40 of 1931 - Lighting District No. 2-D,2d and final estimate •
Salt Lake City,Utah, )0 C• 1, , 193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burton v
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TI)X and for the assessment of
property in Lighting District No. for the purpose of providing
for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps and the
furnishing of electiical energy therefor.
lie it ordained by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the boars of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and -;provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property kereinafter described in Lighting District
No. -D, for the purpose of oroviuing for the operation, maintenance
1' and patrolling of arc lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy
therefor, to-wit:,
Lots 2 to 5 incl. of P1'k. 59; Lots 1 and 8 of
40; Lots a and 7 of 61k. 51; Lots 4 and 5 of 8 k. SC; Lots
to 5 incl. of PLC. 57; Lots 1 and 8 of 51k. 58; Lots 1, 6,
7 amd 8 of 'ilk. 39; Lots 4 and 5 of Pit. 70; Lots 2, ', h and
5 of O1k. 75; and- Lots 1 and 8 of P1k. 76; of Plat "t", Salt
Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of Main Ltreet between
South female and Fifth South Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of arovioing for
the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamas and furnishing
with electrical energy seventy ornamental standards, each equipped
with three 6.6 ampere luminous arc lamas (said arc lamps to be two
hundred ten CL10) in number), one hundred ninety Lames to operate
on the midnight schedule any to be sue l i.ed. with electric current
for the illumination of the same each night from fifteen minutes
before dark until midnight, and the remaining twenty lamps to operate
on the all night schedule (the cost of operation of the all night
lamps being fifteen 'Thousand- four Hundred Sixty-Four and 45/1.00
(•.,1(3,4 4 4D) Sollars and same to be gaid for by the city), for a
period of ten years from October 29, 1031, to October 29, 1941, said
lamps to be illuminated. by electric current; the circuits for the
.operation of said system of lamps to be underground, and the nor-
tions of said streets opposite the property hereinhefore and. herein
after described to be esaecially affected and benefited by said
ovement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established
that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full:
amount :of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are h.erebyt
assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear_
foot fronta.ae upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership
back therefrom not exceeding "".0 feet, and the tax hereby levied
'a.ncl.. to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Ninety-seven Thousand
jd-'ight Glundrcd Ninct;.fmthree and 09/109 ( 97,095.09) Dollars or Sixteen
and 05/1 0 ( L .06) Collars per front or linear foot of abutting ,;pro;
�'perty,, there being 8095.45 feet abutting said portion of said. improve-
ment and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and
furnishing of electrical energy and the property benefited thereby
is hereinafter set out, and all within thm bounaa.ries of the lots,
blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the
total abutters, cost and cost per front foot of said improvement '
according to the contract entered into for the :erformance of said
work and making said is ,rovement wY6h Utah 'owe..r. 2 Light Company,
dated the l 9th day of October, l9'l, said levy to date and be effect-
lye from October .9, Crl, which is the date service hcran, and the ..
d:Ity Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to LOS5 in accord-
&ace with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein
mentioned: ,
Lots 2 to 5 incl. of 12. 39; Lot 1, the south 110,1tt2 ft.
Hof Lot 8 and the north 15C.24 ft. of Lot 8, of 81k. 4,0; Lot 3 and
the north 1?2.0 ft. of Lot 7, of 21k. 51; the south 179.0 ft. of
Lot 4, the north 85.0 ft. of Lot 4, and Lot 5, of 81k. 52; Lots
..L to 5 incl. of Pik. 57; Lots 1 & 8 of 212. 58; Lots 1, 33, 7 and 8
of blk. S9; Lots 4 and 5 of °lk. 70; Lots 2, 4 cod 5, and. the north
,lb'.0 ft. of Lot ''!, of 'Ilk. 75; Lots 1 and A of 81k. 7 ; all in Plat
n .'`, Salt Lake City Survey;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said, city to the '
entire depth of the same ownership back from said street and to col-;
lect said tax. •
SECTION II. that the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the °oard of
Equalization and.. 1leview of the ,property described in .Section I of
this ordinance in Lip>,btino District No. :--,r! of Salt Lake City for the
purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and :.etro3lin4
Of arc lames and furnishin„ with electrical enery, is hereby con-
firmed, and the act croments made and returned in said completed lists
anti the report of the Board of '-oualization and 2�evi ew to the ':card
Of Commissioners of 'felt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and
OCOTION III. ' aid tax shall be ,sayable in advance in ten
equal yearly installments, as ;ronided by laws and ordnance with
'interest at the rate of ten der cent per annum on each installment
not ,so bbid; dro✓idc , ;_c•,;evr,r, that one er mbre of such n ,al.la_cnl's
in the order payable, or the whole tax stay be }aid without interest
within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes of
fective, and any such payments within said fifteen (15) days also
?'`, In the event
:will_ be allowed a. discount of three per cent ( ,i�)
any installment aforesaid is not -s;.id on the Coy the name becomes
due, the whole amount of the special tam unan.i.a at the time said
installment is due, shall become .zue and oaya.ble and shall draw in-
terest at the rate of ten u cent per annum until the sale of the
croperty assessed.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take cf:ect one clay
after its first publication.
