41 of 1901 - Ordinance 41 of 1901 – Paving upon certain portions of 2nd South and 3rd South. Pill 7o. . .A\. . . . . for . AN OR:DINA:72'E 00 TT? FTC] TIT A 'ESSCT:c..-Ts OF TAX UPON xoymryirs_xmo Orte=..---i< : PROPERTY A_PTIT'c'TNC UPON CEUTA-1-1T POP,TIOICS OF S1100'.:TI) SOTTTH STNEET ACID ,S-riler`h-gi SOUP Ir STREET, FOR Ti-a-P, 'PURPOSE OP CNI1b;IIM AND PAITI'12, SAID STREETS. r2.: IT 7 . 77 . et• n / at -:,Ide ."-‹+9S-1; .''',6'S t'' f. ';ti'. i'l i-,,#,3,, c;ess,,ent lists .1 - ;•1/9 • 1 ( ,e; - ',--.:- . ' ' ' 'Aa de I 1):,, t' e reaur4 oft II(7..e } i kit 4(47 o oz-..,:--ec ted' ' )pro v ed.-145.1 01737.' ' 1, ne tleimdr) _ iy Le N, of)Ecv.„*al' 1?i 'i.,.sn4re'tg e dulyi:..,'ai;//o int ed ciy the . tfitz), (.1o?c fi o ' .,hatiki) s , ol ,i'.'2) entv'Ou tt iti3s, .ci. broth siios of vlecoilid. gi(;#1-1 ;tr4 ,),Ityrfenlirs# vrp6t, d S,V).5;16 Westc-S- t.`ec.i-S .1di-in - i /f 1V)1,' ) ".,' t) / . S. ' /Patviro;(pistrt . .. .,/ .1.,.4; ls_ on ol* yies ofi'ld So'at,:fe.,.. `:, h`, ---, :,,, Stree3h0(The))v4ln atek aneSt,r,,eelsiriti-.in -Davi r:C,: DI str CA lio. ) id .„,.).•., fo)thY p19.14Jo4. of pa,vr r hbi i :'1ad crnp; said ;:ortions of I -)" ' • I said streets, are each of them hereb-y co, finned, and that 1-,1-lo assessinents made and returned in said approved, corrected and co•:ploted lists are hereby con f.'irried. .. . . Sec. 2. This ordinance shall ta-i:e effect npon approval. .4, . PK' AA-) \A 0 \) c., ,,A juL..\\:,.,,,,,c.\ ,V7o /V(‘;,--C-.. JY(')T Vc VA,* cOte.t,NADArj-. i , 0, t( ..'.....k...5-1, '-. .31..-A.A.D.p.A:X.sL.A_., ... ./&... .._ ok ,c\c.,\,, 41 v,,,...... .. .; 1 . . . . .tii:• • ' ' . xY., x7:,:v:F.".,.'..7,n-Y.: ':v:,,, ::',-.A.• -:: ..---,.- T • '' ^ ., - 7'' -I .....-,' ', 'A ',..`.-.' ' A ;,--.;... f, f, ;;,;,.„);;, ,,,,,... ?,.1., : ;-! ,'.' '.r,;., , i•:',, ..,-,t ,t,F, 2. n ',1•• CI'' 1 .D.C."; .;';'a,': : !:',I„.;....,:.::, J , ',ti: f 0, , „ r,:, ,•,,,T, .,;,... -: ' ',4 ,.i. : ;.; ' - ' ; ''' ... - ,:':' ,,,',,`-e;; 'h ... .:', ,it,.i'l,. , i I ,;„:',.;::: :..!..•; UV' ..0 ;-;...; ; ''': r.I:( '''' 1 ,:+ ' • ''' '',.; '.; '.''rt , , : 1,:;;;:i•i , ',„ nt9',,,,-,.,_ ;Z1,7 t:) , .,,, .... '', . : ,:,.* -'....Q.S.' IS Z i•••. ' '.4 , t P•-''i' pd..,--.:-., x-;,. ,,. . .. :-.,.'''' fir.-',. ';:t', '', :•",,'':-. ; ' ; '', ' .:::k.„ 11 i f' • ' 4.‘s . ,. .'12;, •,, ;', , •; ,,"1":. . .".; ' :; '',9-1 '.'-', .,',• ;,. -1 ;-: .` _ ..': .,,n. :, ft, , ,' .:-,,; :':',,.'; ;,;•,,, ', . \\ \ "\ .1........ • . / .1j ) '', q ; .., ,, ,, . '„) ',./,, \, ,/ ,,,,, i 'Aj4L>4- r--xi-i-e if } -,„ ,,,)Q.,, /..,'. _,,,.../ ).,„,/ ,..___, ;,,L. --.11 --9j 4,).si,-,,,-, ',i.,,, 1,,,,,• ,, ,,1 0 ,i 7 ti., i.,-,-). ,"J*A-1'—; • •. ,!, , 1 i:•Li._In/11,33 A.'.1,/, )-,-,fi -0P--",-Li , --, i ^... , •/'s-, CA-1'1,):. ‘11''' '.'") i ., ' ' .t ,,,. \. .,,,;- ft A..',.. t, 4 ,...,i, i t....„.,_,-,i. , . .,, . i i- - ---......,