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41 of 1907 - Ordinance 41 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Sections 720 & 721, prohibiting the riding of bicy AN ORDINANCE . 7 . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 720 and 721 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an . ordinance passed by the City Council June 20, 1904,and approved by - the Mayor June 30, 1904, and adding a new section to be known as Section 728 a, and repealing all conflicting ordinances and resolu- tions. Be it ordained b,; the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 720 and 721 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council June 20, 1904, and a,.: roved by the Mayor June 30, 1904, Hata, and the same hereby^amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 720. RIDING BICYCLES UPO? SIDEWALKS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any bicycle, tricy- cle, velocipede, motor or other riding machine or vehicle upon any sidewalk within this city. SECTION 721. SPEED. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any such riding machine or vehicle upon any bicycle path at a rate of speed greater than eight miles per hour. All persons riding or wheeling any bicycle on any bicycle path shall, when meeting another, turn to the right. SECTION 2. That a new section, to be known as Section 728a, is ,hereby enacted to read as follows: SECTION 728a. BICYCLES TO BE PROVIDED WITH GONGS AND LIGHTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or use a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor, or other riding machine, vehicle or apparatus, in any of the public streets, avenues or other highways of the City, or upon the bicycle path in Liberty Park, without having in connection t'rerewith, at all times, a gong of sufficient sound to warn persons of its approach, and • using the same in warning persons of its approach. Ana it.`A,hall. 41 -2- also be unlawful for any person to ride or use a bicycle, tri- cycle, volocipede, motor, or other riding machine, vehicle or 1 apparatus, in any of the public streets, avenues, or other highways of the City, or upon the bicycle path in Liberty Park, : between sunset and sunrite,,without a lighted lamp or lantern ' so conspicuously placed'+th#reoi 'ae to warn persons of ,its ii approach. ; *ECTIOIY 3:. All ordinanises'ani resolutions and.:parts of ordinan_, •oes &nd resolutions in confliot hdewi are hereby,repealed to the extent of,subh, conflict. SECTION 4. 'This ordinana®-.shall terke effect dpon approval. - —2- I f i -. 1)• ! S ',aft 'JO oJ ao.-=-= ;E° -.,.;',. I '24q1r_sf oa ole, = ._tc .),fi,; :---1 ,e, `ri.o. = '-'1.1. -rf.,.. 4o •,c., i .1, ' .zr, ,,,„•<„,pri-v.:, ,t"I' ,".flei 011E5134 •:!13.,.! ILL. 1‘1:13 fi ,811•J"';'I.Ifty..'2. 1. , 1^,:1_•,. \CO`' t•IfFla :Li! ti..1.-c. t.;/t. otc e.,:zi iso • 7o tati: !.-o as‘E, q.rit s.- -, - '--57! W!*!4••1 - T73't7,110 -1 (,. . ' ..,4, 44.) - -.. - ',OSII.,1 CO ' . ,'5i; ta,'2, ':‘"• 'i',4. ,f , rt- . i eu ',"• ..< %,0: , , __. _ .torl, o 6C,i e c I t- r. • - - =,. . I _1 .-,:,--: t ", Jt)e'lle = 4.- .Z.••••,',' ttE•ro e I cr2 . 4-i ,TO ' 1 • .. . •- \\..... br ! i . ! I - ! e., • 'Ilk k . driNlo