41 of 1924 - Amending Chapter 64, relating to Waterworks Department / ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake Cit Barnes Y Utah, July._ .7.., 192..4, Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green / Stewart ‘1G / �' Mr. Chairman Result � AN OR CE I - AN ORDINTANC I RO.UING CHAPTER LXIV, Revised Ordinances of salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chapter three new sections to be known as Sections 2017X3, 2017X4 and 2017.&5, relating to ,later Supply and ,Pater ;Yorks. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That chapter LXIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by add- ing in and to said chapter three new sections to be known as Sec- tions 2017%3, 2017X4 and 2017.15, relating to water supply and water works, to read as follows: SSECTION 2017X3. LIETERS INSTALLED AT THE CURB. here- after all water meters must be installed in a concrete meter box at the curb except where in the opinion of the superin- tendent of Water :lurks it is not practicable. The cost for making this installation will be as follows: 5/8" x S/4" - tir 6.00 3/4" x 1" - 11.00 1" x 1" - 18.25 DICTION 2017X4. x5T'I-2RREEZ TOILETS EUST BE '.1ETERED. .ill flat rate premises where there are anti-freeze toilets must, within fifteen days after notice from the Superintendent of Water Works, make application for the installation of water meters at the curb and pay the necessary charges therefor. This section may be enforced by turning off the water until complied with. SECTION 2017X5. hETER ZONES. It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners that all water services within Salt Lake City shall be metered and all flat rate service eaw.e+-r- diseontinued on or before . .1, 1925. 2or the purpose of doing this work gradually, so as to meet the financial con- ditions of the city and convenience of water users, the city shall be divided into four districts or zones, to be known as Water Meter Zone No. 1, ',later Meter Zone No. 2, ":later Me- ter Zone No. 3 and Water Meter Zone No. 4, contained in and including the following described boundaries, to-wit: WATER METER ZONE NO. I. Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 78, ii Plat ".A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence easterly along the north line of lst South Street to the east line of 5th East Street; thence southerly along the east line of 5th East Street to the south line of 8th South Street; thence westerly along the south line of 8th South Street to the west line of lst 'lest Street; thence northerly along the west line of 1st Hest Street to _lace of beginning. 1A'TER METER ZONE NO. 2. Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 100, flat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence easterly along the north line of lst North Street to the west line of Canyon Road; thence northerly along the west line of Canyon Road to the north line of 4th Avenue; thence easterly along the north line of 4th Avenue to the east line of "N" Street; thence southerly along the east line of "K" Street and the east line of 8th East street to the south line of 13th South Street; thence westerly along the south line of 13th South Street to the west line of 4th Wiest Street; thence northerly along the west line of 4th ':test Street to place of beginning. -2- IJ WATER METER ZONE N0. 3. Beginning at the southeast corner of Block 93, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, thence easterly along the north line of 5th North Street to the east line of 1st ,lest Street; thence southerly along the east line of lst jest street to the north property line of Girard .venue; thence easterly along the north line of Girard :venue and the north line of llth 'svenue to the east lino of "V° Street;. thence itsoutherly along the east line of "lin Street to the north line; of 4th Avenue; thence easterly along the north line of 4th !avenue. to the east line of "," Street; thence southerly alon� the east line of "Q"' Street and the east line of llth Cast Street to the south line of 17th South Street; thence wester- ly along the south line of 17th South Street to the west line of 8th "Jest Street; thence northerly along the west line of 8th ,Vest Street to place of beginning. WATER METER ZONE NO. 4. • The exterior boundary lines of Salt Lake City. All water users shall,within fifteen days after written notice from the Superintendent of ';later Corks so to do, make application to the Department of Water 'Works and Water supply and pay the required charge for the installa- tion of water meters of all unmetered water service and sup- . ply. It shall be the auty of the Superintendent of .later Works to give said notice to all unmetered water users within I the respective zones or districts above mentioned within the C following periods of time, to-wit: 'Water Meter Zone No. I: on or before Deeoem berl, 1924; "later Meter Zone No. 2, on or before• ^ 1, 19 ; ;later Meter 4one No. 3, on or before-. 1, 1985; ':Dater Meter Sone No. 4, on or before t 1, 1926. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of I, ;later Works to cause water supply to be shut off of the pre- -3_ I mises of any water taker who shall fail to make application and pay the charges. therefor for the installation of water Ii meter within fifteen days after notice in writing from the superintendent of rater Jerks so to do and the water shall not be turned on for use on such premises until meter has II been installed and all charges and rates paid in full, to- gether with the required charge for turning on the water. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant of salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate- ly. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. li Bessed by the Board of Con ' oners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this s, day of , A. D. 1924. 2 or. it�rder.� it ii it III -4.. 1 • • i : . : . « \ \ \ / \ . « •'< . 4 p, ' » x a ; . w , \ /% \� \ ® ' . y . A . . &° « } y\. •\ �« : C \\ \/ \ . •? -.\s \ - Q /\\ ; / � \ _ / . . - \ \ 6 y & § \® . . . � , - �^ ( . - . k. . . \ .. , ... % ( 6 , ' �3 [\ 4 , . IJ ; < (i \