40 of 1937 - Vacating a portion of an alley in Block 33, Plat 'E', Salt Lake City Survey. Rec.108 100 1-2-37 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, 193__- VOTING NAY AYE AYs Goggin - - - - - V I move that the ordinance be passed. ::son , ;,-e-o. .- - ✓ f �c • Murdock - - - - � \, Mr.Chairman - - - I AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTION OF ALLEY in Block 33, Plat YT", Salt Lake City Survey. r Be it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt rO Lake City, Utah: .�� � a SECTION 1. That a portion of an alley in Block 33, Platt \ "B”, Salt Lake City Survey, more particularly described as follows: Y aBeginning at a point on the east line of Vest Capitol Street, said point being 19.35 feet east of the C.W.Cor. of Lot 7, Block 33, Plat "Er, Salt Lake City iutvey, thence east 145.33 feet, thence southeasterly 10.0 feet to the N.E. Cor. of Lot 24, Capitol Viev: Sub. of aforesaid Block 33, thence west 145.33 feet to the east line of Best Capitol Street, thence northwesterly 10.0 feet along said east line to the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as an alley. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take affect upon its first publication. /J. • Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this g day of /0uu-te2 , -4 77q - ___— Mayor. iial. 1 A j)1T_ City Recorder. 40 • , 2.-.. 1 'it • c lam )14 4 Va. (.. nIwt Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake • Legal Notices Leo..B.Xoung AN ORDINANCE AN N OW ALLEYNinN BlockA33,TPlot "E,'. SCAING �t Being'first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the adVertts- Lake City Survey. Be it ordained by the Board of Com- •m SECCTION 1.Salt r ion Utah:f an alley ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper of general In BI ck 33, Plat 'E," Salt Lake City Survey,more particularly described as fol- lows: Beginning at a_point on the east line circulation.,published in Salt Lake City Salt Lake County, in of West capitol street, said point being 19.35 feet east of the S.W.Cor. of Lot 7,Block 33,Plat `E,' Salt Lake City Sur. vey,thence east 145.33 feet,thence south the State of Utah. easterly 10.0 feet to the N.E.Cor.of Lot 34, Capitol View Sub.of aforesaid Block 33, thence west 145.33 feet to the east line of west capitol street.thence north- That the advertisement. Ordinance Bill No.40 — as et.ey 10.0 feet along said et line to the place of beginning: be and the e i a s hereby vacated and declared np longer same is be public property vacating norticn of alley — Block 33 Plat E Mr use as an • SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board. ------------------.- .-------- of.Commieel°ners it i necessary to the panes, health a safety t his o inace (Salt Lake City Corporation) shell of Salt Lake City tt this ordinance shell take effectisordinance immediately. SECTION it first oubnance shall take effect upon its lust publication. of Commissioners PSaltd by thei Board of Commissioners of Saltm Lake City,Utah,this 9th day of December, A.D., 1937. E.B. ERWIN, was in said newspaper,er, in its issue dated, the tsEeL3 _ sEE }1I city Record published1 N 3, ti ouy Recorder. BILL No.40. »' P bl hod n cember 9th, 1.937. 9th day of December A D. 19 37 and was published 1 time the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D. 19 A . tising Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd. day of Ja nary A.D.1938 Votary Public. l C imoa "Q l' t-- k`k 0 mo '11 ' hoo*i• -t-...,. t3 C-S-`- 1.1• C.C:t\