5-11-2, 5-11-4, 5-11-5,
5-11-6 and 5-11-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, amending provision of uniform codes applicable to
existing housing were based on a governing hoard named the "Board
of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City", vested with both
legislative and administrative powers, which no longer exists;
WHEREAS, said governing body has been replaced by the City
Council and Office of the Mayor, respectively vested with
legislative and administrative powers of local government
necessitating a clarification and separation of said functions;
NOW, THEREFORE, he it ordained by the City Council of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Section 5-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah 1965, as amended, relating to the governing body
of Salt Lake City shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 5-11-2. Governing body. All references in the
Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition, and the Uniform Code for
the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition, as
adoopted by Section 5-11-1 to the City Council shall refer
to the City Council. of Salt Lake City, hereinafter. "City
Council", except as specifically amended.
SECTION 2. That in order to clarify that functions
contained in Chapters 13, 15 and 16 of the Uniform Housing Code,
"UHC", 1976 Edition, and Chapters 6, 8 and 9 Uniform Code for the
Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, "UCADB", 1976 Edition, are
largely administrative functions, all references to the "Board of
City Commissioners" contained below in Sections 5-11-4, 5-11-5,
5-11-6, and 5-11-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, as amended, shall. he DELETED and AMENDED to read
"Mayor", except as specifically provided below where said phrase
shall he substituted for the following language:
A. Under Section 5-11-4, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to Section 203,
UHC and 205 UCADR:
(1) Substitute "City Council" in line 2 of
subparagraph (a)(3).
(2) Substitute "Office of the Mayor" in lines 1
and 3 of subparagraph (a)(4).
(3) Substitute "Mayor with the advice and consent
of the City Council" in lines 2-3 of subparagrah (b).
B. Under Section 5-11-5, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to subparagraphs
(a)-(d) of Sections 1301 UHC and 601 UCADB:
(1) Substitute "Office of the Mayor" in line 8 of
subparagraph (a).
C. Under Section 5-11-6, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to Chapter 15,
UHC and Chapter 8, UCADR:
(1) Substitue "Office of the Mayor" in lines 4
and 9 of subparagraph (a) of S1501, UHC and 6801,
(2) Substitute "Mayor or." for "Board of City
Commissioners of" in line 5 of subparagraph (b) of
61501 UHC and 5801 UCADB.
(3) Substitute "Office of the Mayor" in lines 4
and 8 of subparagraph (d) of 61501 UHC and S801 7CADB.
(4) Substitute "Office of the Mayor" in line 1 of
subparagraph (e) of 61501 UHC and §801 UCADR.
(5) Substitute "Mayor shall determine is
appropriate at the time the order is entered" for
"Board of City Commissioners shall determine is
appropriate at the time it enters its order" in lines
6-7 of subparagraph (b) of §1502 UHC and 802 UCADB.
(6) Substitute "City Council." on line 2 of
subparagraph (a) of §1503 UHC and §803 UCADB.
(7) Substitute "City Council" in lines 1 and 6 of
subparagraph (b) of §1503 UHC and S803 UCADR.
D. Under Section 5-11-7, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to Chapters 16,
UHC and Chapter 9, UCADB:
(1) Substitute "Office of the Mayor" in lines 9
and 10 of S1602, UHC and 902 UCADR.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date
of its first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of. February , 1980.
MR 4
1 711 FCORnF ez ,
BILL NO. 4 of 1980
Published February 13, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 5-11S2,ill-n,
5-1t-a and 511-1 of rile Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Ulan Cod a mantled,Abatement
m a enous Buildings,
o`the 1976
form Code tore the Abatement of de,197 Edition.Bulltlings,19)6
Edinw.and Ma Uniform Housing Seen°9]611,2, - Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
WHEREAS,the provisions W Sk•clbn4 S-II�Z,5-11 J,511-5,
5-, and 5;11-7 of Revised Ordinances a It Lake City, advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
rin1 housing were bosod on a Provision of uniform
nit rm c board named me
`eoard a1 Clly Cr-run lacers of Sall Lake Clly vested with (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
both legislative and administrative powers,which n°longer language with general circulation in Utah, and
°°oEREAne )iceofr""°body has been tively e°b"the published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
City Council and
Office of the Mayor,respectively local
vestedovero with
legislative and administrative Mowers or lacnl °v pmeni
n W.TH earlflE,haVrgyedtieBIaCteCoUna: State of Utah.
