40 of 1929 - Amending Section 3 relating to zoning ordinance ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, OCT 1 1929 192 Burton - - V 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - Finch Moran - - _ Mr.Chairman - _ -- AN ORDINANCE Result - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 1st day of September, 1927, entitled ".In ordinance to regulate and restrict the location of trades and industries, and the location of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulate and limit the height, num- ber of stories and size of buildings and other structures, percentage of lot that may be occupied, size of yards and open spaces, the loca- tion and use of buildings and structures and land for trade, indus- tries, residences and other purposes." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 3 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on September 1, 1927, de- . scribing and defining seven districts by reference to a "Use Dis- trict Map" is hereby further amended and changed by changing the following described real property from Residential "B-2", as desig- i mated on the "Use District Map" to "Commercial" classification, to- wit: The Northeast corner of 1st North and 1st West Streets, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 104, Plat A, Salt Lake City ;survey, and running thence north 112.50 ft., thence East 99.0 ft., thence south 112.50 ft., thence west 99.0 ft. to the place of beginning. 44k 2- lAll in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the said "Use District Map" is o hereby amended and changed to show and indicate said above describcid • II Idistrict as "Commercial" classification. SECTION 2. That Section 7 of an ordinance passed by the Poard of Commissioners of "alt Lake City on September 1, 1927, de i scribing and defining seven districts by reference to a "Use Dis- i trict Map" is hereby, amendea .and changed by changing the follor.-ing i a scribed! real property from Residential "Si', as desitnated on the hsaid "Use°District Map", to residential "CT c1aS5ific tion, to-wit: I: rbth sales of 15th Eest Street between 2n4 and 3rd South' 1 11 Streets (where not alreadyor.ed Residential eC") more particularly described aSI follows `,All of Lot 4, and itIII the south 75.0 ft. of Lot 5, Bloc ��,b''2 Plat "F"; also Lots 1 and & to 26 inch, Block"l,'of Subdivision of Block 26, Plat "F"; Salt Lake City Survey. Ili i_ Utah and the said "Use District Map'' is h.11 in Salt Lake City, � hereby amended and changed to show and indicate said above describ- ed district as Residential "C" classification. SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,' it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants: of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the \1 day of1s '` - g7,--2-/J--..,...-.. . Mayo r. City Recorder I [ , :1-'1.: ')-.1.U" .)±.7,F. -,fli- Gil.: ,;4;,-1 r ,-, ...0,, 3,1,1'„ , i 1,j_ ,, (7.-; ;.1_ ;;'. 0.nrd )1-1 ; ;701"?.2. c).1. /t' 1.;11.- 4. . .. 1. : ":, 0.,-)fi .1.(,1J.11./...C1.' •;',I.i "I'_:.'.:,.-: .)i ; ;.1, ;,;,;;_' • ')DiV-7,I'...L.,_vio .e.i 1 lc:. no_tj-a..)' ; _,I . ; ;101-';:i -.);-j ty,:•_ r t r. •,-.:rfs1::,;1;),..).•-: no 7,.1.10 ,o•AsL1 J-IG' '.1-e -...1.--)no.i.-.;..,j.;f1•0.; 0 ,;..1.:•,0, fr-;-.';-- : ';-a.1;;;' i''' t,,i'iii?'';'4;.;il-615;=-I-rit'',-;;;-5:;tit'it-z-6;147•71%.7.1=r-- -1W;;I-Firtt"'ff;1-51-M-7-2:1,,f1771=1:76.-'7'4.;'-'-' - -'-'-' -'-' 15 , ,-, , .,:- t -,,, -. ;C-2 •,,--fil'.,.).[..t.:C1 ,,)1.-[' in,k7-L;;;:,-.4,1-1:, v.T.„H1 11.1111) ...1 e). .1 ;.1 . ,ts.ti ,,_ . ,.;,., . ,,, t . 1 .. :,•-1-;., :.7) . r4' , .) .:.• tr --'it; ') f-j ii..ii-Jc;'r-;:•r- 78 Zr;ri...).) ORD-;)1e,-;-4, ;',L,. , ';-,J-: L.? 26, : ff.tga.,'; A ,.: r „. mr.,,. k „ 2. !,1't' . `:t u ..r. _ .;-:r ',44 0 r 41.3 i; -,._ ,7) r „''; _1.' ',• ; .. •,4,... . -ca:l ,-....;'Pd..I i.':',1:-i , • ;•;;_;1'. t c r..;;.1' 'r ..:. , .,. ,, .,:‘ ,..,, ' . , fl 0 ;.iv -..c.frJ.,. ao t_ :),-.,J, ,.i:..),:.... , ...v ,,._, li, JD-I; ; •; , 5_, -:, . ,ii" 1 ..d ./ 1;H1 3 1.?; ; ;.,' I:,_;, ; ; ....;i .,..:. ,,,,,,l;,..