40 of 1935 - Relating to the licensing of dealers in beer, fixing fees therefor and designating zones where beer Re,.108 r - . .ROLL CALL S VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Coggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser t r Knight Lee Mr. Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF dealers in beer, fixing the fees therefor and designating zones where beer may be dispensed in Salt Lake City on draft. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of a wholesaler or retailer of beer within the cor- porate limits of Salt Lake City without first having procured a li- cense therefor from the State Liquor Control Commission and having paid. therefor the fees as hereinafter provided. SECTION II. The word "beer" as used in this ordinance means any beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infu- sion or decoction of barley, malt, hops and other ingredients in drinkable water and containing in excess of one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume and. not more than 3.2 per centum of alcohol by weight.. The word "retailer" means any person engaged in the sale or distribution of beer to the consumer. 4( The word "wholesaler" means any person other than a brewer engaged in the distribution of beer in wholesale or jobbing quanti- ties to licensed. retailers. SECTION III. Licenses issued by the State Liquor Control Commission for the sale of beer in • Salt Lake City shall be of the following kinds and numbers and shall have the following privileges: Class "A" retail license entitles the licensee to sell in the original bottles having the label of the maker thereon and bearing the state excise stamp as required under the State Liquor Act, for consumption off the premises. License fees for a class "A" retail license shall be ?50.00 am annum. 411 -24 Class "B" retail license entitles the holder to sell bee' Ion draft for consumption on the premises at any Mace in Salt Lae City not prohibited under the Liquor Control Act of the State of lUtah and to all privileges of class HA" retail licenses. License M i'ecs for a class 11B11 retail license shall be $750.00 per annum. i A wholesale license entitles the holder to sell bottled band. keg beer to licensed retailers. License fees for a wholesale Ilicense shall be 00.00 per annum. SECTION IV. , That for the purpose of promoting the moral , convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, the city is hereby divided into the following zones: ZONE I shall embrace the territory bounded on the north lby a line 165 feet north of the north side of North 'Temple S teet, ion the south by the north side of First South Street, on the west kby the east side of ';lest Temple Street, on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of Second East Street. ZONE 2 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north by the south side of First South Street, on the south by the north aside of 3rd South Street, on the west by the east side of ,Jest h'emole Street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of 2nd East Street. ZONE 3 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north °by the south side of 3rd 'South Street, on the south by a line 165 feet south of the south side of 5th South Street, on. the west by the east side of 'r'est 'Temple Street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of End East Street. ZONE 4 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north ?'by a line 165 feet north of the north side of North Temple Street, ron the south by the north side of First South Street, on the west lby a line 165 feet west of the west side of 4th 'Pest Street and on the east by the west side of West Temple Street. ZONE 5 shall embrace the territory bounded. on the north by the south side of First South Street, on the south by a Line- , �� I -3- 11165 feet south of the south side of 5th South Street, on the west by a line 165 feet west of the west side of 6th e$t Street and on I the east by the west side of Vest Temple Street. ZONE 6 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north by the south side of 17th South Street, on the south by the city Slimits, on the west by a line 165 feet west of the west side of 5th East Street and on the east by a line .165 feet east of the east side of 13th East %tteet. si ZONE 7 shall embrace 1 of the territory a4 n1n the car- . ., !porate boundaries of Sat-take City not included in Ggnes 1 to 6 of this ordinance. there shall npt o i more that e lss "B" t�@d •retail_ licenses in Zone"l, or more„than four {een >+xi or more than seven in Zone 3, or more than three in 4one4, er more than four in Zone 5, or more than two in Zone 6. Th9remaining; licensed !permitted by law in Salt Lake City shall be issued in Zone 7. SECTIOr? V., In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, lit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants lof Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become offect:ive on the 10th day of September, 1935. SECTION VI. This ordinance shall take effect on September 110, 1935. I. �Q Passed by the Board of Commissioners of alt Lake City, August tab, this 28th day of Mayor 6 ,, . 24,a/y/i1-714,-a City Recorder ij� , • Ft-4 k . .1 .4.:' , , al.,,,,,. co . C. : . . .0 I. . . , , OL ma r .,\ ..... w ,y, . -w f w &t c !° a. o, a,' cam. R %.