NOW.THEREFORE,bs it ordained by Inc Clry Council of
Sall Lake CITY,1,Se
$tt SECTION 1, tlon Sit-3 of the.Revised Ordinances o
Saalt Lake body-of Saltl Lake Ctah itysshall be mended torthe gas govern-
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Sec.511-9-Governing body.All references In the Uniform
Housing Code,1976 Edition,00e,he Uniform Code br tiro
Abatement of Dangerous Building,1976 Edina,aS adopt- Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
by SectionCiite Council ofSSalt Leke.E11: elnanerto 1/W01y Council ""City Counll'rater°the
C ",
except as specifically antenrked
rion t2.o That m archrr to he Uniform
eae, amendments to the Uniform Code for the Abate-
lUNCned to 7e Edition,
13, and the UM IM 9 Uniform Lgde,
for the,1bat Edition,and ChaptersDangerous
ii a aM"Uniform Coda
Efor the Abatement el o Di n trativ Buntlines,"UCADB",sto
Comilmo1isOaonVrse.'contained lbelowfB"t Set, ment of Dangerous Buildings
liars Sri-a,5-11.5,3-11a,and-5-11.7 of the Revised-Ordinances
of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,as amended,shag be DELETED
and AMENDED to read"Mayor",except as specifically pro.
vlded below Where said phrase shall be substituted for the foI-
lowiA language:
A.Under Section 5-11 J,Revised Ordinances of Sall Lake
City,Utah,1965,as amended,relating to Section 293,UHC and
(1),Substitute"City Cdurlcil"In line 2 of subparagraph
ubstitut"Office of the Metier"In lines 1 and 3 of
City Council'.n(ilitrres Jofsubparas:nP;g)."dc A""' was published in said newspaper on Feb, 13, 198Q
B.Under Section 5511-5,Revisedat dO�rdinances of Salt Lake
Citid1not USections 1301 UHC end amended,as I retell:
B10 subparaeranhs(a)-
(1)Substitute"Office of the- BYor"in II. o subna-
rag1C Und Section 5.116,Revised Ordinances f Self Lake
City Utah,1965 amended,relating l Chanter t 15 UHC 0 p�
1 '�. /`.
111 a ofnamar Substitute t "Officee toce of Mayor"Inna . d 9 of Legal Advertising Clerk(
subparagraph(a) paragraph iSa1 UHC and pa h 801,
{])Substitute,line ofof subparagraph for"Board
got dl"'City paragraph 1501
UHC and paragraph 001 UCADB. o oars a
(3)Substitute"Office of the Mayor"In lines a and 8 of 5, t
nearagraph(d)of paragraph 1501 UHC and paragraph apt 21st
UCA11.[(a)Substitute"Office of the Mayor in line I Of subea-ore me this day of
Uaeh (CI of paragraph 1901 UHC and paragraph lot
the time the order eider. for or Board determine
Clly is Commissioiate n AD. 19
shall determine Is appropriate at the time It enters its
order"in lines'6-9 subparagraph lb)of paragraph 1592 UHC
and 002 UCADB.
(b)Substitute"City Council"on line 1 of subparagraph .r
(a)of Paragraph 1503 UHC and naragrap DB
(])Substitute"City Council"in linos 1 1 and 6 of subpa-
ragraph (bl al paragraph 1503 UHC and paragraph 883
UCADB- ..�v;-$•-� -
D.Under Section 5-11-7,Rovised Ordinances of San Lake NotaryPublic
City,Utah. 96',as amended,relating la Chapters 16,(1HC
and Chapter 9,UCAD6:
(1)Substitute"Office of fife Mayor"in lines 9 and 10 of
para9ra0 1U13,UHC and UCADB,
SECTION 3.In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake
City,it necessary to the ps r,heath and welfare of the
blue,ntants ff t Lake City riot thus ordinance bCromo effec-
tive immediately.
SECTION a.This ordinance Shan take effect Mang itr date
of its firer,publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,Phi::
Sty day of February,IS:o.
MILOR'I'D V.1110HA61
BILL NO a of 1980
F>uruary U,IOW \-25