40 of 1949 - Amending Section 6507, relating to salary of the City Engineer east Lake City, Utah, - 1`� H3L9 194 VOriNG.- Aye Nay i I move that the ordinance be passed. Affleck . i Matheson / Romney . . . . Lin enfelter • Mn Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1802 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1941, as amended by ordi- nances passed by the Board of Cors8issioners on May 24, 195L, December 5, 1944, and June 21, 1945, and amending Section 1829 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on August 30, 1944, and June 21, 1945, relating to city engineer. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1802 of the Hevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, '944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on May 24, 1944, December 5, 1944, and June 21, 1945, and Section 1829 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on August 30, 1944, and June 21, 1945, relating to city engineer, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1802. SALARY. That the city engineer shall re- ceive a salary of not to exceed 5650.00 per month during such period as he shall perform services for the Metropolitan Dater District of Salt Lake City and the city shall on the first day of each month bill the said 'Bater.District for a sum not less than $;200.00 for services rendered and costs incurred in its behalf during the preceding month, and said sums as collected are to be covered into the city treasury of Salt Lake City. The principal assistant engineer shall receive a salary of not to exceed id4920.00 per annum, payable monthly, as 4( -2- are the salaries of other city officers, • SEC. 1829. CITY CHEMIST. There is hereby established In the Department of Streets and Public Improvements of Salt Labe City the office of City Chemist. the Board of Cormzissio '- ers shall appoint and employ a competent and qualified chemis at a salary not to exceed '44200.00 per annum, rho shall be in1 chari;e of said office, and whose duties it shall be to porforp all chemical analytical work required by the city and to per- I fora such other duties.ae the hoard of o gnass'oners of said city may rec re." S 0,; n.too d inion of the board: oe 6'ormi.,sioners, 1 it is necessary to the peace i earth 4nd s'4e0i of the Inhabitants itants • of Salt Lake %i.ty that thla ).*binanca6chall'te effect immediately. S ,C"i'i OId ordnance taI ai ef1'ect at once upon�,- e 4, its first p ol:i.catLon. r f1J • Passed by the Board of.Consniss-ronerl of Lake Lake City, Utah, this /9 day of , D. X,' is , . . . . t► , ,,,,k • ...... , r . > s• . _, ' ‘,_ . , . eo > a IS...:.<. 4;;;,„ v._ \ mac= t'.` Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, }sa County of Salt Lake J Legal Notices Air AN ORDIPANOEIAMENDING SEC- TION 1802 of the Revised Ordinances D. M. OCKEY of"Halt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as e ded by ordinances passed by te- 1:_°°`DeceCommber 5,.1944, ° Mar 21, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- 1945,and a er d, g S,and June al, the and ding Section 1829,e City,,Utah,19441°as amended° lbLake o e vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper the Board of Commissioners ances on o bAugust 30, 1944 and lnJune 21, 1945 relating to City published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Co tmlesicnerenod of bSalth Lake ard City, Utah: of Utah. thSECTION Revliee Ordinance.°tion of Salt La02 ke City,Utah,1944,as a nded by.or- dinances passed by the Roard f Commissl°nere on May 24. 1944, That the advertisement December 5,1944,and June IL 1945. and Section 1829 f the Revised Ordinances,, e of ti v ordinances Utah. Publishing An Oyyl nance 1802 passed by the Board of Commission- ers ¢August 30,1944,and June 21, 1945, relating to city gineer, be and to read°as fnllowe,e hereby amended flail No. 40 "SEC.1802.SALARY.That the cite engineer shall r ceive a salary of not to exceed$650.00 per month during such period as he shall perform serv- ices for the Metropolitan Water Dig- ' trict of Salt Lake City andp the cite ebhalithe the ldfirst Waterday of each t for month ' not lase than r ID}st for eery` was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Ices rendered'end costs,Incurred 1n Rs'behalf during the preceding month, d said es collected day of A. D. 19 tre• to be covered into te city asury of Salt Lake City. The principal esletant engineer shall receive salary of not - On July 21, 1949 ceedt,A420.00 a per an glee f cable and was published er city .officers.ar SEC.1829 CITY CHEMIST.There h hereby atabhehed in the D°part- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the e i,of Street d Pub11e Improve- ment'. ' of Salt Like City the (flee of Site Chemist, The Eoe d of mpino Commissioners hen apd au end day of A. D. 19 e Dl a competent and quexceed chemist200at a 1. of to exceed charge per o an m office. shell ewe In and se duties a it of h said to.eerforn1 all _ _/1(((&‘ tchemical analytical work required by - �4% he cite and perorm such other Advertising Clerk dales s the Boned of Commission- ers er SECTION 2.t In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners.it is neces- sary to the peace,health and safety tf the Inhabitant.of Salt Lake City hat this ordinance shall take effect Immedie.tely. ' take°z€�% :i en'ce °b"°"tie nrs% o before me this 30th day of publication. Paeeed by the Board of Com- thllf 119eri'day of JuLake .SiCity.4'Utah, .---A.D.19 49 EARL J.GLADE, Mayor. IRMA F.EITNER, City Recorder. (t1EALt Published.uty 21, 1949. // !{ Notary Pub c 64 Li- 41-'lb Proof of Publication OF Attorney