41 of 1908 - Ordinance 41 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 180, Ninth Partial Estimate. AN•
O R D I N A N C N •
An ordinance ooafirsing the assessment upon the property within
the district bounded on the north by Fifth South Street, on the west
by the Gravity Sewer, on the south by Ninth South Street, and on the
east by Ninth last Street, in Sewer Districts Fos. 1 and 2, for the
construction of sewers.
$e it'ortainet by tho,,City Council of Salt Lake Gity, Utah:
3Q*'tif1 1. Tat the eswesement list made by tht'City Treasurer •
as Nee reeted, appreAred and eompletel by the Board of lquaiiseSion and
Roo tee:, heretofore dull appointed by the City Osune*Oor thSt purpose,
of t* pwDerty in loft 'be. 1, 8, 6, 7 and 6, Biook 4; In Lttn B, 6,
7 SOt 8, ]hook 3; in its 1 to 13, inclusive, Connor`$ Subdivision,
Bleak 4; in Lots 1, a04 S to 3/, inclusive, Bleak 2. Ehrioh'a i>abdi-
vi$ioa Sleek a, and in'Lets 1 and 3, and 4 to 37. inolasive, Block 1,
Ehrieh's Subdivision, Block 8, all in Plat "B", abutting on Eighth
i ,
South Street between Sixth East and Eighth East Streets; on Seventh
East Street between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets; on Fifth
East Street between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets; on Sixth
!East Street between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets; on Green
IIStreet between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets; and on Perk Ave-
Onss between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets, in Sewer Districts
Oros. 1 and 2. of Salt Lake City. for the purpose of conetruoting
sewers upon said portions of salt streets, is hereby confirmed, and
Lithe assessments made ant returned in said completed lists are hereby ;
•,� SMi'ION S. This erdinanee shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer Extension No. 180.
Ninth Partial Estimate. 7AtAW
massed by the City Council of halt Lake CitJ=,Utah, April 27,19O8,.
and referred to the ha 'or Tor his drays
City Recorder.
.Lpproved this 9-b 1 of pri 1,1:} ,
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