40 of 1932 - Amending Section 1790X1, relating to the Permit and Bond use of scaffold, ladder or staging over a s ROLL CALL.
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, DEC 11932 193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Knight � 4
Mr.Chairman - - -
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 20,
1925, as created by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City on June 20, 1923, relating to streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1790X1, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 20,
1925, as created by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lkke City on June 20, 1923, relating to streets, be
and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 1790X1. It shall be unlawful for any person
to erect, build, maintain, swing or use any scaffold,
ladder or staging over or upon any street or sidewalk for
the purpose of cleaning, painting, repairing or remodeling
any building or other structure, or for the purpose of
erecting, painting, cleaning, repairing or servicing of any
awning, canopy, or sign, or for any other purpose, without
first obtaining from the Supervisor of Streets and Irrigation
a permit for the occupation and use of said street or side-
walk for such purpose, and for such periods of time and under
such limitations and regulations as may be required or pro-
mulgated by the Supervisor of Streets and Irrigation.. Provid-
ed, that such permit may be revoked by the Supervisor of
Streets and Irrigation when the holder thereof fails to com-
ply with any ordinance, rule or regulation under which it is
granted, or when in the opinion of the Supervisor of Streets
and Irrigation, public convenience and safety require such
revocation Provided further, that when in the opinion of
the bunervisor of Streets and irrigation the welfare and
convenience of the nublic will be best served a continuing
permit, revocable as hercinbefore provided, may be issued
for the sole purpose of cleaning and servicing awnings and
No permit shall be granted until the applicant therefor
shall have placed on file with the Board of Commissioners forj
the benefit of the city and the public a surety bond to be ,
approved by the Board of Commissioners in the sum of $5,000 00,
Provided that at any time the Board of Commissioners shall
deem the said bond inadequate for the proDection of the city '
or the public said Board of Commissioners may require the
bond to be in any sum not Exceeding $10,000 00 Said bond
shall run to ealt Lake City and to any person injured and
shall be conditioned for the payment of all damages that
may be adjudged against said principal or surety, and shall
save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, ]
or demands, arising from any bodily injury or death at any
time resulting therefrom, and any damage to or destruction
of property, arising in any manner out of the operations be-
ing performed under the permit
Permits issued under this section shall be non-transfer
I able and any holder of a permit allowing any other person
except his duly appointed employees or agents to use said
permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall hdvc his
permit revoked
Foi the issuance of a Hermit provided for in Lhis sec-
tion, the Supervisor of Streets and irrigation shall collect
a fee of One Dollar ($1 00), provided, where a fce is re-
j quired for a oermit for the erection of any sign, no addi- ,
I tjonal fee shall be collected for the permit required in
this section
SECTION 2 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner , '
it is necessary to the .pease, health and safety of the inh-tbitants ,
of bait Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately„
SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first Publication
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of bait Lake City,
Utah, this /O day of iwi..ai4; A D 1932
City Reco der
iJnitif of lAixbrttration
Rutted *tales sf Amertrs
An ordinance amending Section
1790XI Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City Utah 1920 as amended by
au o durance passed by th Board of 2 A{ Y ICLT
Commis-el ner of Salt L k City Utah
on July 20 1925 u rated by an ordi
nonce passed by the Board of C mmt
alone s of Salt Lake City on June 20
INA relating to streets
Ee It ordained by the Board of Com being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
misalohers of Salt Lake City Utah
Section 1 That Section 1790XI Re
vlaed Ordinance f Salt Lake City
i Utah 1920 mended by an o di of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
nonce passed by the Board oI Commis
alonets of Salt Lake City Ut h on
July 20 1925 as treat d by an ordi
Iteasee of Commi
stoners ofs Salt ed yLake the BCity d n June 20 Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
1923 relating to streets be and the
same is hereby,mended to read as
Se non 1790XI It shall b unlawful That the Notice E." C-Li)I.1.11
.r..:, .
for any person to erect build main
tale awing o use any c field!add r
or staging over or upon any tr et o
sidewalk fo the pup se of el anise 2„ I. C I1 Y I. (Airs' I(AN
Painting r pairing or emod ling ny
buuilding or other structure or for the
pairingroI r servicing
painting cleaning
r canopy or sign orfa f any awniur
pose thor obtraining
any other th
Sure vie o of�Street tbt d(ng i our th
permitSup itlfb of and I deocr
said eet the sidewalk
Li o anduse of
said street or sidewalk for u h pur
Dose and for such p ion of gut nd
and r h e ui ed and r t d b
as may b0 requl ed r et mule t d by
Provided tha of t such permit and I rmay of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
be revoked by the Supervieo el Str et
and brig lion when th holder th r of
falls to comply with any ordin no 2nd
rule or regulation under whi h It 1 paper in its issue dated the
granted o when 1n the opinion of the
Sups t o of Sire is end Ir last!n
public con n1 n e and f ty qui
uchrevs t1 P ovid d fu then
that when in the opinion of the Su day of �ec er,ber 193 ,
Dervisor of St set and I rlgatl n th
welfare and con eaten e f th cubit
w111 be bet ved continuing Pe and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
mit evocab h 1nb I
vided may bee is unit fo the ole pu
Wee of cleaning and servicing awnings
mad No aligns rmit shall be granted until the for
Dec ilex Ord
applicant therefor shall have placed on
file with the Board of Comm!stone
for the benefit Of the city and the
public a surety bond to be ape cued thereafter the full period of Lae ictS ert 1 Cn
by the Board of Comml stoner 1n the
sum of$5 000 00 provid tl that at ny
time the Board of C mmi i ner hall
deem the said bond Mad state f r th
protection of the city or the public the last publication thereof
said Board of Commie lone s m y re
quire the bond to be in any sum not
run to Salt injuredland shmisbed onrdtoned being in the is tie dated the tind day of
lt Lake City and to any p
for the payment of all damages th t
m y bu adty eluddgged against aid principal hall av
b anise f our any and all claim ha Dcc bar A D 3
bllities o demand arising fr m ny
bodily injury or death at any time re
suiting tuctio our and ty damage to
or destruction.manner
o of f t pe y art long in
any mapper out d the Deratl be
fug Permits
under the pp mlt
all ben Issued under this section
shelf be mitait allowing
l owi g and any hold
sornf except hi�ldulygappolrted ther em 1 sworn to before me this end day of
all be guilty agents
said P an n and
of a ml dem
snarl have p r yoked
Fo the Issuance
Of of a pe mit prevld I1ilJ e r 2
m A D 193
ed for this section th Supervl
f Streets and I rlgatlon halt Collect a
fee f One Dollar ($1 00) provld d
where a fee is Peoni ed fora permit
for the erection of any tan no addl.
tlonal f e shall be collected f the
tiong2roInnthesopinion of they Notary Public
Board of Commission It is n ce '
eery to the pea a health and Iety
Of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance be ome eff ctl
Section 3 This ordinance shall take
effect upon its Si et publication
Passed by the Board of Commission
see of Salt Lake City Utah this 1st
day of December A D 1932
Tempo ary Chairman
dC tFnk A Macdonald
DeputRyC y Re Advertising fee $
cord r
I (Seal)
Bill NO 90
Published December 2 1932,
)46, ,g,t4) / 9'0 ,(
• r f9ttlt Eakr Gribunr
Entry No
— . row.
0� RIII: : 11