`' 7, ,\* in II . i • . . ,•fit t __ N Proof of 1nbiltration Iaite I *totes of Amara STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE LEGAL NOTICES HARRY WOLFF AN ORDINANCE An ordinance relating to,the licensing of dealers in beer,fix- ing the fees theref or and desig- being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk eating zones where beet may be dispensed in Salt Lake City on draft,Be it ordained by the Board of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: Section 1. It shall be unlawful Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah. for any person to engage In the business of a wholesaler or re- tailer of limitss of SaltnLthe ake City That the Notice AN ORDINANCE RELATE* TO THE without first having procured a LICENSING OF BEER. license therefor from the State Liquor Control Commission and' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS having paid therefor the fees as Salt Lake City, Utah.hereinafter provided. Section 2.The word"beer"as used in this ordinance means any, - beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of barley, malt, hops and other ingredients in drink- able water and containing in ex- cess of one-half of 1 per not of alcohol by volume•endd not of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- more than 3.2 per cent=of al- cohol by weight. The •SJs iler"means any, paper in its issue dated the .31st �, i<, the sale or die- , ? x.the consumer, 5 ,lesaler"means dayof August 193 =s ,g .e qp,--than a brewer - ' ilse distribution of beer in wholesale or jobbing quantities to licensed retailers: and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Section 3. Licenses.issued by the State Liquor Control Com- mission for the sale of beer in g for Salt Lake City shall be of the fol- lowing kinds and numbers and One (1) Insertion -shall have the following privi- thereafter,the full period of leg es: Class"A"retail license entitles the licensee to sell in the original bottles having the label of the - the last publication thereof maker thereon and bearing the state excise stamp as required under the State Liquor Act,for consumption off the premises. being in the issue dated the 31st day of - License fees for a class"A"re- tail license shall be $50.00 per annum. August 1935 Clasp"B"retail license entitles the holder to sell beer on draft for consumption on the premises at any place in Salt Lake City not prohibited under the Liquor - Control Act of the State of Utah and to all privileges of class"A" retail licenses.License fees for a roe to before me this 31st day of class"B"retail license shall be $750.00 per annum. ' —- -A wholesale license entitles the holder to sell Bottled and keg August ,A.D.193 5 beer to licensed retailers.License , fees for a wholesale license shall / / be ection per for X'-,/ Section 4. That for the par- pose of promoting the morals, Notary Public. convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City,the city is hereby divided into the following zones: Zone 1 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by a line 165 feet north of the north side of North Temple street,on the south by the north side of First South street,on the west by the east side of West Temple street,on the east by a line 165 Advertising fee $ feet east of the east side of Sec- ond East street. Zone 2 shall embrace the terri- tory bounded on the north by the south side of First South street, on the south by the north side of Third South street,on the west by the east side of West temple street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of Second East street. Zone 3 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by the south side of Third South street,on the south by a line 165 feet south of the south side of Fifth South street, on the west by the east side of West Temple street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of Second East street. Zone 4 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by a line 165 feet north of the north side of North Temple street,on the south by the north aide of First South street,on the west by a line 165 feet west of the west side of Fourth West street and on the east by the west side of West Temple street. Zone 5 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by the south side of First South street,on the south by a line 165 feet south of the south side of Fifth South street,on the west by a line 165 feet west of the west side of Fifth West street and on the east by the west side of West Temple street. Z0 ,-6. ball embrace the ter- rit - 4 ed-on the north by, th=`;, a")4ide of Seventeenth So E :9,on the south by the citee.. ' the west by a line 165 1 -t of the west side of Flf ireet and on the east by +.-78',feet east of the east side,,.: j,.enth East street. Z,i, embrace all of the -te -°" +`6G,', .orate_ bon',4 sat Lake City not, incl ..nes 1 to 6 of this ord of be issued more than y.lass"B"retail li- cense ?qe 1,or more than fourt. :: 7- 0 2,or more than seve - 3, or morethan three-_�,i 4, or more than four in='Ohe 5,or more than two in Zone 6.The remaining licenses permitted by law in,Salt Lake City shall be issued in Zone 7. Section 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordi- nance shall become effective on the 10th day of September,1935. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect on September 10,1935, Passed by the Board of-Com- missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th day of August, A.D.1935. LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor, (Seal)ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. Bill No.40. Published August 31,1935. /4- _ _ 4 ):: ' • PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM #ttlt Eal ribunt / / County Entry No '11:1 • Proof of I1ubrliration lotted *tatrs of)merlre STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE LEGAL NOTICES 9nZ9r�' AN ORDINANCE H. P. THOD PSON An ordinance relating to the Yi d'" Y licensing Of dealers in beer,fix- ' Ing the fees therefor and desig- nating zones where beer may be being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk dispensed In Salt Lake City on draft. I Be It ordained by the Board of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, State of Utah. business of a wholesaler or re- taller of beer within the cor- porate without hfirst havngmits of tproour d a That the NoticeAlk_ORDIN,ANCE,...BILL.