40 of 1911 - Ordinance 40 of 1911 – Sewer Extension No. 245, First & Final Estimate. A D
An ordin, rue coofirilin; the soe;,...,! ot1 tllo .drode-ty
daocibed on both ide!!: of Croy' , Court, bet,feen bie and
Temi.)le Streets., in Jener Diotrict To. 2, :or th - coml.troctim of a
000 Cr.
Be it ordained by the City Council of 2Cit '115:1SP City, Uteh:
1 SMTICIT 1. Thot the asses.lent hot neCe by the City Trea.:,urer
0:..s corrected, a_j,)royed and co:::pleted oy the Board of lice and
hereto fore duly avjointed by the City Council for thLt pur-
1,)e0e. of the proporty in Lots 1, 7 cud 6, Block 15, Piet "A", S, It
Lxe City Survey, abuttinc on both sides of Snow's Court betY,:lor
ant boot Toriplo Ctrents, in Bc,var iTo. 2, of Salt 1, he City,
fcc the jur)ooe of conetr!ictin a so"'r upon Sqi(7, ,Jortion of said
street, is booby co,)l'ir,icd, and tho sseoF.A.],!nt-, ;- de eed returned in
Houid cuia,?leted listo ore hereby con finned.
C=ICD 2. This coiinrinoS oholl take effect upon
l',:iewer Extension Do. 24.5.
First arra Final Eotirat!,te.
Passed by the City Council of Cult Lao CitT toll tr 1. 3rd,1911,
and referred to the Mayor for his ap ovo .
cit_ SZo order.
Approved this p_.2of April, 1911,,
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