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40 of 1901 - Ordinance 40 of 1901 – Providing for the appointment of a day foreman and night foreman of street
Bill NO. O for AN ORDINANCE PIOVIDING NOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DAY FOR EVAN AND A NIGHT FOREMAN 07 STREET SPRINKLING. BE IT ORDAIITETP BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAIC: CITY, UTAH: See. 1. The Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the eeach year Cite Council is authorised to appoint, a Day Foreman of Street Sprinkling, and a night foreman of Street Sprinkling, w'.o shall h ld office during the pleasure of the Council, but such appointment shall not extend beyond the calendar year for which the same is made. Sec. 2. It shall he the duty of each ©f such officers t6 see that the streets of Salt Lake City are sprinkled to the extent and in the manner directed by the City Council; to make a daily and thoroug, J inspection of the manner in which such sprinkling 1.0 donee and reportsin full at the close of each month to the City Council, giving the number of [Bays in which sprinkling was done, the number of miles of Streets sprinkled by districts and the number of times sprinkled each day. He shall also properly keep the time of the men, teams and equiprdent engaged in hiS department; he shall protect and preserve in every way within his ,owef the property of the city and see that the hydrants used by the employees of his department are not injured or tendered inoperative for fire pur- r poses, and in case of damage thereto or in ease he find any of such hydrants not in proper order, he shall at onoe report the fact to the Superintendent of waterwcrke, and notify the Chief of Fire Department of the location of such-hydrants. Sec. 3. Each of said officers shall be paid a salary of Seventy- five Dollars per month during the term of his office, which shall be in full for all services rendered by him to the City. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. • Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,. August 6ttm1901,- and referred to the Vayor for his approval.• n �f Cite eeorder. Approved this n.__ day of Au6ust, 1901. �J v � U,Z 40 ��h` „n'. i Li • A.'':: CV ''S I; A '40 T 7.; .•;.'V.-1(Y.'",A ....1-: -..rc 7,''T(T:r.v0.. Hr‘ 4 r"'r.-1.0 1 A T.T:T.: T.-',7';',”. rilq.r;':''. ' 0 ;:A:.N..',.0'?"- '' ....'I r.'r.,.,1., t‘"771r, ,`,.;..T..A.,T "'J.,.', rn ,T.1-!ITTP.1". )""Tn -71' Y.fl- cr,r 7, ..,:)!,•: "-.., L71 n .biin eint‘r.P44 9 ...!. ...t.ty 1..),...e, ^,....4; tlo, : 31I .1 .nu7-t 130'Z ,:i.ons, t t",- '". '• ;:-% .,a -0 .;4..,tt,-.9-1 \-.43cr 53..tnioci3 0_,-,. 1`043%-th ai Iif ' • 4.1.-C,...•JJ .f.,0 1.'. 0 LI li :r.J.1“z.: o v; ,''`V.t.1.1:"...,..^1(1:-! ,-.:-,P.1 n-n .t., ti:vv In ,,,f...tt ley 9.7,r.,e,tf,,, 01i:+ .1-,=r3L -rol -flia,; latit 9.1..en 9.4.71 1,1-fo'.r,!1: 0 .1!'). a ":' Jae\to ‘;';:`,,b $t,t 94 1 aii.e. J-I .`.. .o.j? NI . ,),.,•1.a -,-;t.t...).0).43- '..' ;)- --- : ''''' , ,s'Io'f 4.7: ,!... •:- '.1.) ,3 t 7-%A ();-'',..r.2....')/.:"1-: ..c,01" (.)& .i,.b...),o:,.T.t.b In,I,J;I:' c.aJ, . L.L. ..: ,ck, ... i,J F. .?„,.": •,•-•:Vi 6-11" ,s,"A 04i ..,., i i:.;1: '1')"1.131.t i ) '.,:,...._-- :", t, ,.f ' ,.i.k. .-I t ...I OKI -jf. ,:I''n Hi'..;1 tt. \Ir.0i, ri f,t •I'i...) 9"I 01!) i-.ef..W. - 9'2' v 1.0 It:t: tii . 7,0-111 Y ‘.3 i iL ;,\'! [Op. +16.Eklii. a ntnii!.,; (71, +ss .i.o.,1-1 'ii' .1 an,11;4\N, 101‘06.-.:1' -:..a.0 a.:!.0t,-,v,il, ;,..4. t:i ;) ..^,.t.krtl.\J• 1..,,t rie 4 IS .0;f.‘...t ,i0 9t.J TO '"11.1:CI' '.1;.' af,014.. ,1•,. "In..1.1. 0- •_ /r) lilt \f,sw o, t la n-tt; bfUs 1.>nto-sq. ii...14.0fl orf. ;.J.1-+ ,..+-1. ,t.).il I. . .io t ::•+ •,...,....,,p, . ;)11,-... -ro h9-i,ri,,1.1 .4o,, ryta o`..-n U I. .:.° •,:.:fe. `h) .n.nru ,.0 ',I:,0 br*i 7'f '-).1";: onttr, If I ...3 9/91e,r‘t ,_± ...f.1: .1'1 9...0 91,0 :11 to :.t ._ ‘,.'" .:'0..i,.- :J'...-": ,to 91 Sf)rro IV! r rtuia t,Y_I t-t5b-1.) 19.01 i r.t :t-o, [ :,.•..,:k 7-.., ':- ..i...r.',"' o + v:Ild n_i i)“,.: tat's -,.n.,;tr.;- io IrTnbir,;:t, F• iin [ . .. 'io i: .L.c.n.,' an.. .00 in.i ..1 --0 9e,,: „ : ' • , .: ..,,:•• ,. i:niv-+; t. .:4'+'Irct ai t_ `tc, —19;1' °ff..' -1-''' 4., if - In-_ .,r,+.t. '' sc13 o m. r. ,:cf bmo: ,..•nt.sl^UM I: .i.i '`01. ..F.,:,,/0''i , .,1 ' ., • n o'±I. rolp,i. 11.H.,1 --,:-,,I....1.1.1)^.(o at A' ..', ------- ' • : • . . . • .. - . . ... - A\! ,:\ --- - --- /