2asItloy the 2orO of Cornciiosioners of lalt Lake City,
Utah, this .P --1'_clay of ,
City Tlecoracr.
iistrict No. f—D
2nd d Final Estimate.
.,. .
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake 1
r AN.atttaNANC29. l Pee.ed by the Board o1 Commiesion-
Ian�•OLtBtNANCCNmLEVYtBO A tTAX day at Salt of December. City..1s Utah; thin 1bth
Lighang ALetrict No.2-1),for the our- JOHN F. BOWMAN.
toss mf providing for the operation. Mayor.'
maintenance end patrolling of are lamg ETHEL MCCtDOBecomes..
N c ro der. I"-"""'""d the furnishing of electrical
therefor. Bill No. 90.
Be It ordained by the Board of Con-Lighting District No. 2-D 2nd & Final
mleslb ..ners,of Salt Lake City, Utah: Bettina t,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
MOTION I.That the Board of Com-Published December 15th, 1831.
ere of salt Lake City does hereby --- - ,—
levy the tax and provide for the names-
aet of the same ions the Lighting
Diy ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
tr al No. . Beforlthe In e of provid-
ing i*-
or heD,for the purpose mt oY ceepat for the operation,tine, and the
maintenance d
atroofn e of lectrlcellenercr dtn re . Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. •
Lots 2 to 6 Intl, of BM. 39; Lots 1 •
and 8 of Blk.40;Lott 6 and 7 of Blk. That the notice...
51;Loth t and 6 ut Blk.52;Lot.2 to - ---- -
6 incl.of Blk,52;Lots 1 And 8 of Blk.
68;Lots 1.6:7 and 8 of Blk,69;Lots '
4.and 6 of Blk. NW Lots 2. 2, 4 and czz
6 of Blk.76;and 1 and 8 Of --- ---------- ,
76;of Plat"A",SaltIt Lake City SurveyveL„
&butting on both rides of Main street, n i
between'South Temple and Fifth South _6
Ytieets. i -' '--
This tax is levied to defray the ex-
mmaintenance providing:end patrolling o f ration.
lamps and .furnishing with electrical,
energy vvegty ornamental standards
luminouitldrd Odle with(arid threea 6.c e lamps
be two hundred ten (210) In nnmbert)," of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said
one.hundred ninety lamps to operate
the midnight achedule and to be /
illumminationithof IthelcAM torrent ch for
t newspaper,in its issue dated, the / ✓ day of
from fifteen minute*before each
midnight, and the remaining twenty
uinpa tooperate on the ell night ached- A. D. 193f.
hie (the coot Of operation of the - . "... .-""
Fnight lamps being Sixteen Thousand
our Hundred Slaty-four and 43-16a _"-_
018.464.48)Dollars and ammo to be paid
me by thecity). for a Mated of ten and was published.. ..
y are fromeOctober 29,1031,to October
69. 1841. Id lamer to be Illyntlnitted
by eleotrlo current;the circuits for the
OPetatundergion of said acha fur llayspslto be the last publication thereofer being in the issue dated the"../.�
treats opposite nee i the property heroine �l�-e-a�-
before d hereinafter efibad to be /
rpeeleuv attested and benefited a by.eta day of A. D. 19 ..{..