- . ..., --; •) ...) . .,..?,:Ht t 1 .. ' - ' II. .2.1'2_7 'I.:' 1 ,. ..' • : .:1") ' ,,-;' . ,,,, 1:'...' nr '..., ` ' ,.f - .1:,', . ; '1, _Hi , .2 .. II J. ..(.. . 'L ; ; rJ..). ..1 .1;I A : ',.: ' `. ' . : o 1 i L;,;)i' : ;:;' :' :;; 'i, -....'..i;.: 3, ; t. ."..,..i . ' , ,I. :1 j;) .- ,... ';./ "., ...; '-.)::.11, '!.0 --t, . /_ .. ,'. i 1 • I i Irnnif of luttttratwn 'baited*fates of Auverira STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ae esnending.aectlon 3.011 Ill ed-Pawed by the Board of 7 Wieners of SSall Lake.City Utah, CIA t day of September.1927 en d .tb ordinance te'regulate and HARRY:WOLFF. Xpt ¢Ibtatt n o!traAee end In- ea A'the locetio¢of buildingel ¢ on SPeCtlled uqS,to rag 1 te. irouc nwwoes d char o t des! being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk htage of lot that may be .,of,yat"ds and openspaces, efe,;and UN di trade.Indus-and of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in e tree and,land.for.trade and !E 'e rWsldbn0e6 by,..1,other purposes-' 59At"ortlal¢ed by the Hoard of Com- .rd�,i$eaeloileteni Salt Leke City,Utah: otmnan9a passed ns t s Bonrd3.ot of Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. lAleafoners of Salt Lake City on Sep- tember"'1.,_1927,describing and',defln- 1,_ seven:dlstrlota t reterenoe to 9 !aiIleaa d ens hanged'by changing the' That the Notice----A OR-CI IIJ,( TCE-e---BIZ, ..IZQIt 40 tolloW111g described real property from Residential.'B-2," as.designated'On tilp "Ube District Hap" to"Comm.- SALT-.,I.dt,K.EP---CITY--CORP-BRAT1CN of$$1 lnbet¢catlon,.to•.or 009ha northeast eetr.of First North and Flies:West.streets,more particu- 1i gly ddscrribee,.fol1eet giver of rneoLot ; OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER. Block.104,Plat A,Salt Lake City Sttr- ve$,'Mid running thence north 112.30 It,:thence.east 99.0.ft.,thence south 113,50 It thence.west 99.0 ft.to the place of beginning. All in Salt Lake C1tyi Utah,and the.said"Use District Map'la hereby amended d hanged oto.or phew and Indicate said above de- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- .itloa i district as Commercial"clas- s cotton. action 2. 7Lat.eectfoa 3 oL ea or- 11aetone.OT salt the Lae BCty oa s n- paper in its issue dated the 11th. tetober 1, 1927, desotlbin .and defln- ing-.eleven districts by reference to a vse Dietriot map is ereby. end- December , 192 9 ed and'changed by changing the rol- day of "laying described real-property'from Residential,d IISe Diet nr)et Map."too a Residen- tfal"C"classification, to-wit: and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Both. of"13th But street be- tween Sod"and 3rd South streets (Where not already zoned Residential Dec ember 11th. for O")'more particularly described'as follows: All of Lot.4;and the south 75:0 ft.of Lot S,Block 25.Plat "F"; elanp Lots I and 15 to 26 incl.,Block Lot Subdivision of Block 26,Plat"F;' One insertion Salt Lake City Survey, All 1n Salt Lake thereafter,the full period of a City.Utah.•and-the said 'Use District Map".Is'hereby.IM1011118d and changed 'td allow:and indicate'said above•de- scribed district as Residential "C" the last publication thereof olal,qisaificatlon. - Section 3. In the opinion of the Board of a health, It Is necee- eofara..,..,the Inhabitants'of Salt anLadke oily 11 t 'that this ordinance Malta effect Imme- being in the issue dated the day of lately, l3ection 4. This ordinance-shall take' ,effect•upon lie lust publication. Dec ember D.192 9 Owned by the Board of Commiesfon- ere of salt Lake City.Utah, on the . t •do.nt December,A.C.1929. JDHN'F.BOWMAN,mayor, �% Etriel M OHN'ld;BOWMAN, May ppill No.40. � 9RY --.-- ',published December 11,1929: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of December ,A.D.192g-. Notary Public. r • Advertising fee,$ .• • 0 c=i 0 #-T ° E- 2 GI 151 • 5 0 7,0•.: