40 of 1953 - Amending Section 6713 and Section 6729, relating to zoning approach zone, turning zone, transition z ROLL CALL. � Salt Lake City,Utah, 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance he passed. Burbidge Christensen . . r"ram Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . . Mr.Chairman ORDINANCE II Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6713 and SECTION 6729 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, pertaining to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That paragraph 4, pertaining to Approach Zones of Section 6713 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944 re- lating to zoning be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 4. "Approach Zone." An area leading from each end of an airport .landing strip having a width of one thousand (1,000) feet for instrument and runway and five hundred (500) feet for noninstrument runways at a distance of one hundred (100) feet beyond the end of the landing strip, widening'thereafter, uniformly to awidth of two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet for noninstrument runways and four thousand (4,000) feet for instrument runway at a distance of ten thousand one hundred (10,100) feet beyond the end of the landing strip, the center line being in continuation of the center line of the landing strip. Beyond this point the approach kl1 zones of a designated instrument runway shall extend outward an additional forty thousand (40,000) feet. The slope of the approach surface of this outer section shall be 40:1. This outer area shall flare uniformly to a total width of sixteen thousand (16,000) feet at the end of the additional forty thousand (40,000) feet. (a) "Turning Zone." The circular area centered upon an airport reference point, the radius of which is ten thousand (10,000) feet. (b) "Transition Zones." The area adjacent to each side of the designated instrument landing strip being one thousand (1,000) feet wide and two hundred (200) feet longer than the landing strip. The area adjacent to each side of the noninstrument landing strip being five hundred (500) feet wide and two hundred (200) feet longer than fh the landing strip. ] The area adjacent to each side of an approach zone being five thousand (5,000) feet wide measured at right angles to the center line i f of the approach zone and being as long as the approach zone. iI The area adjacent to the outside of a turning zone being five thousand (5,000) feet wide. (c) "Airport Reference Point." The approximate geographical center of an airport as established by the airport authority. SECTION 2. That paragraph (a) of Section 6729 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Jolt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to Height Regulations in zoning be and hereby is amended to read as follows: : (a) No dwelling or hotel, unless of fireproof construction; shall be erected to a height of more than three (3) stories. No it lldwelling shall be erected to a height less than ten (10) feet or jione (1) story. No building or structure shall be erected in any 1 approach zone of any airport which is more than one (1) foot in Iiheight for each forty (40) feet said building or structure is distant from a point one hundred (100) feet beyond the end of a non-instruralnt 1runway, nor which is more than one (1) foot in height for each fifty (50) feet said building or structure is distant from a point one IIhundred (100) feet beyond the end of an instrument runway. No building or structure shall be erected in any airport tu4- 2_ng zone to a height greater than one hundred fifty (150) feet. No building or structure shall be erected in any airport trdn- iSition zone adjacent to a landing strip which is more than one (1) foot . ;fin Height for each seven (7) feet said building or structure is d:i.stiant it outside an airport lauding strip measured at right angles to the center dine of a landing strip. it In an airport transition zone adjacent to a turning zone, no building or structure shall be erected which exceeds the height limiita- i ions for a turning zone by more than one (1) foot for each twenty R20) feet said building or structure is distant outside the circum- ference of an airport turning zone measured radially from the circumH ierence of the turning zone. 'li -3- In an airport transition zone adjacent to an approach zone, no ilbuilding or structure shall be erected which exceeds the neiyht limlita- ii "tion for an adjacent airport approach zone by more than one (1) foo, for each seven (7) feet said building or structure is distant outside the edge of said approach zone measured at riyrit angles to the center line of the approach zone. 6 SECTION 3. That paragraph (e) of Section 6729 of the tevisad Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to exceptions applicable to height regulations be and is hereby amended by adding paragraphs 4 and 5 as follows: 1 (I!.) Airport Master I'lan'Provisions. Airport types and air- II port height provisions for any airport shall be determined by and bpsed Ion an. Airport Master Plan of such airport, approved by the proper lairport officials and by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and frecorded in the office of the Salt Lake County dec"order. Any such map,so approved and recorded dt the time of passage of this-ordinan e shall be deemed to be as much a part of this Ordinance by this refe once jas if fully described and detailed herein, but any amendment to sue ii Airport Master Plan shall become effective only after amendment to this ordinance as provided by law. (5) When an area is covered by more than one (1) height ,limitation, the more restrictive limitation shall prevail. it SCCT10hi 4. ln the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, !it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants Oof Balt Lake City that this Ordinance become effective immediately. BCCTiOIu 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Looke,ty, Utah, this lath day of June, 1953a/71 . 7,7 jj City Iecorder BILL NO. 40 Published June 20, 1953 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 'S. r _County of Salt Toti0 r t' ' arl°ORtlINANCE 'AN 016DINANSE AMENDING SEC- Rev] 6713 and SECTION t720 of the Revised Ordinances f Salt Lake City. Utah, 1044,pertaining to zoning. B dt ordained ba the Cite', e£Gom• m nary A0 salt t 4thg r,vtan: iel..Chappell SECTION pproac pZo es of 4. bey M1tT 67 ng to Approach Zones f Section 6713 4 the Aevised Ordinances of Salt Lake a d Ahe same is h rebyag to ded to Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- be and the ame is hereby amended to /Salt Lake Telegram read Erlich::r 4. each end of.an air ors landing vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper from each end f Dart lousing (IMhaving r idru o£one thousand and f feet for instrument t d runway. and five hrunways`ta)a ranee of ones published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State hundred(100)feet beyondthe end of of Utah. the landing strip,widening thereafter, niformly to width f two thousand five hundred(2,500)fee for nomnetru- e t runways and four thousand(4,000) feet for'Instrument r way at a dis- tance fee nber"ender heone edhofdthe That the advertisement landing strip, the center end of being in continuation of te.center line of the landing strip. Beyond this point • the approach zones f' designated In- A/1_prd;nRn C E._W.1_.Nde40 sarueent runwayhell extend outward additional el rty thusand (40,000) feet. The lope f the approach • face of t cool shall shall be 40:1. Thisouter area shall flare uniformly to otal width of sixteen he addi- tional(16,000)fee t the end of the ddi- tional fort,thousand (40,0he feet. (a)"Turning upon a The circular areae point,the radius ofwhich 16 ten t • housand (10,000) feet. (b)"Transition Zones." The area adlacent to each side of the desig- nated so trdment landing•trip being one thousand(1,000)feet wide and two hundred (200)..feet longer than the landing et The area adlacent to each side of the rdnstrnment landing strip being five r d 120 (5fe)feet widthan two was published in said newspaper on vedhu redo) 00) longer' t nod the landing step. The adlacent to each side of e approach zee being five thousand (6,000)'feet wide measured at right June 20th, 1953, — 1 time, angles t°the center ne of the as, ' Preach zoneand being es long a the pprre h zone. The aaeent to the outside • of turning z e. being five thusand (8,(00)feet ids: n ((��(� aPD oxUnate gert ographical Prater fT art he - nLLJCLA airport as established by the airport V4��9 Vs. 1 6Eon 672 2. Te paragraph(a) of Advertising Clerk Section Lake of the Revised Ordinances I o Salt Lake'ulat,Utah.zoning a and ho eby 1 Regulations to it adna 01 and hereby is a ngd read a follows: (a)No dwelling or hotel, unless E fire groat sof more shall be erected Ito height f then three (D) otoriea. No nwelltn8 hall be re red { 23rd day of a height less tbui ten(10)feet re ;fore me this 'sha(1b store, dN rio'ng ro achstr zone h be ted i ru'aoreottha zone f Y corprP t which Ism a forty A.D. _e of any ,height or structure Fortis die- '�3 Pant said builpoin or trhun re a 0) feet beyond Point a hundred(100) feetnay beyond end I anon-in an one �\`, w got orwhich As es than J Ere foot in hight for h fifty/50) —= r 1 feet said building or structure Is die• tent from pint hundred(100) ��- "//� feet beyond,the end of an lnetrument �l!/7CG---1'(- ''''' / _,L2�� ,2� err. / ruNO building•or structure shell be ' Notary Public erected In Y airport turning to a height greater than one hundred fifty (150) feet. f4)Ai,vrrt Metter Pine P=°visions. No building o structure hall be Airport types and air coed in a airport transition zone visions for a rt height pro- 'adolaoent to a landing strip which is m tl hr eel based[ be deter- than o (1)foot In height for Master Plan of such eon n A,000jt each seven'(7) feet said building hr the proper t rt,approved each is distant outside an airport • the Civil Aaron cries aA ie,slosa etirn), .landing strip measured at right angles d corded mthe rifles of the Salt to the center line f a landing strip- 'es November 25th, 1953. LakerCODty Recorder.qa such map so In an airport transition zone dlacent a0Proved nd corded t the time f to a turning zone,no building or rate s usage of this rdinance hall be' tore hall be erectedwhich exceeds deemed to be h the height limitations or a hanine b oonence by this it reference art if fully b0 or than ones (D foot for• deacrlpbred'and detailed herein s but y zone twenty(k0)feet said building o amen eh t to such Airport Master eachrtrenee ' distant outside the it zoneeuth Plan hall became effective only after structure of airport turning zoneamendment to this ordinance measured dta turning o frmn the circum• le by law. as Dro• feInnce of rr our aO i zone. (5)When an 's aovar¢d br::tc.rrhreye:.; In n airport tchn000e, zo d1a- Shan (1)height limltatioq,cent to o ap shall zone, buwhichm e eeete1otive limitatloa shallo structure Shall be rated hich'. yak seas the height limitation for a •. SECTION 4.In theopinfon o! hadlacent a(1) approach zone by more Board ECommissioners,It is nece than one (1) foot for each•s n (7) to the health,bases d fete f the feet said building or ructurevis dis- . inhabitants of Salt Lake.City that ihie to onlslde.the edge of said approach Ordina ce Aecome effective measured t right angles to the. ately n immedi• xenterine of the approach SECTION 5.This redd center SECTION g.That Paragraph n(e) of effect upon Its first 9Gbllcation(`t take Section L7ke f the Revised 4,O relating Passed by the Board of Cealioo i°nere of Sale Lake Oity,ab l e height relating of Salt Lake City,Ufeh.this Ise, day to ezceMeons dPis here l'tmen d hr {dine. 1953. lading pp and i hereby dad by Irma F.Bitner titling p rneraPhe 4 d b as fol' City Recorder. Earl J.Glade lows: - �'+.%1 lj (SEAL) Mayor. BILL NO. 40 pi/Wished Sune 23th,1953 '