determined and a Is hereby said
determines and eesn.lelly thatb said
.ropey with be l amount
thereby to the hill ount of the tax
hereby]by a and sold an ale f land /es - �1
•are hereby emend i an swish d GGGF.« -f/�t!!/T✓
uniform tie on genponaa witho the and Advertising Clerk.
n depth of the soon sand nerahid
entireark therefrom not es eedingo330 feet,
mod the tax hereby levied and to be
hewed up. mid parcels of land its
Ninety-seven Thousand Eight Hundred
Ninety-three and 090_100 (887,863.391
Idol ere or Sixteen and 36-1o0 (216.U6)
Dollars per front or linear foot of abut-
ting property. there being feet / day o f
„bunt ng fl mitd portion coat of which
hd personas,of ore me this
innintenenes.DOtrgolling and furnishing
of electrical
proper. ram /
benefited thereby
y s hereinafter set out�J A. D. 1Y...f .-
and all within the boundaries of the
ota.Merleoata and streets above of of mentioned
in.aid distil..gi.which Is the total abut-
ters'Goat and coat pIng to
toot of raft
enfant mncoeaing to the contract
work d Into for the afor improvement
work and making said
t e h Pc br o Light Company,dat-
Utah the dal say t Ottoker, from:bola Note Public.
levy to date d w effecti
ve from Oc-
tote. 29,• n,a which fa theeas date7
vice Began. d the Its treasurer to
hereby nthOtt&ed and directed to ewes
1n eoeetdaner with the proclaim. of
rdin¢nce, for the•Wpm. herein
bBeettng on Mahe Street,
Lots 2 to 6 InCI. of.Blk. 32, Lot 1
the south 110,28 ft. of Lot 8 and the
north 1.6,6.24 to. of Tot 8, of Blk. 40:
Lot 8 and the north 132.0 ft. of Lot,
7, of-131k; 61: the south 172.0.ft. ofI
:Let 4.the north 81.0 ft.of Lot 4,and
:Lot 6,of Blit. 62;Lots 8 to 6 Incl,of
Blk.67;Lots 1 and 8 of Bib, 68: Lots
:1. 6, 7 and 8 of Blk. 68: Lots 4 and
'6 of Blk. 70: Lots 2, 4 and 5, and
.the north 163.0 ft. of Lot 3, of Blk.
75;Lots 1 and 8 of Blk.76i all In Plat
"A", Skit Lake City Survey: as the
eame e shown upon the official plats
of eablowntrahlp the
becent�e from
of the
Fameot{ wolfed said teo.t as s
nSBC%TION II. That the aseefiernentea
made by.the City Treasurer,
Pet ne
Corrected. Equalisation
and completed e by
thec Hoard of-Eg Beira tlon and Bevlew
df the property described On Section I
Of this of Salt
Lighting Dhe pure
No. 3-D of Salt lake City fop the pure
hoed of providing for the-Operation,
and patrolling of etc
energ and herebyfurni le hive with electrical
neetsmetrte made and returned
eturneda In Said
completed Bete and the report of the
Board of EOusilee.tlon and Review to
theBoard of Cofnmlaeloners of Salt
Iwke City are hereby retitled, approve
ed and confirmed.
SECTION III.Said tax shall be pay.
able In advance In ten equal yearly
lnatallmaote, as provided by law and
ordinance with tnteraet at the rate of
ten per cent per each In-
stallment not eo paid;t provided, how-
r that one or more of each Inetall-
erits In the order payable,or the whole
tax may be paid without Iirtereet with-
in fifteen (15) days from the date thin
ordinance becomes effective, and any
auch paYmente within said fifteen (Ill
days also will be allowed a digcoµnt of
three per cent (3 n tbe
event any installment ) l ti nt atoreaald le hot
paid on the day the same becomes
due, the whole amount
unt of the special
tax unpaid at the time said tnetall.
nl is due,shall become due and pay-
able n d shall draw Interest at the
rats of ten per cent per annum until
the sale of the property ese s d.
effect one dayafterr/teaflrat pµh-