-NC.---40-e license therefor from the State Liquor Control Commission and having paid therefor the fees as SALT--LAKE---CI'IY...CORRDR-AT-TANG hereinafter provided. Section 2.The word"beer"as used in this ordinance means any beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of barley, malt, hops and other ingredients in drink- able Water and containing in ex- cess of one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume and not of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- More than 3.2 per centum of al- cohol by weight, The word"retailer"means any, 3�'d person engaged in the sale or dis- paper in its issue dated the tribution of beer to the consumer. The Word"wholesaler"means any person other than a brewer - day of September , 193 5engaged in the distribution of beer In Wholesale or jobbing quantities to licensed retailers. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Section 3. Lioenaee issued by the State Liquor Control Com- mission for the sale of beer in September 3rd. for Salt Lake City shall be of the fol- lowing kinds and numbers and shall have the following privi- leges: thereafter,the full period of One insertion Clara"A"retail license entitles the licensee to sell in the original bottles having the label of the maker thereon and bearing the _ - the last publication thereof state elcise stamp as required under the State-Liquor Act,for, consumption off the premises, beingin the issue dated the 3rd day of License fees for a class"A"re- tail license shall be $50.00 per. annum, Class"B"retail license entitles September ,A.D.193..-5. the holder to sell beer on draft for consumption on the premises at any place in Salt Lake City, not prohibited under the Liquor Control Act of the State of Utah and to all privileges of class"A" retail licensee.License fees for a class"B"retail license shall be i to before me this 3TS1 day of $110,00 per annum. A Wholesale license entitles the holder to sell bottled and keg beer to licensed retailers.License ,A.D.193 5 fees for a Wholesale license shall be$400.00 per annum. Section 4. That for the pur- pole of promoting the morals, convenience and general welfare --- Notary Public. of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, the city is hereby divided into the following zones: \ �f Zone 1 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by, a line 155 feet north of the north 1 side of North Temple street,on the south by the north side.of First South street,on the West by, the east side of West Temple street,on the east by a line 166 Advertisingfee feet east of the east side of Sec- and East street. 40 Zone 2 shall embrace the terri- tory bounded on the north by OF+ --. south side of First South street, oh the south by the north side of Third South street,on the West by the east side of West temple street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of Secohd Last street. Zone 3 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by the south side of 'Third South street,on the south by a line 165 feet south of the south aide of Fifth South street,on the west by the east Side of West Temple street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east side of Second East street. Zone 4 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by a line 165 feet north of the north side Of North Temple street,on the south by the north side of First South street,on the West by a line 165 feet west of the west Side Of kburth West street and on the east by the'West side Of West Temple street. Zone 5 Shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by the south side of.First South street,on the south by a line 165 feet south of the south side of Fifth South street, on the west by a line 165 feet west of the west side of the Sixth West street and on the east by the West aide of West Temple street. Zone 6 shall embrace the ter- ritory bounded on the north by, the south side of Seventeenth South street,on the south by the city limits,on the west by a line 155 feet west of the west Side of Fifth Last street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east aide of Thirteenth East street. Zone 7 shall embrace all of the territory within the corporate boundaries of Salt Lalie City not Included in Zones 1 t6 8 of this shall not be issued more roe of class"B"retail 1i- 4,i in Zone 1,or more than_ -^n in Zone 2,or more than seven in Zone 3, or more than three in Zone 4, or more than four In Zone 5,or more than two in Zone 6.The remaining licenses permitted by law in Salt Lake City shall be issued in Zone 7. Section 5. In the opinion of the Beard of Commissioners,it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordi- nance shall become effective on the 10th day.of September,1938. Bastion 6. This ordinance shall take effect on September 10,1935. Passed by the Board of Corn- ' miesienere of Salt Lake Cit Utah, t�".sth dtty.pg. '.. A.D.1 5 I. lie(Seal *'T3C ,4AZD•, S •,1, City,kae,...-. Bill No.4n Published Sept.3rd,1838. r l Z ...., 0 c.) c-- . C.) 'Z ----. , 1 '''t : • ,)-44 la g tzt ) Z' ...... 0 PL-1 [ 1. L