40 of 1930 - Amending Section 1210 relating to gambling r ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Oct.....15, VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton Fehr /q/ Finch Lake Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1210, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to gambling. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1210, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to gambling, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1210. UNLAWFUL TO MAINTAIN, ETC., GAMBLING DEVICES. It shall be unlawful for any person either as owner, lessee, agent, employee, mortgagee, or otherwise, to operate, keep, maintain, rent, exhibit, display, Ase or conduct within 4( the limits of Salt Lake City any clock, tape, slot, trades or card machine, or any other machine, punch board, gift board, contrivance or device upon which money is played, paid, staked or hazarded upon chance, or into which money is paid, deposited or played upon chance, or upon the result of the action, play- ing and/or use of which, money or any commodity or merchandise or any other article or thing of value is played, paid, staked, bet, hazarded, won or lost upon chance, and/or any clock, tape, slot, trades or card machine, or other machine, punch board, gift board, contrivance or device, designed to allow or permit money to e staked) played, paid or hazarded upon chance or de- signed to allow or permit money to\be paid, deposited, played, -2— staked or hazarded into it upon chance, or designed to permit or allow as the result of its action, play.or use, money or any commodity or merchandise, or any other article or thing of value to be staked, paid, played, bet, hazarded, won or lost upon chance. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that'this ordinance bacom'e effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissiors of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , A. D. 1930. Hagb"i+° City Recorder. nk..' 1' • ,r ) ' , 10 ,rr ri_, n r _z ii cJitt b, ' ..,r ro J'Yus3 `r , n "" t , , Iz, ' I (I ( _fl + *C. t'u , ),it 01 0 r t... 1,,.._ i_)I,o , .1 , f ifJ r I C )tL, ''i, I t - , ,m( , )yt ,*,..Sr :.J t o 'L r Y `,o iar"...,ri., nOT,u :, of ,',.,,yRm t-a PrOl 40 'r i qrf I ' r, fr:_t ) -3'f P ri ., '(I"_J i- +1,+t. .f ILL rt,, L. ,'`.�'p ',o ff.� '�f ,,o. Jt iffy- o ,..t O'Jf7 'JF ,J b3L1,,,t ,v. ift'a ' -, , , )at, rJ.rfziirr(7 vJ1) ._, .c r J-,b^ _o a.J ,-1.- t, t 4 0. J- I_ri" .) F'Ot e.,d'I IT( I v,. cs - -- . —_r c fxr..Lr uI r 4 c u -,� — t T o > ! / rO a R � moz(' 1. it., 12, -,r� b ► . �e ^ 3 y e,.r tC, _-- t0 . ,) __ riff t ,r", J.ro , 1 1 I" TC > ..__y '0�w ......__ 1 P " V g 9 Proof of Publication IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake, I Milm Eveleight being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE DION R1210,A RegisedA ENDING' TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day at Snit Labe City,.Utah; 215,.re* lag to ambling, e,it ordained by the Board oe at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. rssloners of Salt Sake City, f�aaini .nvi d Or 1. ces of aln 1a10. Id. ,Revkeed. Ordinances o1 Salt Lake City, Utah,:relating to gambling, be That the notice An.Ord.itlaE.Qe.iti].1.#.40 'and the'same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1210 U UL TO MAINTAIN, ETC., GAMBLING DES pV erson,either It shalt be nnlawece for anY person,either:as-owger,lessee,agent, employee,•mortgagee, or o rent, e, to operate, keep,.maintain„Pent,, ex- hibit, display, use 1 or conduct within the limits of Salt Lake City any cloeli,-tape,.slot,trades or gOod me. -thine, or any otheraohine, punpch b ard,gift„board,eout-cont rlvafiae por'de- vao .p{Zan':which,g ded- fa played. paid, intoo whialted ch hmoneya in paid,njieri a de- posited or played upon chance, or upon the result;:of the'.action,-play- ing'andfori use of which,money or of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- any commodity pr mereltapolai or any other article or thing'oI value is played,paid,>etaked,bet.hazarded, Won or lost upon chance,andforl any paper in its issue dated the .30tb... day of ..00tAber.... 19.30•, olock, tape, slot, trades or card ma- chine,or other machine,Pima board," gift board,oontrivanCe or device de-signed signed to allow or permit money to be- staked,played,paid or hazarded upon and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on chance or designed to allow or permit.. money to be paid, deposited, played,. ', staked or hazarded into ft upon chance or designed to permit or-allow at the ****** for ik1I51t+-a•.' result of Its action,-pty; or pee Honey or any oommod or mer- chandise, or any otter article,��' thing of value to bg atgked h VYIe Ie1le 9'rt1on, Played, bet: hazarded, wan ar t 4,1 thereafter, the full period of upon chance. SEBoarCTION C e, In the bp r ttDn of OW eery,t of peace, heas„t`a nerd dart to the.peace,healsr µpa e9citY at the is ordtnnto of aSalcon r,t-gl2 arty' the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..30.th.... that tme drttinarioe Deaotne*Neared tmiited l0.EelY, 1 t SECTION z Thle or oe,hail take effect upon itct-nn cation A. D. 19..�. reseed by we,Baara Aoo day of Dotobsx. 2y2th de L R3 oaaablt r Glty: S+Ti,Py¢ - signer.of S lnnen. MACCity Rs.; .. . . •.. •. ....•...... cog. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...6th. day of RQYemher. _�� Notary Public. My commission expires ..Nov,•Eb, ]93 . Advertising fee, $ )/0 r-t _ Